adb: win32: Unicode path names, env vars, some console support
Initial support for Unicode file/dir names. Unicode paths can be passed
on the command line, directory enumeration can enumerate Unicode paths,
Unicode paths are used for file access, and Unicode paths can be output
on the console correctly.
Also Unicode environment variable access.
Initial support for Unicode output from adb shell (which uses
adb_fwrite()). This is partial because the corner case of an
adb_fwrite() call with an incomplete UTF-8 multi-byte sequence does not
output correctly, but this should be uncommon, is better than what we
had before (*always* incorrect UTF-8 multi-byte sequences) and can be
fixed in the future.
Calls to Windows APIs with char strings were changed to pass wchar_t
strings to the FooW() variants.
For more details, see the giant comment in sysdeps_win32.cpp.
Change-Id: I7ebf6713bb635638b986ccee97b354428837c9c5
Signed-off-by: Spencer Low <>
diff --git a/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp b/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
index 9fdc24c..08f267b 100644
--- a/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
+++ b/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#include <memory>
#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
#include <cutils/sockets.h>
@@ -124,13 +125,13 @@
char *data;
DWORD file_size;
- file = CreateFile( fn,
- 0,
- NULL );
+ file = CreateFileW( widen(fn).c_str(),
+ 0,
+ NULL );
return NULL;
@@ -406,8 +407,8 @@
return -1;
- f->fh_handle = CreateFile( path, desiredAccess, shareMode, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING,
- 0, NULL );
+ f->fh_handle = CreateFileW( widen(path).c_str(), desiredAccess, shareMode,
if ( f->fh_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
const DWORD err = GetLastError();
@@ -447,9 +448,10 @@
return -1;
- f->fh_handle = CreateFile( path, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE,
- NULL );
+ f->fh_handle = CreateFileW( widen(path).c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE,
+ NULL );
if ( f->fh_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
const DWORD err = GetLastError();
@@ -3175,3 +3177,615 @@
#pragma pop_macro("read")
+/***** *****/
+/***** Unicode support *****/
+/***** *****/
+// This implements support for using files with Unicode filenames and for
+// outputting Unicode text to a Win32 console window. This is inspired from
+// Background
+// ----------
+// On POSIX systems, to deal with files with Unicode filenames, just pass UTF-8
+// filenames to APIs such as open(). This works because filenames are largely
+// opaque 'cookies' (perhaps excluding path separators).
+// On Windows, the native file APIs such as CreateFileW() take 2-byte wchar_t
+// UTF-16 strings. There is an API, CreateFileA() that takes 1-byte char
+// strings, but the strings are in the ANSI codepage and not UTF-8. (The
+// CreateFile() API is really just a macro that adds the W/A based on whether
+// the UNICODE preprocessor symbol is defined).
+// Options
+// -------
+// Thus, to write a portable program, there are a few options:
+// 1. Write the program with wchar_t filenames (wchar_t path[256];).
+// For Windows, just call CreateFileW(). For POSIX, write a wrapper openW()
+// that takes a wchar_t string, converts it to UTF-8 and then calls the real
+// open() API.
+// 2. Write the program with a TCHAR typedef that is 2 bytes on Windows and
+// 1 byte on POSIX. Make T-* wrappers for various OS APIs and call those,
+// potentially touching a lot of code.
+// 3. Write the program with a 1-byte char filenames (char path[256];) that are
+// UTF-8. For POSIX, just call open(). For Windows, write a wrapper that
+// takes a UTF-8 string, converts it to UTF-16 and then calls the real OS
+// or C Runtime API.
+// The Choice
+// ----------
+// The code below chooses option 3, the UTF-8 everywhere strategy. It
+// introduces narrow() which converts UTF-16 to UTF-8. This is used by the
+// NarrowArgs helper class that is used to convert wmain() args into UTF-8
+// args that are passed to main() at the beginning of program startup. We also
+// introduce widen() which converts from UTF-8 to UTF-16. This is used to
+// implement wrappers below that call UTF-16 OS and C Runtime APIs.
+// Unicode console output
+// ----------------------
+// The way to output Unicode to a Win32 console window is to call
+// WriteConsoleW() with UTF-16 text. (The user must also choose a proper font
+// such as Lucida Console or Consolas, and in the case of Chinese, must go to
+// the Control Panel and change the "system locale" to Chinese, which allows
+// a Chinese font to be used in console windows.)
+// The problem is getting the C Runtime to make fprintf and related APIs call
+// WriteConsoleW() under the covers. The C Runtime API, _setmode() sounds
+// promising, but the various modes have issues:
+// 1. _setmode(_O_TEXT) (the default) does not use WriteConsoleW() so UTF-8 and
+// UTF-16 do not display properly.
+// 2. _setmode(_O_BINARY) does not use WriteConsoleW() and the text comes out
+// totally wrong.
+// 3. _setmode(_O_U8TEXT) seems to cause the C Runtime _invalid_parameter
+// handler to be called (upon a later I/O call), aborting the process.
+// 4. _setmode(_O_U16TEXT) and _setmode(_O_WTEXT) cause non-wide printf/fprintf
+// to output nothing.
+// So the only solution is to write our own adb_fprintf() that converts UTF-8
+// to UTF-16 and then calls WriteConsoleW().
+// Function prototype because attributes cannot be placed on func definitions.
+static void _widen_fatal(const char *fmt, ...)
+ __attribute__((__format__(ADB_FORMAT_ARCHETYPE, 1, 2)));
+// A version of fatal() that does not call adb_(v)fprintf(), so it can be
+// called from those functions.
+static void _widen_fatal(const char *fmt, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, fmt);
+ // If (v)fprintf are macros that point to adb_(v)fprintf, when random adb
+ // code calls (v)fprintf, it may end up calling adb_(v)fprintf, which then
+ // calls _widen_fatal(). So then how does _widen_fatal() output a error?
+ // By directly calling real C Runtime APIs that don't properly output
+ // Unicode, but will be able to get a comprehendible message out. To do
+ // this, make sure we don't call (v)fprintf macros by undefining them.
+#pragma push_macro("fprintf")
+#pragma push_macro("vfprintf")
+#undef fprintf
+#undef vfprintf
+ fprintf(stderr, "error: ");
+ vfprintf(stderr, fmt, ap);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+#pragma pop_macro("vfprintf")
+#pragma pop_macro("fprintf")
+ va_end(ap);
+ exit(-1);
+// TODO: Consider implementing widen() and narrow() out of std::wstring_convert
+// once libcxx is supported on Windows. Or, consider libutils/Unicode.cpp.
+// Convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16. A size of -1 specifies a NULL terminated
+// string. Any other size specifies the number of chars to convert, excluding
+// any NULL terminator (if you're passing an explicit size, you probably don't
+// have a NULL terminated string in the first place).
+std::wstring widen(const char* utf8, const int size) {
+ const int chars_to_convert = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, size,
+ NULL, 0);
+ if (chars_to_convert <= 0) {
+ // UTF-8 to UTF-16 should be lossless, so we don't expect this to fail.
+ _widen_fatal("MultiByteToWideChar failed counting: %d, "
+ "GetLastError: %lu", chars_to_convert, GetLastError());
+ }
+ std::wstring utf16;
+ size_t chars_to_allocate = chars_to_convert;
+ if (size == -1) {
+ // chars_to_convert includes a NULL terminator, so subtract space
+ // for that because resize() includes that itself.
+ --chars_to_allocate;
+ }
+ utf16.resize(chars_to_allocate);
+ // This uses &string[0] to get write-access to the entire string buffer
+ // which may be assuming that the chars are all contiguous, but it seems
+ // to work and saves us the hassle of using a temporary
+ // std::vector<wchar_t>.
+ const int result = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, utf8, size, &utf16[0],
+ chars_to_convert);
+ if (result != chars_to_convert) {
+ // UTF-8 to UTF-16 should be lossless, so we don't expect this to fail.
+ _widen_fatal("MultiByteToWideChar failed conversion: %d, "
+ "GetLastError: %lu", result, GetLastError());
+ }
+ // If a size was passed in (size != -1), then the string is NULL terminated
+ // by a NULL char that was written by std::string::resize(). If size == -1,
+ // then MultiByteToWideChar() read a NULL terminator from the original
+ // string and converted it to a NULL UTF-16 char in the output.
+ return utf16;
+// Convert a NULL terminated string from UTF-8 to UTF-16.
+std::wstring widen(const char* utf8) {
+ // Pass -1 to let widen() determine the string length.
+ return widen(utf8, -1);
+// Convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16.
+std::wstring widen(const std::string& utf8) {
+ return widen(utf8.c_str(), utf8.length());
+// Convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8.
+std::string narrow(const std::wstring& utf16) {
+ return narrow(utf16.c_str());
+// Convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8.
+std::string narrow(const wchar_t* utf16) {
+ const int chars_required = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, utf16, -1, NULL,
+ 0, NULL, NULL);
+ if (chars_required <= 0) {
+ // UTF-16 to UTF-8 should be lossless, so we don't expect this to fail.
+ fatal("WideCharToMultiByte failed counting: %d, GetLastError: %d",
+ chars_required, GetLastError());
+ }
+ std::string utf8;
+ // Subtract space for the NULL terminator because resize() includes
+ // that itself. Note that this could potentially throw a std::bad_alloc
+ // exception.
+ utf8.resize(chars_required - 1);
+ // This uses &string[0] to get write-access to the entire string buffer
+ // which may be assuming that the chars are all contiguous, but it seems
+ // to work and saves us the hassle of using a temporary
+ // std::vector<char>.
+ const int result = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, utf16, -1, &utf8[0],
+ chars_required, NULL, NULL);
+ if (result != chars_required) {
+ // UTF-16 to UTF-8 should be lossless, so we don't expect this to fail.
+ fatal("WideCharToMultiByte failed conversion: %d, GetLastError: %d",
+ result, GetLastError());
+ }
+ return utf8;
+// Constructor for helper class to convert wmain() UTF-16 args to UTF-8 to
+// be passed to main().
+NarrowArgs::NarrowArgs(const int argc, wchar_t** const argv) {
+ narrow_args = new char*[argc + 1];
+ for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
+ narrow_args[i] = strdup(narrow(argv[i]).c_str());
+ }
+ narrow_args[argc] = nullptr; // terminate
+NarrowArgs::~NarrowArgs() {
+ if (narrow_args != nullptr) {
+ for (char** argp = narrow_args; *argp != nullptr; ++argp) {
+ free(*argp);
+ }
+ delete[] narrow_args;
+ narrow_args = nullptr;
+ }
+int unix_open(const char* path, int options, ...) {
+ if ((options & O_CREAT) == 0) {
+ return _wopen(widen(path).c_str(), options);
+ } else {
+ int mode;
+ va_list args;
+ va_start(args, options);
+ mode = va_arg(args, int);
+ va_end(args);
+ return _wopen(widen(path).c_str(), options, mode);
+ }
+// Version of stat() that takes a UTF-8 path.
+int adb_stat(const char* f, struct adb_stat* s) {
+#pragma push_macro("wstat")
+// This definition of wstat seems to be missing from <sys/stat.h>.
+#if defined(_FILE_OFFSET_BITS) && (_FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64)
+#ifdef _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
+#define wstat _wstat32i64
+#define wstat _wstat64
+// <sys/stat.h> has a function prototype for wstat() that should be available.
+ return wstat(widen(f).c_str(), s);
+#pragma pop_macro("wstat")
+// Version of opendir() that takes a UTF-8 path.
+DIR* adb_opendir(const char* name) {
+ // Just cast _WDIR* to DIR*. This doesn't work if the caller reads any of
+ // the fields, but right now all the callers treat the structure as
+ // opaque.
+ return reinterpret_cast<DIR*>(_wopendir(widen(name).c_str()));
+// Version of readdir() that returns UTF-8 paths.
+struct dirent* adb_readdir(DIR* dir) {
+ _WDIR* const wdir = reinterpret_cast<_WDIR*>(dir);
+ struct _wdirent* const went = _wreaddir(wdir);
+ if (went == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Convert from UTF-16 to UTF-8.
+ const std::string name_utf8(narrow(went->d_name));
+ // Cast the _wdirent* to dirent* and overwrite the d_name field (which has
+ // space for UTF-16 wchar_t's) with UTF-8 char's.
+ struct dirent* ent = reinterpret_cast<struct dirent*>(went);
+ if (name_utf8.length() + 1 > sizeof(went->d_name)) {
+ // Name too big to fit in existing buffer.
+ errno = ENOMEM;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Note that sizeof(_wdirent::d_name) is bigger than sizeof(dirent::d_name)
+ // because _wdirent contains wchar_t instead of char. So even if name_utf8
+ // can fit in _wdirent::d_name, the resulting dirent::d_name field may be
+ // bigger than the caller expects because they expect a dirent structure
+ // which has a smaller d_name field. Ignore this since the caller should be
+ // resilient.
+ // Rewrite the UTF-16 d_name field to UTF-8.
+ strcpy(ent->d_name, name_utf8.c_str());
+ return ent;
+// Version of closedir() to go with our version of adb_opendir().
+int adb_closedir(DIR* dir) {
+ return _wclosedir(reinterpret_cast<_WDIR*>(dir));
+// Version of unlink() that takes a UTF-8 path.
+int adb_unlink(const char* path) {
+ const std::wstring wpath(widen(path));
+ int rc = _wunlink(wpath.c_str());
+ if (rc == -1 && errno == EACCES) {
+ /* unlink returns EACCES when the file is read-only, so we first */
+ /* try to make it writable, then unlink again... */
+ rc = _wchmod(wpath.c_str(), _S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
+ if (rc == 0)
+ rc = _wunlink(wpath.c_str());
+ }
+ return rc;
+// Version of mkdir() that takes a UTF-8 path.
+int adb_mkdir(const std::string& path, int mode) {
+ return _wmkdir(widen(path.c_str()).c_str());
+// Version of utime() that takes a UTF-8 path.
+int adb_utime(const char* path, struct utimbuf* u) {
+ static_assert(sizeof(struct utimbuf) == sizeof(struct _utimbuf),
+ "utimbuf and _utimbuf should be the same size because they both "
+ "contain the same types, namely time_t");
+ return _wutime(widen(path).c_str(), reinterpret_cast<struct _utimbuf*>(u));
+// Version of chmod() that takes a UTF-8 path.
+int adb_chmod(const char* path, int mode) {
+ return _wchmod(widen(path).c_str(), mode);
+// Internal function to get a Win32 console HANDLE from a C Runtime FILE*.
+static HANDLE _get_console_handle(FILE* const stream) {
+ // Get a C Runtime file descriptor number from the FILE* structure.
+ const int fd = fileno(stream);
+ if (fd < 0) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // If it is not a "character device", it is probably a file and not a
+ // console. Do this check early because it is probably cheap. Still do more
+ // checks after this since there are devices that pass this test, but are
+ // not a console, such as NUL, the Windows /dev/null equivalent (I think).
+ if (!isatty(fd)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Given a C Runtime file descriptor number, get the underlying OS
+ // file handle.
+ const intptr_t osfh = _get_osfhandle(fd);
+ if (osfh == -1) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ const HANDLE h = reinterpret_cast<const HANDLE>(osfh);
+ DWORD old_mode = 0;
+ if (!GetConsoleMode(h, &old_mode)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // If GetConsoleMode() was successful, assume this is a console.
+ return h;
+// Internal helper function to write UTF-8 bytes to a console. Returns -1
+// on error.
+static int _console_write_utf8(const char* buf, size_t size, FILE* stream,
+ HANDLE console) {
+ // Convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16.
+ // This could throw std::bad_alloc.
+ const std::wstring output(widen(buf, size));
+ // Note that this does not do \n => \r\n translation because that
+ // doesn't seem necessary for the Windows console. For the Windows
+ // console \r moves to the beginning of the line and \n moves to a new
+ // line.
+ // Flush any stream buffering so that our output is afterwards which
+ // makes sense because our call is afterwards.
+ (void)fflush(stream);
+ // Write UTF-16 to the console.
+ DWORD written = 0;
+ if (!WriteConsoleW(console, output.c_str(), output.length(), &written,
+ NULL)) {
+ errno = EIO;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // This is the number of UTF-16 chars written, which might be different
+ // than the number of UTF-8 chars passed in. It doesn't seem practical to
+ // get this count correct.
+ return written;
+// Function prototype because attributes cannot be placed on func definitions.
+static int _console_vfprintf(const HANDLE console, FILE* stream,
+ const char *format, va_list ap)
+ __attribute__((__format__(ADB_FORMAT_ARCHETYPE, 3, 0)));
+// Internal function to format a UTF-8 string and write it to a Win32 console.
+// Returns -1 on error.
+static int _console_vfprintf(const HANDLE console, FILE* stream,
+ const char *format, va_list ap) {
+ std::string output_utf8;
+ // Format the string.
+ // This could throw std::bad_alloc.
+ android::base::StringAppendV(&output_utf8, format, ap);
+ return _console_write_utf8(output_utf8.c_str(), output_utf8.length(),
+ stream, console);
+// Version of vfprintf() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a
+// Windows console.
+int adb_vfprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, va_list ap) {
+ const HANDLE console = _get_console_handle(stream);
+ // If there is an associated Win32 console, write to it specially,
+ // otherwise defer to the regular C Runtime, passing it UTF-8.
+ if (console != NULL) {
+ return _console_vfprintf(console, stream, format, ap);
+ } else {
+ // If vfprintf is a macro, undefine it, so we can call the real
+ // C Runtime API.
+#pragma push_macro("vfprintf")
+#undef vfprintf
+ return vfprintf(stream, format, ap);
+#pragma pop_macro("vfprintf")
+ }
+// Version of fprintf() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a
+// Windows console.
+int adb_fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ const int result = adb_vfprintf(stream, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return result;
+// Version of printf() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a
+// Windows console.
+int adb_printf(const char *format, ...) {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ const int result = adb_vfprintf(stdout, format, ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return result;
+// Version of fputs() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a
+// Windows console.
+int adb_fputs(const char* buf, FILE* stream) {
+ // adb_fprintf returns -1 on error, which is conveniently the same as EOF
+ // which fputs (and hence adb_fputs) should return on error.
+ return adb_fprintf(stream, "%s", buf);
+// Version of fputc() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a
+// Windows console.
+int adb_fputc(int ch, FILE* stream) {
+ const int result = adb_fprintf(stream, "%c", ch);
+ if (result <= 0) {
+ // If there was an error, or if nothing was printed (which should be an
+ // error), return an error, which fprintf signifies with EOF.
+ return EOF;
+ }
+ // For success, fputc returns the char, cast to unsigned char, then to int.
+ return static_cast<unsigned char>(ch);
+// Internal function to write UTF-8 to a Win32 console. Returns the number of
+// items (of length size) written. On error, returns a short item count or 0.
+static size_t _console_fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
+ FILE* stream, HANDLE console) {
+ // TODO: Note that a Unicode character could be several UTF-8 bytes. But
+ // if we're passed only some of the bytes of a character (for example, from
+ // the network socket for adb shell), we won't be able to convert the char
+ // to a complete UTF-16 char (or surrogate pair), so the output won't look
+ // right.
+ //
+ // To fix this, see libutils/Unicode.cpp for hints on decoding UTF-8.
+ //
+ // For now we ignore this problem because the alternative is that we'd have
+ // to parse UTF-8 and buffer things up (doable). At least this is better
+ // than what we had before -- always incorrect multi-byte UTF-8 output.
+ int result = _console_write_utf8(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr),
+ size * nmemb, stream, console);
+ if (result == -1) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return result / size;
+// Version of fwrite() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a
+// Windows console.
+size_t adb_fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE* stream) {
+ const HANDLE console = _get_console_handle(stream);
+ // If there is an associated Win32 console, write to it specially,
+ // otherwise defer to the regular C Runtime, passing it UTF-8.
+ if (console != NULL) {
+ return _console_fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream, console);
+ } else {
+ // If fwrite is a macro, undefine it, so we can call the real
+ // C Runtime API.
+#pragma push_macro("fwrite")
+#undef fwrite
+ return fwrite(ptr, size, nmemb, stream);
+#pragma pop_macro("fwrite")
+ }
+// Version of fopen() that takes a UTF-8 filename and can access a file with
+// a Unicode filename.
+FILE* adb_fopen(const char* f, const char* m) {
+ return _wfopen(widen(f).c_str(), widen(m).c_str());
+// Shadow UTF-8 environment variable name/value pairs that are created from
+// _wenviron the first time that adb_getenv() is called. Note that this is not
+// currently updated if putenv, setenv, unsetenv are called.
+static std::unordered_map<std::string, char*> g_environ_utf8;
+// Make sure that shadow UTF-8 environment variables are setup.
+static void _ensure_env_setup() {
+ // If some name/value pairs exist, then we've already done the setup below.
+ if (g_environ_utf8.size() != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Read name/value pairs from UTF-16 _wenviron and write new name/value
+ // pairs to UTF-8 g_environ_utf8. Note that it probably does not make sense
+ // to use the D() macro here because that tracing only works if the
+ // ADB_TRACE environment variable is setup, but that env var can't be read
+ // until this code completes.
+ for (wchar_t** env = _wenviron; *env != nullptr; ++env) {
+ wchar_t* const equal = wcschr(*env, L'=');
+ if (equal == nullptr) {
+ // Malformed environment variable with no equal sign. Shouldn't
+ // really happen, but we should be resilient to this.
+ continue;
+ }
+ const std::string name_utf8(narrow(std::wstring(*env, equal - *env)));
+ char* const value_utf8 = strdup(narrow(equal + 1).c_str());
+ // Overwrite any duplicate name, but there shouldn't be a dup in the
+ // first place.
+ g_environ_utf8[name_utf8] = value_utf8;
+ }
+// Version of getenv() that takes a UTF-8 environment variable name and
+// retrieves a UTF-8 value.
+char* adb_getenv(const char* name) {
+ _ensure_env_setup();
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, char*>::const_iterator it =
+ g_environ_utf8.find(std::string(name));
+ if (it == g_environ_utf8.end()) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return it->second;
+// Version of getcwd() that returns the current working directory in UTF-8.
+char* adb_getcwd(char* buf, int size) {
+ wchar_t* wbuf = _wgetcwd(nullptr, 0);
+ if (wbuf == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ const std::string buf_utf8(narrow(wbuf));
+ free(wbuf);
+ wbuf = nullptr;
+ // If size was specified, make sure all the chars will fit.
+ if (size != 0) {
+ if (size < static_cast<int>(buf_utf8.length() + 1)) {
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // If buf was not specified, allocate storage.
+ if (buf == nullptr) {
+ if (size == 0) {
+ size = buf_utf8.length() + 1;
+ }
+ buf = reinterpret_cast<char*>(malloc(size));
+ if (buf == nullptr) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // Destination buffer was allocated with enough space, or we've already
+ // checked an existing buffer size for enough space.
+ strcpy(buf, buf_utf8.c_str());
+ return buf;