common_time: Turn the logging up to 11

Hand merge from ics-aah

> DO NOT MERGE: common_time: Turn the logging up to 11
> Actually, despite the CL title, no addition log messages are being
> sent to logcat.  Generally speaking, the common_time service tends to
> be rather quiet from a log perspective.  Events related to master
> election and arbitration as well as state changes tend to be
> infrequent in steady state operation.  Unfortunately, if there is a
> problem with the system, it frequently gets pushed out of logcat by
> other messages and is missing from the logs when a bugreport is
> finally taken.
> This change adds a utility class which can be used to store the last N
> log message in a ring buffer to be dumped later during a dumpsys
> operation.  Three internal log buffers were added to the system.  One
> to record messages having to do with state transitions.  Another was
> added to record traffic relating to master election, and one final
> buffer to record basic data on packets which were received but
> discarded for any reason.  During a bugreport, these common_time.clock
> service will be able to dump these messages regardless of the amt of
> other logcat activity, which should assist in debugging long running
> issues.
> Change-Id: Ic3bbf7480c8978f9bf82bafaba04cf4586db60cf
> Signed-off-by: John Grossman <>

Change-Id: If7156d41ce4553d5ba5c3a8e1dd616564a569711
Signed-off-by: John Grossman <>
diff --git a/services/common_time/utils.cpp b/services/common_time/utils.cpp
index 3ed2599..ed2c77d 100644
--- a/services/common_time/utils.cpp
+++ b/services/common_time/utils.cpp
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
  * limitations under the License.
+#define LOG_TAG "common_time"
+#include <utils/Log.h>
 #include "utils.h"
 namespace android {
@@ -46,4 +49,116 @@
     return static_cast<int>(delta);
+LogRing::LogRing(const char* header, size_t entries)
+    : mSize(entries)
+    , mWr(0)
+    , mIsFull(false)
+    , mHeader(header) {
+    mRingBuffer = new Entry[mSize];
+    if (NULL == mRingBuffer)
+        ALOGE("Failed to allocate log ring with %u entries.", mSize);
+LogRing::~LogRing() {
+    if (NULL != mRingBuffer)
+        delete[] mRingBuffer;
+void LogRing::log(int prio, const char* tag, const char* fmt, ...) {
+    va_list argp;
+    va_start(argp, fmt);
+    internalLog(prio, tag, fmt, argp);
+    va_end(argp);
+void LogRing::log(const char* fmt, ...) {
+    va_list argp;
+    va_start(argp, fmt);
+    internalLog(0, NULL, fmt, argp);
+    va_end(argp);
+void LogRing::internalLog(int prio,
+                          const char* tag,
+                          const char* fmt,
+                          va_list argp) {
+    if (NULL != mRingBuffer) {
+        Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
+        String8 s(String8::formatV(fmt, argp));
+        Entry* last = NULL;
+        if (mIsFull || mWr)
+            last = &(mRingBuffer[(mWr + mSize - 1) % mSize]);
+        if ((NULL != last) && !last-> {
+            gettimeofday(&(last->last_ts), NULL);
+            ++last->count;
+        } else {
+            gettimeofday(&mRingBuffer[mWr].first_ts, NULL);
+            mRingBuffer[mWr].last_ts = mRingBuffer[mWr].first_ts;
+            mRingBuffer[mWr].count = 1;
+            mRingBuffer[mWr].s.setTo(s);
+            mWr = (mWr + 1) % mSize;
+            if (!mWr)
+                mIsFull = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (NULL != tag)
+        LOG_PRI_VA(prio, tag, fmt, argp);
+void LogRing::dumpLog(int fd) {
+    if (NULL == mRingBuffer)
+        return;
+    Mutex::Autolock lock(&mLock);
+    if (!mWr && !mIsFull)
+        return;
+    char buf[1024];
+    int res;
+    size_t start = mIsFull ? mWr : 0;
+    size_t count = mIsFull ? mSize : mWr;
+    static const char* kTimeFmt = "%a %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S";
+    res = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "\n%s\n", mHeader);
+    if (res > 0)
+        write(fd, buf, res);
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+        struct tm t;
+        char timebuf[64];
+        char repbuf[96];
+        size_t ndx = (start + i) % mSize;
+        if (1 != mRingBuffer[ndx].count) {
+            localtime_r(&mRingBuffer[ndx].last_ts.tv_sec, &t);
+            strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), kTimeFmt, &t);
+            snprintf(repbuf, sizeof(repbuf),
+                    " (repeated %d times, last was %s.%03ld)",
+                     mRingBuffer[ndx].count,
+                     timebuf,
+                     mRingBuffer[ndx].last_ts.tv_usec / 1000);
+            repbuf[sizeof(repbuf) - 1] = 0;
+        } else {
+            repbuf[0] = 0;
+        }
+        localtime_r(&mRingBuffer[ndx].first_ts.tv_sec, &t);
+        strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), kTimeFmt, &t);
+        res = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%2d] %s.%03ld :: %s%s\n", 
+                       i, timebuf,
+                       mRingBuffer[ndx].first_ts.tv_usec / 1000,
+                       mRingBuffer[ndx].s.string(),
+                       repbuf);
+        if (res > 0)
+            write(fd, buf, res);
+    }
 }  // namespace android