bootstat: handle a bad bit error rate issue with pstore
Create a private rfind that allows a fuzzy match based on a bit error
rate (BER) of 1 every 8 bits. last kmsg is affected by pstore ramoops
backing that suffers from data corruption. Add some additional
validation based on possible data corruption scenarios, as a noisy
match means higher chance of noisy data.
Noisy data notably can affect the battery level detection, but do not
typically result in false positives. Battery level, or failure, is
the responsibility of the BatteryStats service, providing a positive
signal and strong device-independent algorithm. The checking done in
bootstat is likely to be deprecated in favour of an API request to
BatteryStats once their algorithms deal with surprise outages due to
The kernel logging heuristic and BER fixup handily deals with a
prevalent issue where some bootloaders failure to properly notify us
of panics. This is where the gains are noticed with this improvement.
Test: system/core/bootstat/
Bug: 63736262
Change-Id: I93b4210f12fb47c5c036f4d6eb4cafeee4896d35
diff --git a/bootstat/bootstat.cpp b/bootstat/bootstat.cpp
index cdb4b9b..10753ce 100644
--- a/bootstat/bootstat.cpp
+++ b/bootstat/bootstat.cpp
@@ -328,7 +328,105 @@
return android::base::ReadFileToString("/sys/fs/pstore/console-ramoops", &console);
-bool addKernelPanicSubReason(const std::string& console, std::string& ret) {
+// Implement a variant of std::string::rfind that is resilient to errors in
+// the data stream being inspected.
+class pstoreConsole {
+ private:
+ const size_t kBitErrorRate = 8; // number of bits per error
+ const std::string& console;
+ // Number of bits that differ between the two arguments l and r.
+ // Returns zero if the values for l and r are identical.
+ size_t numError(uint8_t l, uint8_t r) const { return std::bitset<8>(l ^ r).count(); }
+ // A string comparison function, reports the number of errors discovered
+ // in the match to a maximum of the bitLength / kBitErrorRate, at that
+ // point returning npos to indicate match is too poor.
+ //
+ // Since called in rfind which works backwards, expect cache locality will
+ // help if we check in reverse here as well for performance.
+ //
+ // Assumption: l (from console.c_str() + pos) is long enough to house
+ // _r.length(), checked in rfind caller below.
+ //
+ size_t numError(size_t pos, const std::string& _r) const {
+ const char* l = console.c_str() + pos;
+ const char* r = _r.c_str();
+ size_t n = _r.length();
+ const uint8_t* le = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(l) + n;
+ const uint8_t* re = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(r) + n;
+ size_t count = 0;
+ n = 0;
+ do {
+ // individual character bit error rate > threshold + slop
+ size_t num = numError(*--le, *--re);
+ if (num > ((8 + kBitErrorRate) / kBitErrorRate)) return std::string::npos;
+ // total bit error rate > threshold + slop
+ count += num;
+ ++n;
+ if (count > ((n * 8 + kBitErrorRate - (n > 2)) / kBitErrorRate)) {
+ return std::string::npos;
+ }
+ } while (le != reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(l));
+ return count;
+ }
+ public:
+ explicit pstoreConsole(const std::string& console) : console(console) {}
+ // scope of argument must be equal to or greater than scope of pstoreConsole
+ explicit pstoreConsole(const std::string&& console) = delete;
+ explicit pstoreConsole(std::string&& console) = delete;
+ // Our implementation of rfind, use exact match first, then resort to fuzzy.
+ size_t rfind(const std::string& needle) const {
+ size_t pos = console.rfind(needle); // exact match?
+ if (pos != std::string::npos) return pos;
+ // Check to make sure needle fits in console string.
+ pos = console.length();
+ if (needle.length() > pos) return std::string::npos;
+ pos -= needle.length();
+ // fuzzy match to maximum kBitErrorRate
+ do {
+ if (numError(pos, needle) != std::string::npos) return pos;
+ } while (pos-- != 0);
+ return std::string::npos;
+ }
+ // Our implementation of find, use only fuzzy match.
+ size_t find(const std::string& needle, size_t start = 0) const {
+ // Check to make sure needle fits in console string.
+ if (needle.length() > console.length()) return std::string::npos;
+ const size_t last_pos = console.length() - needle.length();
+ // fuzzy match to maximum kBitErrorRate
+ for (size_t pos = start; pos <= last_pos; ++pos) {
+ if (numError(pos, needle) != std::string::npos) return pos;
+ }
+ return std::string::npos;
+ }
+// If bit error match to needle, correct it.
+// Return true if any corrections were discovered and applied.
+bool correctForBer(std::string& reason, const std::string& needle) {
+ bool corrected = false;
+ if (reason.length() < needle.length()) return corrected;
+ const pstoreConsole console(reason);
+ const size_t last_pos = reason.length() - needle.length();
+ for (size_t pos = 0; pos <= last_pos; pos += needle.length()) {
+ pos = console.find(needle, pos);
+ if (pos == std::string::npos) break;
+ // exact match has no malice
+ if (needle == reason.substr(pos, needle.length())) continue;
+ corrected = true;
+ reason = reason.substr(0, pos) + needle + reason.substr(pos + needle.length());
+ }
+ return corrected;
+bool addKernelPanicSubReason(const pstoreConsole& console, std::string& ret) {
// Check for kernel panic types to refine information
if (console.rfind("SysRq : Trigger a crash") != std::string::npos) {
// Can not happen, except on userdebug, during testing/debugging.
@@ -347,6 +445,10 @@
return false;
+bool addKernelPanicSubReason(const std::string& content, std::string& ret) {
+ return addKernelPanicSubReason(pstoreConsole(content), ret);
// std::transform Helper callback functions:
// Converts a string value representing the reason the system booted to a
// string complying with Android system standard reason.
@@ -451,9 +553,10 @@
// Check to see if last klog has some refinement hints.
std::string content;
if (readPstoreConsole(content)) {
+ const pstoreConsole console(content);
// The toybox reboot command used directly (unlikely)? But also
// catches init's response to Android's more controlled reboot command.
- if (content.rfind("reboot: Power down") != std::string::npos) {
+ if (console.rfind("reboot: Power down") != std::string::npos) {
ret = "shutdown"; // Still too blunt, but more accurate.
// ToDo: init should record the shutdown reason to kernel messages ala:
// init: shutdown system with command 'last_reboot_reason'
@@ -462,13 +565,25 @@
static const char cmd[] = "reboot: Restarting system with command '";
- size_t pos = content.rfind(cmd);
+ size_t pos = console.rfind(cmd);
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
pos += strlen(cmd);
std::string subReason(content.substr(pos, max_reason_length));
+ // Correct against any known strings that Bit Error Match
+ for (const auto& s : knownReasons) {
+ correctForBer(subReason, s);
+ }
+ for (const auto& m : kBootReasonMap) {
+ if (m.first.length() <= strlen("cold")) continue; // too short?
+ if (correctForBer(subReason, m.first + "'")) continue;
+ if (m.first.length() <= strlen("reboot,cold")) continue; // short?
+ if (!android::base::StartsWith(m.first, "reboot,")) continue;
+ correctForBer(subReason, m.first.substr(strlen("reboot,")) + "'");
+ }
for (pos = 0; pos < subReason.length(); ++pos) {
char c = subReason[pos];
- if (!::isprint(c) || (c == '\'')) {
+ // #, &, %, / are common single bit error for ' that we can block
+ if (!::isprint(c) || (c == '\'') || (c == '#') || (c == '&') || (c == '%') || (c == '/')) {
@@ -486,10 +601,10 @@
// Check for kernel panics, allowed to override reboot command.
- if (!addKernelPanicSubReason(content, ret) &&
+ if (!addKernelPanicSubReason(console, ret) &&
// check for long-press power down
- ((content.rfind("Power held for ") != std::string::npos) ||
- (content.rfind("charger: [") != std::string::npos))) {
+ ((console.rfind("Power held for ") != std::string::npos) ||
+ (console.rfind("charger: [") != std::string::npos))) {
ret = "cold";
@@ -505,10 +620,15 @@
// Really a hail-mary pass to find it in last klog content ...
static const int battery_dead_threshold = 2; // percent
static const char battery[] = "healthd: battery l=";
- size_t pos = content.rfind(battery); // last one
+ const pstoreConsole console(content);
+ size_t pos = console.rfind(battery); // last one
std::string digits;
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
digits = content.substr(pos + strlen(battery), strlen("100 "));
+ // correct common errors
+ correctForBer(digits, "100 ");
+ if (digits[0] == '!') digits[0] = '1';
+ if (digits[1] == '!') digits[1] = '1';
const char* endptr = digits.c_str();
unsigned level = 0;
@@ -518,7 +638,15 @@
// make sure no leading zeros, except zero itself, and range check.
if ((level == 0) || (level > 100)) break;
- if ((level <= 100) && (endptr != digits.c_str()) && (*endptr == ' ')) {
+ // example bit error rate issues for 10%
+ // 'l=10 ' no bits in error
+ // 'l=00 ' single bit error (fails above)
+ // 'l=1 ' single bit error
+ // 'l=0 ' double bit error
+ // There are others, not typically critical because of 2%
+ // battery_dead_threshold. KISS check, make sure second
+ // character after digit sequence is not a space.
+ if ((level <= 100) && (endptr != digits.c_str()) && (endptr[0] == ' ') && (endptr[1] != ' ')) {
LOG(INFO) << "Battery level at shutdown " << level << "%";
if (level <= battery_dead_threshold) {
ret = "shutdown,battery";