Move global hidden API flags generation to platform_bootclasspath

The global hidden API flags generation has moved from the singleton to
the platform_bootclasspath module type so this change provides the
paths to the additional hidden API flag configuration as part of the
definition of the platform-bootclasspath module.

Bug: 177892522
Test: verified that the out/soong/hiddenapi/... files are unchanged
      by this change
Change-Id: Id82b45d2abd6ca2efcfd730689b1eda92d55978e
diff --git a/api/Android.bp b/api/Android.bp
index 485255f..6e83c08 100644
--- a/api/Android.bp
+++ b/api/Android.bp
@@ -308,6 +308,9 @@
 genrule {
     name: "combined-removed-dex",
+    visibility: [
+        "//frameworks/base/boot",
+    ],
     srcs: [
diff --git a/boot/Android.bp b/boot/Android.bp
index 71edea2..8f6e591 100644
--- a/boot/Android.bp
+++ b/boot/Android.bp
@@ -43,4 +43,32 @@
 // done correctly.
 platform_bootclasspath {
     name: "platform-bootclasspath",
+    // Additional information needed by hidden api processing.
+    hidden_api: {
+        unsupported: [
+            "hiddenapi/hiddenapi-unsupported.txt",
+        ],
+        removed: [
+            ":combined-removed-dex",
+        ],
+        max_target_r_low_priority: [
+            "hiddenapi/hiddenapi-max-target-r-loprio.txt",
+        ],
+        max_target_q: [
+            "hiddenapi/hiddenapi-max-target-q.txt",
+        ],
+        max_target_p: [
+            "hiddenapi/hiddenapi-max-target-p.txt",
+        ],
+        max_target_o_low_priority: [
+            "hiddenapi/hiddenapi-max-target-o.txt",
+        ],
+        blocked: [
+            "hiddenapi/hiddenapi-force-blocked.txt",
+        ],
+        unsupported_packages: [
+            "hiddenapi/hiddenapi-unsupported-packages.txt",
+        ],
+    },