tree: 627b5c9caccedc5eb64368a781562b3d826a925c [path history] [tgz]
  1. apex/
  2. framework/
  3. service/
  4. tests/
  5. .gitignore
  7. PREUPLOAD.cfg

Nearby Mainline Module

This directory contains code for the AOSP Nearby mainline module.

##Directory Structure


  • Files associated with the Nearby mainline module APEX.


  • Contains client side APIs and AIDL files.


  • JNI wrapper for invoking Android APIs from native code.


  • Native code implementation for nearby module services.


  • Server side implementation for nearby module services.


  • Unit/Multi devices tests for Nearby module (both Java and native code).

IDE setup

$ source build/ && lunch <TARGET>
$ cd packages/modules/Nearby
$ aidegen .
# This will launch Intellij project for Nearby module.

Note, the setup above may fail to index classes defined in proto, such that all classes defined in proto shows red in IDE and cannot be auto-completed. To fix, you can mannually add jar files generated from proto to the class path as below. First, find the jar file of presence proto with

ls $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/soong/.intermediates/packages/modules/Connectivity/nearby/service/proto/presence-lite-protos/android_common/combined/presence-lite-protos.jar

Then, add the jar in IDE as below.

  1. Menu: File > Project Structure
  2. Select Modules at the left panel and select the Dependencies tab.
  3. Select the + icon and select 1 JARs or Directories option.
  4. Select the JAR file found above, make sure it is checked in the beginning square.
  5. Click the OK button.
  6. Restart the IDE to re-index.

Build and Install

For master on AOSP (Android) host
$ source build/
$ lunch aosp_oriole-trunk_staging-userdebug
$ m
$ $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/out/host/linux-x86/bin/deapexer decompress --input $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT/system/apex/ --output /tmp/tethering.apex
$ adb install /tmp/tethering.apex
$ adb reboot

NOTE: Developers should use AOSP by default, udc-mainline-prod should not be used unless for Google internal features.
For udc-mainline-prod on Google internal host
Build unbundled module using banchan
$ source build/
$ banchan mainline_modules_arm64
$ m apps_only dist
$ adb install out/dist/
$ adb reboot
Ensure that the module you are installing is compatible with the module currently preloaded on the phone (in /system/apex/ Compatible means:

1. Same package name
2. Same keys used to sign the apex and the payload
3. Higher version

See go/mainline-local-build#build-install-local-module for more information

Build and Install from tm-mainline-prod branch

When build and flash the APEX from tm-mainline-prod, you may see the error below.

[INSTALL_FAILED_VERSION_DOWNGRADE: Downgrade of APEX package is not allowed. Active version: 990090000 attempted: 339990000])

This is because the device is flashed with AOSP built from master or other branches, which has prebuilt APEX with higher version. We can use root access to replace the prebuilt APEX with the APEX built from tm-mainline-prod as below.

  1. adb root && adb remount -R
  2. cp
  3. adb push /system/apex/
  4. adb reboot After the steps above, the APEX can be reinstalled with adb install -r. (More APEX background can be found in

Build APEX to support multiple platforms

If you need to flash the APEX to different devices, Pixel 6, Pixel 7, or even devices from OEM, you can share the APEX by source build/ && lunch aosp_arm64-userdebug. This can avoid re-compiling for different targets.