Allow hidl_allocator_default service to set its own prop

This prop is read in its .rc file to stop the service. Otherwise,
evertyime the service exits, it is restarted.
We don't want it to be `oneshot` because under normal operation, it
should be restarted if it exits/crashes.

Test: remove kTempHidlSupport && m && launch_cvd
Bug: 218588089

Change-Id: I9a4c61778c244a08ff753689604e79168058dd4c
diff --git a/private/property_contexts b/private/property_contexts
index 53a3d4b..f741e0d 100644
--- a/private/property_contexts
+++ b/private/property_contexts
@@ -233,6 +233,9 @@
 # hwservicemanager properties
 hwservicemanager.       u:object_r:hwservicemanager_prop:s0
+# hidl_memory properties to intentionally force a shutdown
+hidl_memory.            u:object_r:hidl_memory_prop:s0
 # Common default properties for vendor, odm, vendor_dlkm, and odm_dlkm.
 init.svc.odm.           u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0
 init.svc.vendor.        u:object_r:vendor_default_prop:s0