bluetooth: Fix bt on/off count flag handle

Bluedroid stack tries to turn off BT first every time
before it turns on BT, so the bt on/off count comes to
minus value. Fix the multiple times BT off counter to
0 always to handle it to make actual BT off happened.

Change-Id: I53203959325437d0b9f0277860d240a15d8465b8
diff --git a/libbt-vendor/src/bt_vendor_qcom.c b/libbt-vendor/src/bt_vendor_qcom.c
index c620fff..c4b0310 100755
--- a/libbt-vendor/src/bt_vendor_qcom.c
+++ b/libbt-vendor/src/bt_vendor_qcom.c
@@ -264,15 +264,16 @@
         if (value == 1)
             can_perform = true;
         else if (value > 3)
-           return false;
+            return false;
     else {
         ALOGV("%s: off : value is: %d", __func__, value);
-        value--;
-        if (value == 0)
-           can_perform = true;
-        else if (value < 0)
-           return false;
+        if (--value <= 0) {
+            ALOGE("%s: BT turn off twice before BT On(ref_count=%d)\n",
+                    __func__, value);
+            value = 0;
+            can_perform = true;
+        }
     snprintf(ref_count, 3, "%d", value);