AVB: allow no metadata in the generic system.img for project Treble

The generic system.img released from project Treble can't contain any verity
metadata (e.g., vboot 1.0, AVB, or any other implementation) because it's
*generic*. To make any device can boot with it, `avbctl disable-verification`
in the top-level vbmeta to disable the entire AVB verification process. This
should be done prior to flash the generic system.img. See the following link
for details:


set in the top-level vbmeta. When set, skip verifying the vbmeta structs
against androidboot.vbmeta.{hash_alg, size, digest} because it will be
absent in kernel cmdline. Also, only top-level vbmeta struct is read then
returned by libavb in this case.

Note that another flag AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED, usually
set by `adb disable-verity`, is used to signal fs_mgr to skip setting up
dm-verity, but libavb still verifies all vbmeta structs. fs_mgr will
also verify all vbmeta structs against androidboot.vbmeta.{hash_alg,
size, digest} from kernel cmdline as well.

Also rename SetUpAvb() to SetUpAvbHashtree() to better fit its usage.
This function will return kDisabled when any of the above two flags is set.

Finally, regardless of which flag is set or not set, we still only allow two
return values from avb_slot_verify():

   - AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_RESULT_OK: it's still possible to get this value
     when any of these flags are set in build time. e.g.,

     get this value, because the flags are likely set at run time.

Bug: 62523303
Test: boot device with 'avbctl disable-verification'.
Test: boot device with 'avbctl enable-verification'.
Test: boot device with 'adb disable-verity'.
Test: boot device with 'adb enable-verity'.

Test: build image with BOARD_AVB_MAKE_VBMETA_IMAGE_ARGS=--flags 2, then boot device.
      repeat the above steps to boot device again.

Change-Id: Ie8436f3e0e82c78490208f3b85eac5238a9fdfdb
diff --git a/fs_mgr/fs_mgr.cpp b/fs_mgr/fs_mgr.cpp
index 5e0bfe4..8c19a81 100644
--- a/fs_mgr/fs_mgr.cpp
+++ b/fs_mgr/fs_mgr.cpp
@@ -839,7 +839,8 @@
                     return FS_MGR_MNTALL_FAIL;
-            if (!avb_handle->SetUpAvb(&fstab->recs[i], true /* wait_for_verity_dev */)) {
+            if (avb_handle->SetUpAvbHashtree(&fstab->recs[i], true /* wait_for_verity_dev */) ==
+                SetUpAvbHashtreeResult::kFail) {
                 LERROR << "Failed to set up AVB on partition: "
                        << fstab->recs[i].mount_point << ", skipping!";
                 /* Skips mounting the device. */
@@ -1055,7 +1056,8 @@
                     return FS_MGR_DOMNT_FAILED;
-            if (!avb_handle->SetUpAvb(&fstab->recs[i], true /* wait_for_verity_dev */)) {
+            if (avb_handle->SetUpAvbHashtree(&fstab->recs[i], true /* wait_for_verity_dev */) ==
+                SetUpAvbHashtreeResult::kFail) {
                 LERROR << "Failed to set up AVB on partition: "
                        << fstab->recs[i].mount_point << ", skipping!";
                 /* Skips mounting the device. */
diff --git a/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_avb.cpp b/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_avb.cpp
index 6618003..2c99aa7 100644
--- a/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_avb.cpp
+++ b/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_avb.cpp
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@
 // Reads the following values from kernel cmdline and provides the
 // VerifyVbmetaImages() to verify AvbSlotVerifyData.
-//   - androidboot.vbmeta.device_state
 //   - androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg
 //   - androidboot.vbmeta.size
 //   - androidboot.vbmeta.digest
@@ -123,7 +122,6 @@
     // The factory method to return a unique_ptr<FsManagerAvbVerifier>
     static std::unique_ptr<FsManagerAvbVerifier> Create();
     bool VerifyVbmetaImages(const AvbSlotVerifyData& verify_data);
-    bool IsDeviceUnlocked() { return is_device_unlocked_; }
     FsManagerAvbVerifier() = default;
@@ -138,7 +136,6 @@
     HashAlgorithm hash_alg_;
     uint8_t digest_[SHA512_DIGEST_LENGTH];
     size_t vbmeta_size_;
-    bool is_device_unlocked_;
 std::unique_ptr<FsManagerAvbVerifier> FsManagerAvbVerifier::Create() {
@@ -161,9 +158,7 @@
         const std::string& key = pieces[0];
         const std::string& value = pieces[1];
-        if (key == "androidboot.vbmeta.device_state") {
-            avb_verifier->is_device_unlocked_ = (value == "unlocked");
-        } else if (key == "androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg") {
+        if (key == "androidboot.vbmeta.hash_alg") {
             hash_alg = value;
         } else if (key == "androidboot.vbmeta.size") {
             if (!android::base::ParseUint(value.c_str(), &avb_verifier->vbmeta_size_)) {
@@ -478,6 +473,16 @@
     return true;
+// Orange state means the device is unlocked, see the following link for details.
+// https://source.android.com/security/verifiedboot/verified-boot#device_state
+static inline bool IsDeviceUnlocked() {
+    std::string verified_boot_state;
+    if (fs_mgr_get_boot_config("verifiedbootstate", &verified_boot_state)) {
+        return verified_boot_state == "orange";
+    }
+    return false;
 FsManagerAvbUniquePtr FsManagerAvbHandle::Open(const fstab& fstab) {
     FsManagerAvbOps avb_ops(fstab);
     return DoOpen(&avb_ops);
@@ -493,12 +498,7 @@
 FsManagerAvbUniquePtr FsManagerAvbHandle::DoOpen(FsManagerAvbOps* avb_ops) {
-    // Gets the expected hash value of vbmeta images from kernel cmdline.
-    std::unique_ptr<FsManagerAvbVerifier> avb_verifier = FsManagerAvbVerifier::Create();
-    if (!avb_verifier) {
-        LERROR << "Failed to create FsManagerAvbVerifier";
-        return nullptr;
-    }
+    bool is_device_unlocked = IsDeviceUnlocked();
     FsManagerAvbUniquePtr avb_handle(new FsManagerAvbHandle());
     if (!avb_handle) {
@@ -506,9 +506,8 @@
         return nullptr;
-    AvbSlotVerifyFlags flags = avb_verifier->IsDeviceUnlocked()
-                                   ? AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_FLAGS_ALLOW_VERIFICATION_ERROR
-                                   : AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_FLAGS_NONE;
+    AvbSlotVerifyFlags flags = is_device_unlocked ? AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_FLAGS_ALLOW_VERIFICATION_ERROR
+                                                  : AVB_SLOT_VERIFY_FLAGS_NONE;
     AvbSlotVerifyResult verify_result =
         avb_ops->AvbSlotVerify(fs_mgr_get_slot_suffix(), flags, &avb_handle->avb_slot_data_);
@@ -526,62 +525,81 @@
     //     for more details.
     switch (verify_result) {
-            avb_handle->status_ = kFsManagerAvbHandleSuccess;
+            avb_handle->status_ = kAvbHandleSuccess;
-            if (!avb_verifier->IsDeviceUnlocked()) {
+            if (!is_device_unlocked) {
                 LERROR << "ERROR_VERIFICATION isn't allowed when the device is LOCKED";
                 return nullptr;
-            avb_handle->status_ = kFsManagerAvbHandleErrorVerification;
+            avb_handle->status_ = kAvbHandleVerificationError;
             LERROR << "avb_slot_verify failed, result: " << verify_result;
             return nullptr;
-    // Verifies vbmeta images against the digest passed from bootloader.
-    if (!avb_verifier->VerifyVbmetaImages(*avb_handle->avb_slot_data_)) {
-        LERROR << "VerifyVbmetaImages failed";
-        return nullptr;
-    }
     // Sets the MAJOR.MINOR for init to set it into "ro.boot.avb_version".
     avb_handle->avb_version_ =
         android::base::StringPrintf("%d.%d", AVB_VERSION_MAJOR, AVB_VERSION_MINOR);
-    // Checks whether FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED is set.
+    // Checks whether FLAGS_VERIFICATION_DISABLED is set:
+    //   - Only the top-level vbmeta struct is read.
+    //   - vbmeta struct in other partitions are NOT processed, including AVB HASH descriptor(s)
+    //     and AVB HASHTREE descriptor(s).
     AvbVBMetaImageHeader vbmeta_header;
+    bool verification_disabled =
+        ((AvbVBMetaImageFlags)vbmeta_header.flags & AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_VERIFICATION_DISABLED);
-    bool hashtree_disabled =
-        ((AvbVBMetaImageFlags)vbmeta_header.flags & AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED);
-    if (hashtree_disabled) {
-        avb_handle->status_ = kFsManagerAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled;
+    if (verification_disabled) {
+        avb_handle->status_ = kAvbHandleVerificationDisabled;
+    } else {
+        // Verifies vbmeta structs against the digest passed from bootloader in kernel cmdline.
+        std::unique_ptr<FsManagerAvbVerifier> avb_verifier = FsManagerAvbVerifier::Create();
+        if (!avb_verifier) {
+            LERROR << "Failed to create FsManagerAvbVerifier";
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        if (!avb_verifier->VerifyVbmetaImages(*avb_handle->avb_slot_data_)) {
+            LERROR << "VerifyVbmetaImages failed";
+            return nullptr;
+        }
+        // Checks whether FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED is set.
+        bool hashtree_disabled =
+            ((AvbVBMetaImageFlags)vbmeta_header.flags & AVB_VBMETA_IMAGE_FLAGS_HASHTREE_DISABLED);
+        if (hashtree_disabled) {
+            avb_handle->status_ = kAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled;
+        }
     LINFO << "Returning avb_handle with status: " << avb_handle->status_;
     return avb_handle;
-bool FsManagerAvbHandle::SetUpAvb(struct fstab_rec* fstab_entry, bool wait_for_verity_dev) {
-    if (!fstab_entry) return false;
-    if (!avb_slot_data_ || avb_slot_data_->num_vbmeta_images < 1) {
-        return false;
+SetUpAvbHashtreeResult FsManagerAvbHandle::SetUpAvbHashtree(struct fstab_rec* fstab_entry,
+                                                            bool wait_for_verity_dev) {
+    if (!fstab_entry || status_ == kAvbHandleUninitialized || !avb_slot_data_ ||
+        avb_slot_data_->num_vbmeta_images < 1) {
+        return SetUpAvbHashtreeResult::kFail;
-    if (status_ == kFsManagerAvbHandleUninitialized) return false;
-    if (status_ == kFsManagerAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled) {
-        LINFO << "AVB HASHTREE disabled on:" << fstab_entry->mount_point;
-        return true;
+    if (status_ == kAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled || status_ == kAvbHandleVerificationDisabled) {
+        LINFO << "AVB HASHTREE disabled on: " << fstab_entry->mount_point;
+        return SetUpAvbHashtreeResult::kDisabled;
-    std::string partition_name(basename(fstab_entry->mount_point));
-    if (!avb_validate_utf8((const uint8_t*)partition_name.c_str(), partition_name.length())) {
-        LERROR << "Partition name: " << partition_name.c_str() << " is not valid UTF-8.";
-        return false;
+    // Derives partition_name from blk_device to query the corresponding AVB HASHTREE descriptor
+    // to setup dm-verity. The partition_names in AVB descriptors are without A/B suffix.
+    std::string partition_name(basename(fstab_entry->blk_device));
+    if (fstab_entry->fs_mgr_flags & MF_SLOTSELECT) {
+        auto ab_suffix = partition_name.rfind(fs_mgr_get_slot_suffix());
+        if (ab_suffix != std::string::npos) {
+            partition_name.erase(ab_suffix);
+        }
     AvbHashtreeDescriptor hashtree_descriptor;
@@ -589,13 +607,14 @@
     std::string root_digest;
     if (!get_hashtree_descriptor(partition_name, *avb_slot_data_, &hashtree_descriptor, &salt,
                                  &root_digest)) {
-        return false;
+        return SetUpAvbHashtreeResult::kFail;
     // Converts HASHTREE descriptor to verity_table_params.
     if (!hashtree_dm_verity_setup(fstab_entry, hashtree_descriptor, salt, root_digest,
                                   wait_for_verity_dev)) {
-        return false;
+        return SetUpAvbHashtreeResult::kFail;
-    return true;
+    return SetUpAvbHashtreeResult::kSuccess;
diff --git a/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_avb_ops.cpp b/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_avb_ops.cpp
index 512839b..ba1262f 100644
--- a/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_avb_ops.cpp
+++ b/fs_mgr/fs_mgr_avb_ops.cpp
@@ -89,6 +89,15 @@
     return AVB_IO_RESULT_OK;
+static AvbIOResult dummy_get_size_of_partition(AvbOps* ops ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                                               const char* partition ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                                               uint64_t* out_size_num_byte) {
+    // The function is for bootloader to load entire content of AVB HASH partitions.
+    // In user-space, returns 0 as we only need to set up AVB HASHTHREE partitions.
+    *out_size_num_byte = 0;
+    return AVB_IO_RESULT_OK;
 void FsManagerAvbOps::InitializeAvbOps() {
     // We only need to provide the implementation of read_from_partition()
     // operation since that's all what is being used by the avb_slot_verify().
@@ -101,6 +110,7 @@
     avb_ops_.validate_vbmeta_public_key = dummy_validate_vbmeta_public_key;
     avb_ops_.read_is_device_unlocked = dummy_read_is_device_unlocked;
     avb_ops_.get_unique_guid_for_partition = dummy_get_unique_guid_for_partition;
+    avb_ops_.get_size_of_partition = dummy_get_size_of_partition;
     // Sets user_data for GetInstanceFromAvbOps() to convert it back to FsManagerAvbOps.
     avb_ops_.user_data = this;
diff --git a/fs_mgr/include/fs_mgr_avb.h b/fs_mgr/include/fs_mgr_avb.h
index bbafe1a..73a22c8 100644
--- a/fs_mgr/include/fs_mgr_avb.h
+++ b/fs_mgr/include/fs_mgr_avb.h
@@ -25,11 +25,10 @@
 #include "fs_mgr.h"
-enum FsManagerAvbHandleStatus {
-    kFsManagerAvbHandleUninitialized = -1,
-    kFsManagerAvbHandleSuccess = 0,
-    kFsManagerAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled = 1,
-    kFsManagerAvbHandleErrorVerification = 2,
+enum class SetUpAvbHashtreeResult {
+    kSuccess = 0,
+    kFail,
+    kDisabled,
 class FsManagerAvbOps;
@@ -40,8 +39,8 @@
 using ByNameSymlinkMap = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
 // Provides a factory method to return a unique_ptr pointing to itself and the
-// SetUpAvb() function to extract dm-verity parameters from AVB metadata to
-// load verity table into kernel through ioctl.
+// SetUpAvbHashtree() function to extract dm-verity parameters from AVB HASHTREE
+// descriptors to load verity table into kernel through ioctl.
 class FsManagerAvbHandle {
     // The factory method to return a FsManagerAvbUniquePtr that holds
@@ -65,12 +64,22 @@
     //   - nullptr: any error when reading and verifying the metadata,
     //     e.g., I/O error, digest value mismatch, size mismatch, etc.
-    //   - a valid unique_ptr with status kFsMgrAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled:
+    //   - a valid unique_ptr with status kAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled:
     //     to support the existing 'adb disable-verity' feature in Android.
     //     It's very helpful for developers to make the filesystem writable to
     //     allow replacing binaries on the device.
-    //   - a valid unique_ptr with status kFsMgrAvbHandleSuccess: the metadata
+    //   - a valid unique_ptr with status kAvbHandleVerificationDisabled:
+    //     to support 'avbctl disable-verification': only the top-level
+    //     vbmeta is read, vbmeta structs in other partitions are not processed.
+    //     It's needed to bypass AVB when using the generic system.img to run
+    //     VTS for project Treble.
+    //
+    //   - a valid unique_ptr with status kAvbHandleVerificationError:
+    //     there is verification error when libavb loads vbmeta from each
+    //     partition. This is only allowed when the device is unlocked.
+    //
+    //   - a valid unique_ptr with status kAvbHandleSuccess: the metadata
     //     is verified and can be trusted.
     static FsManagerAvbUniquePtr Open(const fstab& fstab);
@@ -79,14 +88,15 @@
     // Sets up dm-verity on the given fstab entry.
     // The 'wait_for_verity_dev' parameter makes this function wait for the
     // verity device to get created before return.
-    // Returns true if the mount point is eligible to mount, it includes:
-    //   - status_ is kFsMgrAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled or
-    //   - status_ is kFsMgrAvbHandleSuccess and sending ioctl DM_TABLE_LOAD
-    //     to load verity table is success.
-    // Otherwise, returns false.
-    bool SetUpAvb(fstab_rec* fstab_entry, bool wait_for_verity_dev);
+    //
+    // Return value:
+    //   - kSuccess: successfully loads dm-verity table into kernel.
+    //   - kFailed: failed to setup dm-verity, e.g., vbmeta verification error,
+    //     failed to get the HASHTREE descriptor, runtime error when set up
+    //     device-mapper, etc.
+    //   - kDisabled: hashtree is disabled.
+    SetUpAvbHashtreeResult SetUpAvbHashtree(fstab_rec* fstab_entry, bool wait_for_verity_dev);
-    bool hashtree_disabled() const { return status_ == kFsManagerAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled; }
     const std::string& avb_version() const { return avb_version_; }
     FsManagerAvbHandle(const FsManagerAvbHandle&) = delete;             // no copy
@@ -102,11 +112,19 @@
-    FsManagerAvbHandle() : avb_slot_data_(nullptr), status_(kFsManagerAvbHandleUninitialized) {}
+    enum AvbHandleStatus {
+        kAvbHandleSuccess = 0,
+        kAvbHandleUninitialized,
+        kAvbHandleHashtreeDisabled,
+        kAvbHandleVerificationDisabled,
+        kAvbHandleVerificationError,
+    };
+    FsManagerAvbHandle() : avb_slot_data_(nullptr), status_(kAvbHandleUninitialized) {}
     static FsManagerAvbUniquePtr DoOpen(FsManagerAvbOps* avb_ops);
     AvbSlotVerifyData* avb_slot_data_;
-    FsManagerAvbHandleStatus status_;
+    AvbHandleStatus status_;
     std::string avb_version_;
diff --git a/init/init_first_stage.cpp b/init/init_first_stage.cpp
index 4faca89..3781a22 100644
--- a/init/init_first_stage.cpp
+++ b/init/init_first_stage.cpp
@@ -307,17 +307,17 @@
     if (fs_mgr_is_verified(fstab_rec)) {
         int ret = fs_mgr_setup_verity(fstab_rec, false /* wait_for_verity_dev */);
         switch (ret) {
-            LOG(INFO) << "Verity disabled/skipped for '" << fstab_rec->mount_point << "'";
-            break;
-            // The exact block device name (fstab_rec->blk_device) is changed to "/dev/block/dm-XX".
-            // Needs to create it because ueventd isn't started in init first stage.
-            return InitVerityDevice(fstab_rec->blk_device);
-            break;
-        default:
-            return false;
+            case FS_MGR_SETUP_VERITY_SKIPPED:
+                LOG(INFO) << "Verity disabled/skipped for '" << fstab_rec->mount_point << "'";
+                return true;
+            case FS_MGR_SETUP_VERITY_SUCCESS:
+                // The exact block device name (fstab_rec->blk_device) is changed to
+                // "/dev/block/dm-XX". Needs to create it because ueventd isn't started in init
+                // first stage.
+                return InitVerityDevice(fstab_rec->blk_device);
+            default:
+                return false;
     return true;  // Returns true to mount the partition.
@@ -406,14 +406,18 @@
 bool FirstStageMountVBootV2::SetUpDmVerity(fstab_rec* fstab_rec) {
     if (fs_mgr_is_avb(fstab_rec)) {
         if (!InitAvbHandle()) return false;
-        if (avb_handle_->hashtree_disabled()) {
-            LOG(INFO) << "avb hashtree disabled for '" << fstab_rec->mount_point << "'";
-        } else if (avb_handle_->SetUpAvb(fstab_rec, false /* wait_for_verity_dev */)) {
-            // The exact block device name (fstab_rec->blk_device) is changed to "/dev/block/dm-XX".
-            // Needs to create it because ueventd isn't started in init first stage.
-            InitVerityDevice(fstab_rec->blk_device);
-        } else {
-            return false;
+        SetUpAvbHashtreeResult hashtree_result =
+            avb_handle_->SetUpAvbHashtree(fstab_rec, false /* wait_for_verity_dev */);
+        switch (hashtree_result) {
+            case SetUpAvbHashtreeResult::kDisabled:
+                return true;  // Returns true to mount the partition.
+            case SetUpAvbHashtreeResult::kSuccess:
+                // The exact block device name (fstab_rec->blk_device) is changed to
+                // "/dev/block/dm-XX". Needs to create it because ueventd isn't started in init
+                // first stage.
+                return InitVerityDevice(fstab_rec->blk_device);
+            default:
+                return false;
     return true;  // Returns true to mount the partition.