adb shell: Win32: fix Ctrl-C, tab completion, line editing, server echo

The 'adb shell' command on Windows has had problems:

* Ctrl-C killed the local Windows adb.exe process instead of sending the
Ctrl-C to the Android device.

* Local echo was enabled, causing everything typed to be displayed twice.

* Line input was enabled, so the Android device only received input
after hitting enter. This meant that tab completion did not work because
the tab wasn't seen by the shell until pressing enter.

* The usual input line editing keys did not work (Ctrl-A to go to the
beginning of the line, etc.).

This commit fixes these issues by reconfiguring the Win32 console and
then translating input into what Gnome Terminal would send, in effect
somewhat emulating a Unix terminal.

This does not fix all Win32 console issues, but is designed to be better
than what we had before, and to make the common day-to-day usage much
more comfortable and usable.

Change-Id: Idb10e0b634e27002804fa99c09a64e7176cf7c09
Signed-off-by: Spencer Low <>
diff --git a/adb/sysdeps_win32.c b/adb/sysdeps_win32.c
index c28e031..c2742f1 100644
--- a/adb/sysdeps_win32.c
+++ b/adb/sysdeps_win32.c
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 #include <windows.h>
 #include <errno.h>
+#include <stdbool.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
@@ -2250,3 +2251,905 @@
+/*****                                                                *****/
+/*****      Console Window Terminal Emulation                         *****/
+/*****                                                                *****/
+// This reads input from a Win32 console window and translates it into Unix
+// terminal-style sequences. This emulates mostly Gnome Terminal (in Normal
+// mode, not Application mode), which itself emulates xterm. Gnome Terminal
+// is emulated instead of xterm because it is probably more popular than xterm:
+// Ubuntu's default Ctrl-Alt-T shortcut opens Gnome Terminal, Gnome Terminal
+// supports modern fonts, etc. It seems best to emulate the terminal that most
+// Android developers use because they'll fix apps (the shell, etc.) to keep
+// working with that terminal's emulation.
+// The point of this emulation is not to be perfect or to solve all issues with
+// console windows on Windows, but to be better than the original code which
+// just called read() (which called ReadFile(), which called ReadConsoleA())
+// which did not support Ctrl-C, tab completion, shell input line editing
+// keys, server echo, and more.
+// This implementation reconfigures the console with SetConsoleMode(), then
+// calls ReadConsoleInput() to get raw input which it remaps to Unix
+// terminal-style sequences which is returned via unix_read() which is used
+// by the 'adb shell' command.
+// Code organization:
+// * stdin_raw_init() and stdin_raw_restore() reconfigure the console.
+// * unix_read() detects console windows (as opposed to pipes, files, etc.).
+// * _console_read() is the main code of the emulation.
+// Read an input record from the console; one that should be processed.
+static bool _get_interesting_input_record_uncached(const HANDLE console,
+    INPUT_RECORD* const input_record) {
+    for (;;) {
+        DWORD read_count = 0;
+        memset(input_record, 0, sizeof(*input_record));
+        if (!ReadConsoleInputA(console, input_record, 1, &read_count)) {
+            D("_get_interesting_input_record_uncached: ReadConsoleInputA() "
+              "failure, error %ld\n", GetLastError());
+            errno = EIO;
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (read_count == 0) {   // should be impossible
+            fatal("ReadConsoleInputA returned 0");
+        }
+        if (read_count != 1) {   // should be impossible
+            fatal("ReadConsoleInputA did not return one input record");
+        }
+        if ((input_record->EventType == KEY_EVENT) &&
+            (input_record->Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown)) {
+            if (input_record->Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount == 0) {
+                fatal("ReadConsoleInputA returned a key event with zero repeat"
+                      " count");
+            }
+            // Got an interesting INPUT_RECORD, so return
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+// Cached input record (in case _console_read() is passed a buffer that doesn't
+// have enough space to fit wRepeatCount number of key sequences). A non-zero
+// wRepeatCount indicates that a record is cached.
+static INPUT_RECORD _win32_input_record;
+// Get the next KEY_EVENT_RECORD that should be processed.
+static KEY_EVENT_RECORD* _get_key_event_record(const HANDLE console) {
+    // If nothing cached, read directly from the console until we get an
+    // interesting record.
+    if (_win32_input_record.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount == 0) {
+        if (!_get_interesting_input_record_uncached(console,
+            &_win32_input_record)) {
+            // There was an error, so make sure wRepeatCount is zero because
+            // that signifies no cached input record.
+            _win32_input_record.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount = 0;
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    return &_win32_input_record.Event.KeyEvent;
+static __inline__ bool _is_shift_pressed(const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    return (control_key_state & SHIFT_PRESSED) != 0;
+static __inline__ bool _is_ctrl_pressed(const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    return (control_key_state & (LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED | RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED)) != 0;
+static __inline__ bool _is_alt_pressed(const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    return (control_key_state & (LEFT_ALT_PRESSED | RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED)) != 0;
+static __inline__ bool _is_numlock_on(const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    return (control_key_state & NUMLOCK_ON) != 0;
+static __inline__ bool _is_capslock_on(const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    return (control_key_state & CAPSLOCK_ON) != 0;
+static __inline__ bool _is_enhanced_key(const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    return (control_key_state & ENHANCED_KEY) != 0;
+// Constants from MSDN for ToAscii().
+static const BYTE TOASCII_KEY_OFF = 0x00;
+static const BYTE TOASCII_KEY_DOWN = 0x80;
+static const BYTE TOASCII_KEY_TOGGLED_ON = 0x01;   // for CapsLock
+// Given a key event, ignore a modifier key and return the character that was
+// entered without the modifier. Writes to *ch and returns the number of bytes
+// written.
+static size_t _get_char_ignoring_modifier(char* const ch,
+    const KEY_EVENT_RECORD* const key_event, const DWORD control_key_state,
+    const WORD modifier) {
+    // If there is no character from Windows, try ignoring the specified
+    // modifier and look for a character. Note that if AltGr is being used,
+    // there will be a character from Windows.
+    if (key_event->uChar.AsciiChar == '\0') {
+        // Note that we read the control key state from the passed in argument
+        // instead of from key_event since the argument has been normalized.
+        if (((modifier == VK_SHIFT)   &&
+            _is_shift_pressed(control_key_state)) ||
+            ((modifier == VK_CONTROL) &&
+            _is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state)) ||
+            ((modifier == VK_MENU)    && _is_alt_pressed(control_key_state))) {
+            BYTE key_state[256]   = {0};
+            key_state[VK_SHIFT]   = _is_shift_pressed(control_key_state) ?
+            key_state[VK_CONTROL] = _is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state)  ?
+            key_state[VK_MENU]    = _is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)   ?
+            key_state[VK_CAPITAL] = _is_capslock_on(control_key_state)   ?
+            // cause this modifier to be ignored
+            key_state[modifier]   = TOASCII_KEY_OFF;
+            WORD translated = 0;
+            if (ToAscii(key_event->wVirtualKeyCode,
+                key_event->wVirtualScanCode, key_state, &translated, 0) == 1) {
+                // Ignoring the modifier, we found a character.
+                *ch = (CHAR)translated;
+                return 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Just use whatever Windows told us originally.
+    *ch = key_event->uChar.AsciiChar;
+    // If the character from Windows is NULL, return a size of zero.
+    return (*ch == '\0') ? 0 : 1;
+// If a Ctrl key is pressed, lookup the character, ignoring the Ctrl key,
+// but taking into account the shift key. This is because for a sequence like
+// Ctrl-Alt-0, we want to find the character '0' and for Ctrl-Alt-Shift-0,
+// we want to find the character ')'.
+// Note that Windows doesn't seem to pass bKeyDown for Ctrl-Shift-NoAlt-0
+// because it is the default key-sequence to switch the input language.
+// This is configurable in the Region and Language control panel.
+static __inline__ size_t _get_non_control_char(char* const ch,
+    const KEY_EVENT_RECORD* const key_event, const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    return _get_char_ignoring_modifier(ch, key_event, control_key_state,
+        VK_CONTROL);
+// Get without Alt.
+static __inline__ size_t _get_non_alt_char(char* const ch,
+    const KEY_EVENT_RECORD* const key_event, const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    return _get_char_ignoring_modifier(ch, key_event, control_key_state,
+        VK_MENU);
+// Ignore the control key, find the character from Windows, and apply any
+// Control key mappings (for example, Ctrl-2 is a NULL character). Writes to
+// *pch and returns number of bytes written.
+static size_t _get_control_character(char* const pch,
+    const KEY_EVENT_RECORD* const key_event, const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    const size_t len = _get_non_control_char(pch, key_event,
+        control_key_state);
+    if ((len == 1) && _is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+        char ch = *pch;
+        switch (ch) {
+        case '2':
+        case '@':
+        case '`':
+            ch = '\0';
+            break;
+        case '3':
+        case '[':
+        case '{':
+            ch = '\x1b';
+            break;
+        case '4':
+        case '\\':
+        case '|':
+            ch = '\x1c';
+            break;
+        case '5':
+        case ']':
+        case '}':
+            ch = '\x1d';
+            break;
+        case '6':
+        case '^':
+        case '~':
+            ch = '\x1e';
+            break;
+        case '7':
+        case '-':
+        case '_':
+            ch = '\x1f';
+            break;
+        case '8':
+            ch = '\x7f';
+            break;
+        case '/':
+            if (!_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                ch = '\x1f';
+            }
+            break;
+        case '?':
+            if (!_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                ch = '\x7f';
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        *pch = ch;
+    }
+    return len;
+static DWORD _normalize_altgr_control_key_state(
+    const KEY_EVENT_RECORD* const key_event) {
+    DWORD control_key_state = key_event->dwControlKeyState;
+    // If we're in an AltGr situation where the AltGr key is down (depending on
+    // the keyboard layout, that might be the physical right alt key which
+    // produces a control_key_state where Right-Alt and Left-Ctrl are down) or
+    // AltGr-equivalent keys are down (any Ctrl key + any Alt key), and we have
+    // a character (which indicates that there was an AltGr mapping), then act
+    // as if alt and control are not really down for the purposes of modifiers.
+    // This makes it so that if the user with, say, a German keyboard layout
+    // presses AltGr-] (which we see as Right-Alt + Left-Ctrl + key), we just
+    // output the key and we don't see the Alt and Ctrl keys.
+    if (_is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state) &&
+        _is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)
+        && (key_event->uChar.AsciiChar != '\0')) {
+        // Try to remove as few bits as possible to improve our chances of
+        // detecting combinations like Left-Alt + AltGr, Right-Ctrl + AltGr, or
+        // Left-Alt + Right-Ctrl + AltGr.
+        if ((control_key_state & RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED) != 0) {
+            // Remove Right-Alt.
+            control_key_state &= ~RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED;
+            // If uChar is set, a Ctrl key is pressed, and Right-Alt is
+            // pressed, Left-Ctrl is almost always set, except if the user
+            // presses Right-Ctrl, then AltGr (in that specific order) for
+            // whatever reason. At any rate, make sure the bit is not set.
+            control_key_state &= ~LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED;
+        } else if ((control_key_state & LEFT_ALT_PRESSED) != 0) {
+            // Remove Left-Alt.
+            control_key_state &= ~LEFT_ALT_PRESSED;
+            // Whichever Ctrl key is down, remove it from the state. We only
+            // remove one key, to improve our chances of detecting the
+            // corner-case of Left-Ctrl + Left-Alt + Right-Ctrl.
+            if ((control_key_state & LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED) != 0) {
+                // Remove Left-Ctrl.
+                control_key_state &= ~LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED;
+            } else if ((control_key_state & RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED) != 0) {
+                // Remove Right-Ctrl.
+                control_key_state &= ~RIGHT_CTRL_PRESSED;
+            }
+        }
+        // Note that this logic isn't 100% perfect because Windows doesn't
+        // allow us to detect all combinations because a physical AltGr key
+        // press shows up as two bits, plus some combinations are ambiguous
+        // about what is actually physically pressed.
+    }
+    return control_key_state;
+// If NumLock is on and Shift is pressed, SHIFT_PRESSED is not set in
+// dwControlKeyState for the following keypad keys: period, 0-9. If we detect
+// this scenario, set the SHIFT_PRESSED bit so we can add modifiers
+// appropriately.
+static DWORD _normalize_keypad_control_key_state(const WORD vk,
+    const DWORD control_key_state) {
+    if (!_is_numlock_on(control_key_state)) {
+        return control_key_state;
+    }
+    if (!_is_enhanced_key(control_key_state)) {
+        switch (vk) {
+            case VK_INSERT: // 0
+            case VK_DELETE: // .
+            case VK_END:    // 1
+            case VK_DOWN:   // 2
+            case VK_NEXT:   // 3
+            case VK_LEFT:   // 4
+            case VK_CLEAR:  // 5
+            case VK_RIGHT:  // 6
+            case VK_HOME:   // 7
+            case VK_UP:     // 8
+            case VK_PRIOR:  // 9
+                return control_key_state | SHIFT_PRESSED;
+        }
+    }
+    return control_key_state;
+static const char* _get_keypad_sequence(const DWORD control_key_state,
+    const char* const normal, const char* const shifted) {
+    if (_is_shift_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+        // Shift is pressed and NumLock is off
+        return shifted;
+    } else {
+        // Shift is not pressed and NumLock is off, or,
+        // Shift is pressed and NumLock is on, in which case we want the
+        // NumLock and Shift to neutralize each other, thus, we want the normal
+        // sequence.
+        return normal;
+    }
+    // If Shift is not pressed and NumLock is on, a different virtual key code
+    // is returned by Windows, which can be taken care of by a different case
+    // statement in _console_read().
+// Write sequence to buf and return the number of bytes written.
+static size_t _get_modifier_sequence(char* const buf, const WORD vk,
+    DWORD control_key_state, const char* const normal) {
+    // Copy the base sequence into buf.
+    const size_t len = strlen(normal);
+    memcpy(buf, normal, len);
+    int code = 0;
+    control_key_state = _normalize_keypad_control_key_state(vk,
+        control_key_state);
+    if (_is_shift_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+        code |= 0x1;
+    }
+    if (_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)) {   // any alt key pressed
+        code |= 0x2;
+    }
+    if (_is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state)) {  // any control key pressed
+        code |= 0x4;
+    }
+    // If some modifier was held down, then we need to insert the modifier code
+    if (code != 0) {
+        if (len == 0) {
+            // Should be impossible because caller should pass a string of
+            // non-zero length.
+            return 0;
+        }
+        size_t index = len - 1;
+        const char lastChar = buf[index];
+        if (lastChar != '~') {
+            buf[index++] = '1';
+        }
+        buf[index++] = ';';         // modifier separator
+        // 2 = shift, 3 = alt, 4 = shift & alt, 5 = control,
+        // 6 = shift & control, 7 = alt & control, 8 = shift & alt & control
+        buf[index++] = '1' + code;
+        buf[index++] = lastChar;    // move ~ (or other last char) to the end
+        return index;
+    }
+    return len;
+// Write sequence to buf and return the number of bytes written.
+static size_t _get_modifier_keypad_sequence(char* const buf, const WORD vk,
+    const DWORD control_key_state, const char* const normal,
+    const char shifted) {
+    if (_is_shift_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+        // Shift is pressed and NumLock is off
+        if (shifted != '\0') {
+            buf[0] = shifted;
+            return sizeof(buf[0]);
+        } else {
+            return 0;
+        }
+    } else {
+        // Shift is not pressed and NumLock is off, or,
+        // Shift is pressed and NumLock is on, in which case we want the
+        // NumLock and Shift to neutralize each other, thus, we want the normal
+        // sequence.
+        return _get_modifier_sequence(buf, vk, control_key_state, normal);
+    }
+    // If Shift is not pressed and NumLock is on, a different virtual key code
+    // is returned by Windows, which can be taken care of by a different case
+    // statement in _console_read().
+// The decimal key on the keypad produces a '.' for U.S. English and a ',' for
+// Standard German. Figure this out at runtime so we know what to output for
+// Shift-VK_DELETE.
+static char _get_decimal_char() {
+    return (char)MapVirtualKeyA(VK_DECIMAL, MAPVK_VK_TO_CHAR);
+// Prefix the len bytes in buf with the escape character, and then return the
+// new buffer length.
+size_t _escape_prefix(char* const buf, const size_t len) {
+    // If nothing to prefix, don't do anything. We might be called with
+    // len == 0, if alt was held down with a dead key which produced nothing.
+    if (len == 0) {
+        return 0;
+    }
+    memmove(&buf[1], buf, len);
+    buf[0] = '\x1b';
+    return len + 1;
+// Writes to buffer buf (of length len), returning number of bytes written or
+// -1 on error. Never returns zero because Win32 consoles are never 'closed'
+// (as far as I can tell).
+static int _console_read(const HANDLE console, void* buf, size_t len) {
+    for (;;) {
+        KEY_EVENT_RECORD* const key_event = _get_key_event_record(console);
+        if (key_event == NULL) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+        const WORD vk = key_event->wVirtualKeyCode;
+        const CHAR ch = key_event->uChar.AsciiChar;
+        const DWORD control_key_state = _normalize_altgr_control_key_state(
+            key_event);
+        // The following emulation code should write the output sequence to
+        // either seqstr or to seqbuf and seqbuflen.
+        const char* seqstr = NULL;  // NULL terminated C-string
+        // Enough space for max sequence string below, plus modifiers and/or
+        // escape prefix.
+        char seqbuf[16];
+        size_t seqbuflen = 0;       // Space used in seqbuf.
+#define MATCH(vk, normal) \
+            case (vk): \
+            { \
+                seqstr = (normal); \
+            } \
+            break;
+        // Modifier keys should affect the output sequence.
+#define MATCH_MODIFIER(vk, normal) \
+            case (vk): \
+            { \
+                seqbuflen = _get_modifier_sequence(seqbuf, (vk), \
+                    control_key_state, (normal)); \
+            } \
+            break;
+        // The shift key should affect the output sequence.
+#define MATCH_KEYPAD(vk, normal, shifted) \
+            case (vk): \
+            { \
+                seqstr = _get_keypad_sequence(control_key_state, (normal), \
+                    (shifted)); \
+            } \
+            break;
+        // The shift key and other modifier keys should affect the output
+        // sequence.
+#define MATCH_MODIFIER_KEYPAD(vk, normal, shifted) \
+            case (vk): \
+            { \
+                seqbuflen = _get_modifier_keypad_sequence(seqbuf, (vk), \
+                    control_key_state, (normal), (shifted)); \
+            } \
+            break;
+#define ESC "\x1b"
+#define CSI ESC "["
+#define SS3 ESC "O"
+        // Only support normal mode, not application mode.
+        // Enhanced keys:
+        // * 6-pack: insert, delete, home, end, page up, page down
+        // * cursor keys: up, down, right, left
+        // * keypad: divide, enter
+        // * Undocumented: VK_PAUSE (Ctrl-NumLock), VK_SNAPSHOT,
+        //   VK_CANCEL (Ctrl-Pause/Break), VK_NUMLOCK
+        if (_is_enhanced_key(control_key_state)) {
+            switch (vk) {
+                case VK_RETURN: // Enter key on keypad
+                    if (_is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                        seqstr = "\n";
+                    } else {
+                        seqstr = "\r";
+                    }
+                    break;
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_PRIOR, CSI "5~"); // Page Up
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_NEXT,  CSI "6~"); // Page Down
+                // gnome-terminal currently sends SS3 "F" and SS3 "H", but that
+                // will be fixed soon to match xterm which sends CSI "F" and
+                // CSI "H".
+                MATCH(VK_END,  CSI "F");
+                MATCH(VK_HOME, CSI "H");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_LEFT,  CSI "D");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_UP,    CSI "A");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_RIGHT, CSI "C");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_DOWN,  CSI "B");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_INSERT, CSI "2~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_DELETE, CSI "3~");
+                MATCH(VK_DIVIDE, "/");
+            }
+        } else {    // Non-enhanced keys:
+            switch (vk) {
+                case VK_BACK:   // backspace
+                    if (_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                        seqstr = ESC "\x7f";
+                    } else {
+                        seqstr = "\x7f";
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case VK_TAB:
+                    if (_is_shift_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                        seqstr = CSI "Z";
+                    } else {
+                        seqstr = "\t";
+                    }
+                    break;
+                // Number 5 key in keypad when NumLock is off, or if NumLock is
+                // on and Shift is down.
+                MATCH_KEYPAD(VK_CLEAR, CSI "E", "5");
+                case VK_RETURN:     // Enter key on main keyboard
+                    if (_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                        seqstr = ESC "\n";
+                    } else if (_is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                        seqstr = "\n";
+                    } else {
+                        seqstr = "\r";
+                    }
+                    break;
+                // VK_ESCAPE: Don't do any special handling. The OS uses many
+                // of the sequences with Escape and many of the remaining
+                // sequences don't produce bKeyDown messages, only !bKeyDown
+                // for whatever reason.
+                case VK_SPACE:
+                    if (_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                        seqstr = ESC " ";
+                    } else if (_is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                        seqbuf[0] = '\0';   // NULL char
+                        seqbuflen = 1;
+                    } else {
+                        seqstr = " ";
+                    }
+                    break;
+                MATCH_MODIFIER_KEYPAD(VK_PRIOR, CSI "5~", '9'); // Page Up
+                MATCH_MODIFIER_KEYPAD(VK_NEXT,  CSI "6~", '3'); // Page Down
+                MATCH_KEYPAD(VK_END,  CSI "4~", "1");
+                MATCH_KEYPAD(VK_HOME, CSI "1~", "7");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER_KEYPAD(VK_LEFT,  CSI "D", '4');
+                MATCH_MODIFIER_KEYPAD(VK_UP,    CSI "A", '8');
+                MATCH_MODIFIER_KEYPAD(VK_RIGHT, CSI "C", '6');
+                MATCH_MODIFIER_KEYPAD(VK_DOWN,  CSI "B", '2');
+                MATCH_MODIFIER_KEYPAD(VK_INSERT, CSI "2~", '0');
+                    _get_decimal_char());
+                case 0x30:          // 0
+                case 0x31:          // 1
+                case 0x39:          // 9
+                case VK_OEM_1:      // ;:
+                case VK_OEM_PLUS:   // =+
+                case VK_OEM_COMMA:  // ,<
+                case VK_OEM_PERIOD: // .>
+                case VK_OEM_7:      // '"
+                case VK_OEM_102:    // depends on keyboard, could be <> or \|
+                case VK_OEM_2:      // /?
+                case VK_OEM_3:      // `~
+                case VK_OEM_4:      // [{
+                case VK_OEM_5:      // \|
+                case VK_OEM_6:      // ]}
+                {
+                    seqbuflen = _get_control_character(seqbuf, key_event,
+                        control_key_state);
+                    if (_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                        seqbuflen = _escape_prefix(seqbuf, seqbuflen);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                case 0x32:          // 2
+                case 0x36:          // 6
+                case VK_OEM_MINUS:  // -_
+                {
+                    seqbuflen = _get_control_character(seqbuf, key_event,
+                        control_key_state);
+                    // If Alt is pressed and it isn't Ctrl-Alt-ShiftUp, then
+                    // prefix with escape.
+                    if (_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state) &&
+                        !(_is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state) &&
+                        !_is_shift_pressed(control_key_state))) {
+                        seqbuflen = _escape_prefix(seqbuf, seqbuflen);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                case 0x33:  // 3
+                case 0x34:  // 4
+                case 0x35:  // 5
+                case 0x37:  // 7
+                case 0x38:  // 8
+                {
+                    seqbuflen = _get_control_character(seqbuf, key_event,
+                        control_key_state);
+                    // If Alt is pressed and it isn't Ctrl-Alt-ShiftUp, then
+                    // prefix with escape.
+                    if (_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state) &&
+                        !(_is_ctrl_pressed(control_key_state) &&
+                        !_is_shift_pressed(control_key_state))) {
+                        seqbuflen = _escape_prefix(seqbuf, seqbuflen);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                case 0x41:  // a
+                case 0x42:  // b
+                case 0x43:  // c
+                case 0x44:  // d
+                case 0x45:  // e
+                case 0x46:  // f
+                case 0x47:  // g
+                case 0x48:  // h
+                case 0x49:  // i
+                case 0x4a:  // j
+                case 0x4b:  // k
+                case 0x4c:  // l
+                case 0x4d:  // m
+                case 0x4e:  // n
+                case 0x4f:  // o
+                case 0x50:  // p
+                case 0x51:  // q
+                case 0x52:  // r
+                case 0x53:  // s
+                case 0x54:  // t
+                case 0x55:  // u
+                case 0x56:  // v
+                case 0x57:  // w
+                case 0x58:  // x
+                case 0x59:  // y
+                case 0x5a:  // z
+                {
+                    seqbuflen = _get_non_alt_char(seqbuf, key_event,
+                        control_key_state);
+                    // If Alt is pressed, then prefix with escape.
+                    if (_is_alt_pressed(control_key_state)) {
+                        seqbuflen = _escape_prefix(seqbuf, seqbuflen);
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+                // These virtual key codes are generated by the keys on the
+                // keypad *when NumLock is on* and *Shift is up*.
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD0, "0");
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD1, "1");
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD2, "2");
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD3, "3");
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD4, "4");
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD5, "5");
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD6, "6");
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD7, "7");
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD8, "8");
+                MATCH(VK_NUMPAD9, "9");
+                MATCH(VK_MULTIPLY, "*");
+                MATCH(VK_ADD,      "+");
+                MATCH(VK_SUBTRACT, "-");
+                // VK_DECIMAL is generated by the . key on the keypad *when
+                // NumLock is on* and *Shift is up* and the sequence is not
+                // Ctrl-Alt-NoShift-. (which causes Ctrl-Alt-Del and the
+                // Windows Security screen to come up).
+                case VK_DECIMAL:
+                    // U.S. English uses '.', Germany German uses ','.
+                    seqbuflen = _get_non_control_char(seqbuf, key_event,
+                        control_key_state);
+                    break;
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F1,  SS3 "P");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F2,  SS3 "Q");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F3,  SS3 "R");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F4,  SS3 "S");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F5,  CSI "15~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F6,  CSI "17~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F7,  CSI "18~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F8,  CSI "19~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F9,  CSI "20~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F10, CSI "21~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F11, CSI "23~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F12, CSI "24~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F13, CSI "25~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F14, CSI "26~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F15, CSI "28~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F16, CSI "29~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F17, CSI "31~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F18, CSI "32~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F19, CSI "33~");
+                MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F20, CSI "34~");
+                // MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F21, ???);
+                // MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F22, ???);
+                // MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F23, ???);
+                // MATCH_MODIFIER(VK_F24, ???);
+            }
+        }
+#undef MATCH
+#undef ESC
+#undef CSI
+#undef SS3
+        const char* out;
+        size_t outlen;
+        // Check for output in any of:
+        // * seqstr is set (and strlen can be used to determine the length).
+        // * seqbuf and seqbuflen are set
+        // Fallback to ch from Windows.
+        if (seqstr != NULL) {
+            out = seqstr;
+            outlen = strlen(seqstr);
+        } else if (seqbuflen > 0) {
+            out = seqbuf;
+            outlen = seqbuflen;
+        } else if (ch != '\0') {
+            // Use whatever Windows told us it is.
+            seqbuf[0] = ch;
+            seqbuflen = 1;
+            out = seqbuf;
+            outlen = seqbuflen;
+        } else {
+            // No special handling for the virtual key code and Windows isn't
+            // telling us a character code, then we don't know how to translate
+            // the key press.
+            //
+            // Consume the input and 'continue' to cause us to get a new key
+            // event.
+            D("_console_read: unknown virtual key code: %d, enhanced: %s\n",
+                vk, _is_enhanced_key(control_key_state) ? "true" : "false");
+            key_event->wRepeatCount = 0;
+            continue;
+        }
+        int bytesRead = 0;
+        // put output wRepeatCount times into buf/len
+        while (key_event->wRepeatCount > 0) {
+            if (len >= outlen) {
+                // Write to buf/len
+                memcpy(buf, out, outlen);
+                buf = (void*)((char*)buf + outlen);
+                len -= outlen;
+                bytesRead += outlen;
+                // consume the input
+                --key_event->wRepeatCount;
+            } else {
+                // Not enough space, so just leave it in _win32_input_record
+                // for a subsequent retrieval.
+                if (bytesRead == 0) {
+                    // We didn't write anything because there wasn't enough
+                    // space to even write one sequence. This should never
+                    // happen if the caller uses sensible buffer sizes
+                    // (i.e. >= maximum sequence length which is probably a
+                    // few bytes long).
+                    D("_console_read: no buffer space to write one sequence; "
+                        "buffer: %ld, sequence: %ld\n", (long)len,
+                        (long)outlen);
+                    errno = ENOMEM;
+                    return -1;
+                } else {
+                    // Stop trying to write to buf/len, just return whatever
+                    // we wrote so far.
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return bytesRead;
+    }
+static DWORD _old_console_mode; // previous GetConsoleMode() result
+static HANDLE _console_handle;  // when set, console mode should be restored
+void stdin_raw_init(const int fd) {
+    if (STDIN_FILENO == fd) {
+        const HANDLE in = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
+        if ((in == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (in == NULL)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        if (GetFileType(in) != FILE_TYPE_CHAR) {
+            // stdin might be a file or pipe.
+            return;
+        }
+        if (!GetConsoleMode(in, &_old_console_mode)) {
+            // If GetConsoleMode() fails, stdin is probably is not a console.
+            return;
+        }
+        // Disable ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT so that Ctrl-C is read instead of
+        // calling the process Ctrl-C routine (configured by
+        // SetConsoleCtrlHandler()).
+        // Disable ENABLE_LINE_INPUT so that input is immediately sent.
+        // Disable ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT to disable local echo. Disabling this
+        // flag also seems necessary to have proper line-ending processing.
+        if (!SetConsoleMode(in, _old_console_mode & ~(ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT |
+            // This really should not fail.
+            D("stdin_raw_init: SetConsoleMode() failure, error %ld\n",
+                GetLastError());
+        }
+        // Once this is set, it means that stdin has been configured for
+        // reading from and that the old console mode should be restored later.
+        _console_handle = in;
+        // Note that we don't need to configure C Runtime line-ending
+        // translation because _console_read() does not call the C Runtime to
+        // read from the console.
+    }
+void stdin_raw_restore(const int fd) {
+    if (STDIN_FILENO == fd) {
+        if (_console_handle != NULL) {
+            const HANDLE in = _console_handle;
+            _console_handle = NULL;  // clear state
+            if (!SetConsoleMode(in, _old_console_mode)) {
+                // This really should not fail.
+                D("stdin_raw_restore: SetConsoleMode() failure, error %ld\n",
+                    GetLastError());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+// Called by 'adb shell' command to read from stdin.
+int unix_read(int fd, void* buf, size_t len) {
+    if ((fd == STDIN_FILENO) && (_console_handle != NULL)) {
+        // If it is a request to read from stdin, and stdin_raw_init() has been
+        // called, and it successfully configured the console, then read from
+        // the console using Win32 console APIs and partially emulate a unix
+        // terminal.
+        return _console_read(_console_handle, buf, len);
+    } else {
+        // Just call into C Runtime which can read from pipes/files and which
+        // can do LF/CR translation.
+#undef read
+        return read(fd, buf, len);
+    }