Minor fixes on string resources due to translation issues.

BUG: 26723186
BUG: 26733350
Change-Id: I17d5f7c6845ad1dea00b1085bf57073d16a3fd44
diff --git a/core/res/res/values/strings.xml b/core/res/res/values/strings.xml
index eebdd61..d7f7b10 100644
--- a/core/res/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/core/res/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -492,17 +492,17 @@
         current device state, to send as an e-mail message.  It will take a little
         time from starting the bug report until it is ready to be sent; please be
-    <!-- Title in the bugreport dialog for the interactive workflow. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+    <!-- Title in the bugreport dialog for the interactive workflow. Should fit in one line. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
     <string name="bugreport_option_interactive_title">Interactive report</string>
     <!-- Summary in the bugreport dialog for the interactive workflow. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
     <string name="bugreport_option_interactive_summary">Use this under most circumstances.
         It allows you to track progress of the report and enter more details about the problem.
         It might omit some less-used sections that take a long time to report.</string>
-    <!-- Title in the bugreport dialog for the full workflow. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
+    <!-- Title in the bugreport dialog for the full workflow. Should fit in one line. [CHAR LIMIT=30] -->
     <string name="bugreport_option_full_title">Full report</string>
-    <!-- Summary in the bugreport dialog for the full workflow. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
-    <string name="bugreport_option_full_summary">Use this option for minimal interference when
-        your device is unresponsive or too slow, or when you need all sections.
+    <!-- Summary in the bugreport dialog for the full workflow. [CHAR LIMIT=NONE] -->
+    <string name="bugreport_option_full_summary">Use this option for minimal system interference when
+        your device is unresponsive or too slow, or when you need all report sections.
         Does not take a screenshot or allow you to enter more details.</string>
     <!--  Toast message informing user in how many seconds a bugreport screenshot will be taken -->
     <plurals name="bugreport_countdown">