Enhance resource sharing and enable ownership transfer

New public APIs
- Tuner.closeFrontend()
  - Enables TIS app to continue using other resource while changing
    frontend resource
  - close & release Frontend resource when called on the owner, while
    it unshares Frontend resource when called on the sharee.
- Lnb.addCallback(Callback, Executor) and Lnb.removeCallback(Callback)
  - Enables TIS app to receive callback from the sharee
  - Also helps with the ownership transfer
- Tuner.transferOwner(Tuner newOwner)
  - Transfers the ownership of Frontend, CiCam, and Lnb resource

Additionally, added the following:
- Call nativeSetLnb() in requestFrontend() in case mLnb resource
  is already held. (this use case becomes a possibility now that we
  support Tuner.closeFrontend())

Bug: 192010866
Test: cts.TunerTest#testTransferOwner, testLnbAddAndRemoveSharee

Change-Id: I4c39c3726f0dd7bd1c153975ad01393ff2773005
8 files changed