race condition in libprocessgroup
while enable fdsan (file descriptor sanitizer),
fdsan report use-after-close error after boot complete (sedom).
Because, in SetCgroupAction::EnableResourceCaching() currently has a data race against all the
use fd_ functions like SetCgroupAction::ExecuteForProcess(uid_t uid, pid_t pid) etc.
ThreadA | ThreadB
in SetCgroupAction::EnableResourceCaching() | in SetCgroupAction::ExecuteForProcess(...)
| in SetCgroupAction::AddTidToCgroup(int tid, int fd)
fd_ = std::move(fd); /*modified fd_ value*/ |
| write(fd) /* crash here, fd is closed by ThreadA*/
So, add mutex lock to protect fd_ data race.
Bug: 134120826
Test: auto test, run the adb reboot test 100 times and no fdsan error report on libprocessgroup
Merged-In: Iccf2f705e030f79324f1164509e715dc5be825de
Change-Id: Iccf2f705e030f79324f1164509e715dc5be825de
2 files changed