Update soundscape for L, using classic names.

(partial revert of commit 7348f744)

Bug: 15725449
Change-Id: Ic1a038c906deab035f96caed42fc16c59d459965
diff --git a/data/sounds/AudioPackage13_48.mk b/data/sounds/AudioPackage13_48.mk
index 187bccb..b90cd00 100644
--- a/data/sounds/AudioPackage13_48.mk
+++ b/data/sounds/AudioPackage13_48.mk
@@ -8,12 +8,10 @@
 LOCAL_PATH := frameworks/base/data/sounds
 # Simple files that do not require renaming
-ALARM_FILES := Alarm1 Alarm2 Alarm3 Alarm4 Alarm5 Alarm6 Alarm7 Alarm8 Timer
-NOTIFICATION_FILES := Notification1 Notification2 Notification3 Notification4 \
-	Notification5 Notification6 Notification7 Notification8 Notification9 \
-	Notification10 Notification11
-RINGTONE_FILES := Ringtone1 Ringtone2 Ringtone3 Ringtone4 Ringtone5 Ringtone6 \
-	Ringtone7 Ringtone8 Ringtone9 Ringtone10 Ringtone11 Ringtone12
+ALARM_FILES := Argon Carbon Helium Krypton Neon Oxygen Osmium Platinum Timer
+NOTIFICATION_FILES := Ariel Ceres Carme Elara Europa Iapetus Io Rhea Salacia Titan Tethys
+RINGTONE_FILES := Atria Callisto Dione Ganymede Luna Oberon Phobos Pyxis Sedna Titania Triton \
+	Umbriel
 EFFECT_FILES := Effect_Tick KeypressReturn KeypressInvalid KeypressDelete KeypressSpacebar KeypressStandard \
 	camera_click Lock Unlock Trusted
 MATERIAL_EFFECT_FILES := VideoRecord WirelessChargingStarted LowBattery