Add Bluetooth network traffic accounting to HAL API

Introduces a UID traffic struct and includes it in the API
for querying energy usage data.

Also adds the calling UID as a parameter for starting sockets
so that network traffic can be tracked.

Change-Id: I9f4a130adc2846467063e7a9a4ea2231af06a80b
diff --git a/include/hardware/bluetooth.h b/include/hardware/bluetooth.h
index 683e369..8ddc251 100644
--- a/include/hardware/bluetooth.h
+++ b/include/hardware/bluetooth.h
@@ -107,6 +107,12 @@
     uint64_t energy_used;   /* a product of mA, V and ms */
 } __attribute__((packed))bt_activity_energy_info;
+typedef struct {
+    int32_t app_uid;
+    uint64_t tx_bytes;
+    uint64_t rx_bytes;
+} __attribute__((packed))bt_uid_traffic_t;
 /** Bluetooth Adapter Discovery state */
 typedef enum {
@@ -378,8 +384,12 @@
  * If the ctrl_state value is 0, it means the API call failed
  * Time values-In milliseconds as returned by the controller
  * Energy used-Value as returned by the controller
- * Status-Provides the status of the read_energy_info API call */
-typedef void (*energy_info_callback)(bt_activity_energy_info *energy_info);
+ * Status-Provides the status of the read_energy_info API call
+ * uid_data provides an array of bt_uid_traffic_t, where the array is terminated by an element with
+ * app_uid set to -1.
+ */
+typedef void (*energy_info_callback)(bt_activity_energy_info *energy_info,
+                                     bt_uid_traffic_t *uid_data);
 /** TODO: Add callbacks for Link Up/Down and other generic
   *  notifications/callbacks */
diff --git a/include/hardware/bt_sock.h b/include/hardware/bt_sock.h
index 5d206d7..8d1a9e0 100644
--- a/include/hardware/bt_sock.h
+++ b/include/hardware/bt_sock.h
@@ -56,16 +56,20 @@
      * If neither a UUID nor a channel is provided, a channel will be allocated
      * and a service record can be created providing the channel number to
      * create_sdp_record(...) in bt_sdp.
+     * The callingUid is the UID of the application which is requesting the socket. This is
+     * used for traffic accounting purposes.
     bt_status_t (*listen)(btsock_type_t type, const char* service_name,
-            const uint8_t* service_uuid, int channel, int* sock_fd, int flags);
+            const uint8_t* service_uuid, int channel, int* sock_fd, int flags, int callingUid);
      * Connect to a RFCOMM UUID channel of remote device, It returns the socket fd from which
-     * the btsock_connect_signal and a new socket fd to be accepted can be read out when connected
+     * the btsock_connect_signal and a new socket fd to be accepted can be read out when connected.
+     * The callingUid is the UID of the application which is requesting the socket. This is
+     * used for traffic accounting purposes.
     bt_status_t (*connect)(const bt_bdaddr_t *bd_addr, btsock_type_t type, const uint8_t* uuid,
-            int channel, int* sock_fd, int flags);
+            int channel, int* sock_fd, int flags, int callingUid);
 } btsock_interface_t;