fs_mgr: fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown access to dynamic partition data
If fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown is called with a specific mount_point
reference (eg: /vendor, /product, /system) when /mnt/scratch is not
mounted (eg: in recovery or fastboot mode), then mount it to perform
the directory teardown.
Test: manual on future changes: fastboot flash vendor -> fastbootd
Bug: 109821105
Bug: 117605276
Change-Id: I5735008e33b57d35345a799dc68bb43c9189135a
diff --git a/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_overlayfs.cpp b/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_overlayfs.cpp
index 64e9fb4..ad488a9 100644
--- a/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_overlayfs.cpp
+++ b/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_overlayfs.cpp
@@ -590,6 +590,7 @@
// Mount kScratchMountPoint
bool fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_scratch(const std::string& device_path, const std::string mnt_type) {
+ if (!fs_mgr_rw_access(device_path)) return false;
if (setfscreatecon(kOverlayfsFileContext)) {
PERROR << "setfscreatecon " << kOverlayfsFileContext;
@@ -826,6 +827,19 @@
if (change) *change = false;
mount_point = fs_mgr_mount_point(mount_point);
auto ret = true;
+ // If scratch exists, but is not mounted, lets gain access to clean
+ // specific override entries.
+ if ((mount_point != nullptr) && !fs_mgr_overlayfs_already_mounted(kScratchMountPoint, false)) {
+ auto scratch_device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_device();
+ if (scratch_device.empty()) {
+ auto slot_number = fs_mgr_overlayfs_slot_number();
+ auto super_device = fs_mgr_overlayfs_super_device(slot_number);
+ const auto partition_name = android::base::Basename(kScratchMountPoint);
+ CreateLogicalPartition(super_device, slot_number, partition_name, true, 0s,
+ &scratch_device);
+ }
+ fs_mgr_overlayfs_mount_scratch(scratch_device, fs_mgr_overlayfs_scratch_mount_type());
+ }
for (const auto& overlay_mount_point : kOverlayMountPoints) {
ret &= fs_mgr_overlayfs_teardown_one(overlay_mount_point, mount_point ?: "", change);