Add new snapuserd socket and property rules.

This adds a new property prefix owned by snapuserd, for communicating
when the service is ready to accept connections (snapuserd.ready and

This also adds a new socket context. This is a seqpacket socket used to
communicate with a special instance of snapuserd that bridges to the
first-stage daemon.

Bug: 193833730
Test: no denials after OTA applies and boots
Change-Id: Ibad03659eba5c25e205ba00f27d0b4f98585a84b
diff --git a/private/property_contexts b/private/property_contexts
index fa5389d..198a50f 100644
--- a/private/property_contexts
+++ b/private/property_contexts
@@ -278,10 +278,12 @@
 sys.boot_from_charger_mode  u:object_r:charger_status_prop:s0 exact int
 ro.enable_boot_charger_mode u:object_r:charger_config_prop:s0 exact bool
-# Virtual A/B properties
+# Virtual A/B and snapuserd properties
 ro.virtual_ab.enabled   u:object_r:virtual_ab_prop:s0 exact bool
 ro.virtual_ab.retrofit  u:object_r:virtual_ab_prop:s0 exact bool
 ro.virtual_ab.compression.enabled  u:object_r:virtual_ab_prop:s0 exact bool
+snapuserd.ready         u:object_r:snapuserd_prop:s0 exact bool
+snapuserd.proxy_ready   u:object_r:snapuserd_prop:s0 exact bool
 ro.product.ab_ota_partitions u:object_r:ota_prop:s0 exact string
 # Property to set/clear the warm reset flag after an OTA update.