fs_mgr: overlayfs unit test
Provide a means to test out overlayfs work
Test: adb-remount-test.sh
Bug: 109821105
Bug: 117605276
Change-Id: Ia6114c8f4d0c3424cb869d002cc61cfc6863151c
diff --git a/fs_mgr/tests/adb-remount-test.sh b/fs_mgr/tests/adb-remount-test.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d4ca574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fs_mgr/tests/adb-remount-test.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# adb remount tests (overlayfs focus)
+# Conditions:
+# - Must be a userdebug build.
+# - Must be in adb mode.
+# - Kernel must have overlayfs enabled and patched to support override_creds.
+# - Must have either squashfs, ext4-dedupe or right-sized partitions.
+# - Minimum expectation system and vender are overlayfs covered partitions.
+# Helper Variables
+SPACE=" "
+# A _real_ embedded tab character
+TAB="`echo | tr '\n' '\t'`"
+# A _real_ embedded escape character
+ESCAPE="`echo | tr '\n' '\033'`"
+# Helper functions
+[ "USAGE: inFastboot
+Returns: true if device is in fastboot mode" ]
+inFastboot() {
+ fastboot devices | grep "^${ANDROID_SERIAL}[${SPACE}${TAB}]" > /dev/null
+[ "USAGE: inAdb
+Returns: true if device is in adb mode" ]
+inAdb() {
+ adb devices | grep -v 'List of devices attached' | grep "^${ANDROID_SERIAL}[${SPACE}${TAB}]" > /dev/null
+[ "USAGE: adb_sh <commands>
+Returns: true if the command succeeded" ]
+adb_sh() {
+ adb shell "${@}"
+[ "USAGE: get_property <prop>
+Returns the property value" ]
+get_property() {
+ adb_sh getprop ${1} 2>&1 </dev/null
+[ "USAGE: isDebuggable
+Returns: true if device is (likely) a debug build" ]
+isDebuggable() {
+ if inAdb && [ 1 -ne `get_property ro.debuggable` ]; then
+ false
+ fi
+[ "USAGE: adb_su <commands>
+Returns: true if the command running as root succeeded" ]
+adb_su() {
+ adb_sh su root "${@}"
+[ "USAGE: adb_cat <file> >stdout
+Returns: content of file to stdout with carriage returns skipped,
+ true of the file exists" ]
+adb_cat() {
+ OUTPUT="`adb_sh cat ${1} </dev/null 2>&1`"
+ retval=${?}
+ echo "${OUTPUT}" | tr -d '\r'
+ return ${retval}
+[ "USAGE: adb_reboot
+Returns: true if the reboot command succeeded" ]
+adb_reboot() {
+ adb reboot remount-test
+[ "USAGE: adb_wait
+Returns: waits until the device has returned" ]
+adb_wait() {
+ adb wait-for-device
+[ "USAGE: adb_root
+Returns: true if device in root state" ]
+adb_root() {
+ adb root >/dev/null </dev/null 2>&1 &&
+ sleep 1 &&
+ adb_wait &&
+ sleep 1
+die() {
+ echo "${RED}[ FAILED ]${NORMAL} ${@}" >&2
+ exit 1
+[ "USAGE: EXPECT_EQ <lval> <rval> [message]
+Returns true if (regex) lval matches rval" ]
+ lval="${1}"
+ rval="${2}"
+ shift 2
+ if ! ( echo X"${rval}" | grep '^X'"${lval}"'$' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null ); then
+ if [ `echo ${lval}${rval}${*} | wc -c` -gt 50 -o "${rval}" != "${rval%
+*}" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: expected \"${lval}\"" >&2
+ echo " got \"${rval}\"" |
+ sed ': again
+ N
+ s/\(\n\)\([^ ]\)/\1 \2/
+ t again' >&2
+ if [ -n "${*}" ] ; then
+ echo " ${*}" >&2
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "ERROR: expected \"${lval}\" got \"${rval}\" ${*}" >&2
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${*}" ] ; then
+ if [ X"${lval}" != X"${rval}" ]; then
+ if [ `echo ${lval}${rval}${*} | wc -c` -gt 60 -o "${rval}" != "${rval% *}" ]; then
+ echo "INFO: ok \"${lval}\"" >&2
+ echo " = \"${rval}\"" |
+ sed ': again
+ N
+ s/\(\n\)\([^ ]\)/\1 \2/
+ t again' >&2
+ if [ -n "${*}" ] ; then
+ echo " ${*}" >&2
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "INFO: ok \"${lval}\" = \"${rval}\" ${*}" >&2
+ fi
+ else
+ echo "INFO: ok \"${lval}\" ${*}" >&2
+ fi
+ fi
+ return 0
+[ "USAGE: check_eq <lval> <rval> [message]
+Exits if (regex) lval mismatches rval" ]
+check_eq() {
+ left="${1}"
+ right="${2}"
+ shift 2
+ EXPECT_EQ "${left}" "${right}" ||
+ die "${@}"
+[ "USAGE: skip_administrative_mounts
+Filters out all administrative (eg: sysfs) mounts" ]
+skip_administrative_mounts() {
+ grep -v -e "^\(overlay\|tmpfs\|none\|sysfs\|proc\|selinuxfs\|debugfs\|bpf\|cg2_bpf\|pstore\|tracefs\|adb\|mtp\|ptp\|devpts\|/data/media\) " -e " /\(cache\|mnt/scratch\|mnt/vendor/persist\|metadata\|data\) "
+if [ X"-s" = X"${1}" -a -n "${2}" ]; then
+ export ANDROID_SERIAL="${2}"
+ shift 2
+inFastboot && die "device in fastboot mode"
+inAdb || die "device not in adb mode"
+isDebuggable || die "device not a debug build"
+# Do something
+adb_wait || die "wait for device failed"
+adb_sh ls -d /sys/module/overlay </dev/null || die "overlay module not present"
+adb_su ls /sys/module/overlay/parameters/override_creds </dev/null ||
+ die "overlay module can not be used on ANDROID"
+adb_root &&
+ adb_wait &&
+ D=`adb disable-verity 2>&1` ||
+ die "setup for overlay"
+echo "${D}"
+if [ X"${D}" != X"${D##*using overlayfs}" ]; then
+ echo "${GREEN}[ OK ]${NORMAL} using overlayfs" >&2
+if adb_sh ls -d /data/overlay </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ echo "/data/overlay setup, clearing out" >&2
+ adb_sh rm -rf /data/overlay </dev/null ||
+ die "/data/overlay removal"
+adb_sh ls -d /cache/overlay </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+ adb_sh ls -d /mnt/scratch/overlay </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+ die "overlay directory setup"
+adb_reboot &&
+ adb_wait &&
+ adb_sh df -k </dev/null | head -1 &&
+ adb_sh df -k </dev/null | grep "^overlay " &&
+ adb_sh df -k </dev/null | grep "^overlay .* /system\$" >/dev/null ||
+ echo "${ORANGE}[ WARNING ]${NORMAL} overlay takeover before remount not complete" >&2
+adb_root &&
+ adb_wait &&
+ adb remount &&
+ adb_sh df -k </dev/null | head -1 &&
+ adb_sh df -k </dev/null | grep "^overlay " &&
+ adb_sh df -k </dev/null | grep "^overlay .* /system\$" >/dev/null ||
+ die "overlay takeover after remount"
+!(adb_sh grep "^overlay " /proc/mounts </dev/null | grep " overlay ro,") &&
+ !(adb_sh grep " rw," /proc/mounts </dev/null |
+ skip_administrative_mounts) ||
+ die "remount overlayfs missed a spot"
+adb_su "sed -n '1,/overlay \\/system/p' /proc/mounts" </dev/null |
+ skip_administrative_mounts |
+ grep -v ' \(squashfs\|ext4\|f2fs\) ' &&
+ echo "${ORANGE}[ WARNING ]${NORMAL} overlay takeover after first stage init" >&2 ||
+ echo "${GREEN}[ OK ]${NORMAL} overlay takeover in first stage init" >&2
+# Check something
+A="Hello World! $(date)"
+echo "${A}" | adb_sh "cat - > /system/hello"
+echo "${A}" | adb_sh "cat - > /vendor/hello"
+B="`adb_cat /system/hello`" ||
+ die "sytem hello"
+check_eq "${A}" "${B}" system before reboot
+B="`adb_cat /vendor/hello`" ||
+ die "vendor hello"
+check_eq "${A}" "${B}" vendor before reboot
+adb_reboot &&
+ adb_wait &&
+ B="`adb_cat /system/hello`" ||
+ die "re-read system hello after reboot"
+check_eq "${A}" "${B}" system after reboot
+# Only root can read vendor if sepolicy permissions are as expected
+B="`adb_cat /vendor/hello`" &&
+ die "re-read vendor hello after reboot w/o root"
+check_eq "cat: /vendor/hello: Permission denied" "${B}" vendor after reboot w/o root
+adb_root &&
+ adb_wait &&
+ B="`adb_cat /vendor/hello`" ||
+ die "re-read vendor hello after reboot"
+check_eq "${A}" "${B}" vendor after reboot
+adb remount &&
+ adb_sh rm /system/hello /vendor/hello </dev/null ||
+ die "cleanup hello"
+B="`adb_cat /system/hello`" &&
+ die "re-read system hello after rm"
+check_eq "cat: /system/hello: No such file or directory" "${B}" after flash rm
+B="`adb_cat /vendor/hello`" &&
+ die "re-read vendor hello after rm"
+check_eq "cat: /vendor/hello: No such file or directory" "${B}" after flash rm
+echo "${GREEN}[ PASSED ]${NORMAL} adb remount" >&2