Merge "hal: Add support for audio patches in HAL"
diff --git a/hal/audio_extn/audio_extn.h b/hal/audio_extn/audio_extn.h
index c0e8cf4..986e24a 100644
--- a/hal/audio_extn/audio_extn.h
+++ b/hal/audio_extn/audio_extn.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013-2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2020, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Not a Contribution.
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
@@ -835,6 +835,8 @@
int audio_extn_utils_get_vendor_enhanced_info();
int audio_extn_utils_get_app_sample_rate_for_device(struct audio_device *adev,
struct audio_usecase *usecase, int snd_device);
+int audio_extn_utils_hash_fn(void *key);
+bool audio_extn_utils_hash_eq(void *key1, void *key2);
#define LIB_DS2_DAP_HAL "vendor/lib/"
diff --git a/hal/audio_extn/utils.c b/hal/audio_extn/utils.c
index e729bfe..92887f0 100644
--- a/hal/audio_extn/utils.c
+++ b/hal/audio_extn/utils.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2020, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Not a Contribution.
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
@@ -3140,3 +3140,13 @@
return size;
+int audio_extn_utils_hash_fn(void *key)
+ return (int)key;
+bool audio_extn_utils_hash_eq(void *key1, void *key2)
+ return (key1 == key2);
diff --git a/hal/audio_hw.c b/hal/audio_hw.c
index d5ae055..f70883d 100644
--- a/hal/audio_hw.c
+++ b/hal/audio_hw.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013-2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2020, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Not a Contribution.
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@
#define DSD_VOLUME_MIN_DB (-110)
+#define AUDIO_IO_PORTS_MAX 32
#define RECORD_GAIN_MIN 0.0f
#define RECORD_GAIN_MAX 1.0f
@@ -666,6 +667,93 @@
+static inline bool free_entry(void *key __unused,
+ void *value, void *context __unused)
+ free(value);
+ return true;
+static inline void free_map(Hashmap *map)
+ if (map) {
+ hashmapForEach(map, free_entry, (void *) NULL);
+ hashmapFree(map);
+ }
+static inline void patch_map_remove(struct audio_device *adev,
+ audio_patch_handle_t patch_handle)
+ if (patch_handle == AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE)
+ return;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
+ struct audio_patch_info *p_info =
+ hashmapGet(adev->patch_map, (void *) (intptr_t) patch_handle);
+ if (p_info) {
+ ALOGV("%s: Remove patch %d", __func__, patch_handle);
+ hashmapRemove(adev->patch_map, (void *) (intptr_t) patch_handle);
+ free(p_info->patch);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&p_info->lock);
+ free(p_info);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+static inline int io_streams_map_insert(struct audio_device *adev,
+ struct audio_stream *stream,
+ audio_io_handle_t handle,
+ audio_patch_handle_t patch_handle)
+ struct audio_stream_info *s_info =
+ (struct audio_stream_info *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct audio_stream_info));
+ if (s_info == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Could not allocate stream info", __func__);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ s_info->stream = stream;
+ s_info->patch_handle = patch_handle;
+ pthread_mutex_init(&s_info->lock, (const pthread_mutexattr_t *) NULL);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
+ struct audio_stream_info *stream_info =
+ hashmapPut(adev->io_streams_map, (void *) (intptr_t) handle, (void *) s_info);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ if (stream_info != NULL)
+ free(stream_info);
+ ALOGD("%s: Added stream in io_streams_map with handle %d", __func__, handle);
+ return 0;
+static inline void io_streams_map_remove(struct audio_device *adev,
+ audio_io_handle_t handle)
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
+ struct audio_stream_info *s_info =
+ hashmapRemove(adev->io_streams_map, (void *) (intptr_t) handle);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ if (s_info == NULL)
+ return;
+ ALOGD("%s: Removed stream with handle %d", __func__, handle);
+ patch_map_remove(adev, s_info->patch_handle);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&s_info->lock);
+ free(s_info);
+ return;
+static struct audio_patch_info* fetch_patch_info(struct audio_device *adev,
+ audio_patch_handle_t handle)
+ struct audio_patch_info *p_info = NULL;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
+ p_info = (struct audio_patch_info *)
+ hashmapGet(adev->patch_map, (void *) (intptr_t) handle);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ return p_info;
__attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
bool audio_hw_send_gain_dep_calibration(int level) {
bool ret_val = false;
@@ -4508,18 +4596,206 @@
return -ENODEV;
+int route_output_stream(struct stream_out *out,
+ audio_devices_t devices,
+ char *address)
+ struct audio_device *adev = out->dev;
+ struct str_parms *addr;
+ int ret = 0;
+ audio_devices_t new_devices = devices;
+ bool bypass_a2dp = false;
+ bool reconfig = false;
+ unsigned long service_interval = 0;
+ ALOGD("%s: enter: usecase(%d: %s) devices %x",
+ __func__, out->usecase, use_case_table[out->usecase], devices);
+ addr = str_parms_create_str(address);
+ if (!addr)
+ goto error;
+ lock_output_stream(out);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
+ /*
+ * When HDMI cable is unplugged the music playback is paused and
+ * the policy manager sends routing=0. But the audioflinger continues
+ * to write data until standby time (3sec). As the HDMI core is
+ * turned off, the write gets blocked.
+ * Avoid this by routing audio to speaker until standby.
+ */
+ if ((out->devices == AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL) &&
+ (new_devices == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) &&
+ !audio_extn_passthru_is_passthrough_stream(out) &&
+ (platform_get_edid_info(adev->platform) != 0) /* HDMI disconnected */) {
+ }
+ /*
+ * When A2DP is disconnected the
+ * music playback is paused and the policy manager sends routing=0
+ * But the audioflinger continues to write data until standby time
+ * (3sec). As BT is turned off, the write gets blocked.
+ * Avoid this by routing audio to speaker until standby.
+ */
+ if ((out->devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) &&
+ (new_devices == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) &&
+ !audio_extn_a2dp_source_is_ready() &&
+ !adev->bt_sco_on) {
+ }
+ /*
+ * When USB headset is disconnected the music platback paused
+ * and the policy manager send routing=0. But if the USB is connected
+ * back before the standby time, AFE is not closed and opened
+ * when USB is connected back. So routing to speker will guarantee
+ * AFE reconfiguration and AFE will be opend once USB is connected again
+ */
+ if ((out->devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_USB) &&
+ (new_devices == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) &&
+ !audio_extn_usb_connected(addr))
+ /* To avoid a2dp to sco overlapping / BT device improper state
+ * check with BT lib about a2dp streaming support before routing
+ */
+ if (new_devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) {
+ if (!audio_extn_a2dp_source_is_ready()) {
+ if (new_devices &
+ //combo usecase just by pass a2dp
+ ALOGW("%s: A2DP profile is not ready,routing to speaker only", __func__);
+ bypass_a2dp = true;
+ } else {
+ ALOGE("%s: A2DP profile is not ready,ignoring routing request", __func__);
+ /* update device to a2dp and don't route as BT returned error
+ * However it is still possible a2dp routing called because
+ * of current active device disconnection (like wired headset)
+ */
+ out->devices = new_devices;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock);
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Workaround: If routing to an non existing usb device, fail gracefully
+ // The routing request will otherwise block during 10 second
+ int card;
+ if (audio_is_usb_out_device(new_devices) &&
+ (card = get_alive_usb_card(addr)) >= 0) {
+ ALOGW("out_set_parameters() ignoring rerouting to non existing USB card %d", card);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock);
+ ret = -ENOSYS;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /*
+ * select_devices() call below switches all the usecases on the same
+ * backend to the new device. Refer to check_usecases_codec_backend() in
+ * the select_devices(). But how do we undo this?
+ *
+ * For example, music playback is active on headset (deep-buffer usecase)
+ * and if we go to ringtones and select a ringtone, low-latency usecase
+ * will be started on headset+speaker. As we can't enable headset+speaker
+ * and headset devices at the same time, select_devices() switches the music
+ * playback to headset+speaker while starting low-lateny usecase for ringtone.
+ * So when the ringtone playback is completed, how do we undo the same?
+ *
+ * We are relying on the out_set_parameters() call on deep-buffer output,
+ * once the ringtone playback is ended.
+ * NOTE: We should not check if the current devices are same as new devices.
+ * Because select_devices() must be called to switch back the music
+ * playback to headset.
+ */
+ if (new_devices != AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) {
+ bool same_dev = out->devices == new_devices;
+ out->devices = new_devices;
+ if (output_drives_call(adev, out)) {
+ if (!voice_is_call_state_active(adev)) {
+ if (adev->mode == AUDIO_MODE_IN_CALL) {
+ adev->current_call_output = out;
+ if (audio_is_usb_out_device(out->devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_USB)) {
+ service_interval =
+ audio_extn_usb_find_service_interval(true, true /*playback*/);
+ audio_extn_usb_set_service_interval(true /*playback*/,
+ service_interval,
+ &reconfig);
+ ALOGD("%s, svc_int(%ld),reconfig(%d)",__func__,service_interval, reconfig);
+ }
+ ret = voice_start_call(adev);
+ }
+ } else {
+ adev->current_call_output = out;
+ voice_update_devices_for_all_voice_usecases(adev);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!out->standby) {
+ if (!same_dev) {
+ ALOGV("update routing change");
+ audio_extn_perf_lock_acquire(&adev->perf_lock_handle, 0,
+ adev->perf_lock_opts,
+ adev->perf_lock_opts_size);
+ if (adev->adm_on_routing_change)
+ adev->adm_on_routing_change(adev->adm_data,
+ out->handle);
+ }
+ if (!bypass_a2dp) {
+ select_devices(adev, out->usecase);
+ } else {
+ if (new_devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER_SAFE)
+ else
+ out->devices = AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER;
+ select_devices(adev, out->usecase);
+ out->devices = new_devices;
+ }
+ if (!same_dev) {
+ // on device switch force swap, lower functions will make sure
+ // to check if swap is allowed or not.
+ platform_set_swap_channels(adev, true);
+ audio_extn_perf_lock_release(&adev->perf_lock_handle);
+ }
+ out->a2dp_compress_mute &&
+ (!(out->devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) || audio_extn_a2dp_source_is_ready())) {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&out->compr_mute_lock);
+ out->a2dp_compress_mute = false;
+ out_set_compr_volume(&out->stream, out->volume_l, out->volume_r);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->compr_mute_lock);
+ } else if (out->usecase == USECASE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_VOIP) {
+ out_set_voip_volume(&out->stream, out->volume_l, out->volume_r);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock);
+ /*handles device and call state changes*/
+ audio_extn_extspk_update(adev->extspk);
+ if (addr)
+ str_parms_destroy(addr);
+ ALOGV("%s: exit: code(%d)", __func__, ret);
+ return ret;
static int out_set_parameters(struct audio_stream *stream, const char *kvpairs)
struct stream_out *out = (struct stream_out *)stream;
struct audio_device *adev = out->dev;
struct str_parms *parms;
char value[32];
- int ret = 0, val = 0, err;
+ int ret = 0, err;
int ext_controller = -1;
int ext_stream = -1;
- bool bypass_a2dp = false;
- bool reconfig = false;
- unsigned long service_interval = 0;
ALOGD("%s: enter: usecase(%d: %s) kvpairs: %s",
__func__, out->usecase, use_case_table[out->usecase], kvpairs);
@@ -4537,182 +4813,6 @@
- err = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING, value, sizeof(value));
- if (err >= 0) {
- val = atoi(value);
- lock_output_stream(out);
- pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
- /*
- * When HDMI cable is unplugged the music playback is paused and
- * the policy manager sends routing=0. But the audioflinger continues
- * to write data until standby time (3sec). As the HDMI core is
- * turned off, the write gets blocked.
- * Avoid this by routing audio to speaker until standby.
- */
- if ((out->devices == AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_AUX_DIGITAL) &&
- (val == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) &&
- !audio_extn_passthru_is_passthrough_stream(out) &&
- (platform_get_edid_info_v2(adev->platform,
- out->extconn.cs.controller,
- out-> != 0)) {
- out->extconn.cs.controller = out-> = -1;
- }
- /*
- * When A2DP is disconnected the
- * music playback is paused and the policy manager sends routing=0
- * But the audioflinger continues to write data until standby time
- * (3sec). As BT is turned off, the write gets blocked.
- * Avoid this by routing audio to speaker until standby.
- */
- if ((out->devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) &&
- (val == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) &&
- !audio_extn_a2dp_source_is_ready() &&
- !adev->bt_sco_on) {
- }
- /*
- * When USB headset is disconnected the music platback paused
- * and the policy manager send routing=0. But if the USB is connected
- * back before the standby time, AFE is not closed and opened
- * when USB is connected back. So routing to speker will guarantee
- * AFE reconfiguration and AFE will be opend once USB is connected again
- */
- if ((out->devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_USB) &&
- (val == AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) &&
- !audio_extn_usb_connected(parms)) {
- }
- /* To avoid a2dp to sco overlapping / BT device improper state
- * check with BT lib about a2dp streaming support before routing
- */
- if (val & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) {
- if (!audio_extn_a2dp_source_is_ready()) {
- if (val &
- //combo usecase just by pass a2dp
- ALOGW("%s: A2DP profile is not ready,routing to speaker only", __func__);
- bypass_a2dp = true;
- } else {
- ALOGE("%s: A2DP profile is not ready,ignoring routing request", __func__);
- /* update device to a2dp and don't route as BT returned error
- * However it is still possible a2dp routing called because
- * of current active device disconnection (like wired headset)
- */
- out->devices = val;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
- goto error;
- }
- }
- }
- audio_devices_t new_dev = val;
- // Workaround: If routing to an non existing usb device, fail gracefully
- // The routing request will otherwise block during 10 second
- int card;
- if (audio_is_usb_out_device(new_dev) &&
- (card = get_alive_usb_card(parms)) >= 0) {
- ALOGW("out_set_parameters() ignoring rerouting to non existing USB card %d", card);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock);
- ret = -ENOSYS;
- goto routing_fail;
- }
- /*
- * select_devices() call below switches all the usecases on the same
- * backend to the new device. Refer to check_usecases_codec_backend() in
- * the select_devices(). But how do we undo this?
- *
- * For example, music playback is active on headset (deep-buffer usecase)
- * and if we go to ringtones and select a ringtone, low-latency usecase
- * will be started on headset+speaker. As we can't enable headset+speaker
- * and headset devices at the same time, select_devices() switches the music
- * playback to headset+speaker while starting low-lateny usecase for ringtone.
- * So when the ringtone playback is completed, how do we undo the same?
- *
- * We are relying on the out_set_parameters() call on deep-buffer output,
- * once the ringtone playback is ended.
- * NOTE: We should not check if the current devices are same as new devices.
- * Because select_devices() must be called to switch back the music
- * playback to headset.
- */
- if (val != 0) {
- audio_devices_t new_dev = val;
- bool same_dev = out->devices == new_dev;
- out->devices = new_dev;
- if (output_drives_call(adev, out)) {
- if (!voice_is_call_state_active(adev)) {
- if (adev->mode == AUDIO_MODE_IN_CALL) {
- adev->current_call_output = out;
- if (audio_is_usb_out_device(out->devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_USB)) {
- service_interval = audio_extn_usb_find_service_interval(true, true /*playback*/);
- audio_extn_usb_set_service_interval(true /*playback*/,
- service_interval,
- &reconfig);
- ALOGD("%s, svc_int(%ld),reconfig(%d)",__func__,service_interval, reconfig);
- }
- ret = voice_start_call(adev);
- }
- } else {
- adev->current_call_output = out;
- voice_update_devices_for_all_voice_usecases(adev);
- }
- }
- if (!out->standby) {
- if (!same_dev) {
- ALOGV("update routing change");
- audio_extn_perf_lock_acquire(&adev->perf_lock_handle, 0,
- adev->perf_lock_opts,
- adev->perf_lock_opts_size);
- if (adev->adm_on_routing_change)
- adev->adm_on_routing_change(adev->adm_data,
- out->handle);
- }
- if (!bypass_a2dp) {
- select_devices(adev, out->usecase);
- } else {
- else
- out->devices = AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_SPEAKER;
- select_devices(adev, out->usecase);
- out->devices = new_dev;
- }
- if (!same_dev) {
- // on device switch force swap, lower functions will make sure
- // to check if swap is allowed or not.
- platform_set_swap_channels(adev, true);
- audio_extn_perf_lock_release(&adev->perf_lock_handle);
- }
- out->a2dp_compress_mute &&
- (!(out->devices & AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_ALL_A2DP) || audio_extn_a2dp_source_is_ready())) {
- pthread_mutex_lock(&out->compr_mute_lock);
- out->a2dp_compress_mute = false;
- out_set_compr_volume(&out->stream, out->volume_l, out->volume_r);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->compr_mute_lock);
- } else if (out->usecase == USECASE_AUDIO_PLAYBACK_VOIP) {
- out_set_voip_volume(&out->stream, out->volume_l, out->volume_r);
- }
- }
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&out->lock);
- /*handles device and call state changes*/
- audio_extn_extspk_update(adev->extspk);
- }
- routing_fail:
if (out == adev->primary_output) {
audio_extn_set_parameters(adev, parms);
@@ -6482,13 +6582,78 @@
+int route_input_stream(struct stream_in *in,
+ audio_devices_t devices,
+ char *address,
+ audio_source_t source)
+ struct audio_device *adev = in->dev;
+ int ret = 0;
+ lock_input_stream(in);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
+ /* no audio source uses val == 0 */
+ if ((in->source != source) && (source != AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT)) {
+ in->source = source;
+ (in->dev->mode == AUDIO_MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION) &&
+ (voice_extn_compress_voip_is_format_supported(in->format)) &&
+ (in->config.rate == 8000 || in->config.rate == 16000 ||
+ in->config.rate == 32000 || in->config.rate == 48000 ) &&
+ (audio_channel_count_from_in_mask(in->channel_mask) == 1)) {
+ ret = voice_extn_compress_voip_open_input_stream(in);
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Compress voip input cannot be opened, error:%d",
+ __func__, ret);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((in->device != devices) && (devices != AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE) &&
+ audio_is_input_device(devices)) {
+ // Workaround: If routing to an non existing usb device, fail gracefully
+ // The routing request will otherwise block during 10 second
+ int card;
+ struct str_parms *addr = str_parms_create_str(address);
+ if (!addr)
+ return ret;
+ if (audio_is_usb_in_device(devices) &&
+ (card = get_alive_usb_card(addr)) >= 0) {
+ ALOGW("%s: ignoring rerouting to non existing USB card %d", __func__, card);
+ ret = -ENOSYS;
+ } else {
+ in->device = devices;
+ /* If recording is in progress, change the tx device to new device */
+ if (!in->standby && !in->is_st_session) {
+ ALOGV("update input routing change");
+ // inform adm before actual routing to prevent glitches.
+ if (adev->adm_on_routing_change) {
+ adev->adm_on_routing_change(adev->adm_data,
+ in->capture_handle);
+ ret = select_devices(adev, in->usecase);
+ adev->adm_routing_changed = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ str_parms_destroy(addr);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&in->lock);
+ ALOGD("%s: exit: status(%d)", __func__, ret);
+ return ret;
static int in_set_parameters(struct audio_stream *stream, const char *kvpairs)
struct stream_in *in = (struct stream_in *)stream;
struct audio_device *adev = in->dev;
struct str_parms *parms;
char value[32];
- int ret = 0, val = 0, err;
+ int ret = 0;
ALOGD("%s: enter: kvpairs=%s", __func__, kvpairs);
parms = str_parms_create_str(kvpairs);
@@ -6498,61 +6663,8 @@
- err = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_INPUT_SOURCE, value, sizeof(value));
- if (err >= 0) {
- val = atoi(value);
- /* no audio source uses val == 0 */
- if ((in->source != val) && (val != 0)) {
- in->source = val;
- (in->dev->mode == AUDIO_MODE_IN_COMMUNICATION) &&
- (voice_extn_compress_voip_is_format_supported(in->format)) &&
- (in->config.rate == 8000 || in->config.rate == 16000 ||
- in->config.rate == 32000 || in->config.rate == 48000 ) &&
- (audio_channel_count_from_in_mask(in->channel_mask) == 1)) {
- err = voice_extn_compress_voip_open_input_stream(in);
- if (err != 0) {
- ALOGE("%s: Compress voip input cannot be opened, error:%d",
- __func__, err);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- err = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_ROUTING, value, sizeof(value));
- if (err >= 0) {
- val = atoi(value);
- if (((int)in->device != val) && (val != 0) && audio_is_input_device(val) ) {
- // Workaround: If routing to an non existing usb device, fail gracefully
- // The routing request will otherwise block during 10 second
- int card;
- if (audio_is_usb_in_device(val) &&
- (card = get_alive_usb_card(parms)) >= 0) {
- ALOGW("in_set_parameters() ignoring rerouting to non existing USB card %d", card);
- ret = -ENOSYS;
- } else {
- in->device = val;
- /* If recording is in progress, change the tx device to new device */
- if (!in->standby && !in->is_st_session) {
- ALOGV("update input routing change");
- // inform adm before actual routing to prevent glitches.
- if (adev->adm_on_routing_change) {
- adev->adm_on_routing_change(adev->adm_data,
- in->capture_handle);
- ret = select_devices(adev, in->usecase);
- adev->adm_routing_changed = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- err = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_PROFILE, value, sizeof(value));
- if (err >= 0) {
+ ret = str_parms_get_str(parms, AUDIO_PARAMETER_STREAM_PROFILE, value, sizeof(value));
+ if (ret >= 0) {
strlcpy(in->profile, value, sizeof(in->profile));
ALOGV("updating stream profile with value '%s'", in->profile);
@@ -8112,6 +8224,11 @@
+ ret = io_streams_map_insert(adev, &out->stream.common,
+ out->handle, AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE);
+ if (ret != 0)
+ goto error_open;
streams_output_ctxt_t *out_ctxt = (streams_output_ctxt_t *)
calloc(1, sizeof(streams_output_ctxt_t));
if (out_ctxt == NULL) {
@@ -8146,6 +8263,8 @@
ALOGD("%s: enter:stream_handle(%s)",__func__, use_case_table[out->usecase]);
+ io_streams_map_remove(adev, out->handle);
// must deregister from sndmonitor first to prevent races
// between the callback and close_stream
@@ -9177,6 +9296,11 @@
*stream_in = &in->stream;
+ ret = io_streams_map_insert(adev, &in->stream.common,
+ if (ret != 0)
+ goto err_open;
streams_input_ctxt_t *in_ctxt = (streams_input_ctxt_t *)
calloc(1, sizeof(streams_input_ctxt_t));
if (in_ctxt == NULL) {
@@ -9213,6 +9337,8 @@
ALOGD("%s: enter:stream_handle(%p)",__func__, in);
+ io_streams_map_remove(adev, in->capture_handle);
/* must deregister from sndmonitor first to prevent races
* between the callback and close_stream
@@ -9410,6 +9536,50 @@
return 0;
+int update_patch(unsigned int num_sources,
+ const struct audio_port_config *sources,
+ unsigned int num_sinks,
+ const struct audio_port_config *sinks,
+ audio_patch_handle_t handle,
+ struct audio_patch_info *p_info,
+ patch_type_t patch_type, bool new_patch)
+ ALOGD("%s: enter", __func__);
+ if (p_info == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Invalid patch pointer", __func__);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (new_patch) {
+ p_info->patch = (struct audio_patch *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct audio_patch));
+ if (p_info->patch == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Could not allocate patch", __func__);
+ return -ENOMEM;
+ }
+ }
+ p_info->patch->id = handle;
+ p_info->patch->num_sources = num_sources;
+ p_info->patch->num_sinks = num_sinks;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_sources; i++)
+ p_info->patch->sources[i] = sources[i];
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_sinks; i++)
+ p_info->patch->sinks[i] = sinks[i];
+ p_info->patch_type = patch_type;
+ return 0;
+audio_patch_handle_t generate_patch_handle()
+ static audio_patch_handle_t patch_handle = AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE;
+ if (++patch_handle < 0)
+ patch_handle = AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE + 1;
+ return patch_handle;
int adev_create_audio_patch(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
unsigned int num_sources,
const struct audio_port_config *sources,
@@ -9417,15 +9587,169 @@
const struct audio_port_config *sinks,
audio_patch_handle_t *handle)
- int ret;
+ int ret = 0;
+ struct audio_device *adev = (struct audio_device *)dev;
+ struct audio_patch_info *p_info = NULL;
+ patch_type_t patch_type = PATCH_NONE;
+ audio_io_handle_t io_handle = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
+ audio_source_t input_source = AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT;
+ struct audio_stream_info *s_info = NULL;
+ struct audio_stream *stream = NULL;
+ audio_devices_t device_type = AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE;
+ bool new_patch = false;
- ret = audio_extn_hw_loopback_create_audio_patch(dev,
+ ALOGD("%s: enter: num sources %d, num_sinks %d, handle %d", __func__,
+ num_sources, num_sinks, *handle);
+ if (num_sources == 0 || num_sources > AUDIO_PATCH_PORTS_MAX ||
+ num_sinks == 0 || num_sinks > AUDIO_PATCH_PORTS_MAX) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Invalid patch arguments", __func__);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (num_sources > 1) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Multiple sources are not supported", __func__);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ if (sources == NULL || sinks == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Invalid sources or sinks port config", __func__);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ALOGV("%s: source role %d, source type %d", __func__,
+ sources[0].type, sources[0].role);
+ // Populate source/sink information and fetch stream info
+ switch (sources[0].type) {
+ case AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_DEVICE: // Patch for audio capture or loopback
+ device_type = sources[0].ext.device.type;
+ strlcpy(&addr[0], &sources[0].ext.device.address[0], AUDIO_DEVICE_MAX_ADDRESS_LEN);
+ if (sinks[0].type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX) {
+ patch_type = PATCH_CAPTURE;
+ io_handle = sinks[0].ext.mix.handle;
+ input_source = sinks[0].ext.mix.usecase.source;
+ ALOGV("%s: Capture patch from device %x to mix %d",
+ __func__, device_type, io_handle);
+ } else {
+ // Device to device patch is not implemented.
+ // This space will need changes if audio HAL
+ // handles device to device patches in the future.
+ }
+ break;
+ case AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX: // Patch for audio playback
+ io_handle = sources[0].ext.mix.handle;
+ for (int i = 0; i < num_sinks; i++) {
+ if (sinks[i].type == AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX) {
+ ALOGE("%s: mix to mix patches are not supported", __func__);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ device_type |= sinks[i].ext.device.type;
+ strlcpy(&addr[0], &sinks[i].ext.device.address[0], AUDIO_DEVICE_MAX_ADDRESS_LEN);
+ }
+ patch_type = PATCH_PLAYBACK;
+ ALOGV("%s: Playback patch from mix handle %d to device %x",
+ __func__, io_handle, device_type);
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
+ s_info = hashmapGet(adev->io_streams_map, (void *) (intptr_t) io_handle);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ if (s_info == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Failed to obtain stream info", __func__);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ALOGV("%s: Fetched stream info with io_handle %d", __func__, io_handle);
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&s_info->lock);
+ // Generate patch info and update patch
+ if (*handle == AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE) {
+ if (s_info->patch_handle != AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE) {
+ // Use patch handle cached in s_info to update patch
+ *handle = s_info->patch_handle;
+ p_info = fetch_patch_info(adev, *handle);
+ if (p_info == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Unable to fetch patch for stream patch handle %d",
+ __func__, *handle);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_info->lock);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *handle = generate_patch_handle();
+ p_info = (struct audio_patch_info *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct audio_patch_info));
+ if (p_info == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Failed to allocate memory", __func__);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_info->lock);
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ new_patch = true;
+ pthread_mutex_init(&p_info->lock, (const pthread_mutexattr_t *) NULL);
+ s_info->patch_handle = *handle;
+ }
+ } else {
+ p_info = fetch_patch_info(adev, *handle);
+ if (p_info == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Unable to fetch patch for received patch handle %d",
+ __func__, *handle);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_info->lock);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ s_info->patch_handle = *handle;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&p_info->lock);
+ update_patch(num_sources, sources, num_sinks, sinks,
+ *handle, p_info, patch_type, new_patch);
+ stream = s_info->stream;
+ // Update routing for stream
+ if (stream != NULL) {
+ if (p_info->patch_type == PATCH_PLAYBACK)
+ ret = route_output_stream((struct stream_out *) stream, device_type, &addr[0]);
+ else if (p_info->patch_type == PATCH_CAPTURE)
+ ret = route_input_stream((struct stream_in *) stream,
+ device_type, &addr[0], input_source);
+ }
+ if (ret < 0) {
+ s_info->patch_handle = AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE;
+ ALOGE("%s: Stream routing failed for io_handle %d", __func__, io_handle);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&p_info->lock);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_info->lock);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ // Add new patch to patch map
+ if (!ret && new_patch) {
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
+ hashmapPut(adev->patch_map, (void *) (intptr_t) *handle, (void *) p_info);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ ALOGD("%s: Added a new patch with handle %d", __func__, *handle);
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&p_info->lock);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_info->lock);
+ audio_extn_hw_loopback_create_audio_patch(dev,
- ret |= audio_extn_auto_hal_create_audio_patch(dev,
+ audio_extn_auto_hal_create_audio_patch(dev,
@@ -9437,10 +9761,81 @@
int adev_release_audio_patch(struct audio_hw_device *dev,
audio_patch_handle_t handle)
- int ret;
+ struct audio_device *adev = (struct audio_device *) dev;
+ int ret = 0;
+ char *addr = "";
+ audio_source_t input_source = AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT;
- ret = audio_extn_hw_loopback_release_audio_patch(dev, handle);
- ret |= audio_extn_auto_hal_release_audio_patch(dev, handle);
+ if (handle == AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Invalid patch handle %d", __func__, handle);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ ALOGD("%s: Remove patch with handle %d", __func__, handle);
+ struct audio_patch_info *p_info = fetch_patch_info(adev, handle);
+ if (p_info == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Patch info not found with handle %d", __func__, handle);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&p_info->lock);
+ struct audio_patch *patch = p_info->patch;
+ if (patch == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Patch not found for handle %d", __func__, handle);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&p_info->lock);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&p_info->lock);
+ audio_io_handle_t io_handle = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE;
+ switch (patch->sources[0].type) {
+ io_handle = patch->sources[0].ext.mix.handle;
+ break;
+ io_handle = patch->sinks[0].ext.mix.handle;
+ break;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Remove patch and reset patch handle in stream info
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&adev->lock);
+ struct audio_stream_info *s_info =
+ hashmapGet(adev->io_streams_map, (void *) (intptr_t) io_handle);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev->lock);
+ if (s_info == NULL) {
+ ALOGE("%s: stream for io_handle %d is not available", __func__, io_handle);
+ goto done;
+ }
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&s_info->lock);
+ s_info->patch_handle = AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE;
+ struct audio_stream *stream = s_info->stream;
+ pthread_mutex_lock(&p_info->lock);
+ if (stream != NULL) {
+ if (p_info->patch_type == PATCH_PLAYBACK)
+ ret = route_output_stream((struct stream_out *)stream, AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE, addr);
+ else if (p_info->patch_type == PATCH_CAPTURE)
+ ret = route_input_stream((struct stream_in *)stream,
+ AUDIO_DEVICE_NONE, addr, input_source);
+ }
+ if (ret < 0)
+ ALOGW("%s: Stream routing failed for io_handle %d", __func__, io_handle);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&p_info->lock);
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&s_info->lock);
+ // Remove patch entry from map
+ patch_map_remove(adev, handle);
+ audio_extn_hw_loopback_release_audio_patch(dev, handle);
+ audio_extn_auto_hal_release_audio_patch(dev, handle);
+ ALOGV("%s: Successfully released patch %d", __func__, handle);
return ret;
@@ -9516,6 +9911,8 @@
+ free_map(adev->patch_map);
+ free_map(adev->io_streams_map);
adev = NULL;
@@ -9703,7 +10100,7 @@
/* default audio HAL major version */
- uint32_t maj_version = 2;
+ uint32_t maj_version = 3;
if(property_get("", value, NULL))
maj_version = atoi(value);
@@ -9754,6 +10151,20 @@
adev->audio_patch_index = 0;
+ adev->io_streams_map = hashmapCreate(AUDIO_IO_PORTS_MAX, audio_extn_utils_hash_fn,
+ audio_extn_utils_hash_eq);
+ if (!adev->io_streams_map) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Could not create io streams map", __func__);
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto adev_open_err;
+ }
+ adev->patch_map = hashmapCreate(AUDIO_PATCH_PORTS_MAX, audio_extn_utils_hash_fn,
+ audio_extn_utils_hash_eq);
+ if (!adev->patch_map) {
+ ALOGE("%s: Could not create audio patch map", __func__);
+ ret = -ENOMEM;
+ goto adev_open_err;
+ }
adev->cur_wfd_channels = 2;
adev->offload_usecases_state = 0;
adev->pcm_record_uc_state = 0;
@@ -9769,27 +10180,17 @@
/* Loads platform specific libraries dynamically */
adev->platform = platform_init(adev);
if (!adev->platform) {
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&adev->lock);
- free(adev->snd_dev_ref_cnt);
- free(adev);
- adev = NULL;
ALOGE("%s: Failed to init platform data, aborting.", __func__);
- *device = NULL;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev_init_lock);
- return -EINVAL;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto adev_open_err;
adev->extspk = audio_extn_extspk_init(adev);
if (audio_extn_qap_is_enabled()) {
ret = audio_extn_qap_init(adev);
if (ret < 0) {
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&adev->lock);
- free(adev);
- adev = NULL;
ALOGE("%s: Failed to init platform data, aborting.", __func__);
- *device = NULL;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev_init_lock);
- return ret;
+ goto adev_open_err;
adev->device.open_output_stream = audio_extn_qap_open_output_stream;
adev->device.close_output_stream = audio_extn_qap_close_output_stream;
@@ -9798,13 +10199,8 @@
if (audio_extn_qaf_is_enabled()) {
ret = audio_extn_qaf_init(adev);
if (ret < 0) {
- pthread_mutex_destroy(&adev->lock);
- free(adev);
- adev = NULL;
ALOGE("%s: Failed to init platform data, aborting.", __func__);
- *device = NULL;
- pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev_init_lock);
- return ret;
+ goto adev_open_err;
adev->device.open_output_stream = audio_extn_qaf_open_output_stream;
@@ -10003,6 +10399,18 @@
ALOGV("%s: exit", __func__);
return 0;
+ free_map(adev->patch_map);
+ free_map(adev->io_streams_map);
+ if (adev->snd_dev_ref_cnt)
+ free(adev->snd_dev_ref_cnt);
+ pthread_mutex_destroy(&adev->lock);
+ free(adev);
+ adev = NULL;
+ *device = NULL;
+ pthread_mutex_unlock(&adev_init_lock);
+ return ret;
static struct hw_module_methods_t hal_module_methods = {
diff --git a/hal/audio_hw.h b/hal/audio_hw.h
index 3998d43..5604977 100644
--- a/hal/audio_hw.h
+++ b/hal/audio_hw.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2013-2019, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2013-2020, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* Not a contribution.
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cutils/str_parms.h>
#include <cutils/list.h>
+#include <cutils/hashmap.h>
#include <hardware/audio.h>
#include <tinyalsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <tinycompress/tinycompress.h>
@@ -336,6 +337,7 @@
audio_devices_t devices;
unsigned int bit_width;
struct stream_inout {
pthread_mutex_t lock; /* see note below on mutex acquisition order */
pthread_mutex_t pre_lock; /* acquire before lock to avoid DOS by playback thread */
@@ -519,6 +521,25 @@
} usecase_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+ PATCH_NONE = -1,
+} patch_type_t;
+struct audio_patch_info {
+ struct audio_patch *patch;
+ patch_type_t patch_type;
+ pthread_mutex_t lock;
+struct audio_stream_info {
+ struct audio_stream *stream;
+ audio_patch_handle_t patch_handle;
+ pthread_mutex_t lock;
union stream_ptr {
struct stream_in *in;
struct stream_out *out;
@@ -697,6 +718,8 @@
bool adm_routing_changed;
struct listnode audio_patch_record_list;
unsigned int audio_patch_index;
+ Hashmap *patch_map;
+ Hashmap *io_streams_map;
struct audio_patch_record {
@@ -774,6 +797,14 @@
return false;
+int route_output_stream(struct stream_out *stream,
+ audio_devices_t devices,
+ char *address);
+int route_input_stream(struct stream_in *stream,
+ audio_devices_t devices,
+ char *address,
+ audio_source_t source);
* NOTE: when multiple mutexes have to be acquired, always take the
* stream_in or stream_out mutex first, followed by the audio_device mutex.