Glimpse: Implement ACTION_REVIEW properly

* With this intent, we're expecting an external content URI, treat it as

Change-Id: I790531850a6bc6be6d946ae3b0dd4f15d97ebceb
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/lineageos/glimpse/ViewActivity.kt b/app/src/main/java/org/lineageos/glimpse/ViewActivity.kt
index a82ab5b..5e3eb13 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/lineageos/glimpse/ViewActivity.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/lineageos/glimpse/ViewActivity.kt
@@ -8,9 +8,11 @@
 import android.content.Intent
 import android.os.Bundle
+import android.provider.MediaStore
 import android.webkit.MimeTypeMap
 import android.widget.Toast
+import androidx.core.os.bundleOf
 import androidx.core.view.WindowCompat
 import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
 import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
@@ -19,6 +21,7 @@
 import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
 import okhttp3.Request
 import org.lineageos.glimpse.fragments.MediaViewerFragment
+import org.lineageos.glimpse.models.Media
 import org.lineageos.glimpse.models.MediaType
 import org.lineageos.glimpse.models.MediaUri
@@ -49,56 +52,177 @@
     private fun handleIntent(intent: Intent) {
         ioScope.launch {
-            val uri = ?: run {
-                runOnUiThread {
-                    Toast.makeText(
-                        this@ViewActivity, R.string.intent_media_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT
-                    ).show()
-                    finish()
-                }
-                return@launch
-            }
-            val dataType = intent.type ?: getContentType(uri) ?: run {
-                runOnUiThread {
+            when (intent.action) {
+                Intent.ACTION_VIEW -> handleView(intent)
+                MediaStore.ACTION_REVIEW,
+                MediaStore.ACTION_REVIEW_SECURE -> handleReview(intent)
+                else -> runOnUiThread {
-                        R.string.intent_media_type_not_found,
+                        R.string.intent_action_not_supported,
+            }
+        }
+    }
-                return@launch
+    /**
+     * Handle a [Intent.ACTION_VIEW] intent (view a single media, controls also read-only).
+     * Must be executed on [ioScope].
+     * @param intent The received intent
+     */
+    private fun handleView(intent: Intent) {
+        val uri = ?: run {
+            runOnUiThread {
+                Toast.makeText(
+                    this@ViewActivity,
+                    R.string.intent_media_not_found,
+                    Toast.LENGTH_SHORT
+                ).show()
+                finish()
-            val uriType = MediaType.fromMimeType(dataType) ?: run {
-                runOnUiThread {
-                    Toast.makeText(
-                        this@ViewActivity,
-                        R.string.intent_media_type_not_supported,
-                        Toast.LENGTH_SHORT
-                    ).show()
-                    finish()
-                }
+            return
+        }
-                return@launch
+        val dataType = intent.type ?: getContentType(uri) ?: run {
+            runOnUiThread {
+                Toast.makeText(
+                    this@ViewActivity,
+                    R.string.intent_media_type_not_found,
+                    Toast.LENGTH_SHORT
+                ).show()
+                finish()
+            return
+        }
+        val uriType = MediaType.fromMimeType(dataType) ?: run {
+            runOnUiThread {
+                Toast.makeText(
+                    this@ViewActivity,
+                    R.string.intent_media_type_not_supported,
+                    Toast.LENGTH_SHORT
+                ).show()
+                finish()
+            }
+            return
+        }
+        runOnUiThread {
+            supportFragmentManager
+                .beginTransaction()
+                .replace(
+          , MediaViewerFragment.newInstance(
+                        null, null, MediaUri(uri, uriType, dataType)
+                    )
+                )
+                .commit()
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Handle a [MediaStore.ACTION_REVIEW] / [MediaStore.ACTION_REVIEW_SECURE] intent
+     * (view a media together with medias from the same bucket ID).
+     * If uri parsing from [MediaStore] fails, fallback to [handleView].
+     * Must be executed on [ioScope].
+     * @param intent The received intent
+     */
+    private fun handleReview(intent: Intent) {
+ { getMediaStoreMedia(it) }?.also {
             runOnUiThread {
               , MediaViewerFragment.newInstance(
-                            null, null, MediaUri(uri, uriType, dataType)
+                            it, it.bucketId, null
-        }
+        } ?: handleView(intent)
+    /**
+     * Given a [MediaStore] [Uri], parse its information and get a [Media] object.
+     * Must be executed on [ioScope].
+     * @param uri The [MediaStore] [Uri]
+     */
+    private fun getMediaStoreMedia(uri: Uri) = runCatching {
+        contentResolver.query(
+            uri,
+            arrayOf(
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.BUCKET_ID,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.IS_FAVORITE,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.IS_TRASHED,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_ADDED,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_MODIFIED,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.WIDTH,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.HEIGHT,
+                MediaStore.MediaColumns.ORIENTATION,
+            ),
+            bundleOf(),
+            null,
+        )?.use {
+            val idIndex = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns._ID)
+            val bucketIdIndex = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.BUCKET_ID)
+            val displayNameIndex = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)
+            val isFavoriteIndex = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.IS_FAVORITE)
+            val isTrashedIndex = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.IS_TRASHED)
+            val mimeTypeIndex = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE)
+            val dateAddedIndex = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_ADDED)
+            val dateModifiedIndex =
+                it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.DATE_MODIFIED)
+            val widthIndex = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.WIDTH)
+            val heightIndex = it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.HEIGHT)
+            val orientationIndex =
+                it.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MediaStore.MediaColumns.ORIENTATION)
+            if (it.count != 1) {
+                return@use null
+            }
+            it.moveToFirst()
+            val id = it.getLong(idIndex)
+            val bucketId = it.getInt(bucketIdIndex)
+            val displayName = it.getString(displayNameIndex)
+            val isFavorite = it.getInt(isFavoriteIndex)
+            val isTrashed = it.getInt(isTrashedIndex)
+            val mediaType = contentResolver.getType(uri)?.let { type ->
+                MediaType.fromMimeType(type)
+            } ?: return@use null
+            val mimeType = it.getString(mimeTypeIndex)
+            val dateAdded = it.getLong(dateAddedIndex)
+            val dateModified = it.getLong(dateModifiedIndex)
+            val width = it.getInt(widthIndex)
+            val height = it.getInt(heightIndex)
+            val orientation = it.getInt(orientationIndex)
+            Media.fromMediaStore(
+                id,
+                bucketId,
+                displayName,
+                isFavorite,
+                isTrashed,
+                mediaType.mediaStoreValue,
+                mimeType,
+                dateAdded,
+                dateModified,
+                width,
+                height,
+                orientation,
+            )
+        }
+    }.getOrNull()
     private fun getContentType(uri: Uri) = when (uri.scheme) {
         "content" -> contentResolver.getType(uri)
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/org/lineageos/glimpse/models/MediaType.kt b/app/src/main/java/org/lineageos/glimpse/models/MediaType.kt
index c116795..d6d8836 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/org/lineageos/glimpse/models/MediaType.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/org/lineageos/glimpse/models/MediaType.kt
@@ -10,15 +10,20 @@
 enum class MediaType(
     val externalContentUri: Uri,
+    val mediaStoreValue: Int,
 ) {
-    IMAGE(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI),
-    VIDEO(MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI);
+    IMAGE(
+        MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,
+        MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE,
+    ),
+    VIDEO(
+        MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,
+        MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO,
+    );
     companion object {
-        fun fromMediaStoreValue(value: Int) = when (value) {
-            MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE -> IMAGE
-            MediaStore.Files.FileColumns.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO -> VIDEO
-            else -> throw Exception("Unknown value $value")
+        fun fromMediaStoreValue(value: Int) = values().first {
+            value == it.mediaStoreValue
         fun fromMimeType(mimeType: String) = when {
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
index c7eba06..d2d5067 100644
--- a/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
     <string name="media_info_location_open_with">View the location with</string>
     <!-- View activity -->
+    <string name="intent_action_not_supported">Action not supported</string>
     <string name="intent_media_not_found">Media not found</string>
     <string name="intent_media_type_not_found">Media type not found</string>
     <string name="intent_media_type_not_supported">Media type not supported</string>