Make MATCH_ANY_USER system api

to allow for some privileged apps to use it.

Also fixed the javadoc to mention the correct permission.

Test: API already exercised by Settings and PackageInstaller
Bug: 31000380
Change-Id: I5fc810dfe9f8d2b64d01bbaaa0bd26ebef4e8de1
diff --git a/api/system-current.txt b/api/system-current.txt
index 5c807cd..e911404 100644
--- a/api/system-current.txt
+++ b/api/system-current.txt
@@ -10527,6 +10527,7 @@
     field public static final int INTENT_FILTER_VERIFICATION_SUCCESS = 1; // 0x1
     field public static final int MASK_PERMISSION_FLAGS = 255; // 0xff
     field public static final int MATCH_ALL = 131072; // 0x20000
+    field public static final int MATCH_ANY_USER = 4194304; // 0x400000
     field public static final int MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY = 65536; // 0x10000
     field public static final int MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_AWARE = 524288; // 0x80000
     field public static final int MATCH_DIRECT_BOOT_UNAWARE = 262144; // 0x40000
diff --git a/core/java/android/content/pm/ b/core/java/android/content/pm/
index 3f052d38..ecdd02a 100644
--- a/core/java/android/content/pm/
+++ b/core/java/android/content/pm/
@@ -436,9 +436,10 @@
      * Allows querying of packages installed for any user, not just the specific one. This flag
-     * is only meant for use by apps that have INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL permission.
+     * is only meant for use by apps that have INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS permission.
      * @hide
+    @SystemApi
     public static final int MATCH_ANY_USER = 0x00400000;