Add return animation functionality to ActivityTransitionAnimator.

I spent some time trying to add tests for this, but in the current state
it's really difficult without adding a disproportionate amount of
refactoring. It is also worth noting that the motion testing library
doesn't support RemoteAnimationAdapter, so we're not able to use that to
test window animations.

Bug: 323863002
Test: manually tested existed use cases with the flag on and off (same

Change-Id: I8c1c0f0ca1c026eb7165496b6c4ee333c59ce365
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/animation/src/com/android/systemui/animation/ActivityTransitionAnimator.kt b/packages/SystemUI/animation/src/com/android/systemui/animation/ActivityTransitionAnimator.kt
index 9ce30fd..1e60b98 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/animation/src/com/android/systemui/animation/ActivityTransitionAnimator.kt
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/animation/src/com/android/systemui/animation/ActivityTransitionAnimator.kt
@@ -599,6 +599,12 @@
+        init {
+            // We do this check here to cover all entry points, including Launcher which doesn't
+            // call startIntentWithAnimation()
+            if (!controller.isLaunching) TransitionAnimator.checkReturnAnimationFrameworkFlag()
+        }
         internal fun postTimeouts() {
             if (timeoutHandler != null) {
@@ -637,7 +643,28 @@
-            startAnimation(apps, nonApps, callback)
+            val window = findRootTaskIfPossible(apps)
+            if (window == null) {
+                Log.i(TAG, "Aborting the animation as no window is opening")
+                callback?.invoke()
+                if (DEBUG_TRANSITION_ANIMATION) {
+                    Log.d(
+                        TAG,
+                        "Calling controller.onTransitionAnimationCancelled() [no window opening]"
+                    )
+                }
+                controller.onTransitionAnimationCancelled()
+                listener?.onTransitionAnimationCancelled()
+                return
+            }
+            val navigationBar =
+                nonApps?.firstOrNull {
+                    it.windowType == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR
+                }
+            startAnimation(window, navigationBar, callback)
         private fun findRootTaskIfPossible(
@@ -646,9 +673,17 @@
             if (apps == null) {
                 return null
+            val targetMode =
+                if (controller.isLaunching) {
+                    RemoteAnimationTarget.MODE_OPENING
+                } else {
+                    RemoteAnimationTarget.MODE_CLOSING
+                }
             var candidate: RemoteAnimationTarget? = null
             for (it in apps) {
-                if (it.mode == RemoteAnimationTarget.MODE_OPENING) {
+                if (it.mode == targetMode) {
                     if (activityTransitionUseLargestWindow()) {
                         if (
                             candidate == null ||
@@ -673,47 +708,31 @@
             return candidate
         private fun startAnimation(
-            apps: Array<out RemoteAnimationTarget>?,
-            nonApps: Array<out RemoteAnimationTarget>?,
+            window: RemoteAnimationTarget,
+            navigationBar: RemoteAnimationTarget?,
             iCallback: IRemoteAnimationFinishedCallback?
         ) {
             if (TransitionAnimator.DEBUG) {
                 Log.d(TAG, "Remote animation started")
-            val window = findRootTaskIfPossible(apps)
-            if (window == null) {
-                Log.i(TAG, "Aborting the animation as no window is opening")
-                iCallback?.invoke()
-                if (DEBUG_TRANSITION_ANIMATION) {
-                    Log.d(
-                        TAG,
-                        "Calling controller.onTransitionAnimationCancelled() [no window opening]"
-                    )
-                }
-                controller.onTransitionAnimationCancelled()
-                listener?.onTransitionAnimationCancelled()
-                return
-            }
-            val navigationBar =
-                nonApps?.firstOrNull {
-                    it.windowType == WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_NAVIGATION_BAR
-                }
             val windowBounds = window.screenSpaceBounds
             val endState =
-                TransitionAnimator.State(
-                    top =,
-                    bottom = windowBounds.bottom,
-                    left = windowBounds.left,
-                    right = windowBounds.right
-                )
+                if (controller.isLaunching) {
+                    TransitionAnimator.State(
+                        top =,
+                        bottom = windowBounds.bottom,
+                        left = windowBounds.left,
+                        right = windowBounds.right
+                    )
+                } else {
+                    controller.createAnimatorState()
+                }
             val windowBackgroundColor =
                 window.taskInfo?.let { callback.getBackgroundColor(it) } ?: window.backgroundColor
@@ -721,24 +740,29 @@
             // instead of recomputing isExpandingFullyAbove here.
             val isExpandingFullyAbove =
                 transitionAnimator.isExpandingFullyAbove(controller.transitionContainer, endState)
-            val endRadius =
-                if (isExpandingFullyAbove) {
-                    // Most of the time, expanding fully above the root view means expanding in full
-                    // screen.
-                    ScreenDecorationsUtils.getWindowCornerRadius(context)
-                } else {
-                    // This usually means we are in split screen mode, so 2 out of 4 corners will
-                    // have
-                    // a radius of 0.
-                    0f
-                }
-            endState.topCornerRadius = endRadius
-            endState.bottomCornerRadius = endRadius
+            if (controller.isLaunching) {
+                val endRadius = getWindowRadius(isExpandingFullyAbove)
+                endState.topCornerRadius = endRadius
+                endState.bottomCornerRadius = endRadius
+            }
             // We animate the opening window and delegate the view expansion to [this.controller].
             val delegate = this.controller
             val controller =
                 object : Controller by delegate {
+                    override fun createAnimatorState(): TransitionAnimator.State {
+                        if (isLaunching) return delegate.createAnimatorState()
+                        val windowRadius = getWindowRadius(isExpandingFullyAbove)
+                        return TransitionAnimator.State(
+                            top =,
+                            bottom = windowBounds.bottom,
+                            left = windowBounds.left,
+                            right = windowBounds.right,
+                            topCornerRadius = windowRadius,
+                            bottomCornerRadius = windowRadius
+                        )
+                    }
                     override fun onTransitionAnimationStart(isExpandingFullyAbove: Boolean) {
@@ -795,6 +819,18 @@
+        private fun getWindowRadius(isExpandingFullyAbove: Boolean): Float {
+            return if (isExpandingFullyAbove) {
+                // Most of the time, expanding fully above the root view means
+                // expanding in full screen.
+                ScreenDecorationsUtils.getWindowCornerRadius(context)
+            } else {
+                // This usually means we are in split screen mode, so 2 out of 4
+                // corners will have a radius of 0.
+                0f
+            }
+        }
         private fun applyStateToWindow(
             window: RemoteAnimationTarget,
             state: TransitionAnimator.State,
@@ -842,20 +878,41 @@
+            val windowAnimationDelay =
+                if (controller.isLaunching) {
+                    TIMINGS.contentAfterFadeInDelay
+                } else {
+                    TIMINGS.contentBeforeFadeOutDelay
+                }
+            val windowAnimationDuration =
+                if (controller.isLaunching) {
+                    TIMINGS.contentAfterFadeInDuration
+                } else {
+                    TIMINGS.contentBeforeFadeOutDuration
+                }
+            val windowProgress =
+                TransitionAnimator.getProgress(
+                    TIMINGS,
+                    linearProgress,
+                    windowAnimationDelay,
+                    windowAnimationDuration
+                )
             // The alpha of the opening window. If it opens above the expandable, then it should
             // fade in progressively. Otherwise, it should be fully opaque and will be progressively
             // revealed as the window background color layer above the window fades out.
             val alpha =
                 if (controller.isBelowAnimatingWindow) {
-                    val windowProgress =
-                        TransitionAnimator.getProgress(
-                            TIMINGS,
-                            linearProgress,
-                            TIMINGS.contentAfterFadeInDelay,
-                            TIMINGS.contentAfterFadeInDuration
+                    if (controller.isLaunching) {
+                        INTERPOLATORS.contentAfterFadeInInterpolator.getInterpolation(
+                            windowProgress
-                    INTERPOLATORS.contentAfterFadeInInterpolator.getInterpolation(windowProgress)
+                    } else {
+                        1 -
+                            INTERPOLATORS.contentBeforeFadeOutInterpolator.getInterpolation(
+                                windowProgress
+                            )
+                    }
                 } else {
diff --git a/packages/SystemUI/animation/src/com/android/systemui/animation/TransitionAnimator.kt b/packages/SystemUI/animation/src/com/android/systemui/animation/TransitionAnimator.kt
index 9bf6b34..679c969 100644
--- a/packages/SystemUI/animation/src/com/android/systemui/animation/TransitionAnimator.kt
+++ b/packages/SystemUI/animation/src/com/android/systemui/animation/TransitionAnimator.kt
@@ -59,6 +59,13 @@
+        internal fun checkReturnAnimationFrameworkFlag() {
+            check(returnAnimationFrameworkLibrary()) {
+                "isLaunching cannot be false when the returnAnimationFrameworkLibrary flag is " +
+                    "disabled"
+            }
+        }
     private val transitionContainerLocation = IntArray(2)
@@ -558,10 +565,4 @@
-    private fun checkReturnAnimationFrameworkFlag() {
-        check(returnAnimationFrameworkLibrary()) {
-            "isLaunching cannot be false when the returnAnimationFrameworkLibrary flag is disabled"
-        }
-    }