Added properties for rebootless apex install

When apexd installs an apex without reboot, init also need to do some
work around the installation (e.g. terminating services from the apex
and remove data read from the apex and updating linker configuration

Apexd sets control properties to unload and load apex and init notifies
the completion with state properties.

These new properties are supposed to be used by apexd/init interaction.

Bug: 232114573
Bug: 232173613
Test: CtsStagedInstallHostTestCases
Test: CtsInitTestCases
Change-Id: I5af6b36310f3c81f1cd55537473e54756541d347
diff --git a/private/property_contexts b/private/property_contexts
index 3d1e7a5..97aec63 100644
--- a/private/property_contexts
+++ b/private/property_contexts
@@ -162,6 +162,8 @@
 ctl.interface_start$    u:object_r:ctl_interface_start_prop:s0
 ctl.interface_stop$     u:object_r:ctl_interface_stop_prop:s0
 ctl.interface_restart$  u:object_r:ctl_interface_restart_prop:s0
+ctl.apex_load$          u:object_r:ctl_apex_load_prop:s0
+ctl.apex_unload$        u:object_r:ctl_apex_load_prop:s0
  # Restrict access to starting/stopping adbd
 ctl.start$adbd             u:object_r:ctl_adbd_prop:s0
@@ -726,6 +728,10 @@
 init.svc.tombstoned     u:object_r:init_service_status_prop:s0 exact string
 init.svc.zygote         u:object_r:init_service_status_prop:s0 exact string
+# apexd reads this property to check if init has done with ctl.apex_* messages
+# This should be the form of init.apex.<apex_name>.
+init.apex. u:object_r:init_apex_status_private_prop:s0 prefix enum loaded unloaded
 libc.debug.malloc.options u:object_r:libc_debug_prop:s0 exact string
 libc.debug.malloc.program u:object_r:libc_debug_prop:s0 exact string
 libc.debug.hooks.enable   u:object_r:libc_debug_prop:s0 exact string