adb: SIGWINCH support for Windows

- Introduces unix_read_interruptible() which is like unix_read() except
  that it can return EINTR.

- The big idea is that the Windows ReadConsoleInput() API will return an
  event on window resize and then we return EINTR from
  unix_read_interruptible() just like Unix.

- Only handles horizontal resize since Windows doesn't seem to give an
  event for vertical resize when no special screen buffer is used. This
  should be sufficient for the primary use case of adb on Windows
  (people are not running vi in the first place).

Change-Id: Id8d1710b559834c8098f2d7fbecedf2d0ade4b88
Signed-off-by: Spencer Low <>
diff --git a/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp b/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
index c3889b6..bea47a2 100644
--- a/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
+++ b/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
@@ -2588,6 +2588,18 @@
             fatal("ReadConsoleInputA did not return one input record");
+        // If the console window is resized, emulate SIGWINCH by breaking out
+        // of read() with errno == EINTR. Note that there is no event on
+        // vertical resize because we don't give the console our own custom
+        // screen buffer (with CreateConsoleScreenBuffer() +
+        // SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer()). Instead, we use the default which
+        // supports scrollback, but doesn't seem to raise an event for vertical
+        // window resize.
+        if (input_record->EventType == WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT) {
+            errno = EINTR;
+            return false;
+        }
         if ((input_record->EventType == KEY_EVENT) &&
             (input_record->Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown)) {
             if (input_record->Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount == 0) {
@@ -3323,9 +3335,13 @@
     // Disable ENABLE_LINE_INPUT so that input is immediately sent.
     // Disable ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT to disable local echo. Disabling this
     // flag also seems necessary to have proper line-ending processing.
-    if (!SetConsoleMode(in, _old_console_mode & ~(ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT |
-                                                  ENABLE_LINE_INPUT |
-                                                  ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT))) {
+    DWORD new_console_mode = _old_console_mode & ~(ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT |
+                                                   ENABLE_LINE_INPUT |
+                                                   ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT);
+    // Enable ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT to get window resizes.
+    new_console_mode |= ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT;
+    if (!SetConsoleMode(in, new_console_mode)) {
         // This really should not fail.
         D("stdin_raw_init: SetConsoleMode() failed: %s",
@@ -3353,8 +3369,8 @@
-// Called by 'adb shell' and 'adb exec-in' to read from stdin.
-int unix_read(int fd, void* buf, size_t len) {
+// Called by 'adb shell' and 'adb exec-in' (via unix_read()) to read from stdin.
+int unix_read_interruptible(int fd, void* buf, size_t len) {
     if ((fd == STDIN_FILENO) && (_console_handle != NULL)) {
         // If it is a request to read from stdin, and stdin_raw_init() has been
         // called, and it successfully configured the console, then read from