extract_utils: Add functions to extract vendor blobs from vendor.img
Change-Id: I6f37adc955856fa78e719eb30249800abe80020c
diff --git a/extract_utils.sh b/extract_utils.sh
index fb39fa9..00a998a 100644
--- a/extract_utils.sh
+++ b/extract_utils.sh
@@ -211,6 +211,25 @@
+# suffix_match_file:
+# $1: the suffix to match on
+# $2: the file to match the suffix for
+# Internal function which returns true if a filename contains the
+# specified suffix.
+function suffix_match_file() {
+ local SUFFIX="$1"
+ local FILE="$2"
+ if [[ "$FILE" = *"$SUFFIX" ]]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
# truncate_file
# $1: the filename to truncate
@@ -1268,3 +1287,94 @@
chmod 644 "$OUTPUT_DIR/$FILE"
+function extract_img_data() {
+ local image_file="$1"
+ local out_dir="$2"
+ local logFile="$TMPDIR/debugfs.log"
+ if [ ! -d "$out_dir" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$out_dir"
+ fi
+ if [[ "$HOST_OS" == "Darwin" ]]; then
+ debugfs -R "rdump / \"$out_dir\"" "$image_file" &> "$logFile" || {
+ echo "[-] Failed to extract data from '$image_file'"
+ abort 1
+ }
+ else
+ debugfs -R 'ls -p' "$image_file" 2>/dev/null | cut -d '/' -f6 | while read -r entry
+ do
+ debugfs -R "rdump \"$entry\" \"$out_dir\"" "$image_file" >> "$logFile" 2>&1 || {
+ echo "[-] Failed to extract data from '$image_file'"
+ abort 1
+ }
+ done
+ fi
+ local symlink_err="rdump: Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while reading symlink"
+ if grep -Fq "$symlink_err" "$logFile"; then
+ echo "[-] Symlinks have not been properly processed from $image_file"
+ echo "[!] If you don't have a compatible debugfs version, modify 'execute-all.sh' to disable 'USE_DEBUGFS' flag"
+ abort 1
+ fi
+declare -ra VENDOR_SKIP_FILES=(
+ "bin/toybox_vendor"
+ "bin/toolbox"
+ "bin/grep"
+ "build.prop"
+ "compatibility_matrix.xml"
+ "default.prop"
+ "etc/NOTICE.xml.gz"
+ "etc/vintf/compatibility_matrix.xml"
+ "etc/vintf/manifest.xml"
+ "etc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf"
+ "manifest.xml"
+ "overlay/DisplayCutoutEmulationCorner/DisplayCutoutEmulationCornerOverlay.apk"
+ "overlay/DisplayCutoutEmulationDouble/DisplayCutoutEmulationDoubleOverlay.apk"
+ "overlay/DisplayCutoutEmulationTall/DisplayCutoutEmulationTallOverlay.apk"
+ "overlay/DisplayCutoutNoCutout/NoCutoutOverlay.apk"
+ "overlay/framework-res__auto_generated_rro.apk"
+ "overlay/SysuiDarkTheme/SysuiDarkThemeOverlay.apk"
+function array_contains() {
+ local element
+ for element in "${@:2}"; do [[ "$element" == "$1" ]] && return 0; done
+ return 1
+function generate_prop_list_from_image() {
+ local image_file="$1"
+ local image_dir="$TMPDIR/image-temp"
+ local output_list="$2"
+ local output_list_tmp="$TMPDIR/_proprietary-blobs.txt"
+ local -n skipped_vendor_files="$3"
+ extract_img_data "$image_file" "$image_dir"
+ find "$image_dir" -not -type d | sed "s#^$image_dir/##" | while read -r FILE
+ do
+ # Skip VENDOR_SKIP_FILES since it will be re-generated at build time
+ if array_contains "$FILE" "${VENDOR_SKIP_FILES[@]}"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ # Skip device defined skipped files since they will be re-generated at build time
+ if array_contains "$FILE" "${skipped_vendor_files[@]}"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ if suffix_match_file ".apk" "$FILE" ; then
+ echo "-vendor/$FILE" >> "$output_list_tmp"
+ else
+ echo "vendor/$FILE" >> "$output_list_tmp"
+ fi
+ done
+ # Sort merged file with all lists
+ sort -u "$output_list_tmp" > "$output_list"
+ # Clean-up
+ rm -f "$output_list_tmp"