Import translations. DO NOT MERGE ANYWHERE
Auto-generated-cl: translation import
Change-Id: Id2ab60cd236e61e466e12f2fd42526d6edf624c0
diff --git a/res/values-af/strings.xml b/res/values-af/strings.xml
index 68ff49f..c47ad8d 100644
--- a/res/values-af/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-af/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth-opsporing"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Laat programme en dienste toe om enige tyd na toestelle in die omtrek te soek, selfs wanneer Bluetooth af is. Dit kan byvoorbeeld gebruik word om ligginggegronde kenmerke en dienste te verbeter."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Liggingdienste"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Liggingdienste"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Liggingdienste vir werk"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Gebruik ligging om tydsone te stel"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Toestelligging word benodig"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Koppel"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE-instellings"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Stel terug na verstekinstellings"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarmbestuurder"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Taakskeduleerder"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Instellings is na verstek teruggestel."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-am/strings.xml b/res/values-am/strings.xml
index 1a30edc..849c6c9 100644
--- a/res/values-am/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-am/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"የBluetooth ቅኝት"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ብሉቱዝ ጠፍቶ ቢሆንም እንኳ በማንኛውም ጊዜ መተግበሪያዎች እና አገልግሎቶች በአቅራቢያ ያሉ መሣሪያዎችን እንዲቃኙ ይፍቀዱ። ይህ ለምሳሌ በአካባቢ ላይ የተመሠረቱ ባሕሪያትን እና አገልግሎቶችን ለማሻሻል ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል።"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"የአካባቢ አገልግሎቶች"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"የአካባቢ አገልግሎቶች"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"የአካባቢ አገልግሎቶች ለስራ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"የሰዓት ሰቅን ለማቀናበር አካባቢን ይጠቀሙ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"የመሣሪያ አካባቢ ያስፈልጋል"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"አገናኝ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"የTARE ቅንብሮች"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ወደ ነባሪ ቅንብሮች አድህር"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"የማንቂያ አስተዳዳሪ"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"የሥራ መርሐግብር አዘጋጅ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ቅንብሮች ወደ ነባሪ አድህረዋል።"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ar/strings.xml b/res/values-ar/strings.xml
index 0c7ebb7..d00acff 100644
--- a/res/values-ar/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ar/strings.xml
@@ -1945,8 +1945,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"البحث عن بلوتوث"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"يمكنك السماح للتطبيقات والخدمات بالبحث عن الأجهزة المجاورة في أي وقت، حتى في حال إيقاف البلوتوث. ويمكن استخدام هذه البيانات مثلاً لتحسين الميزات والخدمات المستندة إلى الموقع الجغرافي."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"خدمات الموقع الجغرافي"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"خدمات الموقع الجغرافي"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"خدمات الموقع الجغرافي للعمل"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"استخدام الموقع الجغرافي لضبط المنطقة الزمنية"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"الموقع الجغرافي للجهاز مطلوب"</string>
@@ -5930,7 +5929,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"الاتصال"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"إعدادات TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"العودة إلى الإعدادات التلقائية"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"مدير المنبّهات"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"أداة جدولة الوظائف"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"تمت العودة إلى الإعدادات التلقائية."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-as/strings.xml b/res/values-as/strings.xml
index 4ed5094..8a9d0b3 100644
--- a/res/values-as/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-as/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ব্লুটুথ স্কেনিং"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ব্লুটুথ অফ থকা অৱস্থাতও এপ্ আৰু সেৱাসমূহক যিকোনো সময়ত নিকটৱৰ্তী ডিভাইচবোৰ স্কেন কৰিবলৈ দিয়ক। এই কাৰ্যটো, যেনে, অৱস্থান সম্পৰ্কীয় সুবিধা আৰু সেৱাসমূহক উন্নত কৰিবলৈ ব্য়ৱহাৰ কৰিব পাৰি।"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"অৱস্থান সেৱা"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"অৱস্থান সেৱা"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"কৰ্মস্থানৰ বাবে অৱস্থান সেৱা"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"সময় মণ্ডল ছেট কৰিবলৈ অৱস্থান ব্যৱহাৰ কৰক"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"ডিভাইচৰ অৱস্থানৰ প্ৰয়োজন"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"সংযোগ কৰক"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE ছেটিং"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ছেটিং ডিফ’ল্ট অৱস্থালৈ নিয়ক"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"এলাৰ্মৰ পৰিচালক"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"কামৰ সময়সূচী নিৰ্ধাৰণ কৰোঁতা"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ছেটিং ডিফ’ল্ট অৱস্থালৈ নিয়া হ’ল।"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-az/strings.xml b/res/values-az/strings.xml
index 5b1b9f9..01ae281 100644
--- a/res/values-az/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-az/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth axtarışı"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Bluetooth deaktiv olanda da tətbiq və xidmətlərin cihaz axtarmasına icazə verin. Bununla da məkan haqqında məlumata ehtiyacı olan funksiya və xidmətlərin iş keyfiyyəti artmış olur."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Məkan xidmətləri"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Məkan xidmətləri"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"İş üçün məkan xidmətləri"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Saat qurşağı məkana əsasən müəyyən edilsin"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Cihaz məkanı lazımdır"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Qoşulun"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE Ayarları"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Defolt Ayarlara Qaytarın"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Siqnal Meneceri"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"İş Planlayıcısı"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Ayarlar defolta qaytarılıb."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-b+sr+Latn/strings.xml b/res/values-b+sr+Latn/strings.xml
index bf01c88..e553caf 100644
--- a/res/values-b+sr+Latn/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-b+sr+Latn/strings.xml
@@ -1879,8 +1879,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth skeniranje"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Dozvolite aplikacijama i uslugama da traže uređaje u blizini u svakom trenutku, čak i kada je Bluetooth isključen. Ovo može da se koristi, na primer, za poboljšanje funkcija i usluga zasnovanih na lokaciji."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Usluge lokacije"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Usluge lokacije"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Usluge lokacije za posao"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Koristi lokaciju za podešavanje vremenske zone"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Potrebna je lokacija uređaja"</string>
@@ -5663,7 +5662,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Poveži"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE podešavanja"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Vrati na podrazumevana podešavanja"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Menadžer alarma"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Planer poslova"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Podešavanja su vraćena na podrazumevana."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-be/strings.xml b/res/values-be/strings.xml
index 21b8e0e..b02ed24 100644
--- a/res/values-be/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-be/strings.xml
@@ -1903,8 +1903,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Пошук прылад Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Дазвольце праграмам і сэрвісам шукаць прылады паблізу, нават калі Bluetooth выключаны. Гэту функцыю можна выкарыстоўваць для паляпшэння працы геасэрвісаў."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Службы геалакацыі"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Службы геалакацыі"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Службы геалакацыі для працы"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Выкарыстоўваць даныя геалакацыі, каб вызначаць часавы пояс"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Патрабуюцца даныя пра месцазнаходжанне прылады"</string>
@@ -5754,7 +5753,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Падключыцца"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Налады TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Вярнуцца да стандартных налад"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Менеджар будзільнікаў"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Планіроўшчык заданняў"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Налады скінуты да стандартных."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/res/values-bg/strings.xml
index 27d11a2..f3e26db 100644
--- a/res/values-bg/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-bg/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Сканиране за устройства с Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Разрешете на приложенията и услугите да сканират за устройства в близост по всяко време дори когато функцията за Bluetooth e изключена. Това може да послужи например за подобряване на базиращите се на местоположението функции и услуги."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Услуги за местоположение"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Услуги за местоположение"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Услуги за местоположение за служебни цели"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Използване на местоположението с цел задаване на часова зона"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Необходимо е местоположението на устройството"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Свързване"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Настройки за TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Възстановяване на стандартните настройки"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Мениджър на будилниците"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Инструмент за график за работни места"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Възстановени са стандартните настройки"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-bn/strings.xml b/res/values-bn/strings.xml
index d1059cc..305a168 100644
--- a/res/values-bn/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-bn/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ব্লুটুথ স্ক্যানিং"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ব্লুটুথ বন্ধ থাকলেও অ্যাপ এবং পরিষেবাগুলিকে যেকোনও সময় আশেপাশে থাকা অন্যান্য ডিভাইস স্ক্যান করার অনুমতি দিন। এটি বিভিন্ন ক্ষেত্রে কাজে লাগতে পারে, যেমন লোকেশন-ভিত্তিক বৈশিষ্ট্য এবং পরিষেবার উন্নতির জন্য।"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"লোকেশন-ভিত্তিক পরিষেবা"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"লোকেশন ভিত্তিক পরিষেবা"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"কাজের জন্য অবস্থান ভিত্তিক পরিষেবা"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"টাইম জোন সেট করার জন্য লোকেশন ব্যবহার করুন"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"ডিভাইস লোকেশন সম্পর্কিত তথ্য চালু করতে হবে"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"কানেক্ট করুন"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE সেটিংস"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ডিফল্ট সেটিংসে ফিরে যান"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"অ্যালার্ম ম্যানেজার"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job Scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"সেটিংস ডিফল্ট হিসেবে ফিরিয়ে আনা হয়েছে।"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-bs/strings.xml b/res/values-bs/strings.xml
index a4c622f..cef4f9a 100644
--- a/res/values-bs/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-bs/strings.xml
@@ -5662,7 +5662,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Poveži"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Postavke za TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Vrati na zadane postavke"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Upravitelj alarma"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Planer poslova"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Postavke su vraćene na zadano."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/res/values-ca/strings.xml
index b1b9c9b..d17e60e 100644
--- a/res/values-ca/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ca/strings.xml
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@
<string name="crypt_keeper_setup_time_remaining" product="default" msgid="8556105766597855198">"Espera mentre s\'encripta el telèfon. Temps restant: <xliff:g id="DURATION">^1</xliff:g>"</string>
<string name="crypt_keeper_force_power_cycle" product="tablet" msgid="3832496715430327682">"Per desbloquejar la tauleta, apaga-la i torna-la a engegar."</string>
<string name="crypt_keeper_force_power_cycle" product="default" msgid="5070346039522135361">"Per desbloquejar el telèfon, apaga\'l i torna\'l a engegar."</string>
- <string name="crypt_keeper_warn_wipe" msgid="8104921337301750394">"Advertiment: si proves de desbloquejar el dispositiu <xliff:g id="COUNT">^1</xliff:g> vegades més de manera incorrecta, se n\'esborraran totes les dades."</string>
+ <string name="crypt_keeper_warn_wipe" msgid="8104921337301750394">"Advertiment: s\'esborraran totes les dades del dispositiu amb <xliff:g id="COUNT">^1</xliff:g> intents fallits més de desbloquejar-lo."</string>
<string name="crypt_keeper_enter_password" msgid="1274917431075529732">"Escriu la contrasenya"</string>
<string name="crypt_keeper_failed_title" msgid="8173654570682244149">"S\'ha produït un error en encriptar"</string>
<string name="crypt_keeper_failed_summary" product="tablet" msgid="5977961188966570342">"S\'ha interromput l\'encriptació i no es pot completar. A conseqüència d\'això, ja no es pot accedir a les dades de la tauleta. \n\nPer reprendre l\'ús de la tauleta, cal que duguis a terme un restabliment de fàbrica. Quan configuris la tauleta després del restabliment, tindràs l\'oportunitat de restaurar les dades de les quals s\'hagi fet una còpia de seguretat al teu compte de Google."</string>
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Cerca de dispositius Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Permet que les aplicacions i els serveis cerquin dispositius propers en qualsevol moment, fins i tot quan el Bluetooth estigui desactivat. Aquesta opció es pot utilitzar, per exemple, per millorar les funcions i els serveis basats en la ubicació."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Serveis d\'ubicació"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Serveis d\'ubicació"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Serveis d\'ubicació per a la feina"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Utilitza la ubicació per definir la zona horària"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Es necessita la ubicació del dispositiu"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Connecta"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Configuració de TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Torna a la configuració predeterminada"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Gestor d\'alarmes"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Programador de tasques"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Configuració predeterminada restablerta."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-cs/strings.xml b/res/values-cs/strings.xml
index bcce6f0..2f4e3fd 100644
--- a/res/values-cs/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-cs/strings.xml
@@ -1901,8 +1901,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Vyhledávání Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Povolte aplikacím a službám vyhledávat zařízení v okolí, i když je rozhraní Bluetooth vypnuté. Tuto funkci lze využít například ke zlepšení funkcí a služeb založených na poloze."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Služby určování polohy"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Služby určování polohy"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Služby určování polohy pro práci"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Použít polohu k nastavení časového pásma"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Je požadována poloha zařízení"</string>
@@ -5752,7 +5751,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Připojit"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Nastavení TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Obnovit výchozí nastavení"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Správce budíků"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Plánovač úloh"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Bylo vráceno výchozí nastavení."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-da/strings.xml b/res/values-da/strings.xml
index 88cf2b8..73cdae5 100644
--- a/res/values-da/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-da/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth-scanning"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Tillad, at apps og tjenester altid kan søge efter enheder i nærheden, også selvom Bluetooth er deaktiveret. Dette kan f.eks. bruges til at forbedre placeringsbaserede funktioner og tjenester."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Placeringstjenester"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Placeringstjenester"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Placeringstjenester til arbejdet"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Brug placering til at indstille tidszone"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Enhedens placering skal aktiveres"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Opret forbindelse"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE-indstillinger"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Gendan standardindstillingerne"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarmstyring"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Opgaveplanlægning"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Standardindstillingerne blev gendannet."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-de/strings.xml b/res/values-de/strings.xml
index 17ef590..610ea20 100644
--- a/res/values-de/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-de/strings.xml
@@ -1860,8 +1860,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth-Suche"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Wenn diese Funktion aktiviert ist, dürfen Apps und Dienste immer nach Geräten in der Nähe suchen, auch wenn Bluetooth deaktiviert ist. Dadurch können beispielsweise standortbasierte Funktionen und Dienste verbessert werden."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Standortdienste"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Standortdienste"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Standortdienste für die Arbeit"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Zeitzone anhand des Standorts festlegen"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Gerätestandort erforderlich"</string>
@@ -5577,7 +5576,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Verbinden"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE-Einstellungen"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Standardeinstellungen wiederherstellen"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"AlarmManager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"JobScheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Standardeinstellungen wiederhergestellt."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-el/strings.xml b/res/values-el/strings.xml
index f8a9edd..ffe92c8 100644
--- a/res/values-el/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-el/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Σάρωση Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Επιτρέψτε στις εφαρμογές και στις υπηρεσίες να εκτελούν σάρωση για κοντινές συσκευές ανά πάσα στιγμή, ακόμα και όταν το Bluetooth είναι απενεργοποιημένο. Η σάρωση μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί, για παράδειγμα, για τη βελτίωση λειτουργιών και υπηρεσιών που εκτελούνται βάσει τοποθεσίας."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Υπηρεσίες τοποθεσίας"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Υπηρεσίες τοποθεσίας"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Οι υπηρεσίες τοποθεσίας δεν λειτουργούν"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Χρήση τοποθεσίας για ορισμό ζώνης ώρας"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Απαιτείται τοποθεσία συσκευής"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Σύνδεση"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Ρυθμίσεις TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Επαναφορά στις προεπιλεγμένες ρυθμίσεις"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Διαχείριση ξυπνητηριών"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Χρονοδιάγραμμα εργασιών"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Έγινε επαναφορά στις προεπιλ. ρυθμίσεις."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml b/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
index 914abc4..770f15e 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rAU/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth scanning"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Allow apps and services to scan for nearby devices at any time, even when Bluetooth is off. This can be used, for example, to improve location-based features and services."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Location Services"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Location Services"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Location services for work"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Use location to set time zone"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Device location needed"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Connect"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE settings"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Revert to default settings"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Settings reverted to default."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml b/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml
index 4126f2d..7603f84 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rCA/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth scanning"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Allow apps and services to scan for nearby devices at any time, even when Bluetooth is off. This can be used, for example, to improve location-based features and services."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Location Services"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Location Services"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Location services for work"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Use location to set time zone"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Device location needed"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Connect"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE settings"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Revert to default settings"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Settings reverted to default."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml b/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
index 927c099..2a5a1e1 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth scanning"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Allow apps and services to scan for nearby devices at any time, even when Bluetooth is off. This can be used, for example, to improve location-based features and services."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Location Services"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Location Services"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Location services for work"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Use location to set time zone"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Device location needed"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Connect"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE settings"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Revert to default settings"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Settings reverted to default."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-en-rIN/strings.xml b/res/values-en-rIN/strings.xml
index c06de8b..24c26ed 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rIN/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rIN/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth scanning"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Allow apps and services to scan for nearby devices at any time, even when Bluetooth is off. This can be used, for example, to improve location-based features and services."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Location Services"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Location Services"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Location services for work"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Use location to set time zone"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Device location needed"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Connect"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE settings"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Revert to default settings"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Settings reverted to default."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-en-rXC/strings.xml b/res/values-en-rXC/strings.xml
index 6b4423d..3ab0612 100644
--- a/res/values-en-rXC/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-en-rXC/strings.xml
@@ -5573,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Connect"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE Settings"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Revert to Default Settings"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job Scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Settings reverted to default."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml b/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
index 2dd4d62..ed96aa8 100644
--- a/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es-rUS/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Búsqueda de dispositivos Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Permite que las apps y los servicios busquen dispositivos cercanos en cualquier momento, aunque la conexión Bluetooth esté desactivada. Esta función puede usarse, por ejemplo, para mejorar las funciones y los servicios basados en la ubicación."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Servicios de ubicación"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Servicios de ubicación"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Servicios de ubicación para el trabajo"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Usa tu ubicación para configurar la zona horaria"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Se necesita la ubicación del dispositivo"</string>
@@ -4578,7 +4577,7 @@
<string name="backup_disabled" msgid="4503062265560959320">"Copia de seguridad inhabilitada"</string>
<string name="android_version_summary" msgid="7818952662015042768">"Se actualizó a Android <xliff:g id="VERSION">%1$s</xliff:g>"</string>
<string name="android_version_pending_update_summary" msgid="5404532347171027730">"Actualización disponible"</string>
- <string name="disabled_by_policy_title" msgid="3635622338687810583">"Bloqueado por tu admin. de IT"</string>
+ <string name="disabled_by_policy_title" msgid="3635622338687810583">"Bloqueado por tu admin. de TI"</string>
<string name="disabled_by_policy_title_adjust_volume" msgid="1669689058213728099">"No se puede cambiar el volumen"</string>
<string name="disabled_by_policy_title_outgoing_calls" msgid="400089720689494562">"No se pueden realizar llamadas"</string>
<string name="disabled_by_policy_title_sms" msgid="8951840850778406831">"No se pueden enviar mensajes SMS"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Conectar"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Configuración de TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Restablecer configuración predeterminada"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Administrador de alarmas"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Programador de trabajos"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Config. predeterminada restablecida."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-es/strings.xml b/res/values-es/strings.xml
index 07e1d1c..0bc37e2 100644
--- a/res/values-es/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-es/strings.xml
@@ -1404,7 +1404,7 @@
<string name="screen_timeout_title" msgid="785134393520893049">"La pantalla se apaga"</string>
<string name="screen_timeout_summary" msgid="5558778019594643427">"<xliff:g id="TIMEOUT_DESCRIPTION">%1$s</xliff:g> de inactividad"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_settings_title" msgid="5635129851136006383">"Fondo de pantalla"</string>
- <string name="style_and_wallpaper_settings_title" msgid="2232042809407308946">"Fondo de pantalla y estilo"</string>
+ <string name="style_and_wallpaper_settings_title" msgid="2232042809407308946">"Estilo y fondo de pantalla"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_dashboard_summary" msgid="2324472863981057118">"Inicio, pantalla de bloqueo"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_settings_summary_default" msgid="7569803705735001813">"Predeterminado"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_settings_summary_custom" msgid="3174561317688848729">"Personalizado"</string>
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Búsqueda de dispositivos Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Permite que las aplicaciones y los servicios busquen dispositivos cercanos en cualquier momento aunque la conexión Bluetooth esté desactivada. Esto se puede usar para, por ejemplo, mejorar las funciones y servicios basados en la ubicación."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Servicios de ubicación"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Servicios de ubicación"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Servicios de ubicación para el trabajo"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Usar ubicación para establecer la zona horaria"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Se necesita la ubicación del dispositivo"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Conectar"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Ajustes de TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Revertir a los ajustes predeterminados"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Gestor de alarmas"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Programador de tareas"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Ajustes predeterminados restaurados."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-et/strings.xml b/res/values-et/strings.xml
index 6109b7d..c501f18 100644
--- a/res/values-et/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-et/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetoothi skannimine"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Lubage rakendustel ja teenustel alati otsida läheduses olevaid seadmeid, isegi kui Bluetooth on väljas. Seda saab kasutada näiteks asukohapõhiste funktsioonide ja teenuste täiustamiseks."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Asukohateenused"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Asukohateenused"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Asukohateenused töö jaoks"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Kasuta ajavööndi määramiseks asukohta"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Seadme asukoht on vajalik"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Ühenda"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE seaded"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Taasta vaikeseaded"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarmide haldur"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Tööde ajakava koostaja"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Taastati vaikeseaded."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-eu/strings.xml b/res/values-eu/strings.xml
index 1cd581e..9b9f60f 100644
--- a/res/values-eu/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-eu/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth bidezko gailuen bilaketa"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Eman inguruko gailuak edozein unetan bilatzeko baimena aplikazioei eta zerbitzuei, baita Bluetooth-a desaktibatuta dagoenean ere. Kokapenean oinarritutako eginbideak eta zerbitzuak hobetzeko erabil daiteke hori, besteak beste."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Kokapen-zerbitzuak"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Kokapen-zerbitzuak"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Lanerako kokapen-zerbitzuak"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Erabili kokapena ordu-zona ezartzeko"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Gailuaren kokapena behar da"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Konektatu"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE ezarpenak"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Berrezarri ezarpen lehenetsiak"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarmen kudeatzailea"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Lanen programatzailea"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Ezarpen lehenetsiak berrezarri dira."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-fa/strings.xml b/res/values-fa/strings.xml
index 58ab273..9fe64da 100644
--- a/res/values-fa/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fa/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"اسکن کردن بلوتوث"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"به برنامهها و سرویسها اجازه دهید درهر زمانی (حتی وقتی «بلوتوث» خاموش است) دستگاههای اطراف را اسکن کنند. برای مثال این مورد ميتواند برای بهبود ویژگیها و سرویسهای مکانمبنا استفاده شود."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"خدمات مکان"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"خدمات مکان"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"خدمات مکان برای کار"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"استفاده از مکان برای تنظیم منطقه زمانی"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"مکان دستگاه لازم است"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"متصل شود"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"تنظیمات TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"برگرداندن به تنظیمات پیشفرض"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"مدیر هشدار"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"زمانبند کار"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"تنظیمات به پیشفرض برگردانده شد."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-fi/strings.xml b/res/values-fi/strings.xml
index c9d7118..0e30f4d 100644
--- a/res/values-fi/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fi/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth-haku"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Salli sovellusten ja palvelujen hakea lähellä olevia laitteita aina, vaikka Bluetooth olisi pois käytöstä. Näin voidaan esimerkiksi kehittää sijaintiin perustuvia ominaisuuksia ja palveluja."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Sijaintipalvelut"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Sijaintipalvelut"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Sijaintipalvelut työkäyttöön"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Valitse aikavyöhyke sijainnin perusteella"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Laitteen sijainti tarvitaan"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Yhdistä"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TAREn asetukset"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Palautetaanko oletusasetukset?"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Töiden ajoitus"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Oletusasetukset palautettiin."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-fr-rCA/strings.xml b/res/values-fr-rCA/strings.xml
index d7a9827..64b732d 100644
--- a/res/values-fr-rCA/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fr-rCA/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Recherche d\'appareils Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Autoriser les applications et les services à rechercher les appareils à proximité en tout temps, même lorsque le Bluetooth est désactivé. Cette autorisation peut permettre, par exemple, d\'améliorer les fonctionnalités et les services basés sur la localisation."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Services de localisation"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Services de localisation"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Services de localisation pour le travail"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Utiliser la position pour définir le fuseau horaire"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"La position de l\'appareil est nécessaire"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Se connecter"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Paramètres TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Rétablir les paramètres par défaut"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Gestionnaire des alarmes"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Planificateur de tâches"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Les paramètres rétablis par défaut."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-fr/strings.xml b/res/values-fr/strings.xml
index f07cbd5..c0b6284 100644
--- a/res/values-fr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-fr/strings.xml
@@ -453,7 +453,7 @@
<string name="biometric_settings_category_ways_to_use" msgid="2730401752914580200">"Utiliser le visage et l\'empreinte digitale pour"</string>
<string name="biometric_settings_use_biometric_unlock_phone" msgid="2002278066540969480">"Déverrouiller tél."</string>
<string name="biometric_settings_use_biometric_for_apps" msgid="5251210618011579314">"Authentification dans applis"</string>
- <string name="biometric_settings_hand_back_to_guardian" msgid="3747619291972376153">"Donne le téléphone à l\'un de tes parents"</string>
+ <string name="biometric_settings_hand_back_to_guardian" msgid="3747619291972376153">"Donne le téléphone à un parent"</string>
<string name="biometric_settings_hand_back_to_guardian_ok" msgid="1763788801883247426">"OK"</string>
<string name="lock_screen_intro_skip_title" msgid="342553937472568925">"Ignorer verrouillage d\'écran ?"</string>
<string name="lock_screen_intro_skip_dialog_text_frp" product="tablet" msgid="1570832293693405757">"Les fonctionnalités de protection de l\'appareil ne seront pas activées. Vous ne pourrez pas empêcher d\'autres personnes d\'utiliser cette tablette en cas de perte, de vol ou de réinitialisation."</string>
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Recherche Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Autoriser les applis et les services à rechercher des appareils à proximité à tout moment, même si le Bluetooth est désactivé. Cela peut permettre, par exemple, d\'améliorer les fonctionnalités et les services géolocalisés."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Services de localisation"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Services de localisation"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Services de localisation pour le travail"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Utiliser la position pour définir le fuseau horaire"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Position de l\'appareil nécessaire"</string>
@@ -4585,7 +4584,7 @@
<string name="disabled_by_policy_title_suspend_packages" msgid="4223983156635729793">"Impossible d\'ouvrir cette application"</string>
<string name="disabled_by_policy_title_financed_device" msgid="2328740314082888228">"Bloqué par votre fournisseur de crédit"</string>
<string name="disabled_by_policy_title_biometric_parental_consent" msgid="2463673997797134678">"Parent requis"</string>
- <string name="disabled_by_policy_content_biometric_parental_consent" msgid="7124116806784305206">"Donne le téléphone à l\'un de tes parents pour lancer la configuration"</string>
+ <string name="disabled_by_policy_content_biometric_parental_consent" msgid="7124116806784305206">"Donne le téléphone à un parent pour lancer la configuration"</string>
<string name="default_admin_support_msg" msgid="8338570262037182531">"Pour toute question, contactez votre administrateur informatique"</string>
<string name="admin_support_more_info" msgid="8407433155725898290">"Plus d\'informations"</string>
<string name="admin_profile_owner_message" msgid="8860709969532649195">"Votre administrateur peut contrôler et gérer les applications et les données associées à votre profil professionnel, y compris les paramètres, les autorisations, l\'accès aux contenus de l\'entreprise, l\'activité réseau et les informations de localisation de l\'appareil."</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Autoriser la connexion"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Paramètres TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Rétablir les paramètres par défaut"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Gestionnaire d\'alarmes"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Planificateur de tâches"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Paramètres par défaut rétablis."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-gl/strings.xml b/res/values-gl/strings.xml
index 013d2ab..a0c0c1d 100644
--- a/res/values-gl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-gl/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Busca de dispositivos Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Permite ás aplicacións e aos servizos buscar dispositivos próximos en calquera momento, mesmo cando o Bluetooth está desactivado. Esta opción pode utilizarse, por exemplo, para mellorar as funcións e os servizos baseados na localización."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Servizos de localización"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Servizos de localización"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Servizos de localización para o traballo"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Usar localización para establecer o fuso horario"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Necesítase a localización do dispositivo"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Conectar"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Configuración de TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Volver á configuración predeterminada"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Xestor de alarmas"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Planificador de tarefas"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Volveuse á configuración predeterminada."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-gu/strings.xml b/res/values-gu/strings.xml
index 95ea513..d0737ed 100644
--- a/res/values-gu/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-gu/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"બ્લૂટૂથ સ્કૅનિંગ"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"જ્યારે બ્લૂટૂથ બંધ હોય ત્યારે પણ ગમે ત્યારે ઍપ અને સેવાઓને નજીકના ડિવાઇસ સ્કૅન કરવાની મંજૂરી આપો. ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, આનો ઉપયોગ સ્થાન આધારિત સુવિધાઓ અને સેવાઓને બહેતર બનાવવા માટે કરી શકાય છે."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"સ્થાન સેવાઓ"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"સ્થાન સેવાઓ"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"કાર્ય માટે સ્થાનની સેવાઓ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"સમય ઝોન સેટ કરવા માટે સ્થાનનો ઉપયોગ કરો"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"ડિવાઇસના સ્થાનની જરૂર છે"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"કનેક્ટ કરો"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE સેટિંગ"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ડિફૉલ્ટ સેટિંગ પર પાછા ફરો"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"અલાર્મ મેનેજર"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"કાર્યનું શેડ્યૂલ બનાવનાર"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ફરીથી ડિફૉલ્ટ સેટિંગ પર."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-hi/strings.xml b/res/values-hi/strings.xml
index 1e60617..10e8196 100644
--- a/res/values-hi/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-hi/strings.xml
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
<string name="security_settings_face_enroll_introduction_control_message" msgid="4818463420573540379"></string>
<string name="security_settings_face_enroll_introduction_control_consent_message" msgid="4658082872829249850"></string>
<string name="security_settings_face_enroll_repeat_title" msgid="4446229670377418717">"चेहरे को गोल घेरे के बीचों-बीच लाएं"</string>
- <string name="security_settings_face_enroll_enrolling_skip" msgid="5568617401632528567">"छोड़ें"</string>
+ <string name="security_settings_face_enroll_enrolling_skip" msgid="5568617401632528567">"अभी नहीं"</string>
<string name="face_add_max" msgid="4578405795494514876">"आप ज़्यादा से ज़्यादा <xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> चेहरे जोड़ सकते हैं"</string>
<string name="face_intro_error_max" msgid="2474735057709291626">"लाॅक खोलने के लिए इससे ज़्यादा चेहरे नहीं जोड़े जा सकते"</string>
<string name="face_intro_error_unknown" msgid="1626057493054989995">"और चेहरे नहीं जोड़े जा सकते"</string>
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@
<string name="lock_screen_intro_skip_dialog_text" product="default" msgid="4908278819257287536">"डिवाइस सुरक्षा सुविधाओं को चालू नहीं किया जाएगा. अगर आपका फ़ोन खो जाता है या चोरी हो जाता है, तो आप दूसरों को इसका उपयोग करने से रोक नहीं पाएंगे."</string>
<string name="skip_anyway_button_label" msgid="3442274117023270068">"हां छोड़ें"</string>
<string name="go_back_button_label" msgid="6139455414099035594">"वापस जाएं"</string>
- <string name="skip_lock_screen_dialog_button_label" msgid="641984698150020591">"छोड़ें"</string>
+ <string name="skip_lock_screen_dialog_button_label" msgid="641984698150020591">"अभी नहीं"</string>
<string name="cancel_lock_screen_dialog_button_label" msgid="1801132985957491690">"अभी नहीं"</string>
<string name="security_settings_fingerprint_enroll_find_sensor_title" msgid="886085239313346000">"सेंसर को छुएं"</string>
<string name="security_settings_udfps_enroll_find_sensor_title" msgid="8077484429913330179">"फ़िंगरप्रिंट सेट अप करने का तरीका"</string>
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ब्लूटूथ स्कैन करना"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ऐप्लिकेशन और सेवाओं को किसी भी समय आस-पास के डिवाइस स्कैन करने की मंज़ूरी दें, भले ही ब्लूटूथ बंद हो. उदाहरण के लिए, इसका इस्तेमाल जगह की जानकारी से जुड़ी सुविधाओं और सेवाओं में सुधार करने के लिए किया जा सकता है."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"जगह की जानकारी"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"जगह की जानकारी"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"दफ़्तर के लिए, जगह की जानकारी से जुड़ी सेवाएं."</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"समय क्षेत्र सेट करने के लिए, जगह की जानकारी का इस्तेमाल करें"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"डिवाइस की जगह की जानकारी चालू करना ज़रूरी है"</string>
@@ -2270,7 +2269,7 @@
<string name="accessibility_settings_title" msgid="6739115703615065716">"सरल उपयोग सेटिंग"</string>
<string name="accessibility_settings_summary" msgid="2366627644570558503">"डिसप्ले, इंटरैक्शन, और ऑडियो"</string>
<string name="vision_settings_title" msgid="8919983801864103069">"देखने से जुड़ी सेटिंग"</string>
- <string name="vision_settings_description" msgid="7614894785054441991">"आप इस डिवाइस में अपनी जरूरतों के हिसाब से बदलाव ला सकते हैं. ये सुलभता सुविधाएं बाद में सेटिंग में बदली जा सकती हैं."</string>
+ <string name="vision_settings_description" msgid="7614894785054441991">"आप इस फ़ोन में अपनी ज़रूरतों के हिसाब से, नीचे दिए गए बदलाव कर सकते हैं. ये सुलभता सुविधाएं बाद में सेटिंग में बदली जा सकती हैं."</string>
<string name="vision_settings_suggestion_title" msgid="4689275412658803919">"फ़ॉन्ट का साइज़ बदलें"</string>
<string name="screen_reader_category_title" msgid="5825700839731107803">"स्क्रीन रीडर"</string>
<string name="captions_category_title" msgid="574490148949400274">"कैप्शन"</string>
@@ -2726,7 +2725,7 @@
<string name="smart_battery_manager_title" msgid="3677620516657920364">"बैटरी मैनेजर"</string>
<string name="smart_battery_title" msgid="9095903608520254254">"ऐप्लिकेशन अपने आप प्रबंधित होने की सुविधा"</string>
<string name="smart_battery_summary" product="default" msgid="1492277404000064998">"अक्सर इस्तेमाल न किए जाने वाले ऐप्लिकेशन को ज़्यादा बैटरी इस्तेमाल करने से रोकें"</string>
- <string name="smart_battery_footer" msgid="8407121907452993645">"जब बैटरी मैनेजर यह पता लगाता है कि ऐप्लिकेशन ज़्यादा बैटरी खर्च कर रहे हैं तो, आपके पास इन ऐप्लिकेशन को बैटरी इस्तेमाल करने से रोकने का विकल्प होता है. हो सकता है कि ये ऐप्लिकेशन ठीक तरह से काम न करें और उनके बारे में सूचनाएं देर से मिलें."</string>
+ <string name="smart_battery_footer" msgid="8407121907452993645">"जब बैटरी मैनेजर यह पता लगाता है कि कुछ ऐप्लिकेशन ज़्यादा बैटरी खर्च कर रहे हैं, तो आपको इन ऐप को बैटरी इस्तेमाल करने से रोकने का विकल्प मिलता है. हो सकता है कि ये ऐप ठीक तरह से काम न करें और उनके बारे में सूचनाएं देर से मिलें."</string>
<string name="restricted_app_title" msgid="6585080822121007436">"पाबंदी वाले ऐप्लिकेशन"</string>
<plurals name="restricted_app_summary" formatted="false" msgid="6059772951505411003">
<item quantity="one">%1$d ऐप्लिकेशन के लिए बैटरी के इस्तेमाल पर रोक लगाई जा रही है</item>
@@ -3210,7 +3209,7 @@
<string name="data_usage_metered_yes" msgid="4262598072030135223">"सीमित डेटा वाला नेटवर्क"</string>
<string name="data_usage_metered_no" msgid="1685828958417926268">"बिल नहीं किया गया"</string>
<string name="data_usage_disclaimer" msgid="3271450299386176770">"डेटा खर्च को लेकर मोबाइल और इंटरनेट सेवा देने वाली कंपनी का हिसाब आपके डिवाइस के हिसाब से अलग हो सकता है."</string>
- <string name="cryptkeeper_emergency_call" msgid="8369322820475703306">"आपातकालीन कॉल"</string>
+ <string name="cryptkeeper_emergency_call" msgid="8369322820475703306">"मुसीबत के समय कॉल"</string>
<string name="cryptkeeper_return_to_call" msgid="3857250752781151232">"कॉल पर वापस लौटें"</string>
<string name="vpn_name" msgid="3806456074909253262">"नाम"</string>
<string name="vpn_type" msgid="5533202873260826663">"टाइप"</string>
@@ -5388,7 +5387,7 @@
<string name="automatic_system_heap_dump_title" msgid="4093306504711109479">"अपने आप सिस्टम हीप डंप कैप्चर करें"</string>
<string name="automatic_system_heap_dump_summary" msgid="4060846186592886986">"जब Android सिस्टम बहुत ज़्यादा मेमोरी का इस्तेमाल करने लगे, तब अपने आप इसके लिए हीप डंप कैप्चर करें"</string>
<string name="wifi_disconnect_button_text" msgid="5698154296678571998">"डिसकनेक्ट करें"</string>
- <string name="wfc_disclaimer_emergency_limitation_title_text" msgid="8276287227589397162">"आपातकालीन कॉल"</string>
+ <string name="wfc_disclaimer_emergency_limitation_title_text" msgid="8276287227589397162">"मुसीबत के समय कॉल"</string>
<string name="wfc_disclaimer_emergency_limitation_desc_text" msgid="5503902001191552196">"आपकी मोबाइल और इंटरनेट सेवा देने वाली कंपनी, \'वाई-फ़ाई कॉलिंग\' के ज़रिए आपातकालीन कॉल करने की सुविधा नहीं देती है.\n आपातकालीन कॉल करने के लिए डिवाइस अपने आप माेबाइल नेटवर्क पर स्विच करता है.\n आपातकालीन कॉल सिर्फ़ उन्हीं इलाकाें में किया जा सकता है जहां नेटवर्क कवरेज हाे."</string>
<string name="wifi_calling_summary" msgid="8566648389959032967">"कॉल की क्वालिटी सुधारने के लिए वाई-फ़ाई का इस्तेमाल करें"</string>
<string name="backup_calling_settings_title" msgid="519714752900364326">"बैक अप कॉलिंग"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"कनेक्ट करें"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE सेटिंग"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"डिफ़ॉल्ट सेटिंग पर वापस जाएं"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"अलार्म मैनेजर"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"जॉब शेड्यूलर"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"सेटिंग को डिफ़ॉल्ट पर सेट कर दिया गया है."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-hr/strings.xml b/res/values-hr/strings.xml
index c1a40f7..02fe642 100644
--- a/res/values-hr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-hr/strings.xml
@@ -5664,7 +5664,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Poveži"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Postavke TARE-a"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Vraćanje na zadane postavke"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Upravitelj alarma"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Alat za zakazivanje zadataka"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Postavke su vraćene na zadano."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/res/values-hu/strings.xml
index f1b08b6..b60f8c9 100644
--- a/res/values-hu/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-hu/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth-alapú keresés"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Engedélyezi az alkalmazásoknak és szolgáltatásoknak, hogy közeli eszközöket keressenek még akkor is, ha ki van kapcsolva a Bluetooth. Ez például a helyalapú funkciók és szolgáltatások javítására használható."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Helyszolgáltatások"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Helyszolgáltatások"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Munkahelyi helyszolgáltatások"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Az időzóna beállításához használja a helyadatokat"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Az eszköz helyadataira van szükség"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Csatlakozás"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE-beállítások"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Az alapértelmezett beállítások visszaállítása"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job Scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Alapbeállítások visszaállítva."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-hy/strings.xml b/res/values-hy/strings.xml
index 49194cc..c32ec55 100644
--- a/res/values-hy/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-hy/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth սարքերի որոնում"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Թույլ տալ հավելվածներին և ծառայություններին որոնել մոտակայքում գտնվող սարքեր նույնիսկ երբ Bluetooth-ն անջատված է: Դա կարող է բարելավել տեղորոշում օգտագործող գործառույթների և ծառայությունների աշխատանքը:"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Տեղորոշման ծառայություններ"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Տեղորոշման ծառայություններ"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Տեղորոշման ծառայություններ աշխատանքի համար"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Ժամային գոտին սահմանել ըստ գտնվելու վայրի"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Պահանջվում է սարքի տեղորոշման թույլտվություն"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Միանալ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE կարգավորումներ"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Վերականգնել կանխադրված կարգավորումները"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job Scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Կանխադրված կարգավորումները վերականգնվեցին։"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-in/strings.xml b/res/values-in/strings.xml
index 64e851c..487f8ae 100644
--- a/res/values-in/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-in/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Pemindaian Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Izinkan aplikasi dan layanan untuk memindai perangkat di sekitar kapan saja, meski Bluetooth nonaktif. Ini dapat dilakukan, misalnya, untuk meningkatkan kualitas fitur dan layanan berbasis lokasi."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Layanan lokasi"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Layanan lokasi"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Layanan lokasi untuk profil kerja"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Gunakan lokasi untuk menyetel zona waktu"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Perlu lokasi perangkat"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Hubungkan"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Setelan TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Kembalikan ke Setelan Default"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job Scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Setelan dikembalikan ke default."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-is/strings.xml b/res/values-is/strings.xml
index 83ad2f0..68494c2 100644
--- a/res/values-is/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-is/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth-leit"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Leyfa forritum og þjónustu að leita að nálægum tækjum hvenær sem er, jafnvel þegar slökkt er á Bluetooth. Sem dæmi er hægt að nota þetta til að bæta eiginleika og þjónustu sem byggja á staðsetningu."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Staðsetningarþjónustur"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Staðsetningarþjónustur"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Staðsetningarþjónustur fyrir vinnuna"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Nota staðsetningu til að stilla tímabelti"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Staðsetningar tækis krafist"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Tengjast"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE stillingar"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Skipta aftur í sjálfgefnar stillingar"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Tilkynningastjórnun"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Verkraðari"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Skipt var yfir í sjálfgefnar stillingar."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-it/strings.xml b/res/values-it/strings.xml
index efc6907..374dfd4 100644
--- a/res/values-it/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-it/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Ricerca di dispositivi Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Consenti ad app e servizi di cercare dispositivi nelle vicinanze in qualsiasi momento, anche quando il Bluetooth non è attivo. Questa funzione è utile, ad esempio, per migliorare funzioni e servizi basati sulla posizione."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Servizi di geolocalizzazione"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Servizi di geolocalizzazione"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Location services for work"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Usa la posizione per impostare il fuso orario"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"È necessario attivare la geolocalizzazione del dispositivo"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Connetti"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Impostazioni TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Ripristina le impostazioni predefinite"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job Scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Impostazioni predefinite ripristinate."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-iw/strings.xml b/res/values-iw/strings.xml
index 988a07b..e9d4a1a 100644
--- a/res/values-iw/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-iw/strings.xml
@@ -1903,8 +1903,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"חיפוש Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"אפליקציות ושירותים יוכלו לחפש מכשירים בקרבת מקום בכל שלב, גם כאשר ה-Bluetooth כבוי. ניתן להשתמש בכך, למשל, כדי לשפר את הביצועים של תכונות ושירותים מבוססי מיקום."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"שירותי מיקום"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"שירותי מיקום"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"שירותי מיקום לעבודה"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"שימוש במיקום לקביעת אזור הזמן"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"יש צורך בנתוני המיקום של המכשיר"</string>
@@ -5754,7 +5753,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"התחברות"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"הגדרות TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"חזרה להגדרות ברירת המחדל"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"כלי ניהול ההתראות"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"כלי תזמון המשימות"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ההגדרות חזרו לברירת המחדל."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ja/strings.xml b/res/values-ja/strings.xml
index 06a6cbb..9d5c3cf 100644
--- a/res/values-ja/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ja/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth のスキャン"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"アプリやサービスに対し、Bluetooth が OFF の場合でも、常に付近のデバイスをスキャンすることを許可します。位置情報を使用する機能やサービスで利便性が向上するなどの効果があります。"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"位置情報サービス"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"位置情報サービス"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"仕事用プロファイル向けの位置情報サービス"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"タイムゾーンの設定に位置情報を使用"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"デバイスの位置情報が必要"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"接続"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE 設定"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"デフォルトの設定に戻す"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"アラーム マネージャー"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"ジョブ スケジューラ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"設定をデフォルトに戻しました。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ka/strings.xml b/res/values-ka/strings.xml
index 9424fa4..843949d 100644
--- a/res/values-ka/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ka/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth სკანირება"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"აპებისა და სერვისებისთვის სკანირების ნებართვის მინიჭება ახლომდებარე მოწყობილობების ნებისმიერ დროს აღმოსაჩენად, მაშინაც კი, როცა Bluetooth გამორთულია. მაგალითისთვის, ამის გამოყენება შესაძლებელია მდებარეობაზე დაფუძნებული ფუნქციების და სხვა სერვისების გასაუმჯობესებლად."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"მდებარეობის სერვისები"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"მდებარეობის სერვისები"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"მდებარეობის სერვისები სამსახურისთვის"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"დააყენეთ სასაათო სარტყელი მდებარეობის მიხედვით"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"საჭიროა მოწყობილობის მდებარეობა"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"დაკავშირება"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE პარამეტრები"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"დაბრუნება ნაგულისხმევ პარამეტრებზე"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"სიგნალიზაციის მმართველი"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"სამუშაოს დამგეგმავი"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"პარამეტრები ნაგულისხმევზე დაბრუნდა."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-kk/strings.xml b/res/values-kk/strings.xml
index 6c3b589..b421e38 100644
--- a/res/values-kk/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-kk/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth іздеу"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Bluetooth өшірулі болса да, қолданбалар мен қызметтерге маңайдағы құрылғыларды іздеуге рұқсат беріледі. Бұл параметрді, мысалы, локация функциялары мен қызметтерін жақсарту үшін пайдалануға болады."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Локация қызметтері"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Локация қызметтері"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Жұмыс профиліне арналған Локация қызметтері"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Уақыт белдеуін орнату үшін локацияны пайдалану"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Құрылғының геодерегі қажет"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Қосылу"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE параметрлері"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Әдепкі параметрлерге қайтару"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Оятқыш басқарушысы"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Жұмыс жоспарлағыш"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Әдепкі параметрлерге қайтарылды."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-km/strings.xml b/res/values-km/strings.xml
index 473a929..d2b2ffb 100644
--- a/res/values-km/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-km/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ការស្កេនប៊្លូធូស"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"អនុញ្ញាតឱ្យកម្មវិធី និងសេវាកម្មស្កេនរកឧបករណ៍ដែលនៅជិតបានគ្រប់ពេល ទោះបីប៊្លូធូសបិទក៏ដោយ។ សកម្មភាពនេះអាចត្រូវបានប្រើ ដើម្បីកែលម្អមុខងារ និងសេវាកម្មនានាដែលផ្អែកលើទីតាំងជាដើម។"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"សេវាកម្មទីតាំង"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"សេវាកម្មទីតាំង"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"សេវាកម្មទីតាំងសម្រាប់ការងារ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"ប្រើទីតាំង ដើម្បីកំណត់ល្វែងម៉ោង"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"តម្រូវឱ្យមានទីតាំងឧបករណ៍"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"ភ្ជាប់"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"ការកំណត់ TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ត្រឡប់ទៅការកំណត់លំនាំដើមវិញ"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"កម្មវិធីគ្រប់គ្រងម៉ោងរោទ៍"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"កម្មវិធីកំណត់កាលវិភាគការងារ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ការកំណត់ត្រូវបានត្រឡប់ទៅលំនាំដើមវិញ។"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-kn/strings.xml b/res/values-kn/strings.xml
index 20fbbeb..801e86b 100644
--- a/res/values-kn/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-kn/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್ ಸ್ಕ್ಯಾನಿಂಗ್"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ಬ್ಲೂಟೂತ್ ಆಫ್ ಆಗಿದ್ದರೂ ಸಹ, ಯಾವ ಸಮಯದಲ್ಲಾದರೂ ಸಮೀಪದ ಸಾಧನಗಳಿಗೆ ಸ್ಕ್ಯಾನ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಅಪ್ಲಿಕೇಶನ್ಗಳು ಮತ್ತು ಸೇವೆಗಳನ್ನು ಅನುಮತಿಸಿ. ಉದಾಹರಣೆಗೆ, ಸ್ಥಳ ಆಧಾರಿತ ವೈಶಿಷ್ಟ್ಯಗಳನ್ನು ಮತ್ತು ಸೇವೆಗಳನ್ನು ಸುಧಾರಿಸಲು ಇದನ್ನು ಬಳಸಬಹುದಾಗಿದೆ."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"ಸ್ಥಳ ಸೇವೆಗಳು"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"ಸ್ಥಾನ ಸೇವೆಗಳು"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"ಕೆಲಸಕ್ಕಾಗಿ ಸ್ಥಳ ಸೇವೆಗಳು"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"ಸಮಯ ವಲಯವನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿಸಲು ಸ್ಥಳವನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"ಸಾಧನ ಸ್ಥಳದ ಅಗತ್ಯವಿದೆ"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"ಕನೆಕ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಿ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್ಗಳು"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ಡೀಫಾಲ್ಟ್ ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್ಗಳಿಗೆ ಹಿಂತಿರುಗಿ"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"ಅಲಾರಂ ನಿರ್ವಾಹಕ"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"ಕೆಲಸ ನಿಯೋಜಕರು"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ಸೆಟ್ಟಿಂಗ್ ಡೀಫಾಲ್ಟ್ಗೆ ಹಿಂತಿರುಗಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ko/strings.xml b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
index 7d2e1b9..2e3488f 100644
--- a/res/values-ko/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ko/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"블루투스 검색"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"블루투스가 꺼져 있을 때도 항상 앱과 서비스에서 주변 기기를 검색하도록 허용합니다. 이 설정은 위치 기반 기능 및 서비스 개선 등에 사용될 수 있습니다."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"위치 서비스"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"위치 서비스"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"업무용 위치 서비스"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"위치 정보를 사용하여 시간대 설정"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"기기 위치가 필요함"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"연결"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE 설정"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"기본 설정으로 복원"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"알람 관리자"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"작업 스케줄러"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"설정이 기본값으로 복원되었습니다."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ky/strings.xml b/res/values-ky/strings.xml
index e8207be..0707fe2 100644
--- a/res/values-ky/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ky/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth түзмөктөрүн издөө"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Bluetooth өчүп турса да, колдонмолор менен кызматтарга жакын жердеги түзмөктөрдү издегенге уруксат бересиз. Бул параметр менен жайгашкан жерди тагыраак аныктоого болот."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Жайгашкан жерди аныктоо кызматтары"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Жайгашкан жерди аныктоо кызматтары"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Жумуш үчүн Жайгашкан жерди аныктоо кызматтары"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Убакыт алкагын жүргөн жерге жараша коюу"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Түзмөктүн жайгашкан жерин аныктоо керектелет"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Туташтыруу"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE жөндөөлөрү"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Демейки жөндөөлөргө кайтаруу"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Ойготкучтарды башкаруу куралы"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Иштерди пландаштыруу куралы"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Жөндөөлөр демейкиге кайтарылды."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-lo/strings.xml b/res/values-lo/strings.xml
index 3725503..235148d 100644
--- a/res/values-lo/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-lo/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ການສະແກນ Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ແອັບ ແລະ ບໍລິການຕ່າງໆສະແກນຫາອຸປະກອນທີ່ຢູ່ໃກ້ຄຽງໄດ້ທຸກເວລາ, ເຖິງແມ່ນວ່າຈະປິດ Bluetooth ໄວ້ກໍຕາມ. ຄຸນສົມບັດນີ້ສາມາດໃຊ້ເພື່ອປັບປຸງຄຸນສົມບັດ ແລະ ບໍລິການທີ່ອ້າງອີງສະຖານທີ່ໄດ້."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"ບໍລິການສະຖານທີ່"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"ບໍລິການສະຖານທີ່"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"ບໍລິການສະຖານທີ່ສຳລັບວຽກ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"ໃຊ້ສະຖານທີ່ເພື່ອຕັ້ງເຂດເວລາ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"ຈຳເປັນຕ້ອງໃຊ້ສະຖານທີ່ອຸປະກອນ"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"ເຊື່ອມຕໍ່"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"ການຕັ້ງຄ່າ TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ແປງກັບຄືນໄປເປັນການຕັ້ງຄ່າເລີ່ມຕົ້ນ"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"ຕົວຈັດການໂມງປຸກ"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"ຕົວກຳນົດເວລາວຽກ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ແປງກັບຄືນໄປເປັນການຕັ້ງຄ່າເລີ່ມຕົ້ນແລ້ວ."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-lt/strings.xml b/res/values-lt/strings.xml
index e8a3fae..c9e88aa 100644
--- a/res/values-lt/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-lt/strings.xml
@@ -1901,8 +1901,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"„Bluetooth“ nuskaitymas"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Leisti programoms ir paslaugoms bet kuriuo metu nuskaityti ieškant netoliese esančių įrenginių, net kai „Bluetooth“ išjungtas. Tai galima naudoti norint, pvz., tobulinti pagal vietovę teikiamas funkcijas ir paslaugas."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Vietovės paslaugos"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Vietovės paslaugos"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Darbui skirtos Vietovės paslaugos"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Naudoti vietovės duomenis laiko juostai nustatyti"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Reikalinga įrenginio vietovė"</string>
@@ -5752,7 +5751,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Susieti"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE nustatymai"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Grąžinti numatytuosius nustatymus"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job Scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Nustatymai grąžinti į numatytuosius."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-lv/strings.xml b/res/values-lv/strings.xml
index 38e66ce..2da1ed5 100644
--- a/res/values-lv/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-lv/strings.xml
@@ -1879,8 +1879,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth meklēšana"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Ļauj lietotnēm un pakalpojumiem meklēt tuvumā esošas ierīces vienmēr, pat ja Bluetooth ir izslēgts. Šo iestatījumu var izmantot, piemēram, lai uzlabotu atrašanās vietas funkcijas un pakalpojumus."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Atrašanās vietu pakalpojumi"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Atrašanās vietu pakalpojumi"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Atrašanās vietu pakalpojumi darbam"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Izmantot atrašanās vietu, lai iestatītu laika joslu"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Nepieciešama ierīces atrašanās vieta"</string>
@@ -5663,7 +5662,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Izveidot savienojumu"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE iestatījumi"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Atjaunot noklusējuma iestatījumus"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Signālu pārvaldnieks"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Uzdevumu plānotājs"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Atjaunoti noklusējuma iestatījumi."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-mk/strings.xml b/res/values-mk/strings.xml
index 28ed3ce..82ec310 100644
--- a/res/values-mk/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-mk/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Скенирање на Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Дозволете апликациите и услугите да скенираат уреди во близина во секое време, дури и кога Bluetooth е исклучен. Ова може да се користи, на пример, за да се подобрат функциите и услугите базирани на локација."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Услуги според локација"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Услуги според локација"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Услуги според локација за работа"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Користи ја локацијата за поставување часовна зона"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Потребна е локацијата на уредот"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Поврзи"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Поставки за TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Вратете на стандардните поставки"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Управник со аларми"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Распоредувач на задачи"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Поставките се вратени на стандардни."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ml/strings.xml b/res/values-ml/strings.xml
index 84a76c7..757bb04 100644
--- a/res/values-ml/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ml/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth സ്കാനിംഗ്"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Bluetooth ഓഫ് ആണെങ്കിൽ പോലും ആപ്പുകളെയും സേവനങ്ങളെയും ഏത് സമയവും അടുത്തുള്ള ഉപകരണം സ്കാൻ ചെയ്യാൻ അനുവദിക്കുക. ഉദാഹരണത്തിന്, ലൊക്കേഷൻ അടിസ്ഥാനമാക്കിയുള്ള ഫീച്ചറുകളും സേവനങ്ങളും മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്താൻ ഇത് ഉപയോഗിക്കാം."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"ലൊക്കേഷൻ സേവനങ്ങൾ"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"ലൊക്കേഷൻ സേവനങ്ങൾ"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"ജോലിക്കുള്ള ലൊക്കേഷൻ സേവനങ്ങൾ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"സമയമേഖല സജ്ജീകരിക്കാൻ ലൊക്കേഷൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"ഉപകരണ ലൊക്കേഷൻ ആവശ്യമാണ്"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"കണക്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE ക്രമീകരണം"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ഡിഫോൾട്ട് ക്രമീകരണത്തിലേക്ക് പുനഃസ്ഥാപിക്കൂ"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"അലാറം മാനേജർ"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"ജോബ് ഷെഡ്യൂളർ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ക്രമീകരണം ഡിഫോൾട്ടായി പുനഃസ്ഥാപിച്ചു."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-mn/strings.xml b/res/values-mn/strings.xml
index d245f70..c0b9112 100644
--- a/res/values-mn/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-mn/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth скан"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Апп, үйлчилгээнд Bluetooth унтраалттай үед ч ойролцоох төхөөрөмжийг хүссэн үедээ скан хийхийг зөвшөөрнө үү. Үүнийг байршилд суурилсан онцлог, үйлчилгээнүүдийг сайжруулахад ашиглаж магадгүй."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Байршлын үйлчилгээ"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Байршлын үйлчилгээ"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Ажилд зориулсан байршлын үйлчилгээ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Цагийн бүс тохируулахын тулд байршлыг ашиглана уу"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Төхөөрөмжийн байршил шаардлагатай"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Холбогдох"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE-н тохиргоо"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Өгөгдмөл тохиргоо руу буцаах"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Сэрүүлгийн менежер"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Ажлын хуваарь гаргагч"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Тохиргоог өгөгдмөл рүү буцаасан."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-mr/strings.xml b/res/values-mr/strings.xml
index 5b5f5a3..bcfd1c7 100644
--- a/res/values-mr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-mr/strings.xml
@@ -1858,8 +1858,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ब्लूटूथ स्कॅनिंग"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ब्लूटूथ बंद असले, तरीही अॅप्स आणि सेवांना जवळपासची डिव्हाइस कधीही स्कॅन करण्याची अनुमती द्या. याचा वापर उदाहरणार्थ, स्थान आधारित वैशिष्ट्ये आणि सेवा सुधारण्यासाठी केला जाऊ शकतो."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"स्थान सेवा"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"स्थान सेवा"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"ऑफिससाठीच्या स्थान सेवा"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"टाइम झोन सेट करण्यासाठी स्थान वापरा"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"डिव्हाइस स्थान आवश्यक आहे"</string>
@@ -5575,7 +5574,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"कनेक्ट करा"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE सेटिंग्ज"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"डीफॉल्ट सेटिंग्जवर परत बदला"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"अलार्म व्यवस्थापक"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"नोकरीसाठी शेड्युलर"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"सेटिंग्ज डीफॉल्टवर परत बदलली."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ms/strings.xml b/res/values-ms/strings.xml
index 4ab7b47..be39ec9 100644
--- a/res/values-ms/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ms/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Pengimbasan Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Benarkan apl dan perkhidmatan mengimbas untuk mengesan peranti berdekatan pada bila-bila masa, meskipun apabila Bluetooth dimatikan. Ini dapat digunakan, contohnya, untuk meningkatkan ciri berasaskan lokasi dan perkhidmatan."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Perkhidmatan lokasi"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Perkhidmatan lokasi"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Perkhidmatan lokasi untuk kerja"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Gunakan lokasi untuk menetapkan zon waktu"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Lokasi peranti diperlukan"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Sambung"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Tetapan TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Berbalik kepada Tetapan Lalai"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Pengurus Penggera"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Penjadual Kerja"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Tetapan berbalik kepada lalai."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-my/strings.xml b/res/values-my/strings.xml
index 0d3e1ac..bc4b24d 100644
--- a/res/values-my/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-my/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ဘလူးတုသ်ရှာဖွေခြင်း"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ဘလူးတုသ်ကို ပိတ်ထားလျှင်ပင် အနီးအနားရှိ စက်ပစ္စည်းများကို အချိန်မရွေးရှာဖွေရန် အက်ပ်များအား ခွင့်ပြုသည်။ ဥပမာအားဖြင့် ၎င်းကို တည်နေရာအခြေပြု ဝန်ဆောင်မှုနှင့် အခြားဝန်ဆောင်မှုများ တိုးတက်လာစေရန် အသုံးပြုနိုင်ပါသည်။"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"တည်နေရာဝန်ဆောင်မှုများ"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"တည်နေရာဝန်ဆောင်မှုများ"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"အလုပ်အတွက် တည်နေရာဝန်ဆောင်မှုများ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"ဒေသစံတော်ချိန် သတ်မှတ်ရန်အတွက် တည်နေရာကို သုံးခြင်း"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"စက်ပစ္စည်း တည်နေရာ လိုအပ်သည်"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"ချိတ်ဆက်ရန်"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE ဆက်တင်"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"‘မူလဆက်တင်များ’ သို့ ပြန်ပြောင်းခြင်း"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"နှိုးစက် မန်နေဂျာ"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"အလုပ် အချိန်ဇယားဆွဲခြင်း"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ဆက်တင်ကို မူလအတိုင်း ပြန်ပြောင်းပြီးပြီ။"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-nb/strings.xml b/res/values-nb/strings.xml
index 8a340ce..6f7e3ec 100644
--- a/res/values-nb/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nb/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth-søking"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"La apper og tjenester søke etter enheter i nærheten når som helst, selv når Bluetooth er slått av. Dette kan for eksempel brukes til å forbedre posisjonsbaserte funksjoner og tjenester."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Posisjonstjenester"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Posisjonstjenester"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Posisjonstjenester for jobb"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Bruk posisjonen til å angi tidssonen"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Enhetsposisjonen er nødvendig"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Koble til"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE-innstillinger"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Tilbakestill til standardinnstillingene"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Jobbplanlegger"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Tilbakestilt til standardinnstillingene."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ne/strings.xml b/res/values-ne/strings.xml
index 348eb1a..7c58f5c 100644
--- a/res/values-ne/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ne/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ब्लुटुथको खोजी"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"एप तथा सेवाहरूलाई जुनसुकै बेला (ब्लुटुथ अफ भएको बेलामा पनि) वरपरका डिभाइस खोज्ने अनुमति दिनुहोस्। यसलाई लोकेसनमा आधारित सुविधा तथा सेवाहरू सुधार गर्ने जस्ता कार्यहरू गर्नाका लागि प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ।"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"लोकेसन सर्भिस"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"लोकेसनसम्बन्धी सेवाहरू"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"कार्यस्थलका लागि लोकेसन सर्भिस"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"प्रामाणिक समय सेट गर्न स्थानसम्बन्धी जानकारी प्रयोग गरियोस्"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"डिभाइसको लोकेसन सर्भिस अन गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"कनेक्ट गर्नुहोस्"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE सेटिङ"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"फेरि डिफल्ट सेटिङ प्रयोग गर्न थाल्नुहोस्"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"अलार्म म्यानेजर"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"जब सेड्युलर"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"फेरि डिफल्ट सेटिङ प्रयोग गर्न थालियो"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-nl/strings.xml b/res/values-nl/strings.xml
index 670c225..5d813b28 100644
--- a/res/values-nl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-nl/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth-scannen"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Sta apps en services toe altijd te scannen naar apparaten in de buurt, zelfs als bluetooth uitstaat. Dit kan worden gebruikt om bijvoorbeeld locatiegebaseerde functies en services te verbeteren."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Locatieservices"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Locatieservices"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Locatieservices voor het werk"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Locatie gebruiken om tijdzone in te stellen"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Apparaatlocatie nodig"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Verbinding maken"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE-instellingen"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Standaardinstellingen herstellen"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Wekkers beheren"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Taakplanner"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Standaardinstellingen hersteld."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-or/strings.xml b/res/values-or/strings.xml
index edaa535..62a752e 100644
--- a/res/values-or/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-or/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ବ୍ଲୁଟୁଥ ସ୍କାନିଂ"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ଆପ୍ ଓ ସେବାଗୁଡ଼ିକୁ ଯେକୌଣସି ସମୟରେ ଆଖପାଖରେ ଥିବା ଡିଭାଇସ୍ ଖୋଜିବାକୁ ଦିଅନ୍ତୁ, ଏପରିକି ବ୍ଲୁଟୂଥ୍ ଅଫ୍ ଥିଲେ ମଧ୍ୟ। ଏହାକୁ ଲୋକେସନ୍ ଆଧାରିତ ଫିଚର୍ ଓ ସେବା ଇତ୍ୟାଦିକୁ ଉନ୍ନତ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରାଯାଇପାରେ।"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"ଲୋକେସନ୍ ସେବା"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"ଲୋକେସନ୍ ସେବାଗୁଡ଼ିକ"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ପାଇଁ ଲୋକେସନ୍ ସମ୍ପର୍କିତ ସେବା"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"ଟାଇମ୍ ଜୋନ୍ ସେଟ୍ କରିବାକୁ ଲୋକେସନ୍ ବ୍ୟବହାର କରନ୍ତୁ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"ଡିଭାଇସର ଲୋକେସନ୍ ଆବଶ୍ୟକ"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"ସଂଯୋଗ କରନ୍ତୁ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE ସେଟିଂସ୍"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ଡିଫଲ୍ଟ ସେଟିଂସକୁ ଫେରି ଆସନ୍ତୁ"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"ଆଲାରାମ୍ ମ୍ୟାନେଜର୍"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ସିଡୁଲର୍"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ସେଟିଂସ୍ ପୁଣି ଡିଫଲ୍ଟରେ ସେଟ୍ ହୋଇଛି।"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-pa/strings.xml b/res/values-pa/strings.xml
index 3d774fb..eae5893 100644
--- a/res/values-pa/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pa/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"ਬਲੂਟੁੱਥ ਸਕੈਨਿੰਗ"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"ਬਲੂਟੁੱਥ ਬੰਦ ਹੋਣ \'ਤੇ ਵੀ ਐਪਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਸੇ ਵੀ ਵੇਲੇ ਨਜ਼ਦੀਕੀ ਡੀਵਾਈਸਾਂ ਲਈ ਸਕੈਨ ਕਰਨ ਦਿਓ। ਇਸਦੀ ਵਰਤੋਂ ਕਰਕੇ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ-ਆਧਾਰਿਤ ਵਿਸ਼ੇਸ਼ਤਾਵਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ ਵਰਗੀਆਂ ਚੀਜ਼ਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਬਿਹਤਰ ਬਣਾਇਆ ਜਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ।"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"ਕਾਰਜ ਪ੍ਰੋਫਾਈਲ ਲਈ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਸੇਵਾਵਾਂ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"ਸਮਾਂ ਖੇਤਰ ਸੈੱਟ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਵਰਤੋ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"ਡੀਵਾਈਸ ਦੇ ਟਿਕਾਣੇ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"ਕਨੈਕਟ ਕਰੋ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ਪੂਰਵ-ਨਿਰਧਾਰਿਤ ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ \'ਤੇ ਵਾਪਸ ਜਾਓ"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"ਅਲਾਰਮ ਪ੍ਰਬੰਧਕ"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"ਨੌਕਰੀ ਸ਼ਡਿਊਲਰ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ਸੈਟਿੰਗਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਪੂਰਵ-ਨਿਰਧਾਰਿਤ ਸਥਿਤੀ \'ਚ ਕਰੋ।"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index 02cf4fd..2980f25 100644
--- a/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -1901,8 +1901,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Skanowanie Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Zezwól na wyszukiwanie urządzeń w pobliżu przez aplikacje i usługi w dowolnym momencie, nawet gdy Bluetooth jest wyłączony. Może to np. pomóc usprawnić działanie funkcji i usług opartych na lokalizacji."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Usługi lokalizacyjne"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Usługi lokalizacyjne"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Usługi lokalizacyjne do pracy"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Używaj lokalizacji, aby ustawić strefę czasową"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Wymagany dostęp do lokalizacji urządzenia"</string>
@@ -5752,7 +5751,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Połącz"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Ustawienia TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Przywróć ustawienia domyślne"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Organizator zadań"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Przywrócono ustawienia domyślne aparatu."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml b/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
index 898fe8f..5f22bf2 100644
--- a/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Busca por Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Permite que apps e serviços procurem dispositivos próximos a qualquer momento, mesmo quando o Bluetooth está desativado. Essa configuração pode ser usada, por exemplo, para melhorar recursos e serviços baseados na localização."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Serviços de localização"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Serviços de localização"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Serviços de localização para o trabalho"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Usar a localização para definir o fuso horário"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Localização do dispositivo necessária"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Conectar"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Configurações do TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Reverter para as configurações padrão"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Gerenciador de alarmes"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Programador de tarefas"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Configurações revertidas para o padrão."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml b/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
index 447d8e4..f9ecc28 100644
--- a/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pt-rPT/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Procura de Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Permita que as apps e os serviços procurem dispositivos próximos em qualquer altura, mesmo quando o Bluetooth estiver desativado. Isto pode ser utilizado, por exemplo, para melhorar as funcionalidades e os serviços baseados na localização."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Serviços de localização"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Serviços de localização"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Serviços de localização para o trabalho"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Utilize a localização para definir o fuso horário"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Localização do dispositivo necessária"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Ligar"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Definições de TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Reverter para predefinições"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Gestor de alarmes"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Programador de tarefas"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Definições revertidas para predefinição."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-pt/strings.xml b/res/values-pt/strings.xml
index 898fe8f..5f22bf2 100644
--- a/res/values-pt/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-pt/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Busca por Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Permite que apps e serviços procurem dispositivos próximos a qualquer momento, mesmo quando o Bluetooth está desativado. Essa configuração pode ser usada, por exemplo, para melhorar recursos e serviços baseados na localização."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Serviços de localização"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Serviços de localização"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Serviços de localização para o trabalho"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Usar a localização para definir o fuso horário"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Localização do dispositivo necessária"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Conectar"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Configurações do TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Reverter para as configurações padrão"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Gerenciador de alarmes"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Programador de tarefas"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Configurações revertidas para o padrão."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index bb06b03..73dbfc1 100644
--- a/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -1881,8 +1881,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Căutare Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Permiteți aplicațiilor și serviciilor să caute permanent dispozitive din apropiere, chiar și atunci când setarea Bluetooth este dezactivată. Această permisiune poate fi folosită, de exemplu, pentru a îmbunătăți funcțiile și serviciile bazate pe locație."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Servicii de localizare"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Servicii de localizare"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Servicii de localizare pentru serviciu"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Folosiți locația pentru a seta fusul orar"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Este necesară locația dispozitivului"</string>
@@ -5665,7 +5664,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Conectați-vă"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Setări TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Reveniți la setările implicite?"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Planificator de sarcini"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Setări restabilite la cele standard."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ru/strings.xml b/res/values-ru/strings.xml
index 334c7ca..13ff42f 100644
--- a/res/values-ru/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ru/strings.xml
@@ -1901,8 +1901,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Поиск Bluetooth-устройств"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Разрешить приложениям и сервисам искать устройства поблизости, даже когда Bluetooth отключен. Это может улучшить работу функций и сервисов, использующих данные о местоположении."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Геолокация"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Геолокация"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Геолокация для работы"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Определять часовой пояс по местоположению"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Нет доступа к данным о местоположении"</string>
@@ -5752,7 +5751,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Подключиться"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Настройки TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Вернуть настройки по умолчанию"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"AlarmManager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"JobScheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Установлены настройки по умолчанию."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-si/strings.xml b/res/values-si/strings.xml
index 3a570f9..2faaf23 100644
--- a/res/values-si/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-si/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"බ්ලූටූත් පරිලෝකනය"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"බ්ලූටූත් ක්රියාවිරහිත විට පවා, ඕනෑම අවස්ථාවක අවට උපාංග සඳහා ස්කෑන් කිරීමට යෙදුම් සහ සේවාවලට ඉඩ දෙන්න. උදාහරණයක් ලෙස, ස්ථානය-පදනම් වූ විශේෂාංග සහ සේවා වැඩි දියුණු කිරීම සඳහා මෙය භාවිත කළ හැකිය."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"ස්ථාන සේවා"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"ස්ථාන සේවා"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"වැඩ සඳහා ස්ථානීය සේවා"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"වේලා කලාපය සැකසීමට ස්ථානය භාවිත කරන්න"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"උපාංග ස්ථානය අවශ්යයි"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"සම්බන්ධ කරන්න"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE සැකසීම්"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"පෙරනිමි සැකසීම් වෙත ප්රතිවර්තනය කරන්න"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"එලාම කළමනාකරු"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"රැකියා කාල සටහන්ගත කරන්නා"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"සැකසීම් පෙරනිමිවලට ප්රතිවර්තනය කරන ලදි."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-sk/strings.xml b/res/values-sk/strings.xml
index 5d8c61a..d298520 100644
--- a/res/values-sk/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sk/strings.xml
@@ -1903,8 +1903,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Vyhľadávanie zariadení Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Povoľte aplikáciám a službám kedykoľvek vyhľadávať zariadenia v okolí, a to aj vtedy, keď je rozhranie Bluetooth vypnuté. Môžete to využiť napríklad na zlepšenie funkcií a služieb podmienených polohou."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Služby určovania polohy"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Služby určovania polohy"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Služby určovania polohy pre prácu"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Nastaviť časové pásmo pomocou polohy"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Vyžaduje sa poloha zariadenia"</string>
@@ -5754,7 +5753,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Pripojiť"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Nastavenia TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Vrátiť na predvolené nastavenia"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Správca budíkov"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Plánovač pracovných úloh"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Boli vrátené predvolené nastavenia."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-sl/strings.xml b/res/values-sl/strings.xml
index 3f93d04..1c4b166 100644
--- a/res/values-sl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sl/strings.xml
@@ -1903,8 +1903,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Iskanje naprav Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Aplikacijam in storitvam omogoči, da kadar koli iščejo naprave v bližini, tudi ko je Bluetooth izklopljen. To funkcijo lahko na primer uporabite, če želite izboljšati funkcije in storitve, ki pri delovanju uporabljajo lokacijo."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Lokacijske storitve"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Lokacijske storitve"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Lokacijske storitve za službo"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Uporabi lokacijo za nastavitev časovnega pasu"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Potrebno je dovoljenje za lokacijo naprave"</string>
@@ -5754,7 +5753,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Poveži"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Nastavitve TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Povrni na privzete nastavitve"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Orodje za upravljanje alarmov"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Orodje za načrtovanje opravil"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Nastavitve so ponastavljene na privzete."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-sq/strings.xml b/res/values-sq/strings.xml
index 82d5327..1084eb4 100644
--- a/res/values-sq/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sq/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Skanimi i Bluetooth-it"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Lejo që aplikacionet dhe shërbimet të skanojnë për pajisje në afërsi në çdo moment, edhe kur Bluetooth është joaktiv. Kjo mund të përdoret, për shembull, për të përmirësuar funksionet dhe shërbimet e bazuara te vendndodhja."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Shërbimet e vendndodhjes"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Shërbimet e vendndodhjes"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Shërbimet e vendndodhjes për punë"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Përdor vendndodhjen për të caktuar brezin orar"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Nevojitet vendndodhja e pajisjes"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Lidh"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Cilësimet e TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Riktheji te cilësimet e parazgjedhura"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Menaxheri i alarmeve"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Planifikuesi i punës"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Cilësimet u rikthyen te parazgjedhja."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-sr/strings.xml b/res/values-sr/strings.xml
index 5b247d0..efa9a67 100644
--- a/res/values-sr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sr/strings.xml
@@ -1879,8 +1879,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth скенирање"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Дозволите апликацијама и услугама да траже уређаје у близини у сваком тренутку, чак и када је Bluetooth искључен. Ово може да се користи, на пример, за побољшање функција и услуга заснованих на локацији."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Услуге локације"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Услуге локације"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Услуге локације за посао"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Користи локацију за подешавање временске зоне"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Потребна је локација уређаја"</string>
@@ -5663,7 +5662,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Повежи"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE подешавања"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Врати на подразумевана подешавања"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Менаџер аларма"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Планер послова"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Подешавања су враћена на подразумевана."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-sv/strings.xml b/res/values-sv/strings.xml
index 1199591..1254392 100644
--- a/res/values-sv/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sv/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth-sökning"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Tillåt att appar och tjänster söker efter enheter i närheten när som helst, även när Bluetooth är inaktiverat. Funktionen kan till exempel användas till att förbättra platsbaserade funktioner och tjänster."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Platstjänster"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Platstjänster"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Platstjänster för jobbet"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Ställ in tidszon utifrån plats"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Enhetsplats behövs"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Anslut"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Inställningar för TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Återställ standardinställningarna"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarmhantering"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Jobbplanering"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Standardinställningarna har återställts"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-sw/strings.xml b/res/values-sw/strings.xml
index 6119901..94e8854 100644
--- a/res/values-sw/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-sw/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Kutafuta Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Ruhusu programu na huduma zitafute vifaa vilivyo karibu wakati wowote, hata wakati umezima Bluetooth. Hali hii inaweza kutumika, kwa mfano, kuboresha huduma na vipengele vinavyohusiana na mahali."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Huduma za mahali"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Huduma za mahali"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Huduma za Mahali za kazini"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Tumia mahali ili uweke saa za eneo"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Maelezo ya mahali kilipo kifaa yanahitajika"</string>
@@ -5575,7 +5574,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Unganisha"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Mipangilio ya TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Rejesha Mipangilio Chaguomsingi"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Kidhibiti cha Kengele"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Mratibu wa Kazi"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Umerejesha mipangilio chaguomsingi."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ta/strings.xml b/res/values-ta/strings.xml
index 2e46e97..fd1d400 100644
--- a/res/values-ta/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ta/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"புளூடூத் ஸ்கேன் செய்தல்"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"புளூடூத் ஆஃப் செய்யப்பட்டிருந்தாலும்கூட, எந்தநேரத்திலும் அருகிலுள்ள சாதனங்களைத் தேட, ஆப்ஸையும் சேவைகளையும் அனுமதிக்கும். மற்றவற்றிற்கும் இதைப் பயன்படுத்தலாம், உதாரணமாக, இருப்பிடம் சார்ந்த அம்சங்கள் மற்றும் சேவைகளை மேம்படுத்துதல்."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"இருப்பிடச் சேவைகள்"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"இருப்பிடச் சேவைகள்"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"பணிக் கணக்கிற்கான இருப்பிடச் சேவைகள்"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"நேர மண்டலத்தை அமைக்க இருப்பிடத்தைப் பயன்படுத்துக"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"சாதனத்தின் இருப்பிடம் தேவை"</string>
@@ -3789,7 +3788,7 @@
<string name="notification_history" msgid="8663811361243456201">"இதுவரை வந்த அறிவிப்புகள்"</string>
<string name="notification_history_toggle" msgid="9093762294928569030">"\'இதுவரை வந்த அறிவிப்புகள்\' அம்சத்தைப் பயன்படுத்து"</string>
<string name="notification_history_off_title_extended" msgid="853807652537281601">"\'இதுவரை வந்த அறிவிப்புகள்\' அம்சம் ஆஃப் செய்யப்பட்டது"</string>
- <string name="notification_history_off_summary" msgid="671359587084797617">"சமீபத்திய அறிவிப்புகளையும் ஒத்திவைக்கப்பட்ட அறிவிப்புகளையும் பார்க்க அறிவிப்பு வரலாற்றை ஆன் செய்யவும்"</string>
+ <string name="notification_history_off_summary" msgid="671359587084797617">"சமீபத்திய அறிவிப்புகளையும் ஒத்திவைக்கப்பட்ட அறிவிப்புகளையும் பார்க்க \'இதுவரை வந்த அறிவிப்புகள்\' அம்சத்தை ஆன் செய்யவும்"</string>
<string name="history_toggled_on_title" msgid="4518001110492652830">"சமீபத்திய அறிவிப்புகள் எதுவுமில்லை"</string>
<string name="history_toggled_on_summary" msgid="9034278971358282728">"சமீபத்திய மற்றும் ஒத்திவைக்கப்பட்ட அறிவிப்புகள் இங்கே காட்டப்படும்"</string>
<string name="notification_history_view_settings" msgid="5269317798670449002">"அறிவிப்பு அமைப்புகளைக் காட்டு"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"இணை"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE அமைப்புகள்"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"இயல்புநிலை அமைப்புகளுக்கு மாற்றியமை"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job Scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"அமைப்புகள் இயல்புநிலைக்கு மாற்றப்பட்டன."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-te/strings.xml b/res/values-te/strings.xml
index 3405cf9..e840a9c 100644
--- a/res/values-te/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-te/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"బ్లూటూత్ స్కానింగ్"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"బ్లూటూత్ ఆఫ్లో ఉన్నప్పుడు కూడా, ఏ సమయంలోనైనా సమీపంలోని పరికరాలను స్కాన్ చేయడానికి యాప్లను, సర్వీస్లను అనుమతించండి. ఈ అనుమతి, లొకేషన్ ఆధారిత ఫీచర్లను, సర్వీస్లను మెరుగుపరచడానికి ఉపయోగించబడుతుంది. అనుమతి వల్ల కలిగే ప్రయోజనాలకు ఇది ఒక ఉదాహరణ మాత్రమే."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"లొకేషన్ సర్వీస్లు"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"లొకేషన్ సర్వీస్లు"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"ఆఫీస్ కోసం స్థాన సేవలు"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"టైమ్ జోన్ను సెట్ చేయడానికి లొకేషన్ను ఉపయోగించండి"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"పరికర లొకేషన్ అవసరం"</string>
@@ -2760,9 +2759,9 @@
<string name="dialog_background_check_message" product="device" msgid="8005524265739819577">"<xliff:g id="APP_0">%1$s</xliff:g> మీ పరికరాన్ని సక్రియంగా ఉంచుతుంది, కనుక బ్యాటరీని మీ పరికరం సాధారణ రీతిలో నిర్వహించడం సాధ్యం కాదు.\n\nఈ సమస్యను పరిష్కరించేందుకు ప్రయత్నించాలంటే, మీరు <xliff:g id="APP_1">%1$s</xliff:g>ని ఆపివేసి, దానిని నేపథ్యంలో అమలు కాకుండా నిరోధించవచ్చు."</string>
<string name="dialog_background_check_ok" msgid="5792934035264144797">"ఆఫ్ చేయి"</string>
<string name="dialog_location_title" msgid="1323400468370901875">"స్థానాన్ని ఆఫ్ చేయాలా?"</string>
- <string name="dialog_location_message" product="default" msgid="5597959072209122057">"మీరు యాప్ను ఉపయోగించని సమయంలో కూడా <xliff:g id="APP">%1$s</xliff:g> మీ స్థానాన్ని అభ్యర్థిస్తోంది, కనుక బ్యాటరీని మీ ఫోన్ సాధారణ రీతిలో నిర్వహించడం సాధ్యం కాదు.\n\nఈ సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడం కోసం, ఈ అనువర్తనానికి మీరు స్థానాన్ని ఆఫ్ చేయవచ్చు."</string>
- <string name="dialog_location_message" product="tablet" msgid="7165269165194599595">"మీరు యాప్ను ఉపయోగించని సమయంలో కూడా <xliff:g id="APP">%1$s</xliff:g> మీ స్థానాన్ని అభ్యర్థిస్తోంది, కనుక బ్యాటరీని మీ టాబ్లెట్ సాధారణ రీతిలో నిర్వహించడం సాధ్యం కాదు.\n\nఈ సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడం కోసం, ఈ అనువర్తనానికి మీరు స్థానాన్ని ఆఫ్ చేయవచ్చు."</string>
- <string name="dialog_location_message" product="device" msgid="4606829479989940464">"మీరు యాప్ను ఉపయోగించని సమయంలో కూడా <xliff:g id="APP">%1$s</xliff:g> మీ స్థానాన్ని అభ్యర్థిస్తోంది, కనుక బ్యాటరీని మీ పరికరం సాధారణ రీతిలో నిర్వహించడం సాధ్యం కాదు.\n\nఈ సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడం కోసం, ఈ అనువర్తనానికి మీరు స్థానాన్ని ఆఫ్ చేయవచ్చు."</string>
+ <string name="dialog_location_message" product="default" msgid="5597959072209122057">"మీరు యాప్ను ఉపయోగించని సమయంలో కూడా <xliff:g id="APP">%1$s</xliff:g> మీ స్థానాన్ని అభ్యర్థిస్తోంది, కనుక బ్యాటరీని మీ ఫోన్ సాధారణ రీతిలో నిర్వహించడం సాధ్యం కాదు.\n\nఈ సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడం కోసం, ఈ యాప్నకు మీరు స్థానాన్ని ఆఫ్ చేయవచ్చు."</string>
+ <string name="dialog_location_message" product="tablet" msgid="7165269165194599595">"మీరు యాప్ను ఉపయోగించని సమయంలో కూడా <xliff:g id="APP">%1$s</xliff:g> మీ స్థానాన్ని అభ్యర్థిస్తోంది, కనుక బ్యాటరీని మీ టాబ్లెట్ సాధారణ రీతిలో నిర్వహించడం సాధ్యం కాదు.\n\nఈ సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడం కోసం, ఈ యాప్నకు మీరు స్థానాన్ని ఆఫ్ చేయవచ్చు."</string>
+ <string name="dialog_location_message" product="device" msgid="4606829479989940464">"మీరు యాప్ను ఉపయోగించని సమయంలో కూడా <xliff:g id="APP">%1$s</xliff:g> మీ స్థానాన్ని అభ్యర్థిస్తోంది, కనుక బ్యాటరీని మీ పరికరం సాధారణ రీతిలో నిర్వహించడం సాధ్యం కాదు.\n\nఈ సమస్యను పరిష్కరించడం కోసం, ఈ యాప్నకు మీరు స్థానాన్ని ఆఫ్ చేయవచ్చు."</string>
<string name="dialog_location_ok" msgid="6338680851382069716">"ఆఫ్ చేయి"</string>
<string name="power_screen" msgid="4596900105850963806">"స్క్రీన్"</string>
<string name="power_flashlight" msgid="8993388636332573202">"ఫ్లాష్లైట్"</string>
@@ -4345,10 +4344,10 @@
<string name="domain_urls_summary_none" msgid="1132578967643384733">"సపోర్ట్ చేసే లింక్లను తెరవదు"</string>
<string name="domain_urls_summary_one" msgid="3312008753802762892">"<xliff:g id="DOMAIN">%s</xliff:g>ని తెరిచేది(వి)"</string>
<string name="domain_urls_summary_some" msgid="1197692164421314523">"<xliff:g id="DOMAIN">%s</xliff:g> మరియు ఇతర URLలను తెరుస్తుంది"</string>
- <string name="domain_urls_apps_summary_off" msgid="2534980824850890416">"మద్దతు ఉన్న లింక్లను తెరవగల సామర్థ్యం ఏ అనువర్తనానికి లేదు"</string>
+ <string name="domain_urls_apps_summary_off" msgid="2534980824850890416">"మద్దతు ఉన్న లింక్లను తెరవగల సామర్థ్యం ఏ యాప్నకు లేదు"</string>
<plurals name="domain_urls_apps_summary_on" formatted="false" msgid="7864816862441985323">
<item quantity="other">మద్దతు ఉన్న లింక్లను తెరవగల సామర్థ్యం <xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> అనువర్తనాలకు ఉంది</item>
- <item quantity="one">మద్దతు ఉన్న లింక్లను తెరవగల సామర్థ్యం ఒక అనువర్తనానికి ఉంది</item>
+ <item quantity="one">మద్దతు ఉన్న లింక్లను తెరవగల సామర్థ్యం ఒక యాప్నకు ఉంది</item>
<string name="app_link_open_always" msgid="9167065494930657503">"సపోర్ట్ చేసే లింక్లను తెరవడానికి యాప్ను అనుమతించండి"</string>
<string name="app_link_open_ask" msgid="2422450109908936371">"ప్రతిసారి అడగాలి"</string>
@@ -4499,7 +4498,7 @@
<string name="ignore_optimizations_off_desc" msgid="3324571675983286177">"మెరుగైన బ్యాటరీ సామర్థ్యం కోసం సిఫార్సు చేయబడింది"</string>
<string name="ignore_optimizations_title" msgid="3464172726254542889">"బ్యాటరీ అనుకూలీకరణలను విస్మరించడానికి <xliff:g id="APP">%s</xliff:g>ని అనుమతించాలా?"</string>
<string name="app_list_preference_none" msgid="1635406344616653756">"ఏదీ వద్దు"</string>
- <string name="work_profile_usage_access_warning" msgid="3477719910927319122">"ఈ అనువర్తనంలో వినియోగ ప్రాప్యతను ఆఫ్ చేసినా కూడా మీ కార్యాలయ ప్రొఫైల్లోని అనువర్తన డేటా వినియోగాన్ని ట్రాక్ చేయకుండా మీ నిర్వాహకులు నివారించబడరు"</string>
+ <string name="work_profile_usage_access_warning" msgid="3477719910927319122">"ఈ యాప్లో వినియోగ ప్రాప్యతను ఆఫ్ చేసినా కూడా మీ కార్యాలయ ప్రొఫైల్లోని అనువర్తన డేటా వినియోగాన్ని ట్రాక్ చేయకుండా మీ నిర్వాహకులు నివారించబడరు"</string>
<string name="accessibility_lock_screen_progress" msgid="4597298121698665401">"<xliff:g id="COUNT_1">%2$d</xliff:g>లో <xliff:g id="COUNT_0">%1$d</xliff:g> అక్షరాలు ఉపయోగించబడ్డాయి"</string>
<string name="draw_overlay" msgid="7902083260500573027">"ఇతర యాప్ల ఎగువున ప్రదర్శన"</string>
<string name="system_alert_window_settings" msgid="6458633954424862521">"ఇతర యాప్ల ఎగువున ప్రదర్శన"</string>
@@ -4561,7 +4560,7 @@
<string name="data_usage_wifi_format" msgid="7644390582649568117">"Wi-Fiలో <xliff:g id="AMOUNT">^1</xliff:g> ఉపయోగించబడింది"</string>
<plurals name="notification_summary" formatted="false" msgid="7638388920823212470">
<item quantity="other"><xliff:g id="COUNT">%d</xliff:g> అనువర్తనాలలో ఆఫ్ చేయబడింది</item>
- <item quantity="one">1 అనువర్తనంలో ఆఫ్ చేయబడింది</item>
+ <item quantity="one">1 యాప్లో ఆఫ్ చేయబడింది</item>
<string name="notification_summary_none" msgid="9179312319023988089">"అన్ని యాప్లలో ఆన్ చేయబడ్డాయి"</string>
<string name="apps_summary" msgid="4007416751775414252">"<xliff:g id="COUNT">%1$d</xliff:g> యాప్లు ఇన్స్టాల్ చేయబడ్డాయి"</string>
@@ -4775,7 +4774,7 @@
<string name="page_tab_title_support" msgid="3235725053332345773">"చిట్కాలు & సపోర్ట్"</string>
<string name="developer_smallest_width" msgid="632354817870920911">"అతితక్కువ వెడల్పు"</string>
<string name="premium_sms_none" msgid="8737045049886416739">"ఇన్స్టాల్ చేసిన యాప్లు ఏవీ ప్రీమియం SMS యాక్సెస్ను అభ్యర్థించలేదు"</string>
- <string name="premium_sms_warning" msgid="2192300872411073324">"ప్రీమియం SMSతో మీకు డబ్బు ఖర్చు కావచ్చు, ఈ ఛార్జీ మీ క్యారియర్ బిల్లుల్లో విధించబడుతుంది. మీరు ఒక అనువర్తనానికి అనుమతిని అందిస్తే, ఆ యాప్ను ఉపయోగించి ప్రీమియం SMSను పంపగలరు."</string>
+ <string name="premium_sms_warning" msgid="2192300872411073324">"ప్రీమియం SMSతో మీకు డబ్బు ఖర్చు కావచ్చు, ఈ ఛార్జీ మీ క్యారియర్ బిల్లుల్లో విధించబడుతుంది. మీరు ఒక యాప్నకు అనుమతిని అందిస్తే, ఆ యాప్ను ఉపయోగించి ప్రీమియం SMSను పంపగలరు."</string>
<string name="premium_sms_access" msgid="5605970342699013212">"ప్రీమియం SMS యాక్సెస్"</string>
<string name="bluetooth_disabled" msgid="835838280837359514">"ఆఫ్"</string>
<string name="bluetooth_connected_summary" msgid="8043167194934315712">"<xliff:g id="ID_1">%1$s</xliff:g>కి కనెక్ట్ చేయబడింది"</string>
@@ -5575,7 +5574,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"కనెక్ట్ చేేయి"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE సెట్టింగ్లు"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ఆటోమేటిక్ సెట్టింగ్కు తిరిగి మార్చండి"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"అలారం మేనేజర్"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"ఉద్యోగ షెడ్యూలర్"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"సెట్టింగ్స్ ఆటోమేటిక్ సెట్టింగ్గా మారాయి."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-th/strings.xml b/res/values-th/strings.xml
index d41f667..9836479 100644
--- a/res/values-th/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-th/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"การสแกนหาบลูทูธ"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"อนุญาตให้แอปและบริการต่างๆ สแกนหาอุปกรณ์ใกล้เคียงตลอดเวลา แม้บลูทูธจะปิดอยู่ การตั้งค่านี้ใช้เพื่อทำสิ่งต่างๆ เช่น ปรับปรุงฟีเจอร์และบริการตามสถานที่"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"บริการตำแหน่ง"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"บริการตำแหน่ง"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"บริการตำแหน่งสำหรับการทำงาน"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"ใช้ตำแหน่งเพื่อตั้งค่าเขตเวลา"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"ต้องใช้ตำแหน่งของอุปกรณ์"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"เชื่อมต่อ"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"การตั้งค่า TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"เปลี่ยนกลับไปเป็นการตั้งค่าเริ่มต้น"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"เครื่องจัดตารางเวลางาน"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"เปลี่ยนการตั้งค่ากลับเป็นค่าเริ่มต้นแล้ว"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-tl/strings.xml b/res/values-tl/strings.xml
index 79a9e2d..21be827 100644
--- a/res/values-tl/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-tl/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Pag-scan ng Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Payagan ang mga app at serbisyo na mag-scan ng mga kalapit na device anumang oras, kahit na naka-off ang Bluetooth. Magagamit ito, halimbawa, para pahusayin ang mga feature at serbisyong batay sa lokasyon."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Mga serbisyo ng lokasyon"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Mga serbisyo ng lokasyon"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Mga serbisyo ng lokasyon para sa trabaho"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Gamitin ang lokasyon para magtakda ng time zone"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Kailangan ang lokasyon ng device"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Kumonekta"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Mga Setting ng TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Bumalik sa Mga Default na Setting"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Manager ng Alarm"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Scheduler ng Trabaho"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Ibinalik sa default ang mga setting."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index 302ab4a..fea04f2 100644
--- a/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth taraması"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Uygulamaların ve hizmetlerin etrafınızdaki cihazları Bluetooth kapalıyken bile her zaman taramasına izin verir. Bu özellik, örneğin, konuma dayalı özellikleri ve hizmetleri iyileştirmek için kullanılabilir."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Konum hizmetleri"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Konum hizmetleri"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"İş için konum hizmetleri"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Saat dilimini ayarlamak için konumu kullan"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Cihaz konumu gerekiyor"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Bağlan"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE Ayarları"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Varsayılan Ayarlara geri dönülsün mü?"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"İş Planlayıcı"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Ayarlar varsayılana geri döndürüldü."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-uk/strings.xml b/res/values-uk/strings.xml
index 2ba93b8..2a81907 100644
--- a/res/values-uk/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-uk/strings.xml
@@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@
<string name="screen_timeout_title" msgid="785134393520893049">"Вимикати екран"</string>
<string name="screen_timeout_summary" msgid="5558778019594643427">"Коли минає <xliff:g id="TIMEOUT_DESCRIPTION">%1$s</xliff:g> бездіяльності"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_settings_title" msgid="5635129851136006383">"Фоновий малюнок"</string>
- <string name="style_and_wallpaper_settings_title" msgid="2232042809407308946">"Фоновий малюнок і стиль"</string>
+ <string name="style_and_wallpaper_settings_title" msgid="2232042809407308946">"Оформлення та стиль"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_dashboard_summary" msgid="2324472863981057118">"Головний екран, заблокований екран"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_settings_summary_default" msgid="7569803705735001813">"За умовчанням"</string>
<string name="wallpaper_settings_summary_custom" msgid="3174561317688848729">"Спеціальний"</string>
@@ -1901,8 +1901,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Шукати пристрої Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Дозволити додаткам і сервісам будь-коли шукати пристрої поруч, навіть якщо Bluetooth вимкнено. Це може покращити роботу функцій і сервісів, які використовують геодані."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Служби локації"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Служби локації"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Служби локації для роботи"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Визначати часовий пояс за місцезнаходженням"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Потрібен доступ до геоданих пристрою"</string>
@@ -5752,7 +5751,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Підключитися"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Налаштування TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Відновити налаштування за умовчанням"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Job Scheduler"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Налаштування за умовчанням відновлено."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-ur/strings.xml b/res/values-ur/strings.xml
index 45d57bb..03f1757 100644
--- a/res/values-ur/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-ur/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"بلوٹوتھ اسکیننگ"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"بلوٹوتھ کے آف ہونے پر بھی ایپس اور سروسز کو کسی بھی وقت قریبی آلات اسکین کرنے کی اجازت دیں۔ مثال کے طور، اسے مقام پر مبنی خصوصیات اور سروسز کو بہتر بنانے کے لیے استعمال کیا جا سکتا ہے۔"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"مقام کی سروسز"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"مقام کی سروسز"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"دفتر کے لیے مقام کی سروسز"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"ٹائم زون سیٹ کرنے کے لئے مقام کا استعمال کریں"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"آلہ کا مقام درکار ہے"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"منسلک کریں"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE کی ترتیبات"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"ڈیفالٹ ترتیبات پر لوٹائیں"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"الارم مینیجر"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"جاب شیڈولر"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"ترتیبات ڈیفالٹ پر لوٹا دی گئیں۔"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-uz/strings.xml b/res/values-uz/strings.xml
index bb36b26..c61ea63 100644
--- a/res/values-uz/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-uz/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Bluetooth qurilmalarni qidirish"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Bluetooth yoniq emasligida ham ilovalar va xizmatlarga yaqin-atrofdagi qurilmalarni qidirish uchun ruxsat. Shunda joylashuv axborotiga asoslangan funksiya va xizmatlarning ishlashi yanada yaxshilanadi."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Joylashuvni aniqlash xizmatlari"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Joylashuvni aniqlash xizmatlari"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Ish uchun joylashuv xizmatlari"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Vaqt mintaqasini sozlash uchun geolokatsiyadan foydalanish"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Qurilmaning joylashuvi haqidagi axborot zarur"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Ulansin"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE sozlamalari"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Standart sozlamalarga qaytarish"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Signal menejeri"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Ishni rejalashtirgich"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Asliga qaytarilgan sozlamalar."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-vi/strings.xml b/res/values-vi/strings.xml
index 2742d19..12258fe 100644
--- a/res/values-vi/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-vi/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Quét tìm Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Cho phép các ứng dụng và dịch vụ quét tìm thiết bị lân cận bất kỳ lúc nào, ngay cả khi Bluetooth tắt. Chế độ này có thể cải thiện các tính năng và dịch vụ dựa trên vị trí."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Dịch vụ vị trí"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Dịch vụ vị trí"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Dịch vụ vị trí cho công việc"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Sử dụng thông tin vị trí để đặt múi giờ"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Cần có thông tin vị trí của thiết bị"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Kết nối"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Cài đặt TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Khôi phục về Chế độ cài đặt mặc định"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Alarm Manager"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Trình lập lịch biểu công việc"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Đã khôi phục về Chế độ cài đặt mặc định."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml b/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
index 446c7a7..80ab074 100644
--- a/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zh-rCN/strings.xml
@@ -1857,8 +1857,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"蓝牙扫描"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"允许应用和服务随时扫描附近的设备(即使蓝牙已关闭)。这可用于改进基于位置的功能和服务。"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"位置信息服务"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"位置信息服务"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"工作用位置信息服务"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"使用位置信息设置时区"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"需要设备位置信息"</string>
@@ -5574,7 +5573,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"连接"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE 设置"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"还原为默认设置"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"闹钟管理器"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"作业调度程序"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"设置已还原为默认值。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml b/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml
index bd2033c..6f12d4c 100644
--- a/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zh-rHK/strings.xml
@@ -1860,8 +1860,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"藍牙掃瞄"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"允許應用程式和服務隨時掃瞄附近的裝置 (即使藍牙功能已關閉)。此操作可用來改善適地性功能和服務。"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"定位服務"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"定位服務"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"工作用定位服務"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"使用位置設定時區"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"需要裝置位置權限"</string>
@@ -5577,7 +5576,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"連接"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE 設定"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"還原為預設設定"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"鬧鐘管理員"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"工作排程工具"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"已還原為預設設定。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml b/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
index d9d80b6..9a38f4f 100644
--- a/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml
@@ -1859,8 +1859,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"藍牙掃描"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"允許應用程式和服務隨時掃描附近裝置 (即使藍牙功能處於關閉狀態)。這項設定有助於改善適地性相關功能和服務等等。"</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"定位服務"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"定位服務"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"工作用定位服務"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"使用位置資訊設定時區"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"必須開啟裝置定位功能"</string>
@@ -5576,7 +5575,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"連線"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"TARE 設定"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"還原為預設設定"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"鬧鐘管理員"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"工作排程器"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"已還原為預設設定。"</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->
diff --git a/res/values-zu/strings.xml b/res/values-zu/strings.xml
index f45ea70..a7dad66 100644
--- a/res/values-zu/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values-zu/strings.xml
@@ -1858,8 +1858,7 @@
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_title" msgid="1809309545730215891">"Ukuskena kwe-Bluetooth"</string>
<string name="location_scanning_bluetooth_always_scanning_description" msgid="5362988856388462841">"Vumela izinhlelo zokusebenza namasevisi ukuthi askenele amadivayisi aseduze noma kunini, nanoma i-Bluetooth ivaliwe. Lokhu kungasetshenziselwa, njengesibonelo, ukuthuthukisa izici ezisuselwa endaweni namasevisi."</string>
<string name="location_services_preference_title" msgid="604317859531782159">"Amasevisi endawo"</string>
- <!-- no translation found for location_services_screen_title (5640002489976602476) -->
- <skip />
+ <string name="location_services_screen_title" msgid="5640002489976602476">"Amasevisi Endawo"</string>
<string name="managed_profile_location_services" msgid="8172092734138341880">"Amasevisi endawo omsebenzi"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_toggle_title" msgid="6518338597250564260">"Sebenzisa indawo ukusetha izoni yesikhathi"</string>
<string name="location_time_zone_detection_location_is_off_dialog_title" msgid="231698690198001146">"Indawo yedivayisi iyadingeka"</string>
@@ -5575,7 +5574,39 @@
<string name="bluetooth_connect_access_dialog_positive" msgid="3630561675207269710">"Xhuma"</string>
<string name="tare_settings" msgid="3788654800004869077">"Amasethingi we-TARE"</string>
<string name="tare_revert" msgid="3855325741125236638">"Buyela Kumasethingi Wokuzenzakalelayo"</string>
- <string name="tare_alarm_manager" msgid="1496365820830555761">"Umphathi we-alamu"</string>
- <string name="tare_job_scheduler" msgid="523026936687109467">"Umhleli womsebenzi"</string>
<string name="tare_settings_reverted_toast" msgid="8189887409285176731">"Amasethingi abuyiselwe kokuzenzakalelayo."</string>
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_satiated_balance (3914973999573150340) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_max_circulation (1119152898303214809) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_min_satiated_balance (8038047539584856564) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers (8919975635360280820) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_actions (4573323466443513639) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_rewards (602131401590928885) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_exempted (223247432456678980) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_headless_app (6523878455829211651) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_app (4361184813378127700) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_top_activity (7266560655483385757) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen (7829963536020087742) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_seen_15_min (832174185809497764) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_notification_interaction (3806204222322830129) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_widget_interaction (2260701564089214184) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_other_interaction (8069163421115212751) -->
+ <skip />
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:0 (3325940509857535498) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:1 (658627268149681677) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:2 (1599558140284643834) -->
+ <!-- no translation found for tare_modifiers_subfactors:3 (588427840913221601) -->