logd: Add klogd

- Add a klogd to collect the kernel logs and place them into a
  new kernel log buffer
- Parse priority, tag and message from the kernel log messages.
- Turn off pruning for worst UID for the kernel log buffer
- Sniff for 'PM: suspend exit', 'PM: suspend enter' and
  'Suspended for' messages and correct the internal definition
  time correction against monotonic dynamically.
- Discern if we have monotonic or real time (delineation 1980) in
  audit messages.
- perform appropriate math to correct the timestamp to be real time
- filter out any external sources of kernel logging

Change-Id: I8d4c7c5ac19f1f3218079ee3a05a50e2ca55f60d
diff --git a/logd/Android.mk b/logd/Android.mk
index e65e9ff..73da8dc 100644
--- a/logd/Android.mk
+++ b/logd/Android.mk
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
     LogWhiteBlackList.cpp \
     libaudit.c \
     LogAudit.cpp \
+    LogKlog.cpp \
diff --git a/logd/LogAudit.cpp b/logd/LogAudit.cpp
index caae54b..09cdb18 100644
--- a/logd/LogAudit.cpp
+++ b/logd/LogAudit.cpp
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
 #include "libaudit.h"
 #include "LogAudit.h"
+#include "LogKlog.h"
 #define KMSG_PRIORITY(PRI)                          \
     '<',                                            \
@@ -121,6 +122,15 @@
             && (*cp == ':')) {
         memcpy(timeptr + sizeof(audit_str) - 1, "0.0", 3);
         memmove(timeptr + sizeof(audit_str) - 1 + 3, cp, strlen(cp) + 1);
+        //
+        // We are either in 1970ish (MONOTONIC) or 2015+ish (REALTIME) so to
+        // differentiate without prejudice, we use 1980 to delineate, earlier
+        // is monotonic, later is real.
+        //
+#       define EPOCH_PLUS_10_YEARS (10 * 1461 / 4 * 24 * 60 * 60)
+        if (now.tv_sec < EPOCH_PLUS_10_YEARS) {
+            LogKlog::convertMonotonicToReal(now);
+        }
     } else {
         now.strptime("", ""); // side effect of setting CLOCK_REALTIME
@@ -223,7 +233,7 @@
 int LogAudit::log(char *buf) {
     char *audit = strstr(buf, " audit(");
     if (!audit) {
-        return -EXDEV;
+        return 0;
     *audit = '\0';
diff --git a/logd/LogBufferElement.h b/logd/LogBufferElement.h
index 75ec59e..bca3043 100644
--- a/logd/LogBufferElement.h
+++ b/logd/LogBufferElement.h
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 static inline bool worstUidEnabledForLogid(log_id_t id) {
-    return (id != LOG_ID_CRASH) && (id != LOG_ID_EVENTS);
+    return (id != LOG_ID_CRASH) && (id != LOG_ID_KERNEL) && (id != LOG_ID_EVENTS);
 class LogBuffer;
diff --git a/logd/LogKlog.cpp b/logd/LogKlog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35fe3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logd/LogKlog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,454 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/prctl.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <syslog.h>
+#include <log/logger.h>
+#include "LogKlog.h"
+#define KMSG_PRIORITY(PRI)           \
+    '<',                             \
+    '0' + (LOG_SYSLOG | (PRI)) / 10, \
+    '0' + (LOG_SYSLOG | (PRI)) % 10, \
+    '>'
+static const char priority_message[] = { KMSG_PRIORITY(LOG_INFO), '\0' };
+log_time LogKlog::correction = log_time(CLOCK_REALTIME) - log_time(CLOCK_MONOTONIC);
+LogKlog::LogKlog(LogBuffer *buf, LogReader *reader, int fdWrite, int fdRead, bool auditd)
+        : SocketListener(fdRead, false)
+        , logbuf(buf)
+        , reader(reader)
+        , signature(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
+        , fdWrite(fdWrite)
+        , fdRead(fdRead)
+        , initialized(false)
+        , enableLogging(true)
+        , auditd(auditd) {
+    static const char klogd_message[] = "%slogd.klogd: %" PRIu64 "\n";
+    char buffer[sizeof(priority_message) + sizeof(klogd_message) + 20 - 4];
+    snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), klogd_message, priority_message,
+        signature.nsec());
+    write(fdWrite, buffer, strlen(buffer));
+bool LogKlog::onDataAvailable(SocketClient *cli) {
+    if (!initialized) {
+        prctl(PR_SET_NAME, "logd.klogd");
+        initialized = true;
+        enableLogging = false;
+    }
+    char buffer[LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD];
+    size_t len = 0;
+    for(;;) {
+        ssize_t retval = 0;
+        if ((sizeof(buffer) - 1 - len) > 0) {
+            retval = read(cli->getSocket(), buffer + len, sizeof(buffer) - 1 - len);
+        }
+        if ((retval == 0) && (len == 0)) {
+            break;
+        }
+        if (retval < 0) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        len += retval;
+        bool full = len == (sizeof(buffer) - 1);
+        char *ep = buffer + len;
+        *ep = '\0';
+        len = 0;
+        for(char *ptr, *tok = buffer;
+                ((tok = strtok_r(tok, "\r\n", &ptr)));
+                tok = NULL) {
+            if (((tok + strlen(tok)) == ep) && (retval != 0) && full) {
+                len = strlen(tok);
+                memmove(buffer, tok, len);
+                break;
+            }
+            if (*tok) {
+                log(tok);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+void LogKlog::calculateCorrection(const log_time &monotonic,
+                                  const char *real_string) {
+    log_time real;
+    if (!real.strptime(real_string, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%09q UTC")) {
+        return;
+    }
+    // kernel report UTC, log_time::strptime is localtime from calendar.
+    // Bionic and liblog strptime does not support %z or %Z to pick up
+    // timezone so we are calculating our own correction.
+    time_t now = real.tv_sec;
+    struct tm tm;
+    memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(tm));
+    tm.tm_isdst = -1;
+    localtime_r(&now, &tm);
+    real.tv_sec += tm.tm_gmtoff;
+    correction = real - monotonic;
+void LogKlog::sniffTime(log_time &now, const char **buf, bool reverse) {
+    const char *cp;
+    if ((cp = now.strptime(*buf, "[ %s.%q]"))) {
+        static const char suspend[] = "PM: suspend entry ";
+        static const char resume[] = "PM: suspend exit ";
+        static const char suspended[] = "Suspended for ";
+        if (isspace(*cp)) {
+            ++cp;
+        }
+        if (!strncmp(cp, suspend, sizeof(suspend) - 1)) {
+            calculateCorrection(now, cp + sizeof(suspend) - 1);
+        } else if (!strncmp(cp, resume, sizeof(resume) - 1)) {
+            calculateCorrection(now, cp + sizeof(resume) - 1);
+        } else if (!strncmp(cp, suspended, sizeof(suspended) - 1)) {
+            log_time real;
+            char *endp;
+            real.tv_sec = strtol(cp + sizeof(suspended) - 1, &endp, 10);
+            if (*endp == '.') {
+                real.tv_nsec = strtol(endp + 1, &endp, 10) * 1000000L;
+                if (reverse) {
+                    correction -= real;
+                } else {
+                    correction += real;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        convertMonotonicToReal(now);
+        *buf = cp;
+    } else {
+        now = log_time(CLOCK_REALTIME);
+    }
+// Passed the entire SYSLOG_ACTION_READ_ALL buffer and interpret a
+// compensated start time.
+void LogKlog::synchronize(const char *buf) {
+    const char *cp = strstr(buf, "] PM: suspend e");
+    if (!cp) {
+        return;
+    }
+    do {
+        --cp;
+    } while ((cp > buf) && (isdigit(*cp) || isspace(*cp) || (*cp == '.')));
+    log_time now;
+    sniffTime(now, &cp, true);
+    char *suspended = strstr(buf, "] Suspended for ");
+    if (!suspended || (suspended > cp)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    cp = suspended;
+    do {
+        --cp;
+    } while ((cp > buf) && (isdigit(*cp) || isspace(*cp) || (*cp == '.')));
+    sniffTime(now, &cp, true);
+// kernel log prefix, convert to a kernel log priority number
+static int parseKernelPrio(const char **buf) {
+    int pri = LOG_USER | LOG_INFO;
+    const char *cp = *buf;
+    if (*cp == '<') {
+        pri = 0;
+        while(isdigit(*++cp)) {
+            pri = (pri * 10) + *cp - '0';
+        }
+        if (*cp == '>') {
+            ++cp;
+        } else {
+            cp = *buf;
+            pri = LOG_USER | LOG_INFO;
+        }
+        *buf = cp;
+    }
+    return pri;
+// Convert kernel log priority number into an Android Logger priority number
+static int convertKernelPrioToAndroidPrio(int pri) {
+    switch(pri & LOG_PRIMASK) {
+    case LOG_EMERG:
+        // FALLTHRU
+    case LOG_ALERT:
+        // FALLTHRU
+    case LOG_CRIT:
+        return ANDROID_LOG_FATAL;
+    case LOG_ERR:
+        return ANDROID_LOG_ERROR;
+    case LOG_WARNING:
+        return ANDROID_LOG_WARN;
+    default:
+        // FALLTHRU
+    case LOG_NOTICE:
+        // FALLTHRU
+    case LOG_INFO:
+        break;
+    case LOG_DEBUG:
+        return ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG;
+    }
+    return ANDROID_LOG_INFO;
+// log a message into the kernel log buffer
+// Filter rules to parse <PRI> <TIME> <tag> and <message> in order for
+// them to appear correct in the logcat output:
+// LOG_KERN (0):
+// <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> ":" <message>
+// <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> <tag> ":" <message>
+// <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> <tag>_work ":" <message>
+// <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> '<tag>.<num>' ":" <message>
+// <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> '<tag><num>' ":" <message>
+// <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag>_host '<tag>.<num>' ":" <message>
+// (unimplemented) <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> '<num>.<tag>' ":" <message>
+// <PRI>[<TIME>] "[INFO]"<tag> : <message>
+// <PRI>[<TIME>] "------------[ cut here ]------------"   (?)
+// <PRI>[<TIME>] "---[ end trace 3225a3070ca3e4ac ]---"   (?)
+// <PRI+TAG>[<TIME>] (see sys/syslog.h)
+// Observe:
+//  Minimum tag length = 3   NB: drops things like r5:c00bbadf, but allow PM:
+//  Maximum tag words = 2
+//  Maximum tag length = 16  NB: we are thinking of how ugly logcat can get.
+//  Not a Tag if there is no message content.
+//  leading additional spaces means no tag, inherit last tag.
+//  Not a Tag if <tag>: is "ERROR:", "WARNING:", "INFO:" or "CPU:"
+// Drop:
+//  empty messages
+//  messages with ' audit(' in them if auditd is running
+//  logd.klogd:
+// return -1 if message logd.klogd: <signature>
+int LogKlog::log(const char *buf) {
+    if (auditd && strstr(buf, " audit(")) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    int pri = parseKernelPrio(&buf);
+    log_time now;
+    sniffTime(now, &buf, false);
+    // sniff for start marker
+    const char klogd_message[] = "logd.klogd: ";
+    if (!strncmp(buf, klogd_message, sizeof(klogd_message) - 1)) {
+        char *endp;
+        uint64_t sig = strtoll(buf + sizeof(klogd_message) - 1, &endp, 10);
+        if (sig == signature.nsec()) {
+            if (initialized) {
+                enableLogging = true;
+            } else {
+                enableLogging = false;
+            }
+            return -1;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (!enableLogging) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    // Parse pid, tid and uid (not possible)
+    const pid_t pid = 0;
+    const pid_t tid = 0;
+    const uid_t uid = 0;
+    // Parse (rules at top) to pull out a tag from the incoming kernel message.
+    // Some may view the following as an ugly heuristic, the desire is to
+    // beautify the kernel logs into an Android Logging format; the goal is
+    // admirable but costly.
+    while (isspace(*buf)) {
+        ++buf;
+    }
+    if (!*buf) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    const char *start = buf;
+    const char *tag = "";
+    const char *etag = tag;
+    if (!isspace(*buf)) {
+        const char *bt, *et, *cp;
+        bt = buf;
+        if (!strncmp(buf, "[INFO]", 6)) {
+            // <PRI>[<TIME>] "[INFO]"<tag> ":" message
+            bt = buf + 6;
+        }
+        for(et = bt; *et && (*et != ':') && !isspace(*et); ++et);
+        for(cp = et; isspace(*cp); ++cp);
+        size_t size;
+        if (*cp == ':') {
+            // One Word
+            tag = bt;
+            etag = et;
+            buf = cp + 1;
+        } else {
+            size = et - bt;
+            if (strncmp(bt, cp, size)) {
+                // <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag>_host '<tag>.<num>' : message
+                if (!strncmp(bt + size - 5, "_host", 5)
+                 && !strncmp(bt, cp, size - 5)) {
+                    const char *b = cp;
+                    cp += size - 5;
+                    if (*cp == '.') {
+                        while (!isspace(*++cp) && (*cp != ':'));
+                        const char *e;
+                        for(e = cp; isspace(*cp); ++cp);
+                        if (*cp == ':') {
+                            tag = b;
+                            etag = e;
+                            buf = cp + 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    while (!isspace(*++cp) && (*cp != ':'));
+                    const char *e;
+                    for(e = cp; isspace(*cp); ++cp);
+                    // Two words
+                    if (*cp == ':') {
+                        tag = bt;
+                        etag = e;
+                        buf = cp + 1;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else if (isspace(cp[size])) {
+                const char *b = cp;
+                cp += size;
+                while (isspace(*++cp));
+                // <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> <tag> : message
+                if (*cp == ':') {
+                    tag = bt;
+                    etag = et;
+                    buf = cp + 1;
+                }
+            } else if (cp[size] == ':') {
+                // <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> <tag> : message
+                tag = bt;
+                etag = et;
+                buf = cp + size + 1;
+            } else if ((cp[size] == '.') || isdigit(cp[size])) {
+                // <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> '<tag>.<num>' : message
+                // <PRI>[<TIME>] <tag> '<tag><num>' : message
+                const char *b = cp;
+                cp += size;
+                while (!isspace(*++cp) && (*cp != ':'));
+                const char *e = cp;
+                while (isspace(*cp)) {
+                    ++cp;
+                }
+                if (*cp == ':') {
+                    tag = b;
+                    etag = e;
+                    buf = cp + 1;
+                }
+            } else {
+                while (!isspace(*++cp) && (*cp != ':'));
+                const char *e = cp;
+                while (isspace(*cp)) {
+                    ++cp;
+                }
+                // Two words
+                if (*cp == ':') {
+                    tag = bt;
+                    etag = e;
+                    buf = cp + 1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        size = etag - tag;
+        if ((size <= 1)
+         || ((size == 2) && (isdigit(tag[0]) || isdigit(tag[1])))
+         || ((size == 3) && !strncmp(tag, "CPU", 3))
+         || ((size == 7) && !strncmp(tag, "WARNING", 7))
+         || ((size == 5) && !strncmp(tag, "ERROR", 5))
+         || ((size == 4) && !strncmp(tag, "INFO", 4))) {
+            buf = start;
+            etag = tag = "";
+        }
+    }
+    size_t l = etag - tag;
+    while (isspace(*buf)) {
+        ++buf;
+    }
+    size_t n = 1 + l + 1 + strlen(buf) + 1;
+    // Allocate a buffer to hold the interpreted log message
+    int rc = n;
+    char *newstr = reinterpret_cast<char *>(malloc(n));
+    if (!newstr) {
+        rc = -ENOMEM;
+        return rc;
+    }
+    char *np = newstr;
+    // Convert priority into single-byte Android logger priority
+    *np = convertKernelPrioToAndroidPrio(pri);
+    ++np;
+    // Copy parsed tag following priority
+    strncpy(np, tag, l);
+    np += l;
+    *np = '\0';
+    ++np;
+    // Copy main message to the remainder
+    strcpy(np, buf);
+    // Log message
+    rc = logbuf->log(LOG_ID_KERNEL, now, uid, pid, tid, newstr,
+                     (n <= USHRT_MAX) ? (unsigned short) n : USHRT_MAX);
+    free(newstr);
+    // notify readers
+    if (!rc) {
+        reader->notifyNewLog();
+    }
+    return rc;
diff --git a/logd/LogKlog.h b/logd/LogKlog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8de9c87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/logd/LogKlog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#ifndef _LOGD_LOG_KLOG_H__
+#define _LOGD_LOG_KLOG_H__
+#include <sysutils/SocketListener.h>
+#include <log/log_read.h>
+#include "LogReader.h"
+class LogKlog : public SocketListener {
+    LogBuffer *logbuf;
+    LogReader *reader;
+    const log_time signature;
+    const int fdWrite; // /dev/kmsg
+    const int fdRead;  // /proc/kmsg
+    // Set once thread is started, separates KLOG_ACTION_READ_ALL
+    // and KLOG_ACTION_READ phases.
+    bool initialized;
+    // Used during each of the above phases to control logging.
+    bool enableLogging;
+    // set if we are also running auditd, to filter out audit reports from
+    // our copy of the kernel log
+    bool auditd;
+    static log_time correction;
+    LogKlog(LogBuffer *buf, LogReader *reader, int fdWrite, int fdRead, bool auditd);
+    int log(const char *buf);
+    void synchronize(const char *buf);
+    static void convertMonotonicToReal(log_time &real) { real += correction; }
+    void sniffTime(log_time &now, const char **buf, bool reverse);
+    void calculateCorrection(const log_time &monotonic, const char *real_string);
+    virtual bool onDataAvailable(SocketClient *cli);
diff --git a/logd/LogListener.cpp b/logd/LogListener.cpp
index 05ced06..17b6e6f 100644
--- a/logd/LogListener.cpp
+++ b/logd/LogListener.cpp
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
     android_log_header_t *header = reinterpret_cast<android_log_header_t *>(buffer);
-    if (/* header->id < LOG_ID_MIN || */ header->id >= LOG_ID_MAX) {
+    if (/* header->id < LOG_ID_MIN || */ header->id >= LOG_ID_MAX || header->id == LOG_ID_KERNEL) {
         return false;
diff --git a/logd/LogStatistics.cpp b/logd/LogStatistics.cpp
index 4511e0b..9756b2d 100644
--- a/logd/LogStatistics.cpp
+++ b/logd/LogStatistics.cpp
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 // caller must own and free character string
 char *pidToName(pid_t pid) {
     char *retval = NULL;
-    if (pid == 0) { // special case from auditd for kernel
-        retval = strdup("logd.auditd");
+    if (pid == 0) { // special case from auditd/klogd for kernel
+        retval = strdup("logd");
     } else {
         char buffer[512];
         snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "/proc/%u/cmdline", pid);
@@ -70,11 +70,15 @@
     mSizes[log_id] += size;
-    uidTable[log_id].add(e->getUid(), e);
     mSizesTotal[log_id] += size;
+    if (log_id == LOG_ID_KERNEL) {
+        return;
+    }
+    uidTable[log_id].add(e->getUid(), e);
     if (!enable) {
@@ -93,6 +97,10 @@
     mSizes[log_id] -= size;
+    if (log_id == LOG_ID_KERNEL) {
+        return;
+    }
     uidTable[log_id].subtract(e->getUid(), e);
     if (!enable) {
diff --git a/logd/README.property b/logd/README.property
index 60542b2..ad7d0cd 100644
--- a/logd/README.property
+++ b/logd/README.property
@@ -4,9 +4,12 @@
 logd.auditd                 bool  true   Enable selinux audit daemon
 logd.auditd.dmesg           bool  true   selinux audit messages duplicated and
                                          sent on to dmesg log
+logd.klogd                  bool depends Enable klogd daemon
 logd.statistics             bool depends Enable logcat -S statistics.
-ro.config.low_ram           bool  false  if true, logd.statistics default false
-ro.build.type               string       if user, logd.statistics default false
+ro.config.low_ram           bool  false  if true, logd.statistics & logd.klogd
+                                         default false
+ro.build.type               string       if user, logd.statistics & logd.klogd
+                                         default false
 persist.logd.size          number 256K   default size of the buffer for all
                                          log ids at initial startup, at runtime
                                          use: logcat -b all -G <value>
diff --git a/logd/main.cpp b/logd/main.cpp
index 7b8e94e..6db819e 100644
--- a/logd/main.cpp
+++ b/logd/main.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
 #include "LogBuffer.h"
 #include "LogListener.h"
 #include "LogAudit.h"
+#include "LogKlog.h"
 #define KMSG_PRIORITY(PRI)                            \
     '<',                                              \
@@ -256,6 +257,17 @@
     return android_lookupEventTag(map, tag);
+static bool property_get_bool_svelte(const char *key) {
+    bool not_user;
+    {
+        char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
+        property_get("ro.build.type", property, "");
+        not_user = !!strcmp(property, "user");
+    }
+    return property_get_bool(key, not_user
+            && !property_get_bool("ro.config.low_ram", false));
 // Foreground waits for exit of the main persistent threads
 // that are started here. The threads are created to manage
 // UNIX domain client sockets for writing, reading and
@@ -263,6 +275,11 @@
 // logging plugins like auditd and restart control. Additional
 // transitory per-client threads are created for each reader.
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+    int fdPmesg = -1;
+    bool klogd = property_get_bool_svelte("logd.klogd");
+    if (klogd) {
+        fdPmesg = open("/proc/kmsg", O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY);
+    }
     fdDmesg = open("/dev/kmsg", O_WRONLY);
     // issue reinit command. KISS argument parsing.
@@ -339,14 +356,8 @@
     signal(SIGHUP, reinit_signal_handler);
-    {
-        char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
-        property_get("ro.build.type", property, "");
-        if (property_get_bool("logd.statistics",
-                   !!strcmp(property, "user")
-                && !property_get_bool("ro.config.low_ram", false))) {
-            logBuf->enableStatistics();
-        }
+    if (property_get_bool_svelte("logd.statistics")) {
+        logBuf->enableStatistics();
     // LogReader listens on /dev/socket/logdr. When a client
@@ -381,12 +392,18 @@
     bool auditd = property_get_bool("logd.auditd", true);
+    LogAudit *al = NULL;
     if (auditd) {
         bool dmesg = property_get_bool("logd.auditd.dmesg", true);
+        al = new LogAudit(logBuf, reader, dmesg ? fdDmesg : -1);
+    }
-        // failure is an option ... messages are in dmesg (required by standard)
-        LogAudit *al = new LogAudit(logBuf, reader, dmesg ? fdDmesg : -1);
+    LogKlog *kl = NULL;
+    if (klogd) {
+        kl = new LogKlog(logBuf, reader, fdDmesg, fdPmesg, al != NULL);
+    }
+    if (al || kl) {
         int len = klogctl(KLOG_SIZE_BUFFER, NULL, 0);
         if (len > 0) {
@@ -394,16 +411,31 @@
             int rc = klogctl(KLOG_READ_ALL, buf, len);
-            if (rc >= 0) {
-                buf[len - 1] = '\0';
+            buf[len - 1] = '\0';
-                for (char *ptr, *tok = buf; (tok = strtok_r(tok, "\r\n", &ptr)); tok = NULL) {
-                    al->log(tok);
+            if ((rc >= 0) && kl) {
+                kl->synchronize(buf);
+            }
+            for (char *ptr, *tok = buf;
+                 (rc >= 0) && ((tok = strtok_r(tok, "\r\n", &ptr)));
+                 tok = NULL) {
+                if (al) {
+                    rc = al->log(tok);
+                }
+                if (kl) {
+                    rc = kl->log(tok);
-        if (al->startListener()) {
+        // failure is an option ... messages are in dmesg (required by standard)
+        if (kl && kl->startListener()) {
+            delete kl;
+        }
+        if (al && al->startListener()) {
             delete al;