logd: correct for number of elements in prune

Chatty logs would distort the average log size by elevating the
elements, but not the size. Add statistical collection for the
number of elements that report chatty, and subtract that from
the number of elements to improve the pruning estimate. Pick
minElements as 1% rather than 10% of the total with this more
accurate number of elements, to a minumum of 4.

Bug: 24511000
Change-Id: I3f36558138aa0b2a50e4fac6440c3a8505d95276
diff --git a/logd/LogStatistics.h b/logd/LogStatistics.h
index 8b90c53..6943820 100644
--- a/logd/LogStatistics.h
+++ b/logd/LogStatistics.h
@@ -374,6 +374,7 @@
 class LogStatistics {
     size_t mSizes[LOG_ID_MAX];
     size_t mElements[LOG_ID_MAX];
+    size_t mDroppedElements[LOG_ID_MAX];
     size_t mSizesTotal[LOG_ID_MAX];
     size_t mElementsTotal[LOG_ID_MAX];
     bool enable;
@@ -404,7 +405,11 @@
     // entry->setDropped(1) must follow this call
     void drop(LogBufferElement *entry);
     // Correct for coalescing two entries referencing dropped content
-    void erase(LogBufferElement *e) { --mElements[e->getLogId()]; }
+    void erase(LogBufferElement *element) {
+        log_id_t log_id = element->getLogId();
+        --mElements[log_id];
+        --mDroppedElements[log_id];
+    }
     std::unique_ptr<const UidEntry *[]> sort(size_t len, log_id id) {
         return uidTable[id].sort(len);
@@ -413,6 +418,9 @@
     // fast track current value by id only
     size_t sizes(log_id_t id) const { return mSizes[id]; }
     size_t elements(log_id_t id) const { return mElements[id]; }
+    size_t realElements(log_id_t id) const {
+        return mElements[id] - mDroppedElements[id];
+    }
     size_t sizesTotal(log_id_t id) const { return mSizesTotal[id]; }
     size_t elementsTotal(log_id_t id) const { return mElementsTotal[id]; }