Fix dot for smart reply and bubble groups

Android Messages sends two notifications per message
- New notif
- Smart reply update

This change fixes
- dot bugs that occur when two notifications arrive in quick succession for the same bubble
- regressions for bubble groups

- clearFlyoutOnHide: enforce flyout onHide to run once for the bubble it was updated for
- refactors for clarity

- shouldShowDot: refactor show-dot logic into function
	updateViews did not account for mSuppressDot
	=> dot flashed into view before being animated away by later dot visibility updates
- updateDotVisibility: add missing call to setDotScale if animate=false

Fixes: 138659213
Test: add bubble group with test app
	expand bubbles => update dots show for non-expanded bubbles
	expand bubbles, click through bubbles => dots go away
	expand bubbles, dismiss single bubble => summary (with one less notif) stays in scrim
Test: add mixed bubble group with test app
	expand bubbles, dismiss all bubbles => scrim notif for non-bubbling group stays

Bug: 138755533
Test: send android messages sms => flyout and dot behave as expected
Test: create bubble with test app => flyout and dot behave as expected
Test: atest SystemUITests
Change-Id: Ieb2e6c306a0b55aec248bd1582246b67eafab290
2 files changed