Enable to set canRecord and tunerCount statically

Bug: 27276122
Change-Id: I61d07cfdbe13e4484ccaf5cdcf0796f08c78e2a8
diff --git a/api/current.txt b/api/current.txt
index 9180dab..775122d 100644
--- a/api/current.txt
+++ b/api/current.txt
@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@
     field public static final int calendarViewStyle = 16843613; // 0x101035d
     field public static final int canControlMagnification = 16844040; // 0x1010508
     field public static final int canPerformGestures = 16844046; // 0x101050e
+    field public static final int canRecord = 16844061; // 0x101051d
     field public static final int canRequestEnhancedWebAccessibility = 16843736; // 0x10103d8
     field public static final int canRequestFilterKeyEvents = 16843737; // 0x10103d9
     field public static final int canRequestTouchExplorationMode = 16843735; // 0x10103d7
@@ -1359,6 +1360,7 @@
     field public static final int trimPathEnd = 16843785; // 0x1010409
     field public static final int trimPathOffset = 16843786; // 0x101040a
     field public static final int trimPathStart = 16843784; // 0x1010408
+    field public static final int tunerCount = 16844062; // 0x101051e
     field public static final int type = 16843169; // 0x10101a1
     field public static final int typeface = 16842902; // 0x1010096
     field public static final int uiOptions = 16843672; // 0x1010398
diff --git a/api/system-current.txt b/api/system-current.txt
index dc08cd3..8bd97df 100644
--- a/api/system-current.txt
+++ b/api/system-current.txt
@@ -433,6 +433,7 @@
     field public static final int calendarViewStyle = 16843613; // 0x101035d
     field public static final int canControlMagnification = 16844040; // 0x1010508
     field public static final int canPerformGestures = 16844046; // 0x101050e
+    field public static final int canRecord = 16844061; // 0x101051d
     field public static final int canRequestEnhancedWebAccessibility = 16843736; // 0x10103d8
     field public static final int canRequestFilterKeyEvents = 16843737; // 0x10103d9
     field public static final int canRequestTouchExplorationMode = 16843735; // 0x10103d7
@@ -1458,6 +1459,7 @@
     field public static final int trimPathEnd = 16843785; // 0x1010409
     field public static final int trimPathOffset = 16843786; // 0x101040a
     field public static final int trimPathStart = 16843784; // 0x1010408
+    field public static final int tunerCount = 16844062; // 0x101051e
     field public static final int type = 16843169; // 0x10101a1
     field public static final int typeface = 16842902; // 0x1010096
     field public static final int uiOptions = 16843672; // 0x1010398
diff --git a/api/test-current.txt b/api/test-current.txt
index bad0868..545c718 100644
--- a/api/test-current.txt
+++ b/api/test-current.txt
@@ -338,6 +338,7 @@
     field public static final int calendarViewStyle = 16843613; // 0x101035d
     field public static final int canControlMagnification = 16844040; // 0x1010508
     field public static final int canPerformGestures = 16844046; // 0x101050e
+    field public static final int canRecord = 16844061; // 0x101051d
     field public static final int canRequestEnhancedWebAccessibility = 16843736; // 0x10103d8
     field public static final int canRequestFilterKeyEvents = 16843737; // 0x10103d9
     field public static final int canRequestTouchExplorationMode = 16843735; // 0x10103d7
@@ -1359,6 +1360,7 @@
     field public static final int trimPathEnd = 16843785; // 0x1010409
     field public static final int trimPathOffset = 16843786; // 0x101040a
     field public static final int trimPathStart = 16843784; // 0x1010408
+    field public static final int tunerCount = 16844062; // 0x101051e
     field public static final int type = 16843169; // 0x10101a1
     field public static final int typeface = 16842902; // 0x1010096
     field public static final int uiOptions = 16843672; // 0x1010398
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml b/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml
index 2ab95412..3a45da9 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/attrs.xml
@@ -8048,12 +8048,19 @@
          {@link android.media.tv.TvInputService#SERVICE_META_DATA} meta-data entry.
          Described here are the attributes that can be included in that tag. -->
     <declare-styleable name="TvInputService">
-        <!-- Component name of an activity for setup of this service.
-             The setup includes scanning channels and registering EPG data. -->
+        <!-- Component name of an activity that allows the user to set up this service. -->
         <attr name="setupActivity" format="string" />
-        <!-- Component name of an activity that allows the user to modify
-             the settings for this service. -->
+        <!-- Component name of an activity that allows the user to modify the settings for this
+             service. -->
         <attr name="settingsActivity" />
+        <!-- Attribute whether the TV input service can record programs. This value can be changed
+             at runtime by calling
+             {@link android.media.tv.TvInputService#updateTvInputInfo(android.content.Context, android.media.tv.TvInputInfo)}. -->
+        <attr name="canRecord" format="boolean" />
+        <!-- The number of tuners that the TV input service is associated with. This value can be
+             changed at runtime by calling
+             {@link android.media.tv.TvInputService#updateTvInputInfo(android.content.Context, android.media.tv.TvInputInfo)}. -->
+        <attr name="tunerCount" format="integer" />
     <!-- Attributes that can be used with <code>rating-system-definition</code> tags inside of the
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/public.xml b/core/res/res/values/public.xml
index dbaa737..06e2248 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/public.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/public.xml
@@ -2703,6 +2703,8 @@
     <public type="attr" name="version" />
     <public type="attr" name="backupInForeground" />
     <public type="attr" name="countDown" />
+    <public type="attr" name="canRecord" />
+    <public type="attr" name="tunerCount" />
     <public type="style" name="Theme.Material.Light.DialogWhenLarge.DarkActionBar" />
     <public type="style" name="Widget.Material.SeekBar.Discrete" />
diff --git a/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputInfo.java b/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputInfo.java
index f0a9426..b8a1374 100644
--- a/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputInfo.java
+++ b/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputInfo.java
@@ -113,14 +113,14 @@
     private final String mId;
     private final String mParentId;
     private final int mType;
-    private final int mTunerCount;
-    private final boolean mCanRecord;
     private final boolean mIsHardwareInput;
     private final Bundle mExtras;
     // Attributes from XML meta data.
     private String mSetupActivity;
     private String mSettingsActivity;
+    private boolean mCanRecord;
+    private int mTunerCount;
     private HdmiDeviceInfo mHdmiDeviceInfo;
     private int mLabelResId;
@@ -250,21 +250,17 @@
      *            {@code false} otherwise.
      * @param isConnectedToHdmiSwitch Whether a CEC device for this TV input is connected to an HDMI
      *            switch, i.e., the device isn't directly connected to a HDMI port.
-     * @param tunerCount The number of tuners this TV input has.
-     * @param canRecord Whether this TV input can record TV programs.
     private TvInputInfo(ResolveInfo service, String id, String parentId, int type,
-            boolean isHardwareInput, boolean isConnectedToHdmiSwitch, int tunerCount,
-            boolean canRecord, Bundle extras) {
+            boolean isHardwareInput, boolean isConnectedToHdmiSwitch, Bundle extras) {
         mService = service;
         mId = id;
         mParentId = parentId;
         mType = type;
         mIsHardwareInput = isHardwareInput;
         mIsConnectedToHdmiSwitch = isConnectedToHdmiSwitch;
-        mTunerCount = tunerCount;
-        mCanRecord = canRecord;
         mExtras = extras;
+        mTunerCount = type == TYPE_TUNER ? 1 : 0;
@@ -791,19 +787,17 @@
                 type = TYPE_HDMI;
                 isHardwareInput = true;
                 isConnectedToHdmiSwitch = (mHdmiDeviceInfo.getPhysicalAddress() & 0x0FFF) != 0;
-                mTunerCount = 0;
             } else if (mTvInputHardwareInfo != null) {
                 id = generateInputId(componentName, mTvInputHardwareInfo);
                 type = sHardwareTypeToTvInputType.get(mTvInputHardwareInfo.getType(), TYPE_TUNER);
                 isHardwareInput = true;
-                mTunerCount = 0;
             } else {
                 id = generateInputId(componentName);
                 type = TYPE_TUNER;
             TvInputInfo info = new TvInputInfo(mResolveInfo, id, mParentId, type, isHardwareInput,
-                    isConnectedToHdmiSwitch, mTunerCount, mCanRecord, mExtras);
+                    isConnectedToHdmiSwitch, mExtras);
             return parseServiceMetadata(type, info);
@@ -868,6 +862,12 @@
                     Log.d(TAG, "Settings activity loaded. [" + info.mSettingsActivity + "] for "
                             + si.name);
+                info.mCanRecord = sa.getBoolean(
+                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.TvInputService_canRecord, false);
+                info.mTunerCount = sa.getInt(
+                        com.android.internal.R.styleable.TvInputService_tunerCount,
+                        info.mTunerCount);
             } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
                 throw new XmlPullParserException("Unable to create context for: " + si.packageName);
diff --git a/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputManager.java b/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputManager.java
index 51aae90..7089c00 100644
--- a/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputManager.java
+++ b/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputManager.java
@@ -731,9 +731,7 @@
          * <p>Because the system automatically creates a <code>TvInputInfo</code> object for each TV
          * input based on the information collected from the <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>, this
-         * method is only called back when such information has changed dynamically or when the TV
-         * input service implementation wants to pass additional information that is not specified
-         * by the manifest file, such as ability to record and tuner count.
+         * method is only called back when such information has changed dynamically.
          * @param inputInfo The <code>TvInputInfo</code> object that contains new information.
diff --git a/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputService.java b/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputService.java
index da4a038..db851a3 100644
--- a/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputService.java
+++ b/media/java/android/media/tv/TvInputService.java
@@ -262,10 +262,8 @@
      * <p>The system automatically creates a <code>TvInputInfo</code> object for each TV input,
      * based on the information collected from the <code>AndroidManifest.xml</code>, thus it is not
-     * necessary to call this method unless such information has changed dynamically. This may be
-     * also used to pass additional information that is not specified by the manifest file, such as
-     * ability to record and tuner count. Use {@link TvInputInfo.Builder} to build a new
-     * <code>TvInputInfo</code> object.
+     * necessary to call this method unless such information has changed dynamically.
+     * Use {@link TvInputInfo.Builder} to build a new <code>TvInputInfo</code> object.
      * <p>Attempting to change information about a TV input that the calling package does not own
      * does nothing.