Moved MVNO matching logic out of old data stack

Moved MVNO matching logic out of old data stack. There
is no logic change here.

Bug: 171809764
Test: Manual
Merged-In: Ia7fc8042fe81a884bbab60c7a9bb6423f0401d65
Change-Id: Ia7fc8042fe81a884bbab60c7a9bb6423f0401d65
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
index bbd3c46..4e186e5 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/
@@ -14837,7 +14837,7 @@
             ITelephony service = getITelephony();
             if (service != null) {
-                return service.isMvnoMatched(getSubId(), mvnoType, mvnoMatchData);
+                return service.isMvnoMatched(getSlotIndex(), mvnoType, mvnoMatchData);
         } catch (RemoteException ex) {
             Rlog.e(TAG, "Telephony#matchesCurrentSimOperator RemoteException" + ex);
diff --git a/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/
index 4e85d89..a846088 100644
--- a/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/
+++ b/telephony/java/android/telephony/data/
@@ -129,17 +129,31 @@
-         * Update the qualified networks list. Network availability provider must invoke this method
-         * whenever the qualified networks changes. If this method is never invoked for certain
-         * APN types, then frameworks will always use the default (i.e. cellular) data and network
-         * service.
+         * Update the suggested qualified networks list. Network availability provider must invoke
+         * this method whenever the suggested qualified networks changes. If this method is never
+         * invoked for certain APN types, then frameworks uses its own logic to determine the
+         * transport to setup the data network.
+         *
+         * For example, QNS can suggest frameworks to setup IMS on IWLAN by specifying
+         * {@link ApnSetting#TYPE_IMS} with a list containing single element
+         * {@link AccessNetworkType#IWLAN}.
+         *
+         * Or if QNS consider multiple access networks are qualified for certain APN type, it can
+         * suggest frameworks by specifying the APN type with multiple elements in the list like
+         * {{@link AccessNetworkType#EUTRAN}, {@link AccessNetworkType#IWLAN}}. Frameworks will then
+         * first attempt to setup data on LTE network. If the device moves from LTE to UMTS, then
+         * frameworks can perform handover the data network to the second preferred access network
+         * if available.
+         *
+         * If the {@code qualifiedNetworkTypes} list is empty, it means QNS has no suggestion to the
+         * frameworks, and frameworks will decide the transport to setup the data network.
          * @param apnTypes APN types of the qualified networks. This must be a bitmask combination
          * of {@link ApnType}.
          * @param qualifiedNetworkTypes List of network types which are qualified for data
          * connection setup for {@link @apnType} in the preferred order. Each element in the list
-         * is a {@link AccessNetworkType}. An empty list indicates no networks are qualified
-         * for data setup.
+         * is a {@link AccessNetworkType}. Note that {@link AccessNetworkType#UNKNOWN} is not a
+         * valid input here.
         public final void updateQualifiedNetworkTypes(
                 @ApnType int apnTypes, @NonNull List<Integer> qualifiedNetworkTypes) {
diff --git a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl
index f5877d8..20b9f3a 100644
--- a/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl
+++ b/telephony/java/com/android/internal/telephony/ITelephony.aidl
@@ -2148,7 +2148,7 @@
     List<RadioAccessSpecifier> getSystemSelectionChannels(int subId);
-    boolean isMvnoMatched(int subId, int mvnoType, String mvnoMatchData);
+    boolean isMvnoMatched(int slotIndex, int mvnoType, String mvnoMatchData);
      * Enqueue a pending sms Consumer, which will answer with the user specified selection for an