crowdin: Update README
Change-Id: I000fde404a870e06c268bd4fdd21f3fed46c327c
diff --git a/README.mkdn b/README.mkdn
index 31c1120..f88b7ae 100644
--- a/README.mkdn
+++ b/README.mkdn
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
This script is used to synchronize CyanogenMod's translations with Crowdin's. It automatically creates cm_caf.xml files, containing
CAF additions that cannot be seperated in CM source, based on the AOSP base file, and removes them after the push. Also, it can handle
-automatic commiting to Git and pushing/downloading to/from Crowdin.
+automatic commiting to Gerrit and pushing/downloading to/from Crowdin.
The Ruby variant of crowdin-cli is required for this to work.
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
- source /home/therbom/.rvm/scripts/rvm # Add this to your .bashrc file!
+ source /home/your_username/.rvm/scripts/rvm # Add this to your .bashrc file!
rvm all do gem install crowdin-cli
python-git is used for Git integration.
@@ -23,9 +23,11 @@
-Go to root of your local copy of CyanogenMod's source code and execute:
+Copy all files to the root of your local copy of CyanogenMod's source code.
+Edit crowdin/config_cm.yaml to set the api key & your current CyanogenMod path.
- ./
+ ./ --username your_gerrit_username