Dream IN blur + complications fade-in animations.
This change implements the following dream IN animations
- un-blur dream content shortly after dream started fading in
- fade in top complications and status bar, and then bottom
complications separately
Test: verified on device
Test: atest ComplicationHostViewControllerTest
Test: atest DreamOverlayStateControllerTest
Test: atest DreamOverlayContainerViewControllerTest
Test: atest DreamOverlayStatusBarViewControllerTest
Test: atest DreamOverlayServiceTest
Bug: 222507937
Change-Id: Ia641bf42fe15103953981e43f06fe12ebb518d74
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
index 93982cb..a0b255a 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/res/values/config.xml
@@ -743,6 +743,17 @@
<integer name="complicationRestoreMs">1000</integer>
+ <!-- Duration in milliseconds of the dream in un-blur animation. -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayInBlurDurationMs">249</integer>
+ <!-- Delay in milliseconds of the dream in un-blur animation. -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayInBlurDelayMs">133</integer>
+ <!-- Duration in milliseconds of the dream in complications fade-in animation. -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayInComplicationsDurationMs">282</integer>
+ <!-- Delay in milliseconds of the dream in top complications fade-in animation. -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayInTopComplicationsDelayMs">216</integer>
+ <!-- Delay in milliseconds of the dream in bottom complications fade-in animation. -->
+ <integer name="config_dreamOverlayInBottomComplicationsDelayMs">299</integer>
<!-- Icons that don't show in a collapsed non-keyguard statusbar -->
<string-array name="config_collapsed_statusbar_icon_blocklist" translatable="false">