FDroid: update to 1.0.2

Version: 1.0.2 (1000020)
Source: https://f-droid.org/repo/org.fdroid.fdroid_1000020.apk
Date of pull: 2017-12-07
3 files changed
tree: 1fd59179e12bafcd79da1e75d7f4a3b68f3fb06c
  1. com.google.android.maps/
  2. FakeStore/
  3. FDroid/
  4. FDroidPrivilegedExtension/
  5. GmsCore/
  6. GsfProxy/
  7. MozillaNlpBackend/
  8. NominatimNlpBackend/
  9. README.md

Prebuilt APKs

A collection of the APKs used by the Lineageos for microG project. These are just the official prebuilt binaries, signed by the corresponding developers.

They are coupled with Android.mk: to include them in your project add them to PRODUCT_PACKAGES.