Clear all options from Task when any ActivityRecord consumes the options.

Multiple ActivityRecords can get the same options if they are in some state of
being launched. If the Task starts and already has ActivityRecords in the Task,
they will also get the new options. It's pretty difficult to prevent that since
they are being moved to the front, even though another activity will launch on
top. Instead, just clear all ActivityRecord's options in the same Task so only
one is ever consumed.

Fixes: 74611027
Test: Launch activity then background. Open second activity from
notification. When pressing back, window animation should start.
Test: Launch activity, press home, launch same activity. Starting
animation occurs on the second launch.
Test: testsApplyOptionsLocked

Change-Id: I72119772851102cbb71d59527c5f0256b575752b
3 files changed