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  1. Android.bp

Android T GKI boot image retrofitting tools

Starting from Android T the GKI boot images consist of the generic boot.img and init_boot.img. The boot.img contains the generic kernel, and init_boot.img contains the generic ramdisk. For upgrading devices whose init_boot partition is non-existent, this tool (or spec) can be used to retrofit a set of Android T GKI boot and init_boot partition images back into a single retrofitted GKI boot image.

Retrofitting the boot images

  1. Download the certified GKI boot.img and init_boot.img.

  2. Go to the build artifacts page of aosp_arm64 on aosp-master branch on and download

  3. Unzip and make sure the tool is in ${PATH}.

    export PATH="$(pwd)/gki_retrofitting_tools:${PATH}"
    # See tool usage:
    retrofit_gki --help
  4. Create the retrofitted image. The --version argument lets you choose the boot image header version of the retrofitted image. You would have to choose this value according to the bootloader capabilities.

    # Retrofit to boot v4:
    retrofit_gki --boot boot.img --init_boot init_boot.img \
      --version 4 -o boot.retrofitted.img
    # Retrofit to boot v2:
    retrofit_gki --boot boot.img --init_boot init_boot.img \
      --vendor_boot vendor_boot.img --version 2 -o boot.retrofitted.img

Spec of the retrofitted images

  • The SOURCE boot.img and init_boot.img must be officially certified Android T (or later) GKI.
  • The DEST retrofitted boot image must not set the security patch level in its header. This is because the SOURCE boot.img and init_boot.img might have different SPL value, thus making the boot header SPL of the retrofitted image ill-defined. The SPL value must be defined by the chained vbmeta image of the boot partition.
  • The boot signature of the DEST image is the concatenation of the boot signature from the DEST boot.img and init_boot.img.
  • The DEST retrofitted boot image must pass the vts_gki_compliance_test testcase.

Retrofit to boot image V4

  • The kernel of the DEST image must be from the SOURCE boot.img.
  • The ramdisk of the DEST image must be from the SOURCE init_boot.img.
  | boot header         | 4096 bytes
  | kernel              | m pages
  | ramdisk             | n pages
  | boot signature      | g pages

Retrofit to boot image V3

  • The kernel of the DEST image must be from the SOURCE boot.img.
  • The ramdisk of the DEST image must be from the SOURCE init_boot.img.
  • The boot_signature section must be appended to the end of the boot image, and its size is zero-padded to 16KiB.
  | boot header         | 4096 bytes
  | kernel              | m pages
  | ramdisk             | n pages
  | * boot signature    | 16384 (16K) bytes

Retrofit to boot image V2

  • The kernel of the DEST image must be from the SOURCE boot.img.
  • The ramdisk of the DEST image must be from the SOURCE vendor_boot.img and init_boot.img. The DEST ramdisk is the ramdisk concatenation of the vendor ramdisk and generic ramdisk.
  • The recovery dtbo / acpio must be empty.
  • The dtb of the DEST image must be from the SOURCE vendor_boot.img.
  • The boot_signature section must be appended to the end of the boot image, and its size is zero-padded to 16KiB.
  | boot header         | 1 page
  | kernel              | n pages
  | * vendor ramdisk    |
  |  +generic ramdisk   | m pages
  | second stage        | o pages
  | recovery dtbo/acpio | 0 byte
  | dtb                 | q pages
  | * boot signature    | 16384 (16K) bytes