Construct programmatically
Avoid hardcoding the list of modules in yet another place.
Bug: 169103987
Test: diff zip before & after (identical)
Merged-In: Id3983bf5f4b96b23b1da09fd3617870ac3926ea1
Change-Id: Id3983bf5f4b96b23b1da09fd3617870ac3926ea1
diff --git a/api/api.go b/api/api.go
index 74cbece..a61d5c2 100644
--- a/api/api.go
+++ b/api/api.go
@@ -123,6 +123,19 @@
ctx.CreateModule(genrule.GenRuleFactory, &props)
+// This produces the same as framework-doc-stubs, but by using
+// outputs from individual modules instead of all the source code.
+func createMergedAnnotations(ctx android.LoadHookContext, modules []string) {
+ props := genruleProps{}
+ props.Name = proptools.StringPtr("")
+ props.Tools = []string{"merge_annotation_zips", "soong_zip"}
+ props.Out = []string{""}
+ props.Cmd = proptools.StringPtr("$(location merge_annotation_zips) $(genDir)/out $(in) && " +
+ "$(location soong_zip) -o $(out) -C $(genDir)/out -D $(genDir)/out")
+ props.Srcs = createSrcs(":android-non-updatable-doc-stubs{}", modules, "{}")
+ ctx.CreateModule(genrule.GenRuleFactory, &props)
func createFilteredApiVersions(ctx android.LoadHookContext, modules []string) {
props := genruleProps{}
props.Name = proptools.StringPtr("api-versions-xml-public-filtered")
@@ -204,6 +217,12 @@
+ // Conscrypt and i18n currently do not enable annotations
+ annotationModules :=
+ annotationModules = remove(annotationModules, "conscrypt.module.public.api")
+ annotationModules = remove(annotationModules, "i18n.module.public.api")
+ createMergedAnnotations(ctx, annotationModules)
// For the filtered api versions, we prune all APIs except art module's APIs. because
// 1) ART apis are available by default to all modules, while other module-to-module deps are
// explicit and probably receive more scrutiny anyway