Properly set the property_context for net.tcp_init_rwnd.
This property is many years old and it does not have a property
context associated with it. It is set by the system server (in
particular, ConnectivityService code, in the Tethering module)
and read by init, which does:
on property:net.tcp_def_init_rwnd=*
write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_default_init_rwnd ${net.tcp_def_init_rwnd}
There is no need to add read access to init because init can read
and write any property.
Test: m
Fix: 170917042
Change-Id: I594b09656a094cd2ef3e4fd9703e46bf7b2edd4c
diff --git a/private/property_contexts b/private/property_contexts
index d643021..134be15 100644
--- a/private/property_contexts
+++ b/private/property_contexts
@@ -281,6 +281,7 @@
# Connectivity module
net.464xlat.cellular.enabled u:object_r:net_464xlat_fromvendor_prop:s0 exact bool
+net.tcp_def_init_rwnd u:object_r:net_connectivity_prop:s0 exact int
# Userspace reboot properties
sys.userspace_reboot.log. u:object_r:userspace_reboot_log_prop:s0