adb: win32: Improve Winsock error code mappings and strings
Improved mapping of Winsock error codes to POSIX error codes, especially
WSAECONNABORTED to EPIPE (which WriteFdExactly() looks for) when sending
to a closed socket and WSAECONNRESET to ECONNRESET when the peer resets
the connection.
Use a macro to map strerror() to adb_strerror() which handles these
POSIX error codes that the Windows C Runtime doesn't recognize.
* Unittest for adb_strerror().
* Don't trace when send() returns WSAEWOULDBLOCK because that is
Change-Id: If46aeb7b36de3eebfbbccf5478ff5b1bb087714b
Signed-off-by: Spencer Low <>
diff --git a/adb/sysdeps.h b/adb/sysdeps.h
index 501a75a..51d09a6 100644
--- a/adb/sysdeps.h
+++ b/adb/sysdeps.h
@@ -319,6 +319,9 @@
#define getcwd adb_getcwd
+char* adb_strerror(int err);
+#define strerror adb_strerror
// Convert from UTF-8 to UTF-16, typically used to convert char strings into
// wchar_t strings that can be passed to wchar_t-based OS and C Runtime APIs
// on Windows.
diff --git a/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp b/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
index 994b851..fd75320 100644
--- a/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
+++ b/adb/sysdeps_win32.cpp
@@ -556,6 +556,82 @@
return 0;
+// Overrides strerror() to handle error codes not supported by the Windows C
+// Runtime (MSVCRT.DLL).
+char* adb_strerror(int err) {
+ // sysdeps.h defines strerror to adb_strerror, but in this function, we
+ // want to call the real C Runtime strerror().
+#pragma push_macro("strerror")
+#undef strerror
+ const int saved_err = errno; // Save because we overwrite it later.
+ // Lookup the string for an unknown error.
+ char* errmsg = strerror(-1);
+ char unknown_error[(errmsg == nullptr ? 0 : strlen(errmsg)) + 1];
+ strcpy(unknown_error, errmsg == nullptr ? "" : errmsg);
+ // Lookup the string for this error to see if the C Runtime has it.
+ errmsg = strerror(err);
+ if ((errmsg != nullptr) && strcmp(errmsg, unknown_error)) {
+ // The CRT returned an error message and it is different than the error
+ // message for an unknown error, so it is probably valid, so use it.
+ } else {
+ // Check if we have a string for this error code.
+ const char* custom_msg = nullptr;
+ switch (err) {
+#pragma push_macro("ERR")
+#undef ERR
+#define ERR(errnum, desc) case errnum: custom_msg = desc; break
+ // These error strings are from AOSP bionic/libc/include/sys/_errdefs.h.
+ // Note that these cannot be longer than 94 characters because we
+ // pass this to _strerror() which has that requirement.
+ ERR(ECONNRESET, "Connection reset by peer");
+ ERR(EHOSTUNREACH, "No route to host");
+ ERR(ENETDOWN, "Network is down");
+ ERR(ENETRESET, "Network dropped connection because of reset");
+ ERR(ENOBUFS, "No buffer space available");
+ ERR(ENOPROTOOPT, "Protocol not available");
+ ERR(ENOTCONN, "Transport endpoint is not connected");
+ ERR(ENOTSOCK, "Socket operation on non-socket");
+ ERR(EOPNOTSUPP, "Operation not supported on transport endpoint");
+#pragma pop_macro("ERR")
+ }
+ if (custom_msg != nullptr) {
+ // Use _strerror() to write our string into the writable per-thread
+ // buffer used by strerror()/_strerror(). _strerror() appends the
+ // msg for the current value of errno, so set errno to a consistent
+ // value for every call so that our code-path is always the same.
+ errno = 0;
+ errmsg = _strerror(custom_msg);
+ const size_t custom_msg_len = strlen(custom_msg);
+ // Just in case _strerror() returned a read-only string, check if
+ // the returned string starts with our custom message because that
+ // implies that the string is not read-only.
+ if ((errmsg != nullptr) &&
+ !strncmp(custom_msg, errmsg, custom_msg_len)) {
+ // _strerror() puts other text after our custom message, so
+ // remove that by terminating after our message.
+ errmsg[custom_msg_len] = '\0';
+ } else {
+ // For some reason nullptr was returned or a pointer to a
+ // read-only string was returned, so fallback to whatever
+ // strerror() can muster (probably "Unknown error" or some
+ // generic CRT error string).
+ errmsg = strerror(err);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // We don't have a custom message, so use whatever strerror(err)
+ // returned earlier.
+ }
+ }
+ errno = saved_err; // restore
+ return errmsg;
+#pragma pop_macro("strerror")
/***** *****/
@@ -567,18 +643,38 @@
#undef setsockopt
static void _socket_set_errno( const DWORD err ) {
- // The Windows C Runtime (MSVCRT.DLL) strerror() does not support a lot of
- // POSIX and socket error codes, so this can only meaningfully map so much.
+ // Because the Windows C Runtime (MSVCRT.DLL) strerror() does not support a
+ // lot of POSIX and socket error codes, some of the resulting error codes
+ // are mapped to strings by adb_strerror() above.
switch ( err ) {
case 0: errno = 0; break;
+ // Don't map WSAEINTR since that is only for Winsock 1.1 which we don't use.
+ // case WSAEINTR: errno = EINTR; break;
+ case WSAEFAULT: errno = EFAULT; break;
+ case WSAEINVAL: errno = EINVAL; break;
+ case WSAEMFILE: errno = EMFILE; break;
// Mapping WSAEWOULDBLOCK to EAGAIN is absolutely critical because
// non-blocking sockets can cause an error code of WSAEWOULDBLOCK and
// callers check specifically for EAGAIN.
case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: errno = EAGAIN; break;
- case WSAEINTR: errno = EINTR; break;
- case WSAEFAULT: errno = EFAULT; break;
- case WSAEINVAL: errno = EINVAL; break;
- case WSAEMFILE: errno = EMFILE; break;
+ case WSAENOTSOCK: errno = ENOTSOCK; break;
+ case WSAENOPROTOOPT: errno = ENOPROTOOPT; break;
+ case WSAEOPNOTSUPP: errno = EOPNOTSUPP; break;
+ case WSAENETDOWN: errno = ENETDOWN; break;
+ case WSAENETRESET: errno = ENETRESET; break;
+ // Map WSAECONNABORTED to EPIPE instead of ECONNABORTED because POSIX seems
+ // to use EPIPE for these situations and there are some callers that look
+ // for EPIPE.
+ case WSAECONNABORTED: errno = EPIPE; break;
+ case WSAECONNRESET: errno = ECONNRESET; break;
+ case WSAENOBUFS: errno = ENOBUFS; break;
+ case WSAENOTCONN: errno = ENOTCONN; break;
+ // Don't map WSAETIMEDOUT because we don't currently use SO_RCVTIMEO or
+ // SO_SNDTIMEO which would cause WSAETIMEDOUT to be returned. Future
+ // considerations: Reportedly send() can return zero on timeout, and POSIX
+ // code may expect EAGAIN instead of ETIMEDOUT on timeout.
+ // case WSAETIMEDOUT: errno = ETIMEDOUT; break;
errno = EINVAL;
D( "_socket_set_errno: mapping Windows error code %lu to errno %d",
@@ -655,8 +751,12 @@
int result = send(f->fh_socket, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buf), len, 0);
if (result == SOCKET_ERROR) {
const DWORD err = WSAGetLastError();
- D("send fd %d failed: %s", _fh_to_int(f),
- SystemErrorCodeToString(err).c_str());
+ // WSAEWOULDBLOCK is normal with a non-blocking socket, so don't trace
+ // that to reduce spam and confusion.
+ if (err != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
+ D("send fd %d failed: %s", _fh_to_int(f),
+ SystemErrorCodeToString(err).c_str());
+ }
result = -1;
} else {
diff --git a/adb/sysdeps_win32_test.cpp b/adb/sysdeps_win32_test.cpp
index cc3ac5c..66d1ba8 100755
--- a/adb/sysdeps_win32_test.cpp
+++ b/adb/sysdeps_win32_test.cpp
@@ -67,3 +67,29 @@
EXPECT_GT(strlen(path_val), 0);
+void TestAdbStrError(int err, const char* expected) {
+ errno = 12345;
+ const char* result = adb_strerror(err);
+ // Check that errno is not overwritten.
+ EXPECT_EQ(12345, errno);
+ EXPECT_STREQ(expected, result);
+TEST(sysdeps_win32, adb_strerror) {
+ // Test an error code that should not have a mapped string. Use an error
+ // code that is not used by the internal implementation of adb_strerror().
+ TestAdbStrError(-2, "Unknown error");
+ // adb_strerror() uses -1 internally, so test that it can still be passed
+ // as a parameter.
+ TestAdbStrError(-1, "Unknown error");
+ // Test very big, positive unknown error.
+ TestAdbStrError(1000000, "Unknown error");
+ // Test success case.
+ TestAdbStrError(0, "No error");
+ // Test error that regular strerror() should have a string for.
+ TestAdbStrError(EPERM, "Operation not permitted");
+ // Test error that regular strerror() doesn't have a string for, but that
+ // adb_strerror() returns.
+ TestAdbStrError(ECONNRESET, "Connection reset by peer");