Promotion of fm.lnx.2.1-00028.

CRs      Change ID                                   Subject
1109351   I42a15fea24ed26bfe7460a4611bca1a7620de4e1   pause cmd behaves like audiofocus loss
1112971   Ieea88675bf2fbe46fe18539033f340a2f8bb4d2f   Change rename_dialog background color to default
2005546   Ic3630f7bdd39ca812d9ae81b45a9c496049aef84   FM Radio: Wait for disable to complete
1110621   I729ac3e92512ff43368494ecde87d3d9f8dfe2c6   Don't resume after call ends until gain audio focus

Change-Id: Iafa0f2bf0a4d7df744fe0983129871c7dfd157b0
CRs-Fixed: 2005546, 1112971, 1110621, 1109351