Revert "Revert "Changed dpm shell commands to use 'cmd device_policy'""

This reverts commit dc70c57eaf807641cfdf4ec164942d635f7b517d.

Reason for revert: Fixed failing test

Change-Id: Ib434365f441d69853ea3af6da7f3c663c16e5e1e
diff --git a/cmds/dpm/Android.bp b/cmds/dpm/Android.bp
index 665abcd..6819d09 100644
--- a/cmds/dpm/Android.bp
+++ b/cmds/dpm/Android.bp
@@ -18,8 +18,7 @@
-java_binary {
+sh_binary {
     name: "dpm",
-    wrapper: "dpm",
-    srcs: ["**/*.java"],
+    src: "dpm",
diff --git a/cmds/dpm/dpm b/cmds/dpm/dpm
index e0efdc1..784db5b 100755
--- a/cmds/dpm/dpm
+++ b/cmds/dpm/dpm
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
 # Script to start "dpm" on the device
-export CLASSPATH=$base/framework/dpm.jar
-exec app_process $base/bin "$@"
+cmd device_policy "$@"
diff --git a/cmds/dpm/src/com/android/commands/dpm/ b/cmds/dpm/src/com/android/commands/dpm/
deleted file mode 100644
index d0c2a24..0000000
--- a/cmds/dpm/src/com/android/commands/dpm/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-import android.content.ComponentName;
-import android.content.Context;
-import android.os.RemoteException;
-import android.os.ServiceManager;
-import android.os.UserHandle;
-public final class Dpm extends BaseCommand {
-    /**
-     * Command-line entry point.
-     *
-     * @param args The command-line arguments
-     */
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-      (new Dpm()).run(args);
-    }
-    private static final String COMMAND_SET_ACTIVE_ADMIN = "set-active-admin";
-    private static final String COMMAND_SET_DEVICE_OWNER = "set-device-owner";
-    private static final String COMMAND_SET_PROFILE_OWNER = "set-profile-owner";
-    private static final String COMMAND_REMOVE_ACTIVE_ADMIN = "remove-active-admin";
-    private static final String COMMAND_CLEAR_FREEZE_PERIOD_RECORD = "clear-freeze-period-record";
-    private static final String COMMAND_FORCE_NETWORK_LOGS = "force-network-logs";
-    private static final String COMMAND_FORCE_SECURITY_LOGS = "force-security-logs";
-    private static final String COMMAND_MARK_PO_ON_ORG_OWNED_DEVICE =
-            "mark-profile-owner-on-organization-owned-device";
-    private IDevicePolicyManager mDevicePolicyManager;
-    private int mUserId = UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM;
-    private String mName = "";
-    private ComponentName mComponent = null;
-    @Override
-    public void onShowUsage(PrintStream out) {
-        out.println(
-                "usage: dpm [subcommand] [options]\n" +
-                "usage: dpm set-active-admin [ --user <USER_ID> | current ] <COMPONENT>\n" +
-                // STOPSHIP Finalize it
-                "usage: dpm set-device-owner [ --user <USER_ID> | current *EXPERIMENTAL* ] " +
-                "[ --name <NAME> ] <COMPONENT>\n" +
-                "usage: dpm set-profile-owner [ --user <USER_ID> | current ] [ --name <NAME> ] " +
-                "<COMPONENT>\n" +
-                "usage: dpm remove-active-admin [ --user <USER_ID> | current ] [ --name <NAME> ] " +
-                "<COMPONENT>\n" +
-                "\n" +
-                "dpm set-active-admin: Sets the given component as active admin" +
-                " for an existing user.\n" +
-                "\n" +
-                "dpm set-device-owner: Sets the given component as active admin, and its" +
-                " package as device owner.\n" +
-                "\n" +
-                "dpm set-profile-owner: Sets the given component as active admin and profile" +
-                " owner for an existing user.\n" +
-                "\n" +
-                "dpm remove-active-admin: Disables an active admin, the admin must have declared" +
-                " android:testOnly in the application in its manifest. This will also remove" +
-                " device and profile owners.\n" +
-                "\n" +
-                "dpm " + COMMAND_CLEAR_FREEZE_PERIOD_RECORD + ": clears framework-maintained " +
-                "record of past freeze periods that the device went through. For use during " +
-                "feature development to prevent triggering restriction on setting freeze " +
-                "periods.\n" +
-                "\n" +
-                "dpm " + COMMAND_FORCE_NETWORK_LOGS + ": makes all network logs available to " +
-                "the DPC and triggers DeviceAdminReceiver.onNetworkLogsAvailable() if needed.\n" +
-                "\n" +
-                "dpm " + COMMAND_FORCE_SECURITY_LOGS + ": makes all security logs available to " +
-                "the DPC and triggers DeviceAdminReceiver.onSecurityLogsAvailable() if needed."
-                + "\n"
-                + "usage: dpm " + COMMAND_MARK_PO_ON_ORG_OWNED_DEVICE + ": "
-                + "[ --user <USER_ID> | current ] <COMPONENT>\n");
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void onRun() throws Exception {
-        mDevicePolicyManager = IDevicePolicyManager.Stub.asInterface(
-                ServiceManager.getService(Context.DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE));
-        if (mDevicePolicyManager == null) {
-            showError("Error: Could not access the Device Policy Manager. Is the system running?");
-            return;
-        }
-        String command = nextArgRequired();
-        switch (command) {
-            case COMMAND_SET_ACTIVE_ADMIN:
-                runSetActiveAdmin();
-                break;
-            case COMMAND_SET_DEVICE_OWNER:
-                runSetDeviceOwner();
-                break;
-            case COMMAND_SET_PROFILE_OWNER:
-                runSetProfileOwner();
-                break;
-                runRemoveActiveAdmin();
-                break;
-                runClearFreezePeriodRecord();
-                break;
-                runForceNetworkLogs();
-                break;
-                runForceSecurityLogs();
-                break;
-                runMarkProfileOwnerOnOrganizationOwnedDevice();
-                break;
-            default:
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException ("unknown command '" + command + "'");
-        }
-    }
-    private void runForceNetworkLogs() throws RemoteException, InterruptedException {
-        while (true) {
-            final long toWait = mDevicePolicyManager.forceNetworkLogs();
-            if (toWait == 0) {
-                break;
-            }
-            System.out.println("We have to wait for " + toWait + " milliseconds...");
-            Thread.sleep(toWait);
-        }
-        System.out.println("Success");
-    }
-    private void runForceSecurityLogs() throws RemoteException, InterruptedException {
-        while (true) {
-            final long toWait = mDevicePolicyManager.forceSecurityLogs();
-            if (toWait == 0) {
-                break;
-            }
-            System.out.println("We have to wait for " + toWait + " milliseconds...");
-            Thread.sleep(toWait);
-        }
-        System.out.println("Success");
-    }
-    private void parseArgs(boolean canHaveName) {
-        String opt;
-        while ((opt = nextOption()) != null) {
-            if ("--user".equals(opt)) {
-                String arg = nextArgRequired();
-                if ("current".equals(arg) || "cur".equals(arg)) {
-                    mUserId = UserHandle.USER_CURRENT;
-                } else {
-                    mUserId = parseInt(arg);
-                }
-                if (mUserId == UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) {
-                    IActivityManager activityManager = ActivityManager.getService();
-                    try {
-                        mUserId = activityManager.getCurrentUser().id;
-                    } catch (RemoteException e) {
-                        e.rethrowAsRuntimeException();
-                    }
-                }
-            } else if (canHaveName && "--name".equals(opt)) {
-                mName = nextArgRequired();
-            } else {
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown option: " + opt);
-            }
-        }
-        mComponent = parseComponentName(nextArgRequired());
-    }
-    private void runSetActiveAdmin() throws RemoteException {
-        parseArgs(/*canHaveName=*/ false);
-        mDevicePolicyManager.setActiveAdmin(mComponent, true /*refreshing*/, mUserId);
-        System.out.println("Success: Active admin set to component " + mComponent.toShortString());
-    }
-    private void runSetDeviceOwner() throws RemoteException {
-        parseArgs(/*canHaveName=*/ true);
-        mDevicePolicyManager.setActiveAdmin(mComponent, true /*refreshing*/, mUserId);
-        try {
-            if (!mDevicePolicyManager.setDeviceOwner(mComponent, mName, mUserId)) {
-                throw new RuntimeException(
-                        "Can't set package " + mComponent + " as device owner.");
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            // Need to remove the admin that we just added.
-            mDevicePolicyManager.removeActiveAdmin(mComponent, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
-            throw e;
-        }
-        mDevicePolicyManager.setUserProvisioningState(
-                DevicePolicyManager.STATE_USER_SETUP_FINALIZED, mUserId);
-        System.out.println("Success: Device owner set to package " + mComponent);
-        System.out.println("Active admin set to component " + mComponent.toShortString());
-    }
-    private void runRemoveActiveAdmin() throws RemoteException {
-        parseArgs(/*canHaveName=*/ false);
-        mDevicePolicyManager.forceRemoveActiveAdmin(mComponent, mUserId);
-        System.out.println("Success: Admin removed " + mComponent);
-    }
-    private void runSetProfileOwner() throws RemoteException {
-        parseArgs(/*canHaveName=*/ true);
-        mDevicePolicyManager.setActiveAdmin(mComponent, true /*refreshing*/, mUserId);
-        try {
-            if (!mDevicePolicyManager.setProfileOwner(mComponent, mName, mUserId)) {
-                throw new RuntimeException("Can't set component " + mComponent.toShortString() +
-                        " as profile owner for user " + mUserId);
-            }
-        } catch (Exception e) {
-            // Need to remove the admin that we just added.
-            mDevicePolicyManager.removeActiveAdmin(mComponent, mUserId);
-            throw e;
-        }
-        mDevicePolicyManager.setUserProvisioningState(
-                DevicePolicyManager.STATE_USER_SETUP_FINALIZED, mUserId);
-        System.out.println("Success: Active admin and profile owner set to "
-                + mComponent.toShortString() + " for user " + mUserId);
-    }
-    private void runClearFreezePeriodRecord() throws RemoteException {
-        mDevicePolicyManager.clearSystemUpdatePolicyFreezePeriodRecord();
-        System.out.println("Success");
-    }
-    private void runMarkProfileOwnerOnOrganizationOwnedDevice() throws RemoteException {
-        parseArgs(/*canHaveName=*/ false);
-        mDevicePolicyManager.markProfileOwnerOnOrganizationOwnedDevice(mComponent, mUserId);
-        System.out.println("Success");
-    }
-    private ComponentName parseComponentName(String component) {
-        ComponentName cn = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(component);
-        if (cn == null) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Invalid component " + component);
-        }
-        return cn;
-    }
-    private int parseInt(String argument) {
-        try {
-            return Integer.parseInt(argument);
-        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Invalid integer argument '" + argument + "'", e);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/ b/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
index 285ecfb..a2db6aac 100644
--- a/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
+++ b/services/devicepolicy/java/com/android/server/devicepolicy/
@@ -15,8 +15,12 @@
+import android.content.ComponentName;
 import android.os.ShellCommand;
+import android.os.SystemClock;
+import android.os.UserHandle;
@@ -32,8 +36,23 @@
     private static final String CMD_SET_SAFE_OPERATION = "set-operation-safe";
     private static final String CMD_LIST_OWNERS = "list-owners";
     private static final String CMD_LIST_POLICY_EXEMPT_APPS = "list-policy-exempt-apps";
+    private static final String CMD_SET_ACTIVE_ADMIN = "set-active-admin";
+    private static final String CMD_SET_DEVICE_OWNER = "set-device-owner";
+    private static final String CMD_SET_PROFILE_OWNER = "set-profile-owner";
+    private static final String CMD_REMOVE_ACTIVE_ADMIN = "remove-active-admin";
+    private static final String CMD_CLEAR_FREEZE_PERIOD_RECORD = "clear-freeze-period-record";
+    private static final String CMD_FORCE_NETWORK_LOGS = "force-network-logs";
+    private static final String CMD_FORCE_SECURITY_LOGS = "force-security-logs";
+    private static final String CMD_MARK_PO_ON_ORG_OWNED_DEVICE =
+            "mark-profile-owner-on-organization-owned-device";
+    private static final String USER_OPTION = "--user";
+    private static final String NAME_OPTION = "--name";
     private final DevicePolicyManagerService mService;
+    private int mUserId = UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM;
+    private String mName = "";
+    private ComponentName mComponent;
     DevicePolicyManagerServiceShellCommand(DevicePolicyManagerService service) {
         mService = Objects.requireNonNull(service);
@@ -41,7 +60,7 @@
     public void onHelp() {
-        try (PrintWriter pw = getOutPrintWriter();) {
+        try (PrintWriter pw = getOutPrintWriter()) {
             pw.printf("DevicePolicyManager Service (device_policy) commands:\n\n");
@@ -52,7 +71,7 @@
         if (cmd == null) {
             return handleDefaultCommands(cmd);
-        try (PrintWriter pw = getOutPrintWriter();) {
+        try (PrintWriter pw = getOutPrintWriter()) {
             switch (cmd) {
                 case CMD_IS_SAFE_OPERATION:
                     return runIsSafeOperation(pw);
@@ -64,6 +83,22 @@
                     return runListOwners(pw);
                 case CMD_LIST_POLICY_EXEMPT_APPS:
                     return runListPolicyExemptApps(pw);
+                case CMD_SET_ACTIVE_ADMIN:
+                    return runSetActiveAdmin(pw);
+                case CMD_SET_DEVICE_OWNER:
+                    return runSetDeviceOwner(pw);
+                case CMD_SET_PROFILE_OWNER:
+                    return runSetProfileOwner(pw);
+                case CMD_REMOVE_ACTIVE_ADMIN:
+                    return runRemoveActiveAdmin(pw);
+                case CMD_CLEAR_FREEZE_PERIOD_RECORD:
+                    return runClearFreezePeriodRecord(pw);
+                case CMD_FORCE_NETWORK_LOGS:
+                    return runForceNetworkLogs(pw);
+                case CMD_FORCE_SECURITY_LOGS:
+                    return runForceSecurityLogs(pw);
+                case CMD_MARK_PO_ON_ORG_OWNED_DEVICE:
+                    return runMarkProfileOwnerOnOrganizationOwnedDevice(pw);
                     return onInvalidCommand(pw, cmd);
@@ -75,7 +110,7 @@
             return 0;
-        pw.println("Usage: ");
+        pw.printf("Usage: \n");
         return -1;
@@ -94,6 +129,37 @@
         pw.printf("    Lists the device / profile owners per user \n\n");
         pw.printf("  %s\n", CMD_LIST_POLICY_EXEMPT_APPS);
         pw.printf("    Lists the apps that are exempt from policies\n\n");
+        pw.printf("  %s [ %s <USER_ID> | current ] <COMPONENT>\n",
+        pw.printf("    Sets the given component as active admin for an existing user.\n\n");
+        pw.printf("  %s [ %s <USER_ID> | current *EXPERIMENTAL* ] [ %s <NAME> ] "
+        pw.printf("    Sets the given component as active admin, and its package as device owner."
+                + "\n\n");
+        pw.printf("  %s [ %s <USER_ID> | current ] [ %s <NAME> ] <COMPONENT>\n",
+        pw.printf("    Sets the given component as active admin and profile owner for an existing "
+                + "user.\n\n");
+        pw.printf("  %s [ %s <USER_ID> | current ] [ %s <NAME> ] <COMPONENT>\n",
+        pw.printf("    Disables an active admin, the admin must have declared android:testOnly in "
+                + "the application in its manifest. This will also remove device and profile "
+                + "owners.\n\n");
+        pw.printf("  %s\n", CMD_CLEAR_FREEZE_PERIOD_RECORD);
+        pw.printf("    Clears framework-maintained record of past freeze periods that the device "
+                + "went through. For use during feature development to prevent triggering "
+                + "restriction on setting freeze periods.\n\n");
+        pw.printf("  %s\n", CMD_FORCE_NETWORK_LOGS);
+        pw.printf("    Makes all network logs available to the DPC and triggers "
+                + "DeviceAdminReceiver.onNetworkLogsAvailable() if needed.\n\n");
+        pw.printf("  %s\n", CMD_FORCE_SECURITY_LOGS);
+        pw.printf("    Makes all security logs available to the DPC and triggers "
+                + "DeviceAdminReceiver.onSecurityLogsAvailable() if needed.\n\n");
+        pw.printf("  %s [ %s <USER_ID> | current ] <COMPONENT>\n",
+        pw.printf("    Marks the profile owner of the given user as managing an organization-owned"
+                + "device. That will give it access to device identifiers (such as serial number, "
+                + "IMEI and MEID), as well as other privileges.\n\n");
     private int runIsSafeOperation(PrintWriter pw) {
@@ -161,7 +227,6 @@
         return 0;
     private int runListPolicyExemptApps(PrintWriter pw) {
         List<String> apps = mService.listPolicyExemptApps();
         int size = printAndGetSize(pw, apps, "policy exempt app");
@@ -174,4 +239,131 @@
         return 0;
+    private int runSetActiveAdmin(PrintWriter pw) {
+        parseArgs(/* canHaveName= */ false);
+        mService.setActiveAdmin(mComponent, /* refreshing= */ true, mUserId);
+        pw.printf("Success: Active admin set to component %s\n", mComponent.flattenToShortString());
+        return 0;
+    }
+    private int runSetDeviceOwner(PrintWriter pw) {
+        parseArgs(/* canHaveName= */ true);
+        mService.setActiveAdmin(mComponent, /* refreshing= */ true, mUserId);
+        try {
+            if (!mService.setDeviceOwner(mComponent, mName, mUserId)) {
+                throw new RuntimeException(
+                        "Can't set package " + mComponent + " as device owner.");
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            // Need to remove the admin that we just added.
+            mService.removeActiveAdmin(mComponent, UserHandle.USER_SYSTEM);
+            throw e;
+        }
+        mService.setUserProvisioningState(
+                DevicePolicyManager.STATE_USER_SETUP_FINALIZED, mUserId);
+        pw.printf("Success: Device owner set to package %s\n", mComponent.flattenToShortString());
+        pw.printf("Active admin set to component %s\n", mComponent.flattenToShortString());
+        return 0;
+    }
+    private int runRemoveActiveAdmin(PrintWriter pw) {
+        parseArgs(/* canHaveName= */ false);
+        mService.forceRemoveActiveAdmin(mComponent, mUserId);
+        pw.printf("Success: Admin removed %s\n", mComponent);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    private int runSetProfileOwner(PrintWriter pw) {
+        parseArgs(/* canHaveName= */ true);
+        mService.setActiveAdmin(mComponent, /* refreshing= */ true, mUserId);
+        try {
+            if (!mService.setProfileOwner(mComponent, mName, mUserId)) {
+                throw new RuntimeException("Can't set component "
+                        + mComponent.flattenToShortString() + " as profile owner for user "
+                        + mUserId);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            // Need to remove the admin that we just added.
+            mService.removeActiveAdmin(mComponent, mUserId);
+            throw e;
+        }
+        mService.setUserProvisioningState(
+                DevicePolicyManager.STATE_USER_SETUP_FINALIZED, mUserId);
+        pw.printf("Success: Active admin and profile owner set to %s for user %d\n",
+                mComponent.flattenToShortString(), mUserId);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    private int runClearFreezePeriodRecord(PrintWriter pw) {
+        mService.clearSystemUpdatePolicyFreezePeriodRecord();
+        pw.printf("Success\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    private int runForceNetworkLogs(PrintWriter pw) {
+        while (true) {
+            long toWait = mService.forceNetworkLogs();
+            if (toWait == 0) {
+                break;
+            }
+            pw.printf("We have to wait for %d milliseconds...\n", toWait);
+            SystemClock.sleep(toWait);
+        }
+        pw.printf("Success\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    private int runForceSecurityLogs(PrintWriter pw) {
+        while (true) {
+            long toWait = mService.forceSecurityLogs();
+            if (toWait == 0) {
+                break;
+            }
+            pw.printf("We have to wait for %d milliseconds...\n", toWait);
+            SystemClock.sleep(toWait);
+        }
+        pw.printf("Success\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    private int runMarkProfileOwnerOnOrganizationOwnedDevice(PrintWriter pw) {
+        parseArgs(/* canHaveName= */ false);
+        mService.markProfileOwnerOnOrganizationOwnedDevice(mComponent, mUserId);
+        pw.printf("Success\n");
+        return 0;
+    }
+    private void parseArgs(boolean canHaveName) {
+        String opt;
+        while ((opt = getNextOption()) != null) {
+            if (USER_OPTION.equals(opt)) {
+                String arg = getNextArgRequired();
+                mUserId = UserHandle.parseUserArg(arg);
+                if (mUserId == UserHandle.USER_CURRENT) {
+                    mUserId = ActivityManager.getCurrentUser();
+                }
+            } else if (canHaveName && NAME_OPTION.equals(opt)) {
+                mName = getNextArgRequired();
+            } else {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown option: " + opt);
+            }
+        }
+        mComponent = parseComponentName(getNextArgRequired());
+    }
+    private ComponentName parseComponentName(String component) {
+        ComponentName cn = ComponentName.unflattenFromString(component);
+        if (cn == null) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid component " + component);
+        }
+        return cn;
+    }