Add all the derived state needed for rest to unlock feature to SideFpsSensorInteractor
This is code will be reused by SideFpsController as well to show the SFPS indicator
SideFpsSensorInteractor provides
1. sensorLocation that provides location of the sensor relative to the left, top of the screen
2. isProlongedTouchRequiredForAuthentication - is rest to unlock enabled
3. authenticationDuration - rest duration for authentication
4. isAvailable - whether SFPS is available
This also handles display changes (felix folds/unfolds) or display rotation changes
Note: SensorInternal provides (???, 0) for sensors along vertical edge (in Rotation_0) or (0, ???) for sensors along horizontal edge (in Rotation_0).
Bug: 277165756
Test: atest SideFpsSensorInteractorTest
Change-Id: I74abe73f57b0c03046f76bfbf98b4da70e1d9a02
9 files changed