Add safer Bundle APIs and deprecated old ones

Add safer Bundle APIs that take an extra Class<T> argument that checks
that the type about to be deserialized is a child of the type passed in
parameter *before* actually deserializing it, while also deprecating old

This allows use to reap the benefits of the new typed Parcel APIs and
enhances security.

Only the APIs that could involve custom object injection are modified.
So, besides the obvious ones that have that design (eg.
readParcelableList()), subtler cases such as readIntegerArrayList()
could result in custom object deserialization, and since it's all
generics, even the casting inside Bundle wouldn't fail, only after the
client unpacked the list items would it blow up. Now those are checked

Since Bundle always calls Parcel.readValue() under the hood (instead of
specialized APIs such as readParcelable() etc), we had to augment that
method (that's used by LazyValue when retrieving the item) to accept
item types now for containers, which I implemented as a vararg of
Class<?> parameters (this is all private/@hide). This way we could
retrieve a list of intents like readValue(.., List.class, Intent.class),
or a map of string to intents like readValue(.., Map.class,
String.class, Intent.class). For non-container items, we can just pass
no arguments for the vararg. This is explained in internal javadocs.

Inside readValue() now, we also check the container types before
calling the internal methods for deserialization. So, if the thing on
the wire is a VAL_MAP and we know the method we're about to call will
return a HashMap, we verify that the type passed in parameter is a super
type of that (if it's non-null, if it's null it means "perform no

Now, LazyValue became a BiFunction<Class<?>, Class<?>[], Object> to
receive those extra "item types" for containers. The reason for
separating the first from the rest is that the first defines the return
type in the new APIs and inside Parcel, so we need the T from Class<T>
to ensure type-safety.

(I was torn here between using BiFunction or just exposing LazyValue as
@hide for Bundle since it feels like we're missing meaning/abstraction,
but end up leaving this way, advise if you'd prefer the other way)

There was a bit of a refactor in Parcel so readValue() could call
internal methods that accepted nullable Class<?> parameters with the
meaning that null = "no verification"  and non-null = "check against
type provided" (because the external APIs all require non-null

Now we can return null in all cases when there is a type mismatch. Note
that the Bundle APIs catch ClassCastException to return null, but that
only works for non-generic types (eg. getSizeF()). For generic types
wrapping "return (T) o" with try-catch doesn't work because the type
gets erased to its bound at runtime, so the type mismatch escapes that
try-catch to the caller, potentially causing a crash. Now they happen
inside the getters, as the non-generic ones.

Test: Boots for now
Test: Working on CTS
Test: atest -d android.os.cts.ParcelTest android.os.cts.BundleTest android.os.BundleTest android.os.ParcelTest
CTS-Coverage-Bug: 219980813
Change-Id: Ifcbeb34b4684d7de105756b9d414162a9205ffaa
6 files changed