Remove some log tags, which have moved to their own
EventLogTags.logtags file in various directories.
diff --git a/logcat/event.logtags b/logcat/event.logtags
index 2459604..1b38f4c 100644
--- a/logcat/event.logtags
+++ b/logcat/event.logtags
@@ -48,21 +48,11 @@
2741 force_gc (reason|3)
# This event is logged on each tickle
2742 tickle (authority|3)
-# What happens in a sync operation (bytes sent and received, and
-# operation details)
-2743 sync_details (authority|3),(send|1|2),(recv|1|2),(details|3)
# contacts aggregation: time and number of contacts.
# count is negative for query phase, positive for merge phase
2747 contacts_aggregation (aggregation time|2|3), (count|1|1)
-# This event is logged when GTalkService encounters important events
-2800 gtalkservice (eventType|1)
-# This event is logged for GTalk connection state changes. The status field is an int, but
-# it really contains 4 separate values, each taking up a byte
-# (eventType << 24) + (connection state << 16) + (connection error << 8) + network state
-2801 gtalk_connection (status|1)
# Device boot timings. We include monotonic clock values because the
# intrinsic event log times are wall-clock.
@@ -73,25 +63,6 @@
# ZygoteInit class preloading ends:
3030 boot_progress_preload_end (time|2|3)
-# This event is logged when GTalk connection is closed.
-# The status field is an int, but contains 2 different values, it's represented as
-# (networkType << 8) + connection error
-# the possible error values are
-# no_error=0, no_network=1, connection_failed=2, unknown_host=3, auth_failed=4,
-# auth_expired=5, heart_beat_timeout=6, server_error=7, server_reject_rate_limiting=8, unknown=10
-# duration is the connection duration.
-4000 gtalk_conn_close (status|1),(duration|1)
-# This event is logged for GTalk heartbeat resets
-# interval_and_nt contains both the heartbeat interval and the network type, It's represented as
-# (networkType << 16) + interval
-# interval is in seconds; network type can be 0 (mobile) or 1 (wifi); ip is the host ip addr.
-4001 gtalk_heartbeat_reset (interval_and_nt|1),(ip|3)
# dvm_gc_info: LIST (LONG, LONG, LONG)
# First LONG:
@@ -171,46 +142,6 @@
# or supplicant died (2)
50025 wifi_supplicant_connection_state_changed (connected|1|5)
-# PDP Context has a bad DNS address
-50100 pdp_bad_dns_address (dns_address|3)
-# For data connection on PDP context, reached the data-out-without-data-in
-# packet count that triggers a countdown to radio restart
-50101 pdp_radio_reset_countdown_triggered (out_packet_count|1|1)
-# Radio restart - timed out with no incoming packets.
-50102 pdp_radio_reset (out_packet_count|1|1)
-# PDP context reset - timed out with no incoming packets.
-50103 pdp_context_reset (out_packet_count|1|1)
-# Reregister to data network - timed out with no incoming packets.
-50104 pdp_reregister_network (out_packet_count|1|1)
-# PDP Setup failures
-50105 pdp_setup_fail (cause|1|5), (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
-# Call drops
-50106 call_drop (cause|1|5), (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
-# Data network registration failed after successful voice registration
-50107 data_network_registration_fail (op_numeric|1|5), (cid|1|5)
-# Suspicious status of data connection while radio poweroff
-50108 data_network_status_on_radio_off (dc_state|3), (enable|1|5)
-# PDP drop caused by network
-50109 pdp_network_drop (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
-# CDMA data network setup failure
-50110 cdma_data_setup_failed (cause|1|5), (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
-# CDMA data network drop
-50111 cdma_data_drop (cid|1|5), (network_type|1|5)
-# GSM radio access technology switched
-50112 gsm_rat_switched (cid|1|5), (network_from|1|5), (network_to|1|5)
# Do not change these names without updating tag in:
51000 socket_stats (send|1|2),(recv|1|2),(ip|1|5),(port|1|5),(close|1|5)
@@ -233,10 +164,6 @@
# 0 for screen off, 1 for screen on, 2 for key-guard done
70000 screen_toggled (screen_state|1|5)
-# browser stats for diary study
-70101 browser_zoom_level_change (start level|1|5),(end level|1|5),(time|2|3)
-70102 browser_double_tap_duration (duration|1|3),(time|2|3)
# aggregation service
70200 aggregation (aggregation time|2|3)
70201 aggregation_test (field1|1|2),(field2|1|2),(field3|1|2),(field4|1|2),(field5|1|2)