vold: write permission to sysfs_devices_block

vold needs write permissions for /sys/block/*/uevent to perform a

This denial is seen on cuttlefish:
avc: denied { write } for name=uevent dev=sysfs ino=11649
scontext=u:r:vold:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sysfs_devices_block:s0
tclass=file permissive=1

Pixel devices resolve this denial in device policy, but since coldboot
is performed from platform code, the corresponding permission should be
in /system/sepolicy

Bug: 28053261
Test: boot cuttlefish without above denial
Change-Id: I2de08db603e2d287e8021af70ee8e69266d7736f
diff --git a/public/vold.te b/public/vold.te
index ace733f..cb21b83 100644
--- a/public/vold.te
+++ b/public/vold.te
@@ -9,11 +9,14 @@
 r_dir_file(vold, { sysfs_type -sysfs_batteryinfo })
 # XXX Label sysfs files with a specific type?
-allow vold sysfs:file w_file_perms; # writing to /sys/*/uevent during coldboot.
-allow vold sysfs_loop:file w_file_perms; # writing to /sys/block/loop*/uevent during coldboot.
-allow vold sysfs_dm:file w_file_perms;
-allow vold sysfs_usb:file w_file_perms;
-allow vold sysfs_zram_uevent:file w_file_perms;
+allow vold {
+  sysfs # writing to /sys/*/uevent during coldboot.
+  sysfs_devices_block
+  sysfs_dm
+  sysfs_loop # writing to /sys/block/loop*/uevent during coldboot.
+  sysfs_usb
+  sysfs_zram_uevent
+}:file w_file_perms;
 r_dir_file(vold, rootfs)
 r_dir_file(vold, metadata_file)