This library turns on recording of skia commands in SkiaGL version of the RE. The debug property defines number of milliseconds for the recording to take place. A non zero value turns on the recording. The recording will stop after MS specified. To reset the recording, set the capture_skia_ms flag to a new time. When recording is finished, the capture_skia_ms flag will be set to 0 to avoid circular recording.
In order to allow the process to write files onto the device run: adb shell setenforce 0
To start recording run: adb shell setprop debug.renderengine.capture_skia_ms 1000
File will be stored in the /data/user/ directory on the device: adb shell ls -al /data/user/
To retrieve the data from the device: adb pull /data/user/re_skiacapture_.mskp