Move Tradefed content provider installation in preparer.

Pushing sample file in /sdcard automatically installs the
content provider. This is done to reduce noise during the second
test in the test suite.

Bug: b/164992819

Test: atest MultiUserPerfTest
Change-Id: I1dd583acc850e1233f06af50e28e2ebb0adc0df1
diff --git a/apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/AndroidTest.xml b/apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/AndroidTest.xml
index c7929af..fbe5892 100644
--- a/apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/AndroidTest.xml
+++ b/apct-tests/perftests/multiuser/AndroidTest.xml
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
     <target_preparer class=""/>
     <target_preparer class="">
         <option name="push-file" key="trace_config_detailed.textproto" value="/data/misc/perfetto-traces/trace_config.textproto" />
+        <!--Install the content provider automatically when we push some file in sdcard folder.-->
+        <!--Needed to avoid the installation during the test suite.-->
+        <option name="push-file" key="trace_config_detailed.textproto" value="/sdcard/sample.textproto" />
     <!-- Needed for pulling the collected trace config on to the host -->