Requirements: 1. Android installation, 2. Root access to adb connected Android device.
Build: Source, lunch and build as typical Android target for selected device and architecture. cd $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP . build/ && lunch make bt_headless
Install: Push the binary to an executable area on target device. adb push ${ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT}/system/bin/bt_headless /data/data/.
Prepare: Ensure the system is queisced to prevent resource conflicts from the bluetooth process. adb shell stop
Run: Script or directly execute the target file. adb shell /data/data/bt_headless --loop=10 nop [1102/] BtifConfigCache, capacity: 10000 Nop loop:0 Nop loop:1 Nop loop:2 Nop loop:3 Nop loop:4 Nop loop:5 Nop loop:6 Nop loop:7 Nop loop:8 Nop loop:9