Addressed the review comments from API Council

Following are the review comments from API Council:

(Places below that reference "s/foo/bar/" below are suggesting that "foo" be
 replaced with "bar".)

-- Class docs should not refer to "GPS" at the top level
-- s/InNs/Nanos/
-- s/Sec/Second/

-- s/In// for "InUnitname"
-- s/Sec/Second/
-- s/Ms/Millis/
-- s/Deg/Degrees/

-- "returns" -> "reports" in the method docs as the methods return void

-- register/unregisterGnssMeasurementEventCallback ->
   register/unregisterGnssMeasurementsEventCallback (plural)

-- MESSAGE_TYPE_ constants -> change to just TYPE_; the "MESSAGE" is redundant
   with the class name
-- is a signed byte/short ok based on the standard here? If not consider using
   int in the public api

-- Make sure @IntDef exists for the constellation type
-- Please append unit types for values returned to match GnssMeasurement methods

-- Please document time base/units for the time parameter of onFirstFix

Bug: 27385557
Change-Id: Ifed6a2eca3fd7ba89b3ded6964a70376235af8f4
diff --git a/api/current.txt b/api/current.txt
index 7f6ca37..31c7dd7 100644
--- a/api/current.txt
+++ b/api/current.txt
@@ -19165,168 +19165,110 @@
   public final class GnssClock implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
-    method public double getBiasInNs();
-    method public double getBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public double getDriftInNsPerSec();
-    method public double getDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
-    method public long getFullBiasInNs();
+    method public double getBiasNanos();
+    method public double getBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public double getDriftNanosPerSecond();
+    method public double getDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
+    method public long getFullBiasNanos();
     method public int getHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount();
-    method public short getLeapSecond();
-    method public long getTimeInNs();
-    method public double getTimeUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public boolean hasBiasInNs();
-    method public boolean hasBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public boolean hasDriftInNsPerSec();
-    method public boolean hasDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
-    method public boolean hasFullBiasInNs();
+    method public int getLeapSecond();
+    method public long getTimeNanos();
+    method public double getTimeUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public boolean hasBiasNanos();
+    method public boolean hasBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public boolean hasDriftNanosPerSecond();
+    method public boolean hasDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
+    method public boolean hasFullBiasNanos();
     method public boolean hasLeapSecond();
-    method public boolean hasTimeUncertaintyInNs();
+    method public boolean hasTimeUncertaintyNanos();
     method public void reset();
-    method public void resetBiasInNs();
-    method public void resetBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public void resetDriftInNsPerSec();
-    method public void resetDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
-    method public void resetFullBiasInNs();
+    method public void resetBiasNanos();
+    method public void resetBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public void resetDriftNanosPerSecond();
+    method public void resetDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
+    method public void resetFullBiasNanos();
     method public void resetLeapSecond();
-    method public void resetTimeUncertaintyInNs();
+    method public void resetTimeUncertaintyNanos();
     method public void set(android.location.GnssClock);
-    method public void setBiasInNs(double);
-    method public void setBiasUncertaintyInNs(double);
-    method public void setDriftInNsPerSec(double);
-    method public void setDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec(double);
-    method public void setFullBiasInNs(long);
+    method public void setBiasNanos(double);
+    method public void setBiasUncertaintyNanos(double);
+    method public void setDriftNanosPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setFullBiasNanos(long);
     method public void setHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount(int);
-    method public void setLeapSecond(short);
-    method public void setTimeInNs(long);
-    method public void setTimeUncertaintyInNs(double);
+    method public void setLeapSecond(int);
+    method public void setTimeNanos(long);
+    method public void setTimeUncertaintyNanos(double);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssClock> CREATOR;
   public final class GnssMeasurement implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
-    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters();
-    method public short getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState();
-    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters();
-    method public double getAzimuthInDeg();
-    method public double getAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public int getBitNumber();
+    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters();
+    method public int getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState();
+    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters();
     method public long getCarrierCycles();
-    method public float getCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+    method public float getCarrierFrequencyHz();
     method public double getCarrierPhase();
     method public double getCarrierPhaseUncertainty();
-    method public double getCn0InDbHz();
-    method public double getCodePhaseInChips();
-    method public double getCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-    method public byte getConstellationType();
-    method public double getDopplerShiftInHz();
-    method public double getDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-    method public double getElevationInDeg();
-    method public double getElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public byte getLossOfLock();
-    method public byte getMultipathIndicator();
-    method public double getPseudorangeInMeters();
-    method public double getPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec();
-    method public double getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec();
-    method public double getPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
-    method public long getReceivedSvTimeInNs();
-    method public long getReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs();
+    method public double getCn0DbHz();
+    method public int getConstellationType();
+    method public int getMultipathIndicator();
+    method public double getPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond();
+    method public double getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond();
+    method public long getReceivedSvTimeNanos();
+    method public long getReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos();
     method public double getSnrInDb();
-    method public short getState();
-    method public short getSvid();
-    method public short getTimeFromLastBitInMs();
-    method public double getTimeOffsetInNs();
-    method public boolean hasAzimuthInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasBitNumber();
+    method public int getState();
+    method public int getSvid();
+    method public double getTimeOffsetNanos();
     method public boolean hasCarrierCycles();
-    method public boolean hasCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+    method public boolean hasCarrierFrequencyHz();
     method public boolean hasCarrierPhase();
     method public boolean hasCarrierPhaseUncertainty();
-    method public boolean hasCodePhaseInChips();
-    method public boolean hasCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-    method public boolean hasDopplerShiftInHz();
-    method public boolean hasDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-    method public boolean hasElevationInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasPseudorangeInMeters();
-    method public boolean hasPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
     method public boolean hasSnrInDb();
-    method public boolean hasTimeFromLastBitInMs();
     method public boolean isPseudorangeRateCorrected();
-    method public boolean isUsedInFix();
     method public void reset();
-    method public void resetAzimuthInDeg();
-    method public void resetAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public void resetBitNumber();
     method public void resetCarrierCycles();
-    method public void resetCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+    method public void resetCarrierFrequencyHz();
     method public void resetCarrierPhase();
     method public void resetCarrierPhaseUncertainty();
-    method public void resetCodePhaseInChips();
-    method public void resetCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-    method public void resetDopplerShiftInHz();
-    method public void resetDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-    method public void resetElevationInDeg();
-    method public void resetElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public void resetPseudorangeInMeters();
-    method public void resetPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
     method public void resetSnrInDb();
-    method public void resetTimeFromLastBitInMs();
     method public void set(android.location.GnssMeasurement);
-    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters(double);
-    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeState(short);
-    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters(double);
-    method public void setAzimuthInDeg(double);
-    method public void setAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg(double);
-    method public void setBitNumber(int);
+    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters(double);
+    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeState(int);
+    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters(double);
     method public void setCarrierCycles(long);
-    method public void setCarrierFrequencyInHz(float);
+    method public void setCarrierFrequencyHz(float);
     method public void setCarrierPhase(double);
     method public void setCarrierPhaseUncertainty(double);
-    method public void setCn0InDbHz(double);
-    method public void setCodePhaseInChips(double);
-    method public void setCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips(double);
-    method public void setConstellationType(byte);
-    method public void setDopplerShiftInHz(double);
-    method public void setDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz(double);
-    method public void setElevationInDeg(double);
-    method public void setElevationUncertaintyInDeg(double);
-    method public void setLossOfLock(byte);
-    method public void setMultipathIndicator(byte);
-    method public void setPseudorangeInMeters(double);
-    method public void setPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec(double);
-    method public void setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec(double);
-    method public void setPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters(double);
-    method public void setReceivedSvTimeInNs(long);
-    method public void setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs(long);
+    method public void setCn0DbHz(double);
+    method public void setConstellationType(int);
+    method public void setMultipathIndicator(int);
+    method public void setPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setReceivedSvTimeNanos(long);
+    method public void setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos(long);
     method public void setSnrInDb(double);
-    method public void setState(short);
-    method public void setSvid(short);
-    method public void setTimeFromLastBitInMs(short);
-    method public void setTimeOffsetInNs(double);
-    method public void setUsedInFix(boolean);
+    method public void setState(int);
+    method public void setSvid(int);
+    method public void setTimeOffsetNanos(double);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_RESET = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_VALID = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_RESET = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_VALID = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssMeasurement> CREATOR;
-    field public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_CYCLE_SLIP = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_OK = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_DETECTED = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_NOT_USED = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final short STATE_BIT_SYNC = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final short STATE_CODE_LOCK = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final short STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS = 16; // 0x10
-    field public static final short STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final short STATE_TOW_DECODED = 8; // 0x8
-    field public static final short STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-  }
-  public static abstract class GnssMeasurement.LossOfLockStatus implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
+    field public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_DETECTED = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_NOT_USED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int STATE_BIT_SYNC = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATE_CODE_LOCK = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS = 16; // 0x10
+    field public static final int STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int STATE_TOW_DECODED = 8; // 0x8
+    field public static final int STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
   public static abstract class GnssMeasurement.MultipathIndicator implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
@@ -19339,7 +19281,7 @@
     method public java.util.Collection<android.location.GnssMeasurement> getMeasurements();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent> CREATOR;
-    field public static final int STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int STATUS_READY = 1; // 0x1
@@ -19356,34 +19298,34 @@
   public final class GnssNavigationMessage implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
     method public byte[] getData();
-    method public short getMessageId();
-    method public short getStatus();
-    method public short getSubmessageId();
-    method public short getSvid();
-    method public short getType();
+    method public int getMessageId();
+    method public int getStatus();
+    method public int getSubmessageId();
+    method public int getSvid();
+    method public int getType();
     method public void reset();
     method public void set(android.location.GnssNavigationMessage);
     method public void setData(byte[]);
-    method public void setMessageId(short);
-    method public void setStatus(short);
-    method public void setSubmessageId(short);
-    method public void setSvid(short);
-    method public void setType(short);
+    method public void setMessageId(int);
+    method public void setStatus(int);
+    method public void setSubmessageId(int);
+    method public void setSvid(int);
+    method public void setType(int);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssNavigationMessage> CREATOR;
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D1 = 1281; // 0x501
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D2 = 1282; // 0x502
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_F = 1538; // 0x602
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_I = 1537; // 0x601
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GLO_L1CA = 769; // 0x301
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_CNAV2 = 260; // 0x104
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L1CA = 257; // 0x101
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV = 258; // 0x102
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV = 259; // 0x103
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final short STATUS_PARITY_PASSED = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final short STATUS_PARITY_REBUILT = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final short STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int STATUS_PARITY_PASSED = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int STATUS_PARITY_REBUILT = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int TYPE_BDS_D1 = 1281; // 0x501
+    field public static final int TYPE_BDS_D2 = 1282; // 0x502
+    field public static final int TYPE_GAL_F = 1538; // 0x602
+    field public static final int TYPE_GAL_I = 1537; // 0x601
+    field public static final int TYPE_GLO_L1CA = 769; // 0x301
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_CNAV2 = 260; // 0x104
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_L1CA = 257; // 0x101
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV = 258; // 0x102
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV = 259; // 0x103
+    field public static final int TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
   public static abstract class GnssNavigationMessage.GnssNavigationMessageType implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
@@ -19395,7 +19337,7 @@
     method public android.location.GnssNavigationMessage getNavigationMessage();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent> CREATOR;
-    field public static final int STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int STATUS_READY = 1; // 0x1
@@ -19414,22 +19356,22 @@
   public final class GnssStatus {
-    method public float getAzimuth(int);
-    method public byte getConstellationType(int);
-    method public float getElevation(int);
+    method public float getAzimuthDegrees(int);
+    method public float getCn0DbHz(int);
+    method public int getConstellationType(int);
+    method public float getElevationDegrees(int);
     method public int getNumSatellites();
-    method public float getSnr(int);
     method public int getSvid(int);
     method public boolean hasAlmanac(int);
     method public boolean hasEphemeris(int);
     method public boolean usedInFix(int);
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU = 5; // 0x5
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GALILEO = 6; // 0x6
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GLONASS = 3; // 0x3
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GPS = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_QZSS = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_SBAS = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU = 5; // 0x5
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_GALILEO = 6; // 0x6
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_GLONASS = 3; // 0x3
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_GPS = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_QZSS = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_SBAS = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
   public static abstract class GnssStatus.ConstellationType implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
@@ -19544,8 +19486,8 @@
     method public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getProviders(boolean);
     method public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getProviders(android.location.Criteria, boolean);
     method public boolean isProviderEnabled(java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
-    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback, android.os.Handler);
+    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementsCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
+    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementsCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback, android.os.Handler);
     method public boolean registerGnssNavigationMessageCallback(android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent.Callback);
     method public boolean registerGnssNavigationMessageCallback(android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent.Callback, android.os.Handler);
     method public boolean registerGnssStatusCallback(android.location.GnssStatusCallback);
@@ -19570,7 +19512,7 @@
     method public void setTestProviderEnabled(java.lang.String, boolean);
     method public void setTestProviderLocation(java.lang.String, android.location.Location);
     method public void setTestProviderStatus(java.lang.String, int, android.os.Bundle, long);
-    method public void unregisterGnssMeasurementCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
+    method public void unregisterGnssMeasurementsCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
     method public void unregisterGnssNavigationMessageCallback(android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent.Callback);
     method public void unregisterGnssStatusCallback(android.location.GnssStatusCallback);
     field public static final java.lang.String GPS_PROVIDER = "gps";
@@ -34542,7 +34484,7 @@
     method public void onNotificationRemoved(android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification, android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService.RankingMap);
     method public final void requestInterruptionFilter(int);
     method public final void requestListenerHints(int);
-    method public static final void requestRebind(android.content.ComponentName) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public static void requestRebind(android.content.ComponentName) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public final void requestUnbind() throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public final void setNotificationsShown(java.lang.String[]);
     field public static final java.lang.String CATEGORY_VR_NOTIFICATIONS = "android.intent.category.vr.notifications";
diff --git a/api/system-current.txt b/api/system-current.txt
index 759876f..5b01f44 100644
--- a/api/system-current.txt
+++ b/api/system-current.txt
@@ -20354,168 +20354,110 @@
   public final class GnssClock implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
-    method public double getBiasInNs();
-    method public double getBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public double getDriftInNsPerSec();
-    method public double getDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
-    method public long getFullBiasInNs();
+    method public double getBiasNanos();
+    method public double getBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public double getDriftNanosPerSecond();
+    method public double getDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
+    method public long getFullBiasNanos();
     method public int getHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount();
-    method public short getLeapSecond();
-    method public long getTimeInNs();
-    method public double getTimeUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public boolean hasBiasInNs();
-    method public boolean hasBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public boolean hasDriftInNsPerSec();
-    method public boolean hasDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
-    method public boolean hasFullBiasInNs();
+    method public int getLeapSecond();
+    method public long getTimeNanos();
+    method public double getTimeUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public boolean hasBiasNanos();
+    method public boolean hasBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public boolean hasDriftNanosPerSecond();
+    method public boolean hasDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
+    method public boolean hasFullBiasNanos();
     method public boolean hasLeapSecond();
-    method public boolean hasTimeUncertaintyInNs();
+    method public boolean hasTimeUncertaintyNanos();
     method public void reset();
-    method public void resetBiasInNs();
-    method public void resetBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public void resetDriftInNsPerSec();
-    method public void resetDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
-    method public void resetFullBiasInNs();
+    method public void resetBiasNanos();
+    method public void resetBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public void resetDriftNanosPerSecond();
+    method public void resetDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
+    method public void resetFullBiasNanos();
     method public void resetLeapSecond();
-    method public void resetTimeUncertaintyInNs();
+    method public void resetTimeUncertaintyNanos();
     method public void set(android.location.GnssClock);
-    method public void setBiasInNs(double);
-    method public void setBiasUncertaintyInNs(double);
-    method public void setDriftInNsPerSec(double);
-    method public void setDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec(double);
-    method public void setFullBiasInNs(long);
+    method public void setBiasNanos(double);
+    method public void setBiasUncertaintyNanos(double);
+    method public void setDriftNanosPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setFullBiasNanos(long);
     method public void setHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount(int);
-    method public void setLeapSecond(short);
-    method public void setTimeInNs(long);
-    method public void setTimeUncertaintyInNs(double);
+    method public void setLeapSecond(int);
+    method public void setTimeNanos(long);
+    method public void setTimeUncertaintyNanos(double);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssClock> CREATOR;
   public final class GnssMeasurement implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
-    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters();
-    method public short getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState();
-    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters();
-    method public double getAzimuthInDeg();
-    method public double getAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public int getBitNumber();
+    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters();
+    method public int getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState();
+    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters();
     method public long getCarrierCycles();
-    method public float getCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+    method public float getCarrierFrequencyHz();
     method public double getCarrierPhase();
     method public double getCarrierPhaseUncertainty();
-    method public double getCn0InDbHz();
-    method public double getCodePhaseInChips();
-    method public double getCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-    method public byte getConstellationType();
-    method public double getDopplerShiftInHz();
-    method public double getDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-    method public double getElevationInDeg();
-    method public double getElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public byte getLossOfLock();
-    method public byte getMultipathIndicator();
-    method public double getPseudorangeInMeters();
-    method public double getPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec();
-    method public double getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec();
-    method public double getPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
-    method public long getReceivedSvTimeInNs();
-    method public long getReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs();
+    method public double getCn0DbHz();
+    method public int getConstellationType();
+    method public int getMultipathIndicator();
+    method public double getPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond();
+    method public double getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond();
+    method public long getReceivedSvTimeNanos();
+    method public long getReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos();
     method public double getSnrInDb();
-    method public short getState();
-    method public short getSvid();
-    method public short getTimeFromLastBitInMs();
-    method public double getTimeOffsetInNs();
-    method public boolean hasAzimuthInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasBitNumber();
+    method public int getState();
+    method public int getSvid();
+    method public double getTimeOffsetNanos();
     method public boolean hasCarrierCycles();
-    method public boolean hasCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+    method public boolean hasCarrierFrequencyHz();
     method public boolean hasCarrierPhase();
     method public boolean hasCarrierPhaseUncertainty();
-    method public boolean hasCodePhaseInChips();
-    method public boolean hasCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-    method public boolean hasDopplerShiftInHz();
-    method public boolean hasDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-    method public boolean hasElevationInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasPseudorangeInMeters();
-    method public boolean hasPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
     method public boolean hasSnrInDb();
-    method public boolean hasTimeFromLastBitInMs();
     method public boolean isPseudorangeRateCorrected();
-    method public boolean isUsedInFix();
     method public void reset();
-    method public void resetAzimuthInDeg();
-    method public void resetAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public void resetBitNumber();
     method public void resetCarrierCycles();
-    method public void resetCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+    method public void resetCarrierFrequencyHz();
     method public void resetCarrierPhase();
     method public void resetCarrierPhaseUncertainty();
-    method public void resetCodePhaseInChips();
-    method public void resetCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-    method public void resetDopplerShiftInHz();
-    method public void resetDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-    method public void resetElevationInDeg();
-    method public void resetElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public void resetPseudorangeInMeters();
-    method public void resetPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
     method public void resetSnrInDb();
-    method public void resetTimeFromLastBitInMs();
     method public void set(android.location.GnssMeasurement);
-    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters(double);
-    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeState(short);
-    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters(double);
-    method public void setAzimuthInDeg(double);
-    method public void setAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg(double);
-    method public void setBitNumber(int);
+    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters(double);
+    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeState(int);
+    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters(double);
     method public void setCarrierCycles(long);
-    method public void setCarrierFrequencyInHz(float);
+    method public void setCarrierFrequencyHz(float);
     method public void setCarrierPhase(double);
     method public void setCarrierPhaseUncertainty(double);
-    method public void setCn0InDbHz(double);
-    method public void setCodePhaseInChips(double);
-    method public void setCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips(double);
-    method public void setConstellationType(byte);
-    method public void setDopplerShiftInHz(double);
-    method public void setDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz(double);
-    method public void setElevationInDeg(double);
-    method public void setElevationUncertaintyInDeg(double);
-    method public void setLossOfLock(byte);
-    method public void setMultipathIndicator(byte);
-    method public void setPseudorangeInMeters(double);
-    method public void setPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec(double);
-    method public void setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec(double);
-    method public void setPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters(double);
-    method public void setReceivedSvTimeInNs(long);
-    method public void setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs(long);
+    method public void setCn0DbHz(double);
+    method public void setConstellationType(int);
+    method public void setMultipathIndicator(int);
+    method public void setPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setReceivedSvTimeNanos(long);
+    method public void setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos(long);
     method public void setSnrInDb(double);
-    method public void setState(short);
-    method public void setSvid(short);
-    method public void setTimeFromLastBitInMs(short);
-    method public void setTimeOffsetInNs(double);
-    method public void setUsedInFix(boolean);
+    method public void setState(int);
+    method public void setSvid(int);
+    method public void setTimeOffsetNanos(double);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_RESET = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_VALID = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_RESET = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_VALID = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssMeasurement> CREATOR;
-    field public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_CYCLE_SLIP = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_OK = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_DETECTED = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_NOT_USED = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final short STATE_BIT_SYNC = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final short STATE_CODE_LOCK = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final short STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS = 16; // 0x10
-    field public static final short STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final short STATE_TOW_DECODED = 8; // 0x8
-    field public static final short STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-  }
-  public static abstract class GnssMeasurement.LossOfLockStatus implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
+    field public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_DETECTED = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_NOT_USED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int STATE_BIT_SYNC = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATE_CODE_LOCK = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS = 16; // 0x10
+    field public static final int STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int STATE_TOW_DECODED = 8; // 0x8
+    field public static final int STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
   public static abstract class GnssMeasurement.MultipathIndicator implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
@@ -20528,7 +20470,7 @@
     method public java.util.Collection<android.location.GnssMeasurement> getMeasurements();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent> CREATOR;
-    field public static final int STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int STATUS_READY = 1; // 0x1
@@ -20545,34 +20487,34 @@
   public final class GnssNavigationMessage implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
     method public byte[] getData();
-    method public short getMessageId();
-    method public short getStatus();
-    method public short getSubmessageId();
-    method public short getSvid();
-    method public short getType();
+    method public int getMessageId();
+    method public int getStatus();
+    method public int getSubmessageId();
+    method public int getSvid();
+    method public int getType();
     method public void reset();
     method public void set(android.location.GnssNavigationMessage);
     method public void setData(byte[]);
-    method public void setMessageId(short);
-    method public void setStatus(short);
-    method public void setSubmessageId(short);
-    method public void setSvid(short);
-    method public void setType(short);
+    method public void setMessageId(int);
+    method public void setStatus(int);
+    method public void setSubmessageId(int);
+    method public void setSvid(int);
+    method public void setType(int);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssNavigationMessage> CREATOR;
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D1 = 1281; // 0x501
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D2 = 1282; // 0x502
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_F = 1538; // 0x602
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_I = 1537; // 0x601
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GLO_L1CA = 769; // 0x301
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_CNAV2 = 260; // 0x104
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L1CA = 257; // 0x101
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV = 258; // 0x102
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV = 259; // 0x103
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final short STATUS_PARITY_PASSED = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final short STATUS_PARITY_REBUILT = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final short STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int STATUS_PARITY_PASSED = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int STATUS_PARITY_REBUILT = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int TYPE_BDS_D1 = 1281; // 0x501
+    field public static final int TYPE_BDS_D2 = 1282; // 0x502
+    field public static final int TYPE_GAL_F = 1538; // 0x602
+    field public static final int TYPE_GAL_I = 1537; // 0x601
+    field public static final int TYPE_GLO_L1CA = 769; // 0x301
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_CNAV2 = 260; // 0x104
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_L1CA = 257; // 0x101
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV = 258; // 0x102
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV = 259; // 0x103
+    field public static final int TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
   public static abstract class GnssNavigationMessage.GnssNavigationMessageType implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
@@ -20584,7 +20526,7 @@
     method public android.location.GnssNavigationMessage getNavigationMessage();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent> CREATOR;
-    field public static final int STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int STATUS_READY = 1; // 0x1
@@ -20603,22 +20545,22 @@
   public final class GnssStatus {
-    method public float getAzimuth(int);
-    method public byte getConstellationType(int);
-    method public float getElevation(int);
+    method public float getAzimuthDegrees(int);
+    method public float getCn0DbHz(int);
+    method public int getConstellationType(int);
+    method public float getElevationDegrees(int);
     method public int getNumSatellites();
-    method public float getSnr(int);
     method public int getSvid(int);
     method public boolean hasAlmanac(int);
     method public boolean hasEphemeris(int);
     method public boolean usedInFix(int);
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU = 5; // 0x5
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GALILEO = 6; // 0x6
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GLONASS = 3; // 0x3
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GPS = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_QZSS = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_SBAS = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU = 5; // 0x5
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_GALILEO = 6; // 0x6
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_GLONASS = 3; // 0x3
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_GPS = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_QZSS = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_SBAS = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
   public static abstract class GnssStatus.ConstellationType implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
@@ -20980,8 +20922,8 @@
     method public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getProviders(boolean);
     method public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getProviders(android.location.Criteria, boolean);
     method public boolean isProviderEnabled(java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
-    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback, android.os.Handler);
+    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementsCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
+    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementsCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback, android.os.Handler);
     method public boolean registerGnssNavigationMessageCallback(android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent.Callback);
     method public boolean registerGnssNavigationMessageCallback(android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent.Callback, android.os.Handler);
     method public boolean registerGnssStatusCallback(android.location.GnssStatusCallback);
@@ -21010,7 +20952,7 @@
     method public void setTestProviderEnabled(java.lang.String, boolean);
     method public void setTestProviderLocation(java.lang.String, android.location.Location);
     method public void setTestProviderStatus(java.lang.String, int, android.os.Bundle, long);
-    method public void unregisterGnssMeasurementCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
+    method public void unregisterGnssMeasurementsCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
     method public void unregisterGnssNavigationMessageCallback(android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent.Callback);
     method public void unregisterGnssStatusCallback(android.location.GnssStatusCallback);
     field public static final java.lang.String GPS_PROVIDER = "gps";
@@ -37031,6 +36973,7 @@
   public abstract class NotificationAssistantService extends android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService {
     ctor public NotificationAssistantService();
     method public final void adjustImportance(java.lang.String, android.service.notification.NotificationAssistantService.Adjustment);
+    method public final android.os.IBinder onBind(android.content.Intent);
     method public void onNotificationActionClick(java.lang.String, long, int);
     method public void onNotificationClick(java.lang.String, long);
     method public abstract android.service.notification.NotificationAssistantService.Adjustment onNotificationEnqueued(android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification, int, boolean);
@@ -37083,7 +37026,7 @@
     method public void registerAsSystemService(android.content.Context, android.content.ComponentName, int) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public final void requestInterruptionFilter(int);
     method public final void requestListenerHints(int);
-    method public static final void requestRebind(android.content.ComponentName) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public static void requestRebind(android.content.ComponentName) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public final void requestUnbind() throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public final void setNotificationsShown(java.lang.String[]);
     method public final void setOnNotificationPostedTrim(int);
diff --git a/api/test-current.txt b/api/test-current.txt
index 372ca3e..dc9d6a9 100644
--- a/api/test-current.txt
+++ b/api/test-current.txt
@@ -19173,168 +19173,110 @@
   public final class GnssClock implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
-    method public double getBiasInNs();
-    method public double getBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public double getDriftInNsPerSec();
-    method public double getDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
-    method public long getFullBiasInNs();
+    method public double getBiasNanos();
+    method public double getBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public double getDriftNanosPerSecond();
+    method public double getDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
+    method public long getFullBiasNanos();
     method public int getHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount();
-    method public short getLeapSecond();
-    method public long getTimeInNs();
-    method public double getTimeUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public boolean hasBiasInNs();
-    method public boolean hasBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public boolean hasDriftInNsPerSec();
-    method public boolean hasDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
-    method public boolean hasFullBiasInNs();
+    method public int getLeapSecond();
+    method public long getTimeNanos();
+    method public double getTimeUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public boolean hasBiasNanos();
+    method public boolean hasBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public boolean hasDriftNanosPerSecond();
+    method public boolean hasDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
+    method public boolean hasFullBiasNanos();
     method public boolean hasLeapSecond();
-    method public boolean hasTimeUncertaintyInNs();
+    method public boolean hasTimeUncertaintyNanos();
     method public void reset();
-    method public void resetBiasInNs();
-    method public void resetBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-    method public void resetDriftInNsPerSec();
-    method public void resetDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
-    method public void resetFullBiasInNs();
+    method public void resetBiasNanos();
+    method public void resetBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+    method public void resetDriftNanosPerSecond();
+    method public void resetDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
+    method public void resetFullBiasNanos();
     method public void resetLeapSecond();
-    method public void resetTimeUncertaintyInNs();
+    method public void resetTimeUncertaintyNanos();
     method public void set(android.location.GnssClock);
-    method public void setBiasInNs(double);
-    method public void setBiasUncertaintyInNs(double);
-    method public void setDriftInNsPerSec(double);
-    method public void setDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec(double);
-    method public void setFullBiasInNs(long);
+    method public void setBiasNanos(double);
+    method public void setBiasUncertaintyNanos(double);
+    method public void setDriftNanosPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setFullBiasNanos(long);
     method public void setHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount(int);
-    method public void setLeapSecond(short);
-    method public void setTimeInNs(long);
-    method public void setTimeUncertaintyInNs(double);
+    method public void setLeapSecond(int);
+    method public void setTimeNanos(long);
+    method public void setTimeUncertaintyNanos(double);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssClock> CREATOR;
   public final class GnssMeasurement implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
-    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters();
-    method public short getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState();
-    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters();
-    method public double getAzimuthInDeg();
-    method public double getAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public int getBitNumber();
+    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters();
+    method public int getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState();
+    method public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters();
     method public long getCarrierCycles();
-    method public float getCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+    method public float getCarrierFrequencyHz();
     method public double getCarrierPhase();
     method public double getCarrierPhaseUncertainty();
-    method public double getCn0InDbHz();
-    method public double getCodePhaseInChips();
-    method public double getCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-    method public byte getConstellationType();
-    method public double getDopplerShiftInHz();
-    method public double getDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-    method public double getElevationInDeg();
-    method public double getElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public byte getLossOfLock();
-    method public byte getMultipathIndicator();
-    method public double getPseudorangeInMeters();
-    method public double getPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec();
-    method public double getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec();
-    method public double getPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
-    method public long getReceivedSvTimeInNs();
-    method public long getReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs();
+    method public double getCn0DbHz();
+    method public int getConstellationType();
+    method public int getMultipathIndicator();
+    method public double getPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond();
+    method public double getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond();
+    method public long getReceivedSvTimeNanos();
+    method public long getReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos();
     method public double getSnrInDb();
-    method public short getState();
-    method public short getSvid();
-    method public short getTimeFromLastBitInMs();
-    method public double getTimeOffsetInNs();
-    method public boolean hasAzimuthInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasBitNumber();
+    method public int getState();
+    method public int getSvid();
+    method public double getTimeOffsetNanos();
     method public boolean hasCarrierCycles();
-    method public boolean hasCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+    method public boolean hasCarrierFrequencyHz();
     method public boolean hasCarrierPhase();
     method public boolean hasCarrierPhaseUncertainty();
-    method public boolean hasCodePhaseInChips();
-    method public boolean hasCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-    method public boolean hasDopplerShiftInHz();
-    method public boolean hasDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-    method public boolean hasElevationInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public boolean hasPseudorangeInMeters();
-    method public boolean hasPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
     method public boolean hasSnrInDb();
-    method public boolean hasTimeFromLastBitInMs();
     method public boolean isPseudorangeRateCorrected();
-    method public boolean isUsedInFix();
     method public void reset();
-    method public void resetAzimuthInDeg();
-    method public void resetAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public void resetBitNumber();
     method public void resetCarrierCycles();
-    method public void resetCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+    method public void resetCarrierFrequencyHz();
     method public void resetCarrierPhase();
     method public void resetCarrierPhaseUncertainty();
-    method public void resetCodePhaseInChips();
-    method public void resetCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-    method public void resetDopplerShiftInHz();
-    method public void resetDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-    method public void resetElevationInDeg();
-    method public void resetElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-    method public void resetPseudorangeInMeters();
-    method public void resetPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
     method public void resetSnrInDb();
-    method public void resetTimeFromLastBitInMs();
     method public void set(android.location.GnssMeasurement);
-    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters(double);
-    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeState(short);
-    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters(double);
-    method public void setAzimuthInDeg(double);
-    method public void setAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg(double);
-    method public void setBitNumber(int);
+    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters(double);
+    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeState(int);
+    method public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters(double);
     method public void setCarrierCycles(long);
-    method public void setCarrierFrequencyInHz(float);
+    method public void setCarrierFrequencyHz(float);
     method public void setCarrierPhase(double);
     method public void setCarrierPhaseUncertainty(double);
-    method public void setCn0InDbHz(double);
-    method public void setCodePhaseInChips(double);
-    method public void setCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips(double);
-    method public void setConstellationType(byte);
-    method public void setDopplerShiftInHz(double);
-    method public void setDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz(double);
-    method public void setElevationInDeg(double);
-    method public void setElevationUncertaintyInDeg(double);
-    method public void setLossOfLock(byte);
-    method public void setMultipathIndicator(byte);
-    method public void setPseudorangeInMeters(double);
-    method public void setPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec(double);
-    method public void setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec(double);
-    method public void setPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters(double);
-    method public void setReceivedSvTimeInNs(long);
-    method public void setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs(long);
+    method public void setCn0DbHz(double);
+    method public void setConstellationType(int);
+    method public void setMultipathIndicator(int);
+    method public void setPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond(double);
+    method public void setReceivedSvTimeNanos(long);
+    method public void setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos(long);
     method public void setSnrInDb(double);
-    method public void setState(short);
-    method public void setSvid(short);
-    method public void setTimeFromLastBitInMs(short);
-    method public void setTimeOffsetInNs(double);
-    method public void setUsedInFix(boolean);
+    method public void setState(int);
+    method public void setSvid(int);
+    method public void setTimeOffsetNanos(double);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_RESET = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final short ADR_STATE_VALID = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_RESET = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int ADR_STATE_VALID = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssMeasurement> CREATOR;
-    field public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_CYCLE_SLIP = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_OK = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_DETECTED = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_NOT_USED = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final short STATE_BIT_SYNC = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final short STATE_CODE_LOCK = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final short STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS = 16; // 0x10
-    field public static final short STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final short STATE_TOW_DECODED = 8; // 0x8
-    field public static final short STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-  }
-  public static abstract class GnssMeasurement.LossOfLockStatus implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
+    field public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_DETECTED = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_NOT_USED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int STATE_BIT_SYNC = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATE_CODE_LOCK = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS = 16; // 0x10
+    field public static final int STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int STATE_TOW_DECODED = 8; // 0x8
+    field public static final int STATE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
   public static abstract class GnssMeasurement.MultipathIndicator implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
@@ -19347,7 +19289,7 @@
     method public java.util.Collection<android.location.GnssMeasurement> getMeasurements();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent> CREATOR;
-    field public static final int STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int STATUS_READY = 1; // 0x1
@@ -19364,34 +19306,34 @@
   public final class GnssNavigationMessage implements android.os.Parcelable {
     method public int describeContents();
     method public byte[] getData();
-    method public short getMessageId();
-    method public short getStatus();
-    method public short getSubmessageId();
-    method public short getSvid();
-    method public short getType();
+    method public int getMessageId();
+    method public int getStatus();
+    method public int getSubmessageId();
+    method public int getSvid();
+    method public int getType();
     method public void reset();
     method public void set(android.location.GnssNavigationMessage);
     method public void setData(byte[]);
-    method public void setMessageId(short);
-    method public void setStatus(short);
-    method public void setSubmessageId(short);
-    method public void setSvid(short);
-    method public void setType(short);
+    method public void setMessageId(int);
+    method public void setStatus(int);
+    method public void setSubmessageId(int);
+    method public void setSvid(int);
+    method public void setType(int);
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssNavigationMessage> CREATOR;
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D1 = 1281; // 0x501
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D2 = 1282; // 0x502
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_F = 1538; // 0x602
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_I = 1537; // 0x601
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GLO_L1CA = 769; // 0x301
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_CNAV2 = 260; // 0x104
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L1CA = 257; // 0x101
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV = 258; // 0x102
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV = 259; // 0x103
-    field public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
-    field public static final short STATUS_PARITY_PASSED = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final short STATUS_PARITY_REBUILT = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final short STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int STATUS_PARITY_PASSED = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int STATUS_PARITY_REBUILT = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int TYPE_BDS_D1 = 1281; // 0x501
+    field public static final int TYPE_BDS_D2 = 1282; // 0x502
+    field public static final int TYPE_GAL_F = 1538; // 0x602
+    field public static final int TYPE_GAL_I = 1537; // 0x601
+    field public static final int TYPE_GLO_L1CA = 769; // 0x301
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_CNAV2 = 260; // 0x104
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_L1CA = 257; // 0x101
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV = 258; // 0x102
+    field public static final int TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV = 259; // 0x103
+    field public static final int TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
   public static abstract class GnssNavigationMessage.GnssNavigationMessageType implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
@@ -19403,7 +19345,7 @@
     method public android.location.GnssNavigationMessage getNavigationMessage();
     method public void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel, int);
     field public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent> CREATOR;
-    field public static final int STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2; // 0x2
     field public static final int STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0; // 0x0
     field public static final int STATUS_READY = 1; // 0x1
@@ -19422,22 +19364,22 @@
   public final class GnssStatus {
-    method public float getAzimuth(int);
-    method public byte getConstellationType(int);
-    method public float getElevation(int);
+    method public float getAzimuthDegrees(int);
+    method public float getCn0DbHz(int);
+    method public int getConstellationType(int);
+    method public float getElevationDegrees(int);
     method public int getNumSatellites();
-    method public float getSnr(int);
     method public int getSvid(int);
     method public boolean hasAlmanac(int);
     method public boolean hasEphemeris(int);
     method public boolean usedInFix(int);
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU = 5; // 0x5
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GALILEO = 6; // 0x6
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GLONASS = 3; // 0x3
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GPS = 1; // 0x1
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_QZSS = 4; // 0x4
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_SBAS = 2; // 0x2
-    field public static final byte CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU = 5; // 0x5
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_GALILEO = 6; // 0x6
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_GLONASS = 3; // 0x3
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_GPS = 1; // 0x1
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_QZSS = 4; // 0x4
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_SBAS = 2; // 0x2
+    field public static final int CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN = 0; // 0x0
   public static abstract class GnssStatus.ConstellationType implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation {
@@ -19553,8 +19495,8 @@
     method public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getProviders(boolean);
     method public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getProviders(android.location.Criteria, boolean);
     method public boolean isProviderEnabled(java.lang.String);
-    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
-    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback, android.os.Handler);
+    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementsCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
+    method public boolean registerGnssMeasurementsCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback, android.os.Handler);
     method public boolean registerGnssNavigationMessageCallback(android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent.Callback);
     method public boolean registerGnssNavigationMessageCallback(android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent.Callback, android.os.Handler);
     method public boolean registerGnssStatusCallback(android.location.GnssStatusCallback);
@@ -19579,7 +19521,7 @@
     method public void setTestProviderEnabled(java.lang.String, boolean);
     method public void setTestProviderLocation(java.lang.String, android.location.Location);
     method public void setTestProviderStatus(java.lang.String, int, android.os.Bundle, long);
-    method public void unregisterGnssMeasurementCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
+    method public void unregisterGnssMeasurementsCallback(android.location.GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback);
     method public void unregisterGnssNavigationMessageCallback(android.location.GnssNavigationMessageEvent.Callback);
     method public void unregisterGnssStatusCallback(android.location.GnssStatusCallback);
     field public static final java.lang.String GPS_PROVIDER = "gps";
@@ -34557,7 +34499,7 @@
     method public void onNotificationRemoved(android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification, android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService.RankingMap);
     method public final void requestInterruptionFilter(int);
     method public final void requestListenerHints(int);
-    method public static final void requestRebind(android.content.ComponentName) throws android.os.RemoteException;
+    method public static void requestRebind(android.content.ComponentName) throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public final void requestUnbind() throws android.os.RemoteException;
     method public final void setNotificationsShown(java.lang.String[]);
     field public static final java.lang.String CATEGORY_VR_NOTIFICATIONS = "android.intent.category.vr.notifications";
diff --git a/location/java/android/location/ b/location/java/android/location/
index 3c8a78d..6a7801e 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/
+++ b/location/java/android/location/
@@ -26,26 +26,26 @@
 public final class GnssClock implements Parcelable {
     // The following enumerations must be in sync with the values declared in gps.h
-    private static final short HAS_NO_FLAGS = 0;
-    private static final short HAS_LEAP_SECOND = (1<<0);
-    private static final short HAS_TIME_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<1);
-    private static final short HAS_FULL_BIAS = (1<<2);
-    private static final short HAS_BIAS = (1<<3);
-    private static final short HAS_BIAS_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<4);
-    private static final short HAS_DRIFT = (1<<5);
-    private static final short HAS_DRIFT_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<6);
+    private static final int HAS_NO_FLAGS = 0;
+    private static final int HAS_LEAP_SECOND = (1<<0);
+    private static final int HAS_TIME_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<1);
+    private static final int HAS_FULL_BIAS = (1<<2);
+    private static final int HAS_BIAS = (1<<3);
+    private static final int HAS_BIAS_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<4);
+    private static final int HAS_DRIFT = (1<<5);
+    private static final int HAS_DRIFT_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<6);
     // End enumerations in sync with gps.h
-    private short mFlags;
-    private short mLeapSecond;
-    private long mTimeInNs;
-    private double mTimeUncertaintyInNs;
-    private long mFullBiasInNs;
-    private double mBiasInNs;
-    private double mBiasUncertaintyInNs;
-    private double mDriftInNsPerSec;
-    private double mDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec;
+    private int mFlags;
+    private int mLeapSecond;
+    private long mTimeNanos;
+    private double mTimeUncertaintyNanos;
+    private long mFullBiasNanos;
+    private double mBiasNanos;
+    private double mBiasUncertaintyNanos;
+    private double mDriftNanosPerSecond;
+    private double mDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond;
     private int mHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount;
     GnssClock() {
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
     public void set(GnssClock clock) {
         mFlags = clock.mFlags;
         mLeapSecond = clock.mLeapSecond;
-        mTimeInNs = clock.mTimeInNs;
-        mTimeUncertaintyInNs = clock.mTimeUncertaintyInNs;
-        mFullBiasInNs = clock.mFullBiasInNs;
-        mBiasInNs = clock.mBiasInNs;
-        mBiasUncertaintyInNs = clock.mBiasUncertaintyInNs;
-        mDriftInNsPerSec = clock.mDriftInNsPerSec;
-        mDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec = clock.mDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec;
+        mTimeNanos = clock.mTimeNanos;
+        mTimeUncertaintyNanos = clock.mTimeUncertaintyNanos;
+        mFullBiasNanos = clock.mFullBiasNanos;
+        mBiasNanos = clock.mBiasNanos;
+        mBiasUncertaintyNanos = clock.mBiasUncertaintyNanos;
+        mDriftNanosPerSecond = clock.mDriftNanosPerSecond;
+        mDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond = clock.mDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond;
         mHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount = clock.mHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount;
@@ -89,14 +89,14 @@
      * The value is only available if {@link #hasLeapSecond()} is true.
-    public short getLeapSecond() {
+    public int getLeapSecond() {
         return mLeapSecond;
      * Sets the leap second associated with the clock's time.
-    public void setLeapSecond(short leapSecond) {
+    public void setLeapSecond(int leapSecond) {
         mLeapSecond = leapSecond;
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
     public void resetLeapSecond() {
-        mLeapSecond = Short.MIN_VALUE;
+        mLeapSecond = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
@@ -114,30 +114,30 @@
      * For 'local hardware clock' this value is expected to be monotonically increasing during the
      * reporting session. The real GPS time can be derived by compensating
-     * {@link #getFullBiasInNs()} (when it is available) from this value.
+     * {@link #getFullBiasNanos()} (when it is available) from this value.
      * For 'GPS time' this value is expected to be the best estimation of current GPS time that GPS
-     * receiver can achieve. {@link #getTimeUncertaintyInNs()} should be available when GPS time is
+     * receiver can achieve. {@link #getTimeUncertaintyNanos()} should be available when GPS time is
      * specified.
-     * Sub-nanosecond accuracy can be provided by means of {@link #getBiasInNs()}.
-     * The reported time includes {@link #getTimeUncertaintyInNs()}.
+     * Sub-nanosecond accuracy can be provided by means of {@link #getBiasNanos()}.
+     * The reported time includes {@link #getTimeUncertaintyNanos()}.
-    public long getTimeInNs() {
-        return mTimeInNs;
+    public long getTimeNanos() {
+        return mTimeNanos;
-     * Sets the GPS receiver internal clock in nanoseconds.
+     * Sets the GNSS receiver internal clock in nanoseconds.
-    public void setTimeInNs(long timeInNs) {
-        mTimeInNs = timeInNs;
+    public void setTimeNanos(long timeNanos) {
+        mTimeNanos = timeNanos;
-     * Returns true if {@link #getTimeUncertaintyInNs()} is available, false otherwise.
+     * Returns true if {@link #getTimeUncertaintyNanos()} is available, false otherwise.
-    public boolean hasTimeUncertaintyInNs() {
+    public boolean hasTimeUncertaintyNanos() {
         return isFlagSet(HAS_TIME_UNCERTAINTY);
@@ -145,189 +145,189 @@
      * Gets the clock's time Uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds.
      * The uncertainty is represented as an absolute (single sided) value.
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasTimeUncertaintyInNs()} is true.
+     * The value is only available if {@link #hasTimeUncertaintyNanos()} is true.
-    public double getTimeUncertaintyInNs() {
-        return mTimeUncertaintyInNs;
+    public double getTimeUncertaintyNanos() {
+        return mTimeUncertaintyNanos;
      * Sets the clock's Time Uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds.
-    public void setTimeUncertaintyInNs(double timeUncertaintyInNs) {
+    public void setTimeUncertaintyNanos(double timeUncertaintyNanos) {
-        mTimeUncertaintyInNs = timeUncertaintyInNs;
+        mTimeUncertaintyNanos = timeUncertaintyNanos;
      * Resets the clock's Time Uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds.
-    public void resetTimeUncertaintyInNs() {
+    public void resetTimeUncertaintyNanos() {
-        mTimeUncertaintyInNs = Double.NaN;
+        mTimeUncertaintyNanos = Double.NaN;
-     * Returns true if {@link #getFullBiasInNs()} is available, false otherwise.
+     * Returns true if {@link #getFullBiasNanos()} is available, false otherwise.
-    public boolean hasFullBiasInNs() {
+    public boolean hasFullBiasNanos() {
         return isFlagSet(HAS_FULL_BIAS);
-     * Gets the difference between hardware clock ({@link #getTimeInNs()}) inside GPS receiver and
+     * Gets the difference between hardware clock ({@link #getTimeNanos()}) inside GPS receiver and
      * the true GPS time since 0000Z, January 6, 1980, in nanoseconds.
      * This value is available if the receiver has estimated GPS time. If the computed time is for a
      * non-GPS constellation, the time offset of that constellation to GPS has to be applied to fill
-     * this value. The value contains the 'bias uncertainty' {@link #getBiasUncertaintyInNs()} in
+     * this value. The value contains the 'bias uncertainty' {@link #getBiasUncertaintyNanos()} in
      * it, and it should be used for quality check. The value is only available if
-     * {@link #hasFullBiasInNs()} is true.
+     * {@link #hasFullBiasNanos()} is true.
      * The sign of the value is defined by the following equation:
      *      local estimate of GPS time = time_ns + (full_bias_ns + bias_ns)
-    public long getFullBiasInNs() {
-        return mFullBiasInNs;
+    public long getFullBiasNanos() {
+        return mFullBiasNanos;
      * Sets the full bias in nanoseconds.
-    public void setFullBiasInNs(long value) {
+    public void setFullBiasNanos(long value) {
-        mFullBiasInNs = value;
+        mFullBiasNanos = value;
      * Resets the full bias in nanoseconds.
-    public void resetFullBiasInNs() {
+    public void resetFullBiasNanos() {
-        mFullBiasInNs = Long.MIN_VALUE;
+        mFullBiasNanos = Long.MIN_VALUE;
-     * Returns true if {@link #getBiasInNs()} is available, false otherwise.
+     * Returns true if {@link #getBiasNanos()} is available, false otherwise.
-    public boolean hasBiasInNs() {
+    public boolean hasBiasNanos() {
         return isFlagSet(HAS_BIAS);
      * Gets the clock's sub-nanosecond bias.
-     * The reported bias includes {@link #getBiasUncertaintyInNs()}.
+     * The reported bias includes {@link #getBiasUncertaintyNanos()}.
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasBiasInNs()} is true.
+     * The value is only available if {@link #hasBiasNanos()} is true.
-    public double getBiasInNs() {
-        return mBiasInNs;
+    public double getBiasNanos() {
+        return mBiasNanos;
      * Sets the sub-nanosecond bias.
-    public void setBiasInNs(double biasInNs) {
+    public void setBiasNanos(double biasNanos) {
-        mBiasInNs = biasInNs;
+        mBiasNanos = biasNanos;
      * Resets the clock's Bias in nanoseconds.
-    public void resetBiasInNs() {
+    public void resetBiasNanos() {
-        mBiasInNs = Double.NaN;
+        mBiasNanos = Double.NaN;
-     * Returns true if {@link #getBiasUncertaintyInNs()} is available, false otherwise.
+     * Returns true if {@link #getBiasUncertaintyNanos()} is available, false otherwise.
-    public boolean hasBiasUncertaintyInNs() {
+    public boolean hasBiasUncertaintyNanos() {
         return isFlagSet(HAS_BIAS_UNCERTAINTY);
      * Gets the clock's Bias Uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds.
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasBiasUncertaintyInNs()} is true.
+     * The value is only available if {@link #hasBiasUncertaintyNanos()} is true.
-    public double getBiasUncertaintyInNs() {
-        return mBiasUncertaintyInNs;
+    public double getBiasUncertaintyNanos() {
+        return mBiasUncertaintyNanos;
      * Sets the clock's Bias Uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds.
-    public void setBiasUncertaintyInNs(double biasUncertaintyInNs) {
+    public void setBiasUncertaintyNanos(double biasUncertaintyNanos) {
-        mBiasUncertaintyInNs = biasUncertaintyInNs;
+        mBiasUncertaintyNanos = biasUncertaintyNanos;
      * Resets the clock's Bias Uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds.
-    public void resetBiasUncertaintyInNs() {
+    public void resetBiasUncertaintyNanos() {
-        mBiasUncertaintyInNs = Double.NaN;
+        mBiasUncertaintyNanos = Double.NaN;
-     * Returns true if {@link #getDriftInNsPerSec()} is available, false otherwise.
+     * Returns true if {@link #getDriftNanosPerSecond()} is available, false otherwise.
-    public boolean hasDriftInNsPerSec() {
+    public boolean hasDriftNanosPerSecond() {
         return isFlagSet(HAS_DRIFT);
      * Gets the clock's Drift in nanoseconds per second.
      * A positive value indicates that the frequency is higher than the nominal frequency.
-     * The reported drift includes {@link #getDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec()}.
+     * The reported drift includes {@link #getDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond()}.
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasDriftInNsPerSec()} is true.
+     * The value is only available if {@link #hasDriftNanosPerSecond()} is true.
-    public double getDriftInNsPerSec() {
-        return mDriftInNsPerSec;
+    public double getDriftNanosPerSecond() {
+        return mDriftNanosPerSecond;
      * Sets the clock's Drift in nanoseconds per second.
-    public void setDriftInNsPerSec(double driftInNsPerSec) {
+    public void setDriftNanosPerSecond(double driftNanosPerSecond) {
-        mDriftInNsPerSec = driftInNsPerSec;
+        mDriftNanosPerSecond = driftNanosPerSecond;
      * Resets the clock's Drift in nanoseconds per second.
-    public void resetDriftInNsPerSec() {
+    public void resetDriftNanosPerSecond() {
-        mDriftInNsPerSec = Double.NaN;
+        mDriftNanosPerSecond = Double.NaN;
-     * Returns true if {@link #getDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec()} is available, false otherwise.
+     * Returns true if {@link #getDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond()} is available, false otherwise.
-    public boolean hasDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec() {
+    public boolean hasDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond() {
         return isFlagSet(HAS_DRIFT_UNCERTAINTY);
      * Gets the clock's Drift Uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds per second.
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec()} is true.
+     * The value is only available if {@link #hasDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond()} is true.
-    public double getDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec() {
-        return mDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec;
+    public double getDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond() {
+        return mDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond;
      * Sets the clock's Drift Uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds per second.
-    public void setDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec(double driftUncertaintyInNsPerSec) {
+    public void setDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond(double driftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond) {
-        mDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec = driftUncertaintyInNsPerSec;
+        mDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond = driftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond;
@@ -347,9 +347,9 @@
      * Resets the clock's Drift Uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds per second.
-    public void resetDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec() {
+    public void resetDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond() {
-        mDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec = Double.NaN;
+        mDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond = Double.NaN;
     public static final Creator<GnssClock> CREATOR = new Creator<GnssClock>() {
@@ -357,15 +357,15 @@
         public GnssClock createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) {
             GnssClock gpsClock = new GnssClock();
-            gpsClock.mFlags = (short) parcel.readInt();
-            gpsClock.mLeapSecond = (short) parcel.readInt();
-            gpsClock.mTimeInNs = parcel.readLong();
-            gpsClock.mTimeUncertaintyInNs = parcel.readDouble();
-            gpsClock.mFullBiasInNs = parcel.readLong();
-            gpsClock.mBiasInNs = parcel.readDouble();
-            gpsClock.mBiasUncertaintyInNs = parcel.readDouble();
-            gpsClock.mDriftInNsPerSec = parcel.readDouble();
-            gpsClock.mDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec = parcel.readDouble();
+            gpsClock.mFlags = parcel.readInt();
+            gpsClock.mLeapSecond = parcel.readInt();
+            gpsClock.mTimeNanos = parcel.readLong();
+            gpsClock.mTimeUncertaintyNanos = parcel.readDouble();
+            gpsClock.mFullBiasNanos = parcel.readLong();
+            gpsClock.mBiasNanos = parcel.readDouble();
+            gpsClock.mBiasUncertaintyNanos = parcel.readDouble();
+            gpsClock.mDriftNanosPerSecond = parcel.readDouble();
+            gpsClock.mDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond = parcel.readDouble();
             gpsClock.mHardwareClockDiscontinuityCount = parcel.readInt();
             return gpsClock;
@@ -381,13 +381,13 @@
     public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags) {
-        parcel.writeLong(mTimeInNs);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mTimeUncertaintyInNs);
-        parcel.writeLong(mFullBiasInNs);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mBiasInNs);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mBiasUncertaintyInNs);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mDriftInNsPerSec);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec);
+        parcel.writeLong(mTimeNanos);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mTimeUncertaintyNanos);
+        parcel.writeLong(mFullBiasNanos);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mBiasNanos);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mBiasUncertaintyNanos);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mDriftNanosPerSecond);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond);
@@ -406,29 +406,29 @@
-                "TimeInNs",
-                mTimeInNs,
-                "TimeUncertaintyInNs",
-                hasTimeUncertaintyInNs() ? mTimeUncertaintyInNs : null));
+                "TimeNanos",
+                mTimeNanos,
+                "TimeUncertaintyNanos",
+                hasTimeUncertaintyNanos() ? mTimeUncertaintyNanos : null));
-                "FullBiasInNs",
-                hasFullBiasInNs() ? mFullBiasInNs : null));
+                "FullBiasNanos",
+                hasFullBiasNanos() ? mFullBiasNanos : null));
-                "BiasInNs",
-                hasBiasInNs() ? mBiasInNs : null,
-                "BiasUncertaintyInNs",
-                hasBiasUncertaintyInNs() ? mBiasUncertaintyInNs : null));
+                "BiasNanos",
+                hasBiasNanos() ? mBiasNanos : null,
+                "BiasUncertaintyNanos",
+                hasBiasUncertaintyNanos() ? mBiasUncertaintyNanos : null));
-                "DriftInNsPerSec",
-                hasDriftInNsPerSec() ? mDriftInNsPerSec : null,
-                "DriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec",
-                hasDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec() ? mDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec : null));
+                "DriftNanosPerSecond",
+                hasDriftNanosPerSecond() ? mDriftNanosPerSecond : null,
+                "DriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond",
+                hasDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond() ? mDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond : null));
         return builder.toString();
@@ -436,25 +436,25 @@
     private void initialize() {
         mFlags = HAS_NO_FLAGS;
-        setTimeInNs(Long.MIN_VALUE);
-        resetTimeUncertaintyInNs();
-        resetFullBiasInNs();
-        resetBiasInNs();
-        resetBiasUncertaintyInNs();
-        resetDriftInNsPerSec();
-        resetDriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec();
+        setTimeNanos(Long.MIN_VALUE);
+        resetTimeUncertaintyNanos();
+        resetFullBiasNanos();
+        resetBiasNanos();
+        resetBiasUncertaintyNanos();
+        resetDriftNanosPerSecond();
+        resetDriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond();
-    private void setFlag(short flag) {
+    private void setFlag(int flag) {
         mFlags |= flag;
-    private void resetFlag(short flag) {
+    private void resetFlag(int flag) {
         mFlags &= ~flag;
-    private boolean isFlagSet(short flag) {
+    private boolean isFlagSet(int flag) {
         return (mFlags & flag) == flag;
diff --git a/location/java/android/location/ b/location/java/android/location/
index abdc13c..367c52f 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/
+++ b/location/java/android/location/
@@ -28,82 +28,35 @@
 public final class GnssMeasurement implements Parcelable {
     private int mFlags;
-    private short mSvid;
-    private byte mConstellationType;
-    private double mTimeOffsetInNs;
-    private short mState;
-    private long mReceivedSvTimeInNs;
-    private long mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs;
-    private double mCn0InDbHz;
-    private double mPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec;
-    private double mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec;
-    private short mAccumulatedDeltaRangeState;
-    private double mAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters;
-    private double mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters;
-    private double mPseudorangeInMeters;
-    private double mPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters;
-    private double mCodePhaseInChips;
-    private double mCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips;
-    private float mCarrierFrequencyInHz;
+    private int mSvid;
+    private int mConstellationType;
+    private double mTimeOffsetNanos;
+    private int mState;
+    private long mReceivedSvTimeNanos;
+    private long mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos;
+    private double mCn0DbHz;
+    private double mPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond;
+    private double mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond;
+    private int mAccumulatedDeltaRangeState;
+    private double mAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters;
+    private double mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters;
+    private float mCarrierFrequencyHz;
     private long mCarrierCycles;
     private double mCarrierPhase;
     private double mCarrierPhaseUncertainty;
-    private byte mLossOfLock;
-    private int mBitNumber;
-    private short mTimeFromLastBitInMs;
-    private double mDopplerShiftInHz;
-    private double mDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz;
-    private byte mMultipathIndicator;
+    private int mMultipathIndicator;
     private double mSnrInDb;
-    private double mElevationInDeg;
-    private double mElevationUncertaintyInDeg;
-    private double mAzimuthInDeg;
-    private double mAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg;
-    private boolean mUsedInFix;
     // The following enumerations must be in sync with the values declared in gps.h
     private static final int HAS_NO_FLAGS = 0;
     private static final int HAS_SNR = (1<<0);
-    private static final int HAS_ELEVATION = (1<<1);
-    private static final int HAS_ELEVATION_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<2);
-    private static final int HAS_AZIMUTH = (1<<3);
-    private static final int HAS_AZIMUTH_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<4);
-    private static final int HAS_PSEUDORANGE = (1<<5);
-    private static final int HAS_PSEUDORANGE_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<6);
-    private static final int HAS_CODE_PHASE = (1<<7);
-    private static final int HAS_CODE_PHASE_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<8);
     private static final int HAS_CARRIER_FREQUENCY = (1<<9);
     private static final int HAS_CARRIER_CYCLES = (1<<10);
     private static final int HAS_CARRIER_PHASE = (1<<11);
     private static final int HAS_CARRIER_PHASE_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<12);
-    private static final int HAS_BIT_NUMBER = (1<<13);
-    private static final int HAS_TIME_FROM_LAST_BIT = (1<<14);
-    private static final int HAS_DOPPLER_SHIFT = (1<<15);
-    private static final int HAS_DOPPLER_SHIFT_UNCERTAINTY = (1<<16);
-    // private static final int HAS_USED_IN_FIX = (1<<17);
     private static final int HAS_UNCORRECTED_PSEUDORANGE_RATE = (1<<18);
-    /** The status of 'loss of lock'. */
-    @Retention(RetentionPolicy.SOURCE)
-    public @interface LossOfLockStatus {}
-    /**
-     * The indicator is not available or it is unknown.
-     */
-    public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_UNKNOWN = 0;
-    /**
-     * The measurement does not present any indication of 'loss of lock'.
-     */
-    public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_OK = 1;
-    /**
-     * 'Loss of lock' detected between the previous and current observation: cycle slip possible.
-     */
-    public static final byte LOSS_OF_LOCK_CYCLE_SLIP = 2;
     /** The status of multipath. */
@@ -113,78 +66,78 @@
      * The indicator is not available or it is unknown.
-    public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_UNKNOWN = 0;
+    public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_UNKNOWN = 0;
      * The measurement has been indicated to use multi-path.
-    public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_DETECTED = 1;
+    public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_DETECTED = 1;
      * The measurement has been indicated not tu use multi-path.
-    public static final byte MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_NOT_USED = 2;
+    public static final int MULTIPATH_INDICATOR_NOT_USED = 2;
      * The state of GNSS receiver the measurement is invalid or unknown.
-    public static final short STATE_UNKNOWN = 0;
+    public static final int STATE_UNKNOWN = 0;
      * The state of the GNSS receiver is ranging code lock.
-    public static final short STATE_CODE_LOCK = (1<<0);
+    public static final int STATE_CODE_LOCK = (1<<0);
      * The state of the GNSS receiver is in bit sync.
-    public static final short STATE_BIT_SYNC = (1<<1);
+    public static final int STATE_BIT_SYNC = (1<<1);
      *The state of the GNSS receiver is in sub-frame sync.
-    public static final short STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC = (1<<2);
+    public static final int STATE_SUBFRAME_SYNC = (1<<2);
      * The state of the GNSS receiver has TOW decoded.
-    public static final short STATE_TOW_DECODED = (1<<3);
+    public static final int STATE_TOW_DECODED = (1<<3);
      * The state of the GNSS receiver contains millisecond ambiguity.
-    public static final short STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS = (1<<4);
+    public static final int STATE_MSEC_AMBIGUOUS = (1<<4);
      * All the GNSS receiver state flags.
      * The state of the 'Accumulated Delta Range' is invalid or unknown.
-    public static final short ADR_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0;
+    public static final int ADR_STATE_UNKNOWN = 0;
      * The state of the 'Accumulated Delta Range' is valid.
-    public static final short ADR_STATE_VALID = (1<<0);
+    public static final int ADR_STATE_VALID = (1<<0);
      * The state of the 'Accumulated Delta Range' has detected a reset.
-    public static final short ADR_STATE_RESET = (1<<1);
+    public static final int ADR_STATE_RESET = (1<<1);
      * The state of the 'Accumulated Delta Range' has a cycle slip detected.
-    public static final short ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP = (1<<2);
+    public static final int ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP = (1<<2);
      * All the 'Accumulated Delta Range' flags.
-    private static final short ADR_ALL = ADR_STATE_VALID | ADR_STATE_RESET | ADR_STATE_CYCLE_SLIP;
     // End enumerations in sync with gps.h
@@ -199,38 +152,24 @@
         mFlags = measurement.mFlags;
         mSvid = measurement.mSvid;
         mConstellationType = measurement.mConstellationType;
-        mTimeOffsetInNs = measurement.mTimeOffsetInNs;
+        mTimeOffsetNanos = measurement.mTimeOffsetNanos;
         mState = measurement.mState;
-        mReceivedSvTimeInNs = measurement.mReceivedSvTimeInNs;
-        mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs = measurement.mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs;
-        mCn0InDbHz = measurement.mCn0InDbHz;
-        mPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec = measurement.mPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec;
-        mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec =
-                measurement.mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec;
+        mReceivedSvTimeNanos = measurement.mReceivedSvTimeNanos;
+        mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos = measurement.mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos;
+        mCn0DbHz = measurement.mCn0DbHz;
+        mPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond = measurement.mPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond;
+        mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond =
+                measurement.mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond;
         mAccumulatedDeltaRangeState = measurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeState;
-        mAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters = measurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters;
-        mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters =
-                measurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters;
-        mPseudorangeInMeters = measurement.mPseudorangeInMeters;
-        mPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters = measurement.mPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters;
-        mCodePhaseInChips = measurement.mCodePhaseInChips;
-        mCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips = measurement.mCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips;
-        mCarrierFrequencyInHz = measurement.mCarrierFrequencyInHz;
+        mAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters = measurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters;
+        mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters =
+                measurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters;
+        mCarrierFrequencyHz = measurement.mCarrierFrequencyHz;
         mCarrierCycles = measurement.mCarrierCycles;
         mCarrierPhase = measurement.mCarrierPhase;
         mCarrierPhaseUncertainty = measurement.mCarrierPhaseUncertainty;
-        mLossOfLock = measurement.mLossOfLock;
-        mBitNumber = measurement.mBitNumber;
-        mTimeFromLastBitInMs = measurement.mTimeFromLastBitInMs;
-        mDopplerShiftInHz = measurement.mDopplerShiftInHz;
-        mDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz = measurement.mDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz;
         mMultipathIndicator = measurement.mMultipathIndicator;
         mSnrInDb = measurement.mSnrInDb;
-        mElevationInDeg = measurement.mElevationInDeg;
-        mElevationUncertaintyInDeg = measurement.mElevationUncertaintyInDeg;
-        mAzimuthInDeg = measurement.mAzimuthInDeg;
-        mAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg = measurement.mAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg;
-        mUsedInFix = measurement.mUsedInFix;
@@ -244,14 +183,14 @@
      * Gets the Pseudo-random number (PRN).
      * Range: [1, 32]
-    public short getSvid() {
+    public int getSvid() {
         return mSvid;
      * Sets the Pseud-random number (PRN).
-    public void setSvid(short value) {
+    public void setSvid(int value) {
         mSvid = value;
@@ -259,14 +198,14 @@
      * Getst the constellation type.
-    public byte getConstellationType() {
+    public int getConstellationType() {
         return mConstellationType;
      * Sets the constellation type.
-    public void setConstellationType(@GnssStatus.ConstellationType byte value) {
+    public void setConstellationType(@GnssStatus.ConstellationType int value) {
         mConstellationType = value;
@@ -274,7 +213,7 @@
      * Gets the time offset at which the measurement was taken in nanoseconds.
      * The reference receiver's time from which this is offset is specified by
-     * {@link GnssClock#getTimeInNs()}.
+     * {@link GnssClock#getTimeNanos()}.
      * The sign of this value is given by the following equation:
      *      measurement time = time_ns + time_offset_ns
@@ -282,31 +221,31 @@
      * The value provides an individual time-stamp for the measurement, and allows sub-nanosecond
      * accuracy.
-    public double getTimeOffsetInNs() {
-        return mTimeOffsetInNs;
+    public double getTimeOffsetNanos() {
+        return mTimeOffsetNanos;
      * Sets the time offset at which the measurement was taken in nanoseconds.
-    public void setTimeOffsetInNs(double value) {
-        mTimeOffsetInNs = value;
+    public void setTimeOffsetNanos(double value) {
+        mTimeOffsetNanos = value;
      * Gets per-satellite sync state.
      * It represents the current sync state for the associated satellite.
-     * This value helps interpret {@link #getReceivedSvTimeInNs()}.
+     * This value helps interpret {@link #getReceivedSvTimeNanos()}.
-    public short getState() {
+    public int getState() {
         return mState;
      * Sets the sync state.
-    public void setState(short value) {
+    public void setState(int value) {
         mState = value;
@@ -408,29 +347,29 @@
      *     Symbol sync     : [ 0   2ms ]   : STATE_SYMBOL_SYNC is set
      *     Message         : [ 0    1s ]   : STATE_SBAS_SYNC is set
-    public long getReceivedSvTimeInNs() {
-        return mReceivedSvTimeInNs;
+    public long getReceivedSvTimeNanos() {
+        return mReceivedSvTimeNanos;
      * Sets the received GNSS time in nanoseconds.
-    public void setReceivedSvTimeInNs(long value) {
-        mReceivedSvTimeInNs = value;
+    public void setReceivedSvTimeNanos(long value) {
+        mReceivedSvTimeNanos = value;
      * Gets the received GNSS time uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds.
-    public long getReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs() {
-        return mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs;
+    public long getReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos() {
+        return mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos;
      * Sets the received GNSS time uncertainty (1-Sigma) in nanoseconds.
-    public void setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs(long value) {
-        mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs = value;
+    public void setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos(long value) {
+        mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos = value;
@@ -439,45 +378,46 @@
      * The value contains the measured C/N0 for the signal at the antenna input.
-    public double getCn0InDbHz() {
-        return mCn0InDbHz;
+    public double getCn0DbHz() {
+        return mCn0DbHz;
      * Sets the carrier-to-noise density in dB-Hz.
-    public void setCn0InDbHz(double value) {
-        mCn0InDbHz = value;
+    public void setCn0DbHz(double value) {
+        mCn0DbHz = value;
      * Gets the Pseudorange rate at the timestamp in m/s.
-     * The reported value includes {@link #getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec()}.
-     * The correction of a given Pseudorange Rate value includes corrections from receiver and
-     * satellite clock frequency errors.
-     * {@link #isPseudorangeRateCorrected()} identifies the type of value reported.
+     * The reported value includes {@link #getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond()}.
-     * A positive 'uncorrected' value indicates that the SV is moving away from the receiver.
-     * The sign of the 'uncorrected' Pseudorange Rate and its relation to the sign of
-     * {@link #getDopplerShiftInHz()} is given by the equation:
+     * The value is uncorrected, hence corrections for receiver and satellite clock frequency errors
+     * should not be included.
+     *
+     * A positive 'uncorrected' value indicates that the SV is moving away from the receiver. The
+     * sign of the 'uncorrected' 'pseudorange rate' and its relation to the sign of 'doppler shift'
+     * is given by the equation:
+     *
      *      pseudorange rate = -k * doppler shift   (where k is a constant)
-    public double getPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec() {
-        return mPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec;
+    public double getPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond() {
+        return mPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond;
      * Sets the pseudorange rate at the timestamp in m/s.
-    public void setPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec(double value) {
-        mPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec = value;
+    public void setPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond(double value) {
+        mPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond = value;
-     * See {@link #getPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec()} for more details.
+     * See {@link #getPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond()} for more details.
-     * @return {@code true} if {@link #getPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec()} contains a corrected
+     * @return {@code true} if {@link #getPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond()} contains a corrected
      *         value, {@code false} if it contains an uncorrected value.
     public boolean isPseudorangeRateCorrected() {
@@ -488,30 +428,30 @@
      * Gets the pseudorange's rate uncertainty (1-Sigma) in m/s.
      * The uncertainty is represented as an absolute (single sided) value.
-    public double getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec() {
-        return mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec;
+    public double getPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond() {
+        return mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond;
      * Sets the pseudorange's rate uncertainty (1-Sigma) in m/s.
-    public void setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec(double value) {
-        mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec = value;
+    public void setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond(double value) {
+        mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond = value;
      * Gets 'Accumulated Delta Range' state.
-     * It indicates whether {@link #getAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters()} is reset or there is a
+     * It indicates whether {@link #getAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters()} is reset or there is a
      * cycle slip (indicating 'loss of lock').
-    public short getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState() {
+    public int getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState() {
         return mAccumulatedDeltaRangeState;
      * Sets the 'Accumulated Delta Range' state.
-    public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeState(short value) {
+    public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeState(int value) {
         mAccumulatedDeltaRangeState = value;
@@ -545,24 +485,24 @@
      * Gets the accumulated delta range since the last channel reset, in meters.
-     * The reported value includes {@link #getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters()}.
+     * The reported value includes {@link #getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters()}.
      * The availability of the value is represented by {@link #getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState()}.
      * A positive value indicates that the SV is moving away from the receiver.
-     * The sign of {@link #getAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters()} and its relation to the sign of
+     * The sign of {@link #getAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters()} and its relation to the sign of
      * {@link #getCarrierPhase()} is given by the equation:
      *          accumulated delta range = -k * carrier phase    (where k is a constant)
-    public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters() {
-        return mAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters;
+    public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters() {
+        return mAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters;
      * Sets the accumulated delta range in meters.
-    public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters(double value) {
-        mAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters = value;
+    public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters(double value) {
+        mAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters = value;
@@ -571,8 +511,8 @@
      * The status of the value is represented by {@link #getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState()}.
-    public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters() {
-        return mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters;
+    public double getAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters() {
+        return mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters;
@@ -580,149 +520,14 @@
      * The status of the value is represented by {@link #getAccumulatedDeltaRangeState()}.
-    public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters(double value) {
-        mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters = value;
+    public void setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters(double value) {
+        mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters = value;
-     * Returns true if {@link #getPseudorangeInMeters()} is available, false otherwise.
+     * Returns true if {@link #getCarrierFrequencyHz()} is available, false otherwise.
-    public boolean hasPseudorangeInMeters() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_PSEUDORANGE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the best derived pseudorange by the chipset, in meters.
-     * The reported pseudorange includes {@link #getPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters()}.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasPseudorangeInMeters()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getPseudorangeInMeters() {
-        return mPseudorangeInMeters;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Pseudo-range in meters.
-     */
-    public void setPseudorangeInMeters(double value) {
-        setFlag(HAS_PSEUDORANGE);
-        mPseudorangeInMeters = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the Pseudo-range in meters.
-     */
-    public void resetPseudorangeInMeters() {
-        resetFlag(HAS_PSEUDORANGE);
-        mPseudorangeInMeters = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_PSEUDORANGE_UNCERTAINTY);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the pseudorange's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in meters.
-     * The value contains the 'pseudorange' and 'clock' uncertainty in it.
-     * The uncertainty is represented as an absolute (single sided) value.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters() {
-        return mPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the pseudo-range's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in meters.
-     */
-    public void setPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters(double value) {
-        mPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the pseudo-range's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in meters.
-     */
-    public void resetPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters() {
-        mPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getCodePhaseInChips()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasCodePhaseInChips() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_CODE_PHASE);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the fraction of the current C/A code cycle.
-     * Range: [0, 1023]
-     * The reference frequency is given by the value of {@link #getCarrierFrequencyInHz()}.
-     * The reported code-phase includes {@link #getCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips()}.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasCodePhaseInChips()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getCodePhaseInChips() {
-        return mCodePhaseInChips;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Code-phase in chips.
-     */
-    public void setCodePhaseInChips(double value) {
-        setFlag(HAS_CODE_PHASE);
-        mCodePhaseInChips = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the Code-phase in chips.
-     */
-    public void resetCodePhaseInChips() {
-        resetFlag(HAS_CODE_PHASE);
-        mCodePhaseInChips = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_CODE_PHASE_UNCERTAINTY);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the code-phase's uncertainty (1-Sigma) as a fraction of chips.
-     * The uncertainty is represented as an absolute (single sided) value.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips() {
-        return mCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Code-phase's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in fractions of chips.
-     */
-    public void setCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips(double value) {
-        mCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the Code-phase's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in fractions of chips.
-     */
-    public void resetCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips() {
-        mCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getCarrierFrequencyInHz()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasCarrierFrequencyInHz() {
+    public boolean hasCarrierFrequencyHz() {
         return isFlagSet(HAS_CARRIER_FREQUENCY);
@@ -730,26 +535,26 @@
      * Gets the carrier frequency at which codes and messages are modulated, it can be L1 or L2.
      * If the field is not set, the carrier frequency corresponds to L1.
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasCarrierFrequencyInHz()} is true.
+     * The value is only available if {@link #hasCarrierFrequencyHz()} is true.
-    public float getCarrierFrequencyInHz() {
-        return mCarrierFrequencyInHz;
+    public float getCarrierFrequencyHz() {
+        return mCarrierFrequencyHz;
      * Sets the Carrier frequency (L1 or L2) in Hz.
-    public void setCarrierFrequencyInHz(float carrierFrequencyInHz) {
+    public void setCarrierFrequencyHz(float carrierFrequencyHz) {
-        mCarrierFrequencyInHz = carrierFrequencyInHz;
+        mCarrierFrequencyHz = carrierFrequencyHz;
      * Resets the Carrier frequency (L1 or L2) in Hz.
-    public void resetCarrierFrequencyInHz() {
+    public void resetCarrierFrequencyHz() {
-        mCarrierFrequencyInHz = Float.NaN;
+        mCarrierFrequencyHz = Float.NaN;
@@ -761,7 +566,7 @@
      * The number of full carrier cycles between the satellite and the receiver.
-     * The reference frequency is given by the value of {@link #getCarrierFrequencyInHz()}.
+     * The reference frequency is given by the value of {@link #getCarrierFrequencyHz()}.
      * The value is only available if {@link #hasCarrierCycles()} is true.
@@ -797,7 +602,7 @@
      * Range: [0.0, 1.0].
      * This is usually the fractional part of the complete carrier phase measurement.
-     * The reference frequency is given by the value of {@link #getCarrierFrequencyInHz()}.
+     * The reference frequency is given by the value of {@link #getCarrierFrequencyHz()}.
      * The reported carrier-phase includes {@link #getCarrierPhaseUncertainty()}.
      * The value is only available if {@link #hasCarrierPhase()} is true.
@@ -856,183 +661,17 @@
-     * Gets a value indicating the 'loss of lock' state of the event.
-     */
-    @LossOfLockStatus
-    public byte getLossOfLock() {
-        return mLossOfLock;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the 'loss of lock' status.
-     */
-    public void setLossOfLock(@LossOfLockStatus byte value) {
-        mLossOfLock = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a string representation of the 'loss of lock'.
-     * For internal and logging use only.
-     */
-    private String getLossOfLockString() {
-        switch (mLossOfLock) {
-            case LOSS_OF_LOCK_UNKNOWN:
-                return "Unknown";
-            case LOSS_OF_LOCK_OK:
-                return "Ok";
-            case LOSS_OF_LOCK_CYCLE_SLIP:
-                return "CycleSlip";
-            default:
-                return "<Invalid:" + mLossOfLock + ">";
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getBitNumber()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasBitNumber() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_BIT_NUMBER);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the number of GPS bits transmitted since Sat-Sun midnight (GPS week).
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasBitNumber()} is true.
-     */
-    public int getBitNumber() {
-        return mBitNumber;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the bit number within the broadcast frame.
-     */
-    public void setBitNumber(int bitNumber) {
-        setFlag(HAS_BIT_NUMBER);
-        mBitNumber = bitNumber;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the bit number within the broadcast frame.
-     */
-    public void resetBitNumber() {
-        resetFlag(HAS_BIT_NUMBER);
-        mBitNumber = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getTimeFromLastBitInMs()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasTimeFromLastBitInMs() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_TIME_FROM_LAST_BIT);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the elapsed time since the last received bit in milliseconds.
-     * Range: [0, 20].
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasTimeFromLastBitInMs()} is true.
-     */
-    public short getTimeFromLastBitInMs() {
-        return mTimeFromLastBitInMs;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the elapsed time since the last received bit in milliseconds.
-     */
-    public void setTimeFromLastBitInMs(short value) {
-        setFlag(HAS_TIME_FROM_LAST_BIT);
-        mTimeFromLastBitInMs = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the elapsed time since the last received bit in milliseconds.
-     */
-    public void resetTimeFromLastBitInMs() {
-        resetFlag(HAS_TIME_FROM_LAST_BIT);
-        mTimeFromLastBitInMs = Short.MIN_VALUE;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getDopplerShiftInHz()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasDopplerShiftInHz() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_DOPPLER_SHIFT);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the Doppler Shift in Hz.
-     * A positive value indicates that the SV is moving toward the receiver.
-     *
-     * The reference frequency is given by the value of {@link #getCarrierFrequencyInHz()}.
-     * The reported doppler shift includes {@link #getDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz()}.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasDopplerShiftInHz()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getDopplerShiftInHz() {
-        return mDopplerShiftInHz;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Doppler shift in Hz.
-     */
-    public void setDopplerShiftInHz(double value) {
-        setFlag(HAS_DOPPLER_SHIFT);
-        mDopplerShiftInHz = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the Doppler shift in Hz.
-     */
-    public void resetDopplerShiftInHz() {
-        resetFlag(HAS_DOPPLER_SHIFT);
-        mDopplerShiftInHz = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_DOPPLER_SHIFT_UNCERTAINTY);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the Doppler's Shift uncertainty (1-Sigma) in Hz.
-     * The uncertainty is represented as an absolute (single sided) value.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz() {
-        return mDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Doppler's shift uncertainty (1-Sigma) in Hz.
-     */
-    public void setDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz(double value) {
-        mDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the Doppler's shift uncertainty (1-Sigma) in Hz.
-     */
-    public void resetDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz() {
-        mDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
      * Gets a value indicating the 'multipath' state of the event.
-    public byte getMultipathIndicator() {
+    public int getMultipathIndicator() {
         return mMultipathIndicator;
      * Sets the 'multi-path' indicator.
-    public void setMultipathIndicator(@MultipathIndicator byte value) {
+    public void setMultipathIndicator(@MultipathIndicator int value) {
         mMultipathIndicator = value;
@@ -1085,200 +724,30 @@
         mSnrInDb = Double.NaN;
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getElevationInDeg()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasElevationInDeg() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_ELEVATION);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the Elevation in degrees.
-     * Range: [-90, 90]
-     * The reported elevation includes {@link #getElevationUncertaintyInDeg()}.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasElevationInDeg()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getElevationInDeg() {
-        return mElevationInDeg;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Elevation in degrees.
-     */
-    public void setElevationInDeg(double elevationInDeg) {
-        setFlag(HAS_ELEVATION);
-        mElevationInDeg = elevationInDeg;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the Elevation in degrees.
-     */
-    public void resetElevationInDeg() {
-        resetFlag(HAS_ELEVATION);
-        mElevationInDeg = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getElevationUncertaintyInDeg()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasElevationUncertaintyInDeg() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_ELEVATION_UNCERTAINTY);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the elevation's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in degrees.
-     * Range: [0, 90]
-     *
-     * The uncertainty is represented as an absolute (single sided) value.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasElevationUncertaintyInDeg()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getElevationUncertaintyInDeg() {
-        return mElevationUncertaintyInDeg;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the elevation's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in degrees.
-     */
-    public void setElevationUncertaintyInDeg(double value) {
-        mElevationUncertaintyInDeg = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the elevation's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in degrees.
-     */
-    public void resetElevationUncertaintyInDeg() {
-        mElevationUncertaintyInDeg = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getAzimuthInDeg()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasAzimuthInDeg() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_AZIMUTH);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the azimuth in degrees.
-     * Range: [0, 360).
-     *
-     * The reported azimuth includes {@link #getAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg()}.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasAzimuthInDeg()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getAzimuthInDeg() {
-        return mAzimuthInDeg;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Azimuth in degrees.
-     */
-    public void setAzimuthInDeg(double value) {
-        setFlag(HAS_AZIMUTH);
-        mAzimuthInDeg = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the Azimuth in degrees.
-     */
-    public void resetAzimuthInDeg() {
-        resetFlag(HAS_AZIMUTH);
-        mAzimuthInDeg = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns true if {@link #getAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg()} is available, false otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean hasAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg() {
-        return isFlagSet(HAS_AZIMUTH_UNCERTAINTY);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets the azimuth's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in degrees.
-     * Range: [0, 180].
-     *
-     * The uncertainty is represented as an absolute (single sided) value.
-     *
-     * The value is only available if {@link #hasAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg()} is true.
-     */
-    public double getAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg() {
-        return mAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Azimuth's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in degrees.
-     */
-    public void setAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg(double value) {
-        mAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg = value;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Resets the Azimuth's uncertainty (1-Sigma) in degrees.
-     */
-    public void resetAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg() {
-        resetFlag(HAS_AZIMUTH_UNCERTAINTY);
-        mAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg = Double.NaN;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Gets a flag indicating whether the GNSS represented by the measurement was used for computing
-     * the most recent fix.
-     *
-     * @return A non-null value if the data is available, null otherwise.
-     */
-    public boolean isUsedInFix() {
-        return mUsedInFix;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets the Used-in-Fix flag.
-     */
-    public void setUsedInFix(boolean value) {
-        mUsedInFix = value;
-    }
     public static final Creator<GnssMeasurement> CREATOR = new Creator<GnssMeasurement>() {
         public GnssMeasurement createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) {
             GnssMeasurement gnssMeasurement = new GnssMeasurement();
             gnssMeasurement.mFlags = parcel.readInt();
-            gnssMeasurement.mSvid = (short) parcel.readInt();
-            gnssMeasurement.mConstellationType = parcel.readByte();
-            gnssMeasurement.mTimeOffsetInNs = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mState = (short) parcel.readInt();
-            gnssMeasurement.mReceivedSvTimeInNs = parcel.readLong();
-            gnssMeasurement.mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs = parcel.readLong();
-            gnssMeasurement.mCn0InDbHz = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeState = (short) parcel.readInt();
-            gnssMeasurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mPseudorangeInMeters = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mCodePhaseInChips = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mCarrierFrequencyInHz = parcel.readFloat();
+            gnssMeasurement.mSvid = parcel.readInt();
+            gnssMeasurement.mConstellationType = parcel.readInt();
+            gnssMeasurement.mTimeOffsetNanos = parcel.readDouble();
+            gnssMeasurement.mState = parcel.readInt();
+            gnssMeasurement.mReceivedSvTimeNanos = parcel.readLong();
+            gnssMeasurement.mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos = parcel.readLong();
+            gnssMeasurement.mCn0DbHz = parcel.readDouble();
+            gnssMeasurement.mPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond = parcel.readDouble();
+            gnssMeasurement.mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond = parcel.readDouble();
+            gnssMeasurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeState = parcel.readInt();
+            gnssMeasurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters = parcel.readDouble();
+            gnssMeasurement.mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters = parcel.readDouble();
+            gnssMeasurement.mCarrierFrequencyHz = parcel.readFloat();
             gnssMeasurement.mCarrierCycles = parcel.readLong();
             gnssMeasurement.mCarrierPhase = parcel.readDouble();
             gnssMeasurement.mCarrierPhaseUncertainty = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mLossOfLock = parcel.readByte();
-            gnssMeasurement.mBitNumber = parcel.readInt();
-            gnssMeasurement.mTimeFromLastBitInMs = (short) parcel.readInt();
-            gnssMeasurement.mDopplerShiftInHz = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mMultipathIndicator = parcel.readByte();
+            gnssMeasurement.mMultipathIndicator = parcel.readInt();
             gnssMeasurement.mSnrInDb = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mElevationInDeg = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mElevationUncertaintyInDeg = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mAzimuthInDeg = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg = parcel.readDouble();
-            gnssMeasurement.mUsedInFix = parcel.readInt() != 0;
             return gnssMeasurement;
@@ -1293,37 +762,23 @@
     public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int flags) {
-        parcel.writeByte(mConstellationType);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mTimeOffsetInNs);
+        parcel.writeInt(mConstellationType);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mTimeOffsetNanos);
-        parcel.writeLong(mReceivedSvTimeInNs);
-        parcel.writeLong(mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mCn0InDbHz);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec);
+        parcel.writeLong(mReceivedSvTimeNanos);
+        parcel.writeLong(mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mCn0DbHz);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mPseudorangeInMeters);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mCodePhaseInChips);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips);
-        parcel.writeFloat(mCarrierFrequencyInHz);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters);
+        parcel.writeDouble(mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters);
+        parcel.writeFloat(mCarrierFrequencyHz);
-        parcel.writeByte(mLossOfLock);
-        parcel.writeInt(mBitNumber);
-        parcel.writeInt(mTimeFromLastBitInMs);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mDopplerShiftInHz);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz);
-        parcel.writeByte(mMultipathIndicator);
+        parcel.writeInt(mMultipathIndicator);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mElevationInDeg);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mElevationUncertaintyInDeg);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mAzimuthInDeg);
-        parcel.writeDouble(mAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg);
-        parcel.writeInt(mUsedInFix ? 1 : 0);
@@ -1339,25 +794,25 @@
         builder.append(String.format(format, "Svid", mSvid));
         builder.append(String.format(format, "ConstellationType", mConstellationType));
-        builder.append(String.format(format, "TimeOffsetInNs", mTimeOffsetInNs));
+        builder.append(String.format(format, "TimeOffsetNanos", mTimeOffsetNanos));
         builder.append(String.format(format, "State", getStateString()));
-                "ReceivedSvTimeInNs",
-                mReceivedSvTimeInNs,
-                "ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs",
-                mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs));
+                "ReceivedSvTimeNanos",
+                mReceivedSvTimeNanos,
+                "ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos",
+                mReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos));
-        builder.append(String.format(format, "Cn0InDbHz", mCn0InDbHz));
+        builder.append(String.format(format, "Cn0DbHz", mCn0DbHz));
-                "PseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec",
-                mPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec,
-                "PseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec",
-                mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec));
+                "PseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond",
+                mPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond,
+                "PseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond",
+                mPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond));
@@ -1370,29 +825,15 @@
-                "AccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters",
-                mAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters,
-                "AccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters",
-                mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters));
-        builder.append(String.format(
-                formatWithUncertainty,
-                "PseudorangeInMeters",
-                hasPseudorangeInMeters() ? mPseudorangeInMeters : null,
-                "PseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters",
-                hasPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters() ? mPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters : null));
-        builder.append(String.format(
-                formatWithUncertainty,
-                "CodePhaseInChips",
-                hasCodePhaseInChips() ? mCodePhaseInChips : null,
-                "CodePhaseUncertaintyInChips",
-                hasCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips() ? mCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips : null));
+                "AccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters",
+                mAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters,
+                "AccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters",
+                mAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters));
-                "CarrierFrequencyInHz",
-                hasCarrierFrequencyInHz() ? mCarrierFrequencyInHz : null));
+                "CarrierFrequencyHz",
+                hasCarrierFrequencyHz() ? mCarrierFrequencyHz : null));
@@ -1406,25 +847,6 @@
                 hasCarrierPhaseUncertainty() ? mCarrierPhaseUncertainty : null));
-        builder.append(String.format(format, "LossOfLock", getLossOfLockString()));
-        builder.append(String.format(
-                format,
-                "BitNumber",
-                hasBitNumber() ? mBitNumber : null));
-        builder.append(String.format(
-                format,
-                "TimeFromLastBitInMs",
-                hasTimeFromLastBitInMs() ? mTimeFromLastBitInMs : null));
-        builder.append(String.format(
-                formatWithUncertainty,
-                "DopplerShiftInHz",
-                hasDopplerShiftInHz() ? mDopplerShiftInHz : null,
-                "DopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz",
-                hasDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz() ? mDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz : null));
         builder.append(String.format(format, "MultipathIndicator", getMultipathIndicatorString()));
@@ -1432,58 +854,28 @@
                 hasSnrInDb() ? mSnrInDb : null));
-        builder.append(String.format(
-                formatWithUncertainty,
-                "ElevationInDeg",
-                hasElevationInDeg() ? mElevationInDeg : null,
-                "ElevationUncertaintyInDeg",
-                hasElevationUncertaintyInDeg() ? mElevationUncertaintyInDeg : null));
-        builder.append(String.format(
-                formatWithUncertainty,
-                "AzimuthInDeg",
-                hasAzimuthInDeg() ? mAzimuthInDeg : null,
-                "AzimuthUncertaintyInDeg",
-                hasAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg() ? mAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg : null));
-        builder.append(String.format(format, "UsedInFix", mUsedInFix));
         return builder.toString();
     private void initialize() {
         mFlags = HAS_NO_FLAGS;
-        setSvid((short) 0);
-        setTimeOffsetInNs(Long.MIN_VALUE);
+        setSvid(0);
+        setTimeOffsetNanos(Long.MIN_VALUE);
-        setReceivedSvTimeInNs(Long.MIN_VALUE);
-        setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs(Long.MAX_VALUE);
-        setCn0InDbHz(Double.MIN_VALUE);
-        setPseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec(Double.MIN_VALUE);
-        setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec(Double.MIN_VALUE);
+        setReceivedSvTimeNanos(Long.MIN_VALUE);
+        setReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos(Long.MAX_VALUE);
+        setCn0DbHz(Double.MIN_VALUE);
+        setPseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond(Double.MIN_VALUE);
+        setPseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond(Double.MIN_VALUE);
-        setAccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters(Double.MIN_VALUE);
-        setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters(Double.MIN_VALUE);
-        resetPseudorangeInMeters();
-        resetPseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters();
-        resetCodePhaseInChips();
-        resetCodePhaseUncertaintyInChips();
-        resetCarrierFrequencyInHz();
+        setAccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters(Double.MIN_VALUE);
+        setAccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters(Double.MIN_VALUE);
+        resetCarrierFrequencyHz();
-        setLossOfLock(LOSS_OF_LOCK_UNKNOWN);
-        resetBitNumber();
-        resetTimeFromLastBitInMs();
-        resetDopplerShiftInHz();
-        resetDopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz();
-        resetElevationInDeg();
-        resetElevationUncertaintyInDeg();
-        resetAzimuthInDeg();
-        resetAzimuthUncertaintyInDeg();
-        setUsedInFix(false);
     private void setFlag(int flag) {
diff --git a/location/java/android/location/ b/location/java/android/location/
index b744a03..86841ff 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/
+++ b/location/java/android/location/
@@ -33,46 +33,46 @@
  * Events are delivered to registered instances of {@link Callback}.
 public final class GnssMeasurementsEvent implements Parcelable {
-    /** The status of GPS measurements event. */
+    /** The status of GNSS measurements event. */
     public @interface GnssMeasurementsStatus {}
-     * The system does not support tracking of GPS Measurements. This status will not change in the
+     * The system does not support tracking of GNSS Measurements. This status will not change in the
      * future.
     public static final int STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0;
-     * GPS Measurements are successfully being tracked, it will receive updates once they are
+     * GNSS Measurements are successfully being tracked, it will receive updates once they are
      * available.
     public static final int STATUS_READY = 1;
-     * GPS provider or Location is disabled, updates will not be received until they are enabled.
+     * GNSS provider or Location is disabled, updates will not be received until they are enabled.
-    public static final int STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2;
+    public static final int STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2;
     private final GnssClock mClock;
     private final Collection<GnssMeasurement> mReadOnlyMeasurements;
-     * Used for receiving GPS satellite measurements from the GPS engine.
+     * Used for receiving GNSS satellite measurements from the GNSS engine.
      * Each measurement contains raw and computed data identifying a satellite.
      * You can implement this interface and call
-     * {@link LocationManager#registerGnssMeasurementCallback}.
+     * {@link LocationManager#registerGnssMeasurementsCallback}.
     public static abstract class Callback {
-         * Returns the latest collected GPS Measurements.
+         * Reports the latest collected GNSS Measurements.
         public void onGnssMeasurementsReceived(GnssMeasurementsEvent eventArgs) {}
-         * Returns the latest status of the GPS Measurements sub-system.
+         * Reports the latest status of the GNSS Measurements sub-system.
         public void onStatusChanged(@GnssMeasurementsStatus int status) {}
diff --git a/location/java/android/location/ b/location/java/android/location/
index faefd0bb..c0608e0 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/
+++ b/location/java/android/location/
@@ -34,58 +34,57 @@
     /** The type of the GPS Clock. */
     public @interface GnssNavigationMessageType {}
     // The following enumerations must be in sync with the values declared in gps.h
     /** Message type unknown */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
+    public static final int TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
     /** GPS L1 C/A message contained in the structure.  */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L1CA = 0x0101;
+    public static final int TYPE_GPS_L1CA = 0x0101;
     /** GPS L2-CNAV message contained in the structure. */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV = 0x0102;
+    public static final int TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV = 0x0102;
     /** GPS L5-CNAV message contained in the structure. */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV = 0x0103;
+    public static final int TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV = 0x0103;
     /** GPS CNAV-2 message contained in the structure. */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_CNAV2 = 0x0104;
+    public static final int TYPE_GPS_CNAV2 = 0x0104;
     /** Glonass L1 CA message contained in the structure. */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GLO_L1CA = 0x0301;
+    public static final int TYPE_GLO_L1CA = 0x0301;
     /** Beidou D1 message contained in the structure. */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D1 = 0x0501;
+    public static final int TYPE_BDS_D1 = 0x0501;
     /** Beidou D2 message contained in the structure. */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D2 = 0x0502;
+    public static final int TYPE_BDS_D2 = 0x0502;
     /** Galileo I/NAV message contained in the structure. */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_I = 0x0601;
+    public static final int TYPE_GAL_I = 0x0601;
     /** Galileo F/NAV message contained in the structure. */
-    public static final short MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_F = 0x0602;
+    public static final int TYPE_GAL_F = 0x0602;
      * The Navigation Message Status is 'unknown'.
-    public static final short STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0;
+    public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0;
      * The Navigation Message was received without any parity error in its navigation words.
-    public static final short STATUS_PARITY_PASSED = (1<<0);
+    public static final int STATUS_PARITY_PASSED = (1<<0);
      * The Navigation Message was received with words that failed parity check, but the receiver was
      * able to correct those words.
-    public static final short STATUS_PARITY_REBUILT = (1<<1);
+    public static final int STATUS_PARITY_REBUILT = (1<<1);
     // End enumerations in sync with gps.h
-    private short mType;
-    private short mSvid;
-    private short mMessageId;
-    private short mSubmessageId;
+    private int mType;
+    private int mSvid;
+    private int mMessageId;
+    private int mSubmessageId;
     private byte[] mData;
-    private short mStatus;
+    private int mStatus;
     GnssNavigationMessage() {
@@ -114,14 +113,14 @@
      * Gets the type of the navigation message contained in the object.
-    public short getType() {
+    public int getType() {
         return mType;
      * Sets the type of the navigation message.
-    public void setType(@GnssNavigationMessageType short value) {
+    public void setType(@GnssNavigationMessageType int value) {
         mType = value;
@@ -131,25 +130,25 @@
     private String getTypeString() {
         switch (mType) {
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN:
+            case TYPE_UNKNOWN:
                 return "Unknown";
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L1CA:
+            case TYPE_GPS_L1CA:
                 return "GPS L1 C/A";
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV:
+            case TYPE_GPS_L2CNAV:
                 return "GPS L2-CNAV";
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV:
+            case TYPE_GPS_L5CNAV:
                 return "GPS L5-CNAV";
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_GPS_CNAV2:
+            case TYPE_GPS_CNAV2:
                 return "GPS CNAV2";
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_GLO_L1CA:
+            case TYPE_GLO_L1CA:
                 return "Glonass L1 C/A";
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D1:
+            case TYPE_BDS_D1:
                 return "Beidou D1";
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_BDS_D2:
+            case TYPE_BDS_D2:
                 return "Beidou D2";
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_I:
+            case TYPE_GAL_I:
                 return "Galileo I";
-            case MESSAGE_TYPE_GAL_F:
+            case TYPE_GAL_F:
                 return "Galileo F";
                 return "<Invalid:" + mType + ">";
@@ -160,14 +159,14 @@
      * Gets the Pseudo-random number.
      * Range: [1, 32].
-    public short getSvid() {
+    public int getSvid() {
         return mSvid;
      * Sets the Pseud-random number.
-    public void setSvid(short value) {
+    public void setSvid(int value) {
         mSvid = value;
@@ -177,14 +176,14 @@
      * subframe 4 and 5, this value corresponds to the 'frame id' of the navigation message.
      * Subframe 1, 2, 3 does not contain a 'frame id' and this might be reported as -1.
-    public short getMessageId() {
+    public int getMessageId() {
         return mMessageId;
      * Sets the Message Identifier.
-    public void setMessageId(short value) {
+    public void setMessageId(int value) {
         mMessageId = value;
@@ -194,14 +193,14 @@
      * (or frame) that is being transmitted. i.e. for L1 C/A the sub-message identifier corresponds
      * to the sub-frame Id of the navigation message.
-    public short getSubmessageId() {
+    public int getSubmessageId() {
         return mSubmessageId;
      * Sets the Sub-message identifier.
-    public void setSubmessageId(short value) {
+    public void setSubmessageId(int value) {
         mSubmessageId = value;
@@ -228,14 +227,14 @@
      * Gets the Status of the navigation message contained in the object.
-    public short getStatus() {
+    public int getStatus() {
         return mStatus;
      * Sets the status of the navigation message.
-    public void setStatus(short value) {
+    public void setStatus(int value) {
         mStatus = value;
@@ -262,10 +261,10 @@
         public GnssNavigationMessage createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) {
             GnssNavigationMessage navigationMessage = new GnssNavigationMessage();
-            navigationMessage.setType((short) parcel.readInt());
-            navigationMessage.setSvid((short) parcel.readInt());
-            navigationMessage.setMessageId((short) parcel.readInt());
-            navigationMessage.setSubmessageId((short) parcel.readInt());
+            navigationMessage.setType(parcel.readInt());
+            navigationMessage.setSvid(parcel.readInt());
+            navigationMessage.setMessageId(parcel.readInt());
+            navigationMessage.setSubmessageId(parcel.readInt());
             int dataLength = parcel.readInt();
             byte[] data = new byte[dataLength];
@@ -274,7 +273,7 @@
             if (parcel.dataAvail() >= Integer.SIZE) {
                 int status = parcel.readInt();
-                navigationMessage.setStatus((short) status);
+                navigationMessage.setStatus(status);
             } else {
@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@
     private void initialize() {
-        mType = MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
+        mType = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
         mSvid = 0;
         mMessageId = -1;
         mSubmessageId = -1;
diff --git a/location/java/android/location/ b/location/java/android/location/
index 19c82e9..0df730d 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/
+++ b/location/java/android/location/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 public final class GnssNavigationMessageEvent implements Parcelable {
     /** The status of GPS measurements event. */
     public @interface GnssNavigationMessageStatus {}
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
      * GPS provider or Location is disabled, updated will not be received until they are enabled.
-    public static final int STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2;
+    public static final int STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED = 2;
     private final GnssNavigationMessage mNavigationMessage;
diff --git a/location/java/android/location/ b/location/java/android/location/
index 06ce30c..2a42fc6 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/
+++ b/location/java/android/location/
@@ -27,19 +27,19 @@
 public final class GnssStatus {
     /** Unknown constellation type. */
-    public static final byte CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN = 0;
+    public static final int CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN = 0;
     /** Constellation type constant for GPS. */
-    public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GPS = 1;
+    public static final int CONSTELLATION_GPS = 1;
     /** Constellation type constant for SBAS. */
-    public static final byte CONSTELLATION_SBAS = 2;
+    public static final int CONSTELLATION_SBAS = 2;
     /** Constellation type constant for Glonass. */
-    public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GLONASS = 3;
+    public static final int CONSTELLATION_GLONASS = 3;
     /** Constellation type constant for QZSS. */
-    public static final byte CONSTELLATION_QZSS = 4;
+    public static final int CONSTELLATION_QZSS = 4;
     /** Constellation type constant for Beidou. */
-    public static final byte CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU = 5;
+    public static final int CONSTELLATION_BEIDOU = 5;
     /** Constellation type constant for Galileo. */
-    public static final byte CONSTELLATION_GALILEO = 6;
+    public static final int CONSTELLATION_GALILEO = 6;
     /** Constellation type. */
@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@
     /* These package private values are modified by the LocationManager class */
     /* package */ int[] mSvidWithFlags;
-    /* package */ float[] mSnrs;
+    /* package */ float[] mCn0DbHz;
     /* package */ float[] mElevations;
     /* package */ float[] mAzimuths;
     /* package */ int mSvCount;
-    GnssStatus(int svCount, int[] svidWithFlags, float[] snrs, float[] elevations,
+    GnssStatus(int svCount, int[] svidWithFlags, float[] cn0s, float[] elevations,
             float[] azimuths) {
         mSvCount = svCount;
         mSvidWithFlags = svidWithFlags;
-        mSnrs = snrs;
+        mCn0DbHz = cn0s;
         mElevations = elevations;
         mAzimuths = azimuths;
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
      * @param satIndex the index of the satellite in the list.
-    public byte getConstellationType(int satIndex) {
-        return (byte) ((mSvidWithFlags[satIndex] >> CONSTELLATION_TYPE_SHIFT_WIDTH)
+    public int getConstellationType(int satIndex) {
+        return ((mSvidWithFlags[satIndex] >> CONSTELLATION_TYPE_SHIFT_WIDTH)
                 & CONSTELLATION_TYPE_MASK);
@@ -109,15 +109,15 @@
      * Retrieves the signal-noise ration of the satellite at the specified position.
      * @param satIndex the index of the satellite in the list.
-    public float getSnr(int satIndex) {
-        return mSnrs[satIndex];
+    public float getCn0DbHz(int satIndex) {
+        return mCn0DbHz[satIndex];
      * Retrieves the elevation of the satellite at the specified position.
      * @param satIndex the index of the satellite in the list.
-    public float getElevation(int satIndex) {
+    public float getElevationDegrees(int satIndex) {
         return 0f;
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
      * Retrieves the azimuth the satellite at the specified position.
      * @param satIndex the index of the satellite in the list.
-    public float getAzimuth(int satIndex) {
+    public float getAzimuthDegrees(int satIndex) {
         return mAzimuths[satIndex];
diff --git a/location/java/android/location/ b/location/java/android/location/
index b86171b..0d2955a 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/
+++ b/location/java/android/location/
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
      * Called when the GNSS system has received its first fix since starting.
-     * @param ttff the time from start to first fix.
+     * @param ttffMillis the time from start to first fix in milliseconds.
-    public void onFirstFix(int ttff) {}
+    public void onFirstFix(int ttffMillis) {}
      * Called periodically to report GNSS satellite status.
      * @param status the current status of all satellites.
     public void onSatelliteStatusChanged(GnssStatus status) {}
\ No newline at end of file
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index 7b3dd7d..bc518f9 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/
+++ b/location/java/android/location/
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
     // For API-compat a public ctor() is not available
     GpsStatus() {}
-    private void setStatus(int svCount, int[] svidWithFlags, float[] snrs, float[] elevations,
+    private void setStatus(int svCount, int[] svidWithFlags, float[] cn0s, float[] elevations,
             float[] azimuths) {
         for (int i = 0; i < svCount; i++) {
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
                 satellite.mValid = true;
-                satellite.mSnr = snrs[i];
+                satellite.mSnr = cn0s[i];
                 satellite.mElevation = elevations[i];
                 satellite.mAzimuth = azimuths[i];
                 satellite.mHasEphemeris =
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
     void setStatus(GnssStatus status, int timeToFirstFix) {
         mTimeToFirstFix = timeToFirstFix;
-        setStatus(status.mSvCount, status.mSvidWithFlags, status.mSnrs, status.mElevations,
+        setStatus(status.mSvCount, status.mSvidWithFlags, status.mCn0DbHz, status.mElevations,
diff --git a/location/java/android/location/IGnssStatusListener.aidl b/location/java/android/location/IGnssStatusListener.aidl
index 8c7d06e..d84614f 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/IGnssStatusListener.aidl
+++ b/location/java/android/location/IGnssStatusListener.aidl
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     void onGnssStarted();
     void onGnssStopped();
     void onFirstFix(int ttff);
-    void onSvStatusChanged(int svCount, in int[] svidWithFlags, in float[] snrs,
+    void onSvStatusChanged(int svCount, in int[] svidWithFlags, in float[] cn0s,
             in float[] elevations, in float[] azimuths);
     void onNmeaReceived(long timestamp, String nmea);
diff --git a/location/java/android/location/ b/location/java/android/location/
index 3cd47e7..28db099 100644
--- a/location/java/android/location/
+++ b/location/java/android/location/
@@ -1554,9 +1554,9 @@
         public void onSvStatusChanged(int svCount, int[] prnWithFlags,
-                float[] snrs, float[] elevations, float[] azimuths) {
+                float[] cn0s, float[] elevations, float[] azimuths) {
             if (mGnssCallback != null) {
-                mGnssStatus = new GnssStatus(svCount, prnWithFlags, snrs, elevations, azimuths);
+                mGnssStatus = new GnssStatus(svCount, prnWithFlags, cn0s, elevations, azimuths);
                 Message msg = Message.obtain();
                 msg.what = GpsStatus.GPS_EVENT_SATELLITE_STATUS;
@@ -1805,7 +1805,7 @@
      * No-op method to keep backward-compatibility.
-     * Don't use it. Use {@link #registerGnssMeasurementCallback} instead.
+     * Don't use it. Use {@link #registerGnssMeasurementsCallback} instead.
      * @hide
      * @deprecated
@@ -1822,8 +1822,8 @@
      * @return {@code true} if the callback was added successfully, {@code false} otherwise.
-    public boolean registerGnssMeasurementCallback(GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback callback) {
-        return registerGnssMeasurementCallback(callback, null);
+    public boolean registerGnssMeasurementsCallback(GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback callback) {
+        return registerGnssMeasurementsCallback(callback, null);
@@ -1834,14 +1834,14 @@
      * @return {@code true} if the callback was added successfully, {@code false} otherwise.
-    public boolean registerGnssMeasurementCallback(GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback callback,
+    public boolean registerGnssMeasurementsCallback(GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback callback,
             Handler handler) {
         return mGnssMeasurementCallbackTransport.add(callback, handler);
      * No-op method to keep backward-compatibility.
-     * Don't use it. Use {@link #unregisterGnssMeasurementCallback} instead.
+     * Don't use it. Use {@link #unregisterGnssMeasurementsCallback} instead.
      * @hide
      * @deprecated
@@ -1855,7 +1855,7 @@
      * @param callback a {@link GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback} object to remove.
-    public void unregisterGnssMeasurementCallback(GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback callback) {
+    public void unregisterGnssMeasurementsCallback(GnssMeasurementsEvent.Callback callback) {
diff --git a/location/tests/locationtests/src/android/location/ b/location/tests/locationtests/src/android/location/
index 4808faf..316e88d 100644
--- a/location/tests/locationtests/src/android/location/
+++ b/location/tests/locationtests/src/android/location/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     private GpsStatus mStatus;
     private int mCount;
     private int[] mPrns;
-    private float[] mSnrs;
+    private float[] mCn0s;
     private float[] mElevations;
     private float[] mAzimuth;
     private int mEphemerisMask;
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
     private void verifySatellites(GpsStatus status) {
         verifySatelliteCount(status, mCount);
-        verifySatellites(status, mCount, mPrns, mSnrs, mElevations, mAzimuth, mEphemerisMask,
+        verifySatellites(status, mCount, mPrns, mCn0s, mElevations, mAzimuth, mEphemerisMask,
                 mAlmanacMask, mUsedInFixMask);
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
             GpsStatus status,
             int count,
             int[] prns,
-            float[] snrs,
+            float[] cn0s,
             float[] elevations,
             float[] azimuth,
             int ephemerisMask,
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
             int prn = prns[i];
             GpsSatellite satellite = getSatellite(status, prn);
             assertNotNull(getSatelliteAssertInfo(i, prn, "non-null"), satellite);
-            assertEquals(getSatelliteAssertInfo(i, prn, "Snr"), snrs[i], satellite.getSnr());
+            assertEquals(getSatelliteAssertInfo(i, prn, "Snr"), cn0s[i], satellite.getSnr());
                     getSatelliteAssertInfo(i, prn, "Elevation"),
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
     private void setSatellites(GpsStatus status) throws Exception {
-        set(status, mCount, mPrns, mSnrs, mElevations, mAzimuth, mEphemerisMask, mAlmanacMask,
+        set(status, mCount, mPrns, mCn0s, mElevations, mAzimuth, mEphemerisMask, mAlmanacMask,
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
             GpsStatus status,
             int count,
             int[] prns,
-            float[] snrs,
+            float[] cn0s,
             float[] elevations,
             float[] azimuth,
             int ephemerisMask,
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
-                snrs,
+                cn0s,
@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@
         if (!reusePrns) {
             mPrns = generateIntArray(count);
-        mSnrs = generateFloatArray(count);
+        mCn0s = generateFloatArray(count);
         mElevations = generateFloatArray(count);
         mAzimuth = generateFloatArray(count);
         mEphemerisMask = generateMask(mPrns);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
index ed68abe..e08fad4 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
@@ -1559,11 +1559,11 @@
      * called from native code to update SV info
     private void reportSvStatus() {
-        int svCount = native_read_sv_status(mSvidWithFlags, mSnrs, mSvElevations, mSvAzimuths);
+        int svCount = native_read_sv_status(mSvidWithFlags, mCn0s, mSvElevations, mSvAzimuths);
-                mSnrs,
+                mCn0s,
@@ -1578,7 +1578,7 @@
             if (VERBOSE) {
                 Log.v(TAG, "svid: " + (mSvidWithFlags[i] >> GnssStatus.SVID_SHIFT_WIDTH) +
-                        " snr: " + mSnrs[i]/10 +
+                        " cn0: " + mCn0s[i]/10 +
                         " elev: " + mSvElevations[i] +
                         " azimuth: " + mSvAzimuths[i] +
                         ((mSvidWithFlags[i] & GnssStatus.GNSS_SV_FLAGS_HAS_EPHEMERIS_DATA) == 0
@@ -2402,7 +2402,7 @@
     // preallocated arrays, to avoid memory allocation in reportStatus()
     private int mSvidWithFlags[] = new int[MAX_SVS];
-    private float mSnrs[] = new float[MAX_SVS];
+    private float mCn0s[] = new float[MAX_SVS];
     private float mSvElevations[] = new float[MAX_SVS];
     private float mSvAzimuths[] = new float[MAX_SVS];
     private int mSvCount;
@@ -2424,7 +2424,7 @@
     private native void native_delete_aiding_data(int flags);
     // returns number of SVs
     // mask[0] is ephemeris mask and mask[1] is almanac mask
-    private native int native_read_sv_status(int[] prnWithFlags, float[] snrs, float[] elevations,
+    private native int native_read_sv_status(int[] prnWithFlags, float[] cn0s, float[] elevations,
             float[] azimuths);
     private native int native_read_nmea(byte[] buffer, int bufferSize);
     private native void native_inject_location(double latitude, double longitude, float accuracy);
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
index d9e8e91..734a8d4 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
                 status = GnssMeasurementsEvent.STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED;
-                status = GnssMeasurementsEvent.STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED;
+                status = GnssMeasurementsEvent.STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED;
             case RESULT_UNKNOWN:
                 return null;
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
index 57bce4b..fdef31f 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
@@ -73,7 +73,8 @@
                 status = GnssNavigationMessageEvent.STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED;
-                status = GnssNavigationMessageEvent.STATUS_GPS_LOCATION_DISABLED;
+                status = GnssNavigationMessageEvent
+                        .STATUS_GNSS_LOCATION_DISABLED;
             case RESULT_UNKNOWN:
                 return null;
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
index 0b3111c..d471e45 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/location/
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
     public void onSvStatusChanged(
             final int svCount,
             final int[] prnWithFlags,
-            final float[] snrs,
+            final float[] cn0s,
             final float[] elevations,
             final float[] azimuths) {
         Operation operation = new Operation() {
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
-                        snrs,
+                        cn0s,
diff --git a/services/core/jni/com_android_server_location_GnssLocationProvider.cpp b/services/core/jni/com_android_server_location_GnssLocationProvider.cpp
index c97323c..aa14fff 100644
--- a/services/core/jni/com_android_server_location_GnssLocationProvider.cpp
+++ b/services/core/jni/com_android_server_location_GnssLocationProvider.cpp
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
             ALOGD("Unknown constellation type with Svid = %d.", info.svid);
             info.constellation = GNSS_CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN;
-        info.snr = sv_status->sv_list[i].snr;
+        info.c_n0_dbhz = sv_status->sv_list[i].snr;
         info.elevation = sv_status->sv_list[i].elevation;
         info.azimuth = sv_status->sv_list[i].azimuth;
         info.flags = GNSS_SV_FLAGS_NONE;
@@ -698,12 +698,12 @@
 static jint android_location_GnssLocationProvider_read_sv_status(JNIEnv* env, jobject /* obj */,
-        jintArray svidWithFlagArray, jfloatArray snrArray, jfloatArray elevArray,
+        jintArray svidWithFlagArray, jfloatArray cn0Array, jfloatArray elevArray,
         jfloatArray azumArray)
     // this should only be called from within a call to reportSvStatus
     jint* svidWithFlags = env->GetIntArrayElements(svidWithFlagArray, 0);
-    jfloat* snrs = env->GetFloatArrayElements(snrArray, 0);
+    jfloat* cn0s = env->GetFloatArrayElements(cn0Array, 0);
     jfloat* elev = env->GetFloatArrayElements(elevArray, 0);
     jfloat* azim = env->GetFloatArrayElements(azumArray, 0);
@@ -713,13 +713,13 @@
         svidWithFlags[i] = (info.svid << SVID_SHIFT_WIDTH) |
             (info.constellation << CONSTELLATION_TYPE_SHIFT_WIDTH) |
-        snrs[i] = info.snr;
+        cn0s[i] = info.c_n0_dbhz;
         elev[i] = info.elevation;
         azim[i] = info.azimuth;
     env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(svidWithFlagArray, svidWithFlags, 0);
-    env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(snrArray, snrs, 0);
+    env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(cn0Array, cn0s, 0);
     env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(elevArray, elev, 0);
     env->ReleaseFloatArrayElements(azumArray, azim, 0);
     return (jint) sGnssSvListSize;
@@ -1095,7 +1095,9 @@
     JavaObject object(env, "android/location/GnssClock");
     GpsClockFlags flags = clock->flags;
-    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_LEAP_SECOND, LeapSecond, clock->leap_second);
+           LeapSecond,
+           static_cast<int32_t>(clock->leap_second));
     // GnssClock only supports the more effective HW_CLOCK type, so type
     // handling and documentation complexity has been removed.  To convert the
@@ -1122,18 +1124,18 @@
-    SET(TimeInNs, clock->time_ns);
+    SET(TimeNanos, clock->time_ns);
-           TimeUncertaintyInNs,
+           TimeUncertaintyNanos,
-    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_FULL_BIAS, FullBiasInNs, clock->full_bias_ns);
-    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_BIAS, BiasInNs, clock->bias_ns);
+    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_FULL_BIAS, FullBiasNanos, clock->full_bias_ns);
+    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_BIAS, BiasNanos, clock->bias_ns);
-           BiasUncertaintyInNs,
+           BiasUncertaintyNanos,
-    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_DRIFT, DriftInNsPerSec, clock->drift_nsps);
+    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_DRIFT, DriftNanosPerSecond, clock->drift_nsps);
-           DriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec,
+           DriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond,
     return object.get();
@@ -1143,20 +1145,21 @@
     JavaObject object(env, "android/location/GnssClock");
     GpsClockFlags flags = clock->flags;
-    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_LEAP_SECOND, LeapSecond, clock->leap_second);
-    SET(Type, static_cast<uint8_t>(GPS_CLOCK_TYPE_LOCAL_HW_TIME));
-    SET(TimeInNs, clock->time_ns);
+           LeapSecond,
+           static_cast<int32_t>(clock->leap_second));
+    SET(TimeNanos, clock->time_ns);
-           TimeUncertaintyInNs,
+           TimeUncertaintyNanos,
-    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_FULL_BIAS, FullBiasInNs, clock->full_bias_ns);
-    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_BIAS, BiasInNs, clock->bias_ns);
+    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_FULL_BIAS, FullBiasNanos, clock->full_bias_ns);
+    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_BIAS, BiasNanos, clock->bias_ns);
-           BiasUncertaintyInNs,
+           BiasUncertaintyNanos,
-    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_DRIFT, DriftInNsPerSec, clock->drift_nsps);
+    SET_IF(GNSS_CLOCK_HAS_DRIFT, DriftNanosPerSecond, clock->drift_nsps);
-           DriftUncertaintyInNsPerSec,
+           DriftUncertaintyNanosPerSecond,
     SET(HardwareClockDiscontinuityCount, clock->hw_clock_discontinuity_count);
@@ -1168,41 +1171,30 @@
                                          GpsMeasurement* measurement) {
     JavaObject object(env, "android/location/GnssMeasurement");
     GpsMeasurementFlags flags = measurement->flags;
-    SET(Svid, static_cast<int16_t>(measurement->prn));
+    SET(Svid, static_cast<int32_t>(measurement->prn));
     if (measurement->prn >= 1 || measurement->prn <= 32) {
-        SET(ConstellationType, static_cast<uint8_t>(GNSS_CONSTELLATION_GPS));
+        SET(ConstellationType, static_cast<int32_t>(GNSS_CONSTELLATION_GPS));
     } else {
         ALOGD("Unknown constellation type with Svid = %d.", measurement->prn);
-            static_cast<uint8_t>(GNSS_CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN));
+            static_cast<int32_t>(GNSS_CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN));
-    SET(TimeOffsetInNs, measurement->time_offset_ns);
-    SET(State, measurement->state);
-    SET(ReceivedSvTimeInNs, measurement->received_gps_tow_ns);
-    SET(ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs,
+    SET(TimeOffsetNanos, measurement->time_offset_ns);
+    SET(State, static_cast<int32_t>(measurement->state));
+    SET(ReceivedSvTimeNanos, measurement->received_gps_tow_ns);
+    SET(ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos,
-    SET(Cn0InDbHz, measurement->c_n0_dbhz);
-    SET(PseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec, measurement->pseudorange_rate_mps);
-    SET(PseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec,
+    SET(Cn0DbHz, measurement->c_n0_dbhz);
+    SET(PseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond, measurement->pseudorange_rate_mps);
+    SET(PseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond,
-    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeState, measurement->accumulated_delta_range_state);
-    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters, measurement->accumulated_delta_range_m);
-    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters,
+    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeState,
+        static_cast<int32_t>(measurement->accumulated_delta_range_state));
+    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters, measurement->accumulated_delta_range_m);
+    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters,
-           PseudorangeInMeters,
-           measurement->pseudorange_m);
-           PseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters,
-           measurement->pseudorange_uncertainty_m);
-           CodePhaseInChips,
-           measurement->code_phase_chips);
-           CodePhaseUncertaintyInChips,
-           measurement->code_phase_uncertainty_chips);
-           CarrierFrequencyInHz,
+           CarrierFrequencyHz,
@@ -1213,33 +1205,8 @@
-    SET(LossOfLock, measurement->loss_of_lock);
-    SET_IF(GNSS_MEASUREMENT_HAS_BIT_NUMBER, BitNumber, measurement->bit_number);
-           TimeFromLastBitInMs,
-           measurement->time_from_last_bit_ms);
-           DopplerShiftInHz,
-           measurement->doppler_shift_hz);
-           DopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz,
-           measurement->doppler_shift_uncertainty_hz);
     SET(MultipathIndicator, measurement->multipath_indicator);
     SET_IF(GNSS_MEASUREMENT_HAS_SNR, SnrInDb, measurement->snr_db);
-           ElevationInDeg,
-           measurement->elevation_deg);
-           ElevationUncertaintyInDeg,
-           measurement->elevation_uncertainty_deg);
-           AzimuthInDeg,
-           measurement->azimuth_deg);
-           AzimuthUncertaintyInDeg,
-           measurement->azimuth_uncertainty_deg);
-    SET(UsedInFix,
-        (flags & GNSS_MEASUREMENT_HAS_USED_IN_FIX) && measurement->used_in_fix);
     return object.get();
@@ -1250,34 +1217,23 @@
     GpsMeasurementFlags flags = measurement->flags;
     SET(Svid, measurement->svid);
-    SET(ConstellationType, measurement->constellation);
-    SET(TimeOffsetInNs, measurement->time_offset_ns);
-    SET(State, measurement->state);
-    SET(ReceivedSvTimeInNs, measurement->received_sv_time_in_ns);
-    SET(ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyInNs,
+    SET(ConstellationType, static_cast<int32_t>(measurement->constellation));
+    SET(TimeOffsetNanos, measurement->time_offset_ns);
+    SET(State, static_cast<int32_t>(measurement->state));
+    SET(ReceivedSvTimeNanos, measurement->received_sv_time_in_ns);
+    SET(ReceivedSvTimeUncertaintyNanos,
-    SET(Cn0InDbHz, measurement->c_n0_dbhz);
-    SET(PseudorangeRateInMetersPerSec, measurement->pseudorange_rate_mps);
-    SET(PseudorangeRateUncertaintyInMetersPerSec,
+    SET(Cn0DbHz, measurement->c_n0_dbhz);
+    SET(PseudorangeRateMetersPerSecond, measurement->pseudorange_rate_mps);
+    SET(PseudorangeRateUncertaintyMetersPerSecond,
-    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeState, measurement->accumulated_delta_range_state);
-    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeInMeters, measurement->accumulated_delta_range_m);
-    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyInMeters,
+    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeState,
+        static_cast<int32_t>(measurement->accumulated_delta_range_state));
+    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeMeters, measurement->accumulated_delta_range_m);
+    SET(AccumulatedDeltaRangeUncertaintyMeters,
-           PseudorangeInMeters,
-           measurement->pseudorange_m);
-           PseudorangeUncertaintyInMeters,
-           measurement->pseudorange_uncertainty_m);
-           CodePhaseInChips,
-           measurement->code_phase_chips);
-           CodePhaseUncertaintyInChips,
-           measurement->code_phase_uncertainty_chips);
-           CarrierFrequencyInHz,
+           CarrierFrequencyHz,
@@ -1288,32 +1244,8 @@
-    SET_IF(GNSS_MEASUREMENT_HAS_BIT_NUMBER, BitNumber, measurement->bit_number);
-           TimeFromLastBitInMs,
-           measurement->time_from_last_bit_ms);
-           DopplerShiftInHz,
-           measurement->doppler_shift_hz);
-           DopplerShiftUncertaintyInHz,
-           measurement->doppler_shift_uncertainty_hz);
     SET(MultipathIndicator, measurement->multipath_indicator);
     SET_IF(GNSS_MEASUREMENT_HAS_SNR, SnrInDb, measurement->snr_db);
-           ElevationInDeg,
-           measurement->elevation_deg);
-           ElevationUncertaintyInDeg,
-           measurement->elevation_uncertainty_deg);
-           AzimuthInDeg,
-           measurement->azimuth_deg);
-           AzimuthUncertaintyInDeg,
-           measurement->azimuth_uncertainty_deg);
-    SET(UsedInFix,
-        (flags & GNSS_MEASUREMENT_HAS_USED_IN_FIX) && measurement->used_in_fix);
     return object.get();
@@ -1493,21 +1425,22 @@
         return NULL;
     JavaObject object(env, "android/location/GnssNavigationMessage");
-    SET(Svid, static_cast<int16_t>(message->prn));
+    SET(Svid, static_cast<int32_t>(message->prn));
     if (message->prn >=1 && message->prn <= 32) {
-        SET(ConstellationType, static_cast<uint8_t>(GNSS_CONSTELLATION_GPS));
+        SET(ConstellationType, static_cast<int32_t>(GNSS_CONSTELLATION_GPS));
         // Legacy driver doesn't set the higher byte to constellation type
         // correctly. Set the higher byte to 'GPS'.
-        SET(Type, static_cast<int16_t>(message->type | 0x0100));
+        SET(Type, static_cast<int32_t>(message->type | 0x0100));
     } else {
         ALOGD("Unknown constellation type with Svid = %d.", message->prn);
-            static_cast<uint8_t>(GNSS_CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN));
-        SET(Type, static_cast<int16_t>(GNSS_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN));
+            static_cast<int32_t>(GNSS_CONSTELLATION_UNKNOWN));
+        SET(Type, static_cast<int32_t>(GNSS_NAVIGATION_MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN));
-    SET(MessageId, message->message_id);
-    SET(SubmessageId, message->submessage_id);
+    SET(MessageId, static_cast<int32_t>(message->message_id));
+    SET(SubmessageId, static_cast<int32_t>(message->submessage_id));
     object.callSetter("setData", data, dataLength);
+    SET(Status, static_cast<int32_t>(message->status));
     return object.get();
@@ -1520,11 +1453,12 @@
         return NULL;
     JavaObject object(env, "android/location/GnssNavigationMessage");
-    SET(Type, message->type);
-    SET(Svid, message->svid);
-    SET(MessageId, message->message_id);
-    SET(SubmessageId, message->submessage_id);
+    SET(Type, static_cast<int32_t>(message->type));
+    SET(Svid, static_cast<int32_t>(message->svid));
+    SET(MessageId, static_cast<int32_t>(message->message_id));
+    SET(SubmessageId, static_cast<int32_t>(message->submessage_id));
     object.callSetter("setData", data, dataLength);
+    SET(Status, static_cast<int32_t>(message->status));
     return object.get();