www: Mention LeafOS features

Change-Id: I023be0324ddaaff17ec673ed2a939c874ba4268c
diff --git a/components/footer.html.twig b/components/footer.html.twig
index a5fb04f..dd9d73d 100644
--- a/components/footer.html.twig
+++ b/components/footer.html.twig
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   <div class="container">
     <h2>The LeafOS Project</h2>
     <p>Open-source, AOSP-based Android custom ROM</p>
-    <p>© 2022-2023 The LeafOS Project</p>
+    <p>© 2022-2024 The LeafOS Project</p>
diff --git a/templates/home/index.html.twig b/templates/home/index.html.twig
index bd8cb94..ae177b5 100644
--- a/templates/home/index.html.twig
+++ b/templates/home/index.html.twig
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
     <div class="banner">
       <div class="container">
         <h1>Welcome to the LeafOS!</h1>
-        <p>LeafOS is an AOSP-based ROM, focused on stability.</p>
-        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque rhoncus aliquam ante sed convallis. Nullam vitae vestibulum nunc. Donec vehicula leo elementum odio suscipit mollis. Vivamus facilisis magna.</p>
+        <p>LeafOS is a no-nonsense custom ROM designed to give you exactly what you need without the fluff. We've cut out the unnecessary clutter and included only the essentials, so you get a clean, efficient Android experience.</p>
+        <p>Ready to upgrade your device? Let's get started with LeafOS!</p>
         <a href="{{ path('leaf_wiki') }}" class="button">Get LeafOS</a>
@@ -16,20 +16,20 @@
       <h2>Leaf Features</h2>
       <div class="features">
         <div class="card">
-          <h3>Secure</h3>
-          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam viverra, urna vel ultricies efficitur, odio tellus feugiat arcu, in facilisis.</p>
+          <h3>Clean and Lightweight</h3>
+          <p>Say goodbye to bloat and unnecessary add-ons. LeafOS is all about keeping things lean and mean, so your device runs smoother and faster than ever.</p>
         <div class="card">
-          <h3>Stable</h3>
-          <p>Integer lacus diam, gravida ac rutrum eget, ultricies eget ligula. Donec rhoncus at mi et pharetra. Donec sed eros ut.</p>
+          <h3>Stability Guaranteed</h3>
+          <p>We've focused on stability from the get-go. No random cherry-picks here – just a reliable ROM that keeps your device running like a dream.</p>
         <div class="card">
-          <h3>Personalizable</h3>
-          <p>Aenean placerat rhoncus scelerisque. Nunc quis nisi sed arcu volutpat lobortis. Praesent ullamcorper aliquam interdum. Maecenas aliquam ipsum at orci.</p>
+          <h3>All the Necessary Features</h3>
+          <p>LeafOS comes packed with all the essentials you need for a top-notch Android experience.</p>
         <div class="card">
-          <h3>Constantly Updated</h3>
-          <p>Aenean nec ullamcorper orci. Vestibulum volutpat magna sit amet metus commodo tempor. Nunc lacinia velit sollicitudin nulla rutrum, eget venenatis.</p>
+          <h3>Incremental OTA Updates</h3>
+          <p>Get updates without the hassle. LeafOS delivers incremental OTA updates, so you save on downloading size while staying up-to-date with the latest features and improvements.</p>