adb: win32: handle incomplete UTF-8 in console output, other fixes

Previously, the various adb_printf, adb_fwrite, etc. functions did not
correctly handle the case of the passed buffer ending with an incomplete
UTF-8 sequence. This is fixed by buffering up incomplete UTF-8 sequences
in g_console_output_buffer (protected by the mutex
g_console_output_buffer) and outputting it later once the full sequence
is available.

A unittest for the main worker function, ParseCompleteUTF8(), was added
to adb_test.

Other fixes:

- Fix the return value of number-of-chars written to be number of UTF-8
  bytes instead of number of UTF-16 characters.

- Don't overwrite errno in success cases of various adb_printf, etc.
  functions. This might be excessive, but might be useful in the case
  when these functions are used for debugging/tracing.

- Add missing UTF-8 stdio functions that aren't currently used by adb,
  but might be in the future: vprintf, putc, putchar, puts.

- stdin_raw_init: If we can't get the console handle, don't call
  SetConsoleMode(). Not a big deal, but this will prevent erroneous
  trace output.

Change-Id: I8730e8af92882c42b884ad921b39a17b54465085
Signed-off-by: Spencer Low <>
diff --git a/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp b/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
index c3889b6..1f6ea3f 100644
--- a/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
+++ b/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
@@ -2483,12 +2483,15 @@
+static adb_mutex_t g_console_output_buffer_lock;
 adb_sysdeps_init( void )
 #define  ADB_MUTEX(x)  InitializeCriticalSection( & x );
 #include "mutex_list.h"
     InitializeCriticalSection( &_win32_lock );
+    InitializeCriticalSection( &g_console_output_buffer_lock );
@@ -2557,6 +2560,8 @@
 // Returns a console handle if |stream| is a console, otherwise returns nullptr.
 static HANDLE _get_console_handle(FILE* const stream) {
+    // Save and restore errno to make it easier for callers to prevent from overwriting errno.
+    android::base::ErrnoRestorer er;
     const int fd = fileno(stream);
     if (fd < 0) {
         return nullptr;
@@ -3316,6 +3321,9 @@
 void stdin_raw_init() {
     const HANDLE in = _get_console_handle(STDIN_FILENO, &_old_console_mode);
+    if (in == nullptr) {
+        return;
+    }
     // Disable ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT so that Ctrl-C is read instead of
     // calling the process Ctrl-C routine (configured by
@@ -3633,16 +3641,98 @@
     return _wchmod(path_wide.c_str(), mode);
-// Internal helper function to write UTF-8 bytes to a console. Returns -1
-// on error.
-static int _console_write_utf8(const char* buf, size_t size, FILE* stream,
-                               HANDLE console) {
-    std::wstring output;
+// From libutils/Unicode.cpp, get the length of a UTF-8 sequence given the lead byte.
+static inline size_t utf8_codepoint_len(uint8_t ch) {
+    return ((0xe5000000 >> ((ch >> 3) & 0x1e)) & 3) + 1;
-    // Try to convert from data that might be UTF-8 to UTF-16, ignoring errors.
-    // Data might not be UTF-8 if the user cat's random data, runs dmesg, etc.
+namespace internal {
+// Given a sequence of UTF-8 bytes (denoted by the range [first, last)), return the number of bytes
+// (from the beginning) that are complete UTF-8 sequences and append the remaining bytes to
+// remaining_bytes.
+size_t ParseCompleteUTF8(const char* const first, const char* const last,
+                         std::vector<char>* const remaining_bytes) {
+    // Walk backwards from the end of the sequence looking for the beginning of a UTF-8 sequence.
+    // Current_after points one byte past the current byte to be examined.
+    for (const char* current_after = last; current_after != first; --current_after) {
+        const char* const current = current_after - 1;
+        const char ch = *current;
+        const char kHighBit = 0x80u;
+        const char kTwoHighestBits = 0xC0u;
+        if ((ch & kHighBit) == 0) { // high bit not set
+            // The buffer ends with a one-byte UTF-8 sequence, possibly followed by invalid trailing
+            // bytes with no leading byte, so return the entire buffer.
+            break;
+        } else if ((ch & kTwoHighestBits) == kTwoHighestBits) { // top two highest bits set
+            // Lead byte in UTF-8 sequence, so check if we have all the bytes in the sequence.
+            const size_t bytes_available = last - current;
+            if (bytes_available < utf8_codepoint_len(ch)) {
+                // We don't have all the bytes in the UTF-8 sequence, so return all the bytes
+                // preceding the current incomplete UTF-8 sequence and append the remaining bytes
+                // to remaining_bytes.
+                remaining_bytes->insert(remaining_bytes->end(), current, last);
+                return current - first;
+            } else {
+                // The buffer ends with a complete UTF-8 sequence, possibly followed by invalid
+                // trailing bytes with no lead byte, so return the entire buffer.
+                break;
+            }
+        } else {
+            // Trailing byte, so keep going backwards looking for the lead byte.
+        }
+    }
+    // Return the size of the entire buffer. It is possible that we walked backward past invalid
+    // trailing bytes with no lead byte, in which case we want to return all those invalid bytes
+    // so that they can be processed.
+    return last - first;
+// Bytes that have not yet been output to the console because they are incomplete UTF-8 sequences.
+// Note that we use only one buffer even though stderr and stdout are logically separate streams.
+// This matches the behavior of Linux.
+// Protected by g_console_output_buffer_lock.
+static auto& g_console_output_buffer = *new std::vector<char>();
+// Internal helper function to write UTF-8 bytes to a console. Returns -1 on error.
+static int _console_write_utf8(const char* const buf, const size_t buf_size, FILE* stream,
+                               HANDLE console) {
+    const int saved_errno = errno;
+    std::vector<char> combined_buffer;
+    // Complete UTF-8 sequences that should be immediately written to the console.
+    const char* utf8;
+    size_t utf8_size;
+    adb_mutex_lock(&g_console_output_buffer_lock);
+    if (g_console_output_buffer.empty()) {
+        // If g_console_output_buffer doesn't have a buffered up incomplete UTF-8 sequence (the
+        // common case with plain ASCII), parse buf directly.
+        utf8 = buf;
+        utf8_size = internal::ParseCompleteUTF8(buf, buf + buf_size, &g_console_output_buffer);
+    } else {
+        // If g_console_output_buffer has a buffered up incomplete UTF-8 sequence, move it to
+        // combined_buffer (and effectively clear g_console_output_buffer) and append buf to
+        // combined_buffer, then parse it all together.
+        combined_buffer.swap(g_console_output_buffer);
+        combined_buffer.insert(combined_buffer.end(), buf, buf + buf_size);
+        utf8 =;
+        utf8_size = internal::ParseCompleteUTF8(utf8, utf8 + combined_buffer.size(),
+                                                &g_console_output_buffer);
+    }
+    adb_mutex_unlock(&g_console_output_buffer_lock);
+    std::wstring utf16;
+    // Try to convert from data that might be UTF-8 to UTF-16, ignoring errors (just like Linux
+    // which does not return an error on bad UTF-8). Data might not be UTF-8 if the user cat's
+    // random data, runs dmesg (which might have non-UTF-8), etc.
     // This could throw std::bad_alloc.
-    (void)android::base::UTF8ToWide(buf, size, &output);
+    (void)android::base::UTF8ToWide(utf8, utf8_size, &utf16);
     // Note that this does not do \n => \r\n translation because that
     // doesn't seem necessary for the Windows console. For the Windows
@@ -3655,16 +3745,16 @@
     // Write UTF-16 to the console.
     DWORD written = 0;
-    if (!WriteConsoleW(console, output.c_str(), output.length(), &written,
-                       NULL)) {
+    if (!WriteConsoleW(console, utf16.c_str(), utf16.length(), &written, NULL)) {
         errno = EIO;
         return -1;
-    // This is the number of UTF-16 chars written, which might be different
-    // than the number of UTF-8 chars passed in. It doesn't seem practical to
-    // get this count correct.
-    return written;
+    // Return the size of the original buffer passed in, signifying that we consumed it all, even
+    // if nothing was displayed, in the case of being passed an incomplete UTF-8 sequence. This
+    // matches the Linux behavior.
+    errno = saved_errno;
+    return buf_size;
 // Function prototype because attributes cannot be placed on func definitions.
@@ -3676,14 +3766,21 @@
 // Returns -1 on error.
 static int _console_vfprintf(const HANDLE console, FILE* stream,
                              const char *format, va_list ap) {
+    const int saved_errno = errno;
     std::string output_utf8;
     // Format the string.
     // This could throw std::bad_alloc.
     android::base::StringAppendV(&output_utf8, format, ap);
-    return _console_write_utf8(output_utf8.c_str(), output_utf8.length(),
-                               stream, console);
+    const int result = _console_write_utf8(output_utf8.c_str(), output_utf8.length(), stream,
+                                           console);
+    if (result != -1) {
+        errno = saved_errno;
+    } else {
+        // If -1 was returned, errno has been set.
+    }
+    return result;
 // Version of vfprintf() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a
@@ -3705,6 +3802,11 @@
+// Version of vprintf() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a Windows console.
+int adb_vprintf(const char *format, va_list ap) {
+    return adb_vfprintf(stdout, format, ap);
 // Version of fprintf() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a
 // Windows console.
 int adb_fprintf(FILE *stream, const char *format, ...) {
@@ -3732,6 +3834,7 @@
 int adb_fputs(const char* buf, FILE* stream) {
     // adb_fprintf returns -1 on error, which is conveniently the same as EOF
     // which fputs (and hence adb_fputs) should return on error.
+    static_assert(EOF == -1, "EOF is not -1, so this code needs to be fixed");
     return adb_fprintf(stream, "%s", buf);
@@ -3739,32 +3842,32 @@
 // Windows console.
 int adb_fputc(int ch, FILE* stream) {
     const int result = adb_fprintf(stream, "%c", ch);
-    if (result <= 0) {
-        // If there was an error, or if nothing was printed (which should be an
-        // error), return an error, which fprintf signifies with EOF.
+    if (result == -1) {
         return EOF;
     // For success, fputc returns the char, cast to unsigned char, then to int.
     return static_cast<unsigned char>(ch);
+// Version of putchar() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a Windows console.
+int adb_putchar(int ch) {
+    return adb_fputc(ch, stdout);
+// Version of puts() that takes UTF-8 and can write Unicode to a Windows console.
+int adb_puts(const char* buf) {
+    // adb_printf returns -1 on error, which is conveniently the same as EOF
+    // which puts (and hence adb_puts) should return on error.
+    static_assert(EOF == -1, "EOF is not -1, so this code needs to be fixed");
+    return adb_printf("%s\n", buf);
 // Internal function to write UTF-8 to a Win32 console. Returns the number of
 // items (of length size) written. On error, returns a short item count or 0.
 static size_t _console_fwrite(const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb,
                               FILE* stream, HANDLE console) {
-    // TODO: Note that a Unicode character could be several UTF-8 bytes. But
-    // if we're passed only some of the bytes of a character (for example, from
-    // the network socket for adb shell), we won't be able to convert the char
-    // to a complete UTF-16 char (or surrogate pair), so the output won't look
-    // right.
-    //
-    // To fix this, see libutils/Unicode.cpp for hints on decoding UTF-8.
-    //
-    // For now we ignore this problem because the alternative is that we'd have
-    // to parse UTF-8 and buffer things up (doable). At least this is better
-    // than what we had before -- always incorrect multi-byte UTF-8 output.
-    int result = _console_write_utf8(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr),
-                                     size * nmemb, stream, console);
+    const int result = _console_write_utf8(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ptr), size * nmemb, stream,
+                                           console);
     if (result == -1) {
         return 0;